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Minutes of the Student Senate of Oberlin College, April 19, 2009

Minutes by Justin Brogden, Standing in for Recording Secretary

Agenda Justin Brogden

Check-ins Kyla Moore
Outside Business Matthew Presto
-Michele Gross Shannon Ikebe
-Composting Brett Foreman
Announcements Also attending
Working Group Reports Linda Gates, Dean of Students
Decisions Michele Gross, Director of Dining
- EDGE Fund Statement Sam Lee
- Committee Appointments Marlo Barerra, DeCafe Student Worker
-STV Colin Wolfe (prospective student)
Discussion Gus Wezerek
Facilitator for Next Week Jonah Kaplan-Woolner, Review Staff
Check-outs Sam Bass
Attendance Melissa Streng,
Leah Pine (facilitating) Cole Hershkowitz, SFC Office Staff
Luke Squire Pete Sabo
Brandon Gaoiran
Alix Simonson
Jules Brouillet
Cristina Rodriguez
Jon Harmatz

7:06 – Senate convenes. Senators check in.

Outside Business
Change in Decafe hours
7:10-Michele Gross joined Senate to address rumors that the DeCafe would be reducing
its hours for the upcoming school year. She explained that due to the economic situation
dining services was asked to reduce costs, specifically the operation budget and the cost
of food. CDS wanted to retain staff and quality. Oberlin has more evening program then
most schools its size and so the decision was made to reduce the hours of Decafe which
will not close at 8pm on weekdays and 10pm on weekends as opposed to 1am. Michele
Gross pointed out that the reduced hours might be a short term solution.
7:28-Luke Squire suggested that instead of having Pastry and Coffee in the Ratskellar
from 8-11 to instead continue to have the grocery portion of the Decafe available.
7:35-Senators suggested closing the Decafe at some other period of time such as in the
morning. Michele Gross felt that this will be awkward to negotiate due to the schedule of
the full-time staff.
7:45-Senators and students proposed a number of alternatives to closing the DeCafe,
including closing other dining halls, adjusting the hours of workers and reducing the
amount of food.
8:27-Melissa Streng and Sam Lee joined Senate to discuss the establishment of a
compositing working group.
8:30-Proposal (1) by Melissa Streng to establish a Composting working Group.
8:32-Proposal (1) passes 14-0-0

SFC Database work

8:33-Cole Hershkowitz joined Senate to ask for a stipend to work on developing a SFC
database. He explained that he had been worked on updating the Finance Committee’s
antiquated database over Winter Term and planned to do such
8:40-Justin Brogden that Cole Hershkowtiz’s proposal was a wage and not a stipend. He
suggested that a fixed stipend be established.
8:41-Luke Squire proposed that the Winter Term stipend (Proposal 2) and for his future
work over the summer (Proposal 3).
8:45-Members of Senate who has served on SFC talked about the urgent need of the
8:47-Matthew Presto proposed (proposal 4) that Senate do incremental voting to
determine the amount of the stipend and to decrease that amount by $100.
8:49-Reshard El-Shair proposed( proposal 5) that the Winter Tern Stipend and summer
2009 stipend be voted on as a package.
8:50-Leah Pine mentioned that Senate has been having difficulties determining stipends
for tech work.
8:51-Proposal (6) by Shannon Ikebe to table this issue for next week.
8:55-Proposal (7) by Justin Brogden to give a set stipend of $600.
9:20-Reshard El-Shair explained that Cole Hershkowitz would not be an employee of the
SFC and so he could be paid a wage.
9:22-Friendly amendment to proposal 6 for SFC to conduct an employee search.
9:30-Kalan Sherrard expressed concern over Senate’s continued inefficiency.
9:53-Propsal (8) by Brandon Gaoiran to vote on the Winter Term Stipend and to table the
summer stipend issue to next semester.
9:54-Proposal (9) by Cristina Rodriguez to vote on the Winter Term Stipend in
9:56-Voting on Proposal (6) to table the issue and start a hiring search
Leah Pine-No
Luke Squire-No
Brandon Gaoiran-No
Alix Simonson-No
Jules Brouillet-No
Cristina Rodriguez-No
Jon Harmatz-Yes
Justin Brogden-Abstain
Kyla Moore-No
Matthew Presto-Abstain
Shannon Ikebe-Yes
Brett Foreman-Yes
Kalan Sherrard-Abstain
Reshard El-Shair-No
Proposal (6) fails 3-8-3
10:00-After approval voting Proposal 8 was voted on first
10:05-Proposal 8 passed 9-3-2
10:05-After incremental voting the stipend was set at $600

