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Chart-Column # Book Page FIG Level 1 2 Novice 3 4 5 6 A 7 Int. 8 9 10 B 11 Adv.

12 13 14 C Elite 16 17 15

1-1 276
Handstands Wall HS Wall HS Wall HS Free HS Free HS

1-2 288
Rings HS

1-3 292
Handstand Pushups Pike HeSPU Box HeSPU Wall HeSPU Negative Wall HeSPU

1-4 300
Rings HSPU

1-5 303

1-6 304
Bent Arm Press

0.3xBW 0.425xB W 0.55xBW 0.675xB W 0.8xBW R Wide HSPU 0.9xBW 1xBW R Free HSPU 1.075xB W 1.15xBW 1.2xBW BA BB Press L-sit BA BB Press Chest Roll SB Press BA SB Press HS to EL to HS PB Dip SB Press

R Shoulde Wall HSPU r Stand Free HS + 4 R Strap Free Fingers HS HeSPU Free HS + 3 Fingers Free HS + 2 Fingers Free HS + 1 Finger 1-arm HS R HS Free HSPU

1-7 311
Rings Press HS

1-8 323
Straight Arm (SA)

1-9 333
L, Str-L, V, Manna Tuck L-sit 1 leg bent Lsit L-sit Straddle L-sit

2-1 344
Back Lever

2-2 354
Front Lever

2-3 362
FL Pullups

2-4 369

2-5 374
Pullups Jumping Pullup

R Row Tuck BL Adv Tuck BL Str BL Half Lay/1 Leg BL Full BL BL Pullout Tuck FL R Wide Row

Negative Pullup Pullup L-Pullup

Chair Press Chair Illusion R BA BB Press R Dip Press R BA SB Press R HS to EL to HS R Dip SB Press

Wall Str Press Negative Box Str Press Str/Pike Press L-sit/Str-L Str Press

RTO L-sit 45 deg V-sit 75 deg V-sit 100 deg V-sit

Adv Tuck R Archer Tuck FL Pullover FL Row Str FL Adv tuck Str 1-arm FL Row 1-arm Row

Half Lay/1 Adv Tuck Leg FL RC Full FL SA FL to Inv Str FL Str FL RC Full FL FL RC

120 deg V-sit GH Pullout R SA L-sit Str Press 140 deg V-sit

BA Pullup to SA Hang BL to Inv

R SA Str-L HS Lower to 155 deg V-sit Circle FL Str Press BL 170 deg V-sit Manna

2-6 379
R Pullups

2-7 387
Weighted Pullups

2-8 388
Explosive Pullups

2-9 399
Iron Cross

3-1 410
Planche (PB/FL)

3-2 424

3-3 431

3-4 437

Ring PB/FL PL Ring PL Planche Pushups Pushups

Kipping Pullup 1xBW R LPullup 1.175xBW Bar Pullup Kipping Clap Pullup Clap Pullup Clap LPullup Kipping Back Clap Pullup Ab Slap LPullup Frog Stand

Recomm. PREREQs In Gray

SA Frog Frog Stand Stand Tuck PL Adv Tuck PL SA Frog Stand Tuck PL Tuck PL PU

R Wide L1.50xBW Pullup R Archer Pullup OAC Negative OAC OAC + 15 lbs OAC + 25 lbs 1.65xBW 1.775xBW 1.9xBW 2xBW 2.1xBW

Str PL

Adv Tuck Adv Tuck Tuck PL PL PL PU PU

Leg Slap L- Assisted Half Lay/1 Pullup Cross Pulls Leg PL Leg Slap Pullup Back Clap Pullup Iron Cross Hold Cross to BL Full PL SA Str PL Half Lay/1 to HS Leg PL Iron Cross Pullout SA Hang to BL Butterfly Mount Support to Hang to Cross SA from PL to HS SA SB to HS SA from PL to HS Full PL PU Full PL Full PL PU Half Lay/1 Leg PL Half Lay/1 Leg PL PU Str PL PU Str PL Str PL PU Adv Tuck PL PU

3-5 439
Pushups Floor PU Diamond PU R Wide PU R PU RTO PU

3-6 452
1-arm Pushups

3-7 457
Dips PB Jumping Dip PB Dip Negative PB Dip L-dip

3-8 463
Ring Dips Support Hold Support Hold R Dip Negative R Dip R L-dip R Wide Dip RTO 45 deg Dip

3-9 471
Weighted Dips

4-1 472
Muscle Ups (MU)

1xBW 1.2xBW 1.375xBW 1.55xBW 1.7xBW 1.85xBW 2xBW 2.125xBW 2.25xBW

MU Negative Kipping MU Muscle-up Wide/No FG MU Strict Bar MU L-sit MU OA Straight MU Felge backward SB to support FL MU str PL Felge Backward SB to HS

Elevated 1-arm PU

45 deg Dip

RTO Str 1-arm Archer PU PU RTO 40 deg PPPU R Str 1arm PU

RTO 60 SB 1-arm RTO 75 deg 1-arm Dip deg PPPU PU Dip RTO Ring SB RTO 90 deg 1-arm Dip Maltese PU 1-arm PU Dip Wall PPPU R Wall PPPU Wall Maltese PU R Wall Maltese PU RTO 90+30 Dip RTO 90+50 Dip RTO 90+65 Dip RTO 90+75 Dip RTO 90+82 Dip RTO 90+86 Dip RTO 90+88 Dip

SB Rotation to HS Butterfly Mount



4-2 487
Elbow Levers (EL)

4-3 491

4-4 493
Ab Wheel

4-5 496
Ring Full Statics

4-6 499
Ring Kip Skills

25s Plank 60s Plank 1-arm/1-leg Plank 2-arm EL R 2-arm EL 1-arm Str EL 1-arm SB EL Tuck Flag Adv Tuck Flag Str Flag Full Flag Kneeling Ab Wheel Ab Wheel on Ramp Standing Negative Ab Wheel Full Ab Wheel Ab Wheel + 20lbs 1-arm Ab Wheel RTO L-sit RTO Str-L Back Lever Front Lever Ring 90 deg V-Sit Iron Cross/Str PL SA kip to L-sit SA back kip to support Back kip to handstand Kip to support Back kip to support

SA kip to V-sit/kip cross/L-cross Full Planche Back kip to cross/Lcross Back kip to straddle PL Inverted Cross

4-7 509
Ring Felge Skills

Felge forward piked to support Felge backward pike to support

Felge forward straight to support Felge backward straight to support Felge backward SB to HS Felge forward SA to cross Felge forward SA to str PL Felge forward SA SB to HS


List of Abbreviations Meaning

Handstand Headstand Pushup Handstand Pushup Rings Rings Turned Out Body Weight Bent Arm Bent Body Straight Arm Straight Body Front Lever (can also mean 'Floor') Back Lever Inverted Hang Straddle One Arm Chinup Planche Parallel Bars Advanced Pushup Pseudo Planche Pushup

Chart-Column # Book Page FIG Level 1 2 Novice 3 4 5 6 A 7 Int. 8 9 10 B 11 Adv. 12 13 14 C Elite 16 17 15

Tuck 180 Tuck 360 / Adv Tuck 180 Adv Tuck 360 Straddle 180 Half Lay 180 / Straddle 360 Half Lay 360 / Full 180 Full 360 Circular Pull Reverse Leg Lifts Prone Straddle Prone Prone + 20lbs Headstand 45 Degree Incline 60 Degree Incline Headstand + 20lbs Elevated Headstand Horizontal on Knees Pelican Pushups

Handstand Handstand + 20lbs


Inverted Muscle Up

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