Parking Issue
10:06-Peter Sabo updated senate on the issue of a Parking Variance for the new college
housing. He expressed his optmism about the prospects of a parking variance passing and
asked that senate write a formal letter to the city’s Parking Committee.
10:10-Senators expressed their satisfaction about the progress being made.
10:13-Proposal (10) by Leah Pine that the Liaison and other senators draft a letter to send
to the Parking Committee and other college administration.
10:18-Proposal (10) passes 12-0-0

10:20-Matt Presto announced that Carl Deal, Producer of the Documentary Trouble in the
Water would be holding a screening and Q&A session.
10:22-Alix Simonson reminded Senate that they would be meeting with Robert Lemle,
Chair of the Board of Trustees and asked for agenda items:
Agenda Items
SRIC-Socially Responsible Investment Committee
Trustee’s role in City Council Relations
Financial Aid/Pell Grants
Graffiti and Vandalism
10:25-Grafitti and Vandalism cloth banner

Working Group Reports

SFC Working Group
10:28-Alix Simonson proposed (proposal 11) that the SFC Charter Working Group
10:28-Justin Brogden reminded that Working Groups had to submit a summary of their
activities before they could be disbanded.
10:28-Proposal (11) withdrawn

Social Responsible Working Group

10:30-Jules Brouillet reported on the recent work of the Town-Gown Working Group.

Social Responsible Working Group

10:35-Jules Brouillet reported on progress with the Textbook working group and his plan
to submit a resolution to the General Faculty.

Edge Fund Statement
10:43-Luke Squire proposed (proposal 12) that Senate draft a statement that would set the
Edge Fund that sets the Edge Fund at $20 a semester, which was the original intent but
had been implemented at $10 a semester due to confusion.
10:47-Dean Gates expressed her concern about having a waivable fee that wasn’t
presented in a transparent way.
10:50-Senators discussed a way to make the ability to waive the Edge Fund more
10:53-Proposal (12) amended to include working group to address the transparency issue.
10:55-A roll call vote was requested for Proposal (12)
Luke Squire-Yes
Brandon Gaoiran-Yes
Alix Simonson-Yes
Jules Brouillet-Yes
Reshard El-Shair-Yes
Cristina Rodriguez-Abstain
Jon Harmatz-Yes
Justin Brogden-Yes
Kyla Moore-Abstain
Matthew Presto-Yes
Shannon Ikebe-Yes
Brett Foreman-Yes
Proposal (12) passes 10-0-2

Working Group Membership;

Luke Squire (Chair)

Committee Appointments
11:02-Tabled for until next week

11:03-Shannon Ikebe proposed (proposal 13) that Katie Kuksenok be paid $500 for
creating an STV system for Senate. He explained the further research into Open STV
software has shown that the program would not sufficiently meet the needs of Senate.
11:10-A roll call voted was requested:
Luke Squire-Yes
Brandon Gaoiran-Abstain
Alix Simonson-Yes
Jules Brouillet-Yes
Reshard El-Shair-Yes
Cristina Rodriguez-Yes
Jon Harmatz-Yes
Justin Brogden-Yes
Kyla Moore-Yes
Matthew Presto-Yes
Shannon Ikebe-Yes
Brett Foreman-Yes
Proposal (13) passes 11-0-1

Facilitator for next week

11:12-Kyla Moore chosen to facilitate

11:13 – Senators check out. Senate adjourns.

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