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1.Physical attributes

2.Planetary leadership, Castes, Essential Nature, governance, Cabinet , Gender, Directions, Ruler ship over body constituents, Places Represented, Dieties, Dasavasaras, Gems and stones, Seasons, Directional strength, element, metal, Colour, Taste 3 Benefics & malefic, Exaltation, Debilitation & Mooltrikona

1.Has square build, scanty but curly hair, lovely appearance, impressive voice, medium stature, red eyes, Dark red complexion, strong bones, bilious nature, firm temperament and saffron robes, 2.Owns Simha rasi, Kshatriya, Sattwika, soul, King, Masculine, East, Bones, Temple, Rudra, Rama Avatar, Rubi, Summer, South(Tenth House) , fire, moola, Copper, Saffron, pungent 3. Natural Malefic, Exalts in Aires100 Debilitates in Libra100, Mooltrikona is Leo 00 200. 4. Signifies atman, father, Government, authority, organising power

1.Slim but roundish body, beautiful appearance, lovely eyes, sweet tongue, phlegm and wind in composition, white complexion, short curly hair, amiable nature, discriminating wisdom, restless nature, white robes. 2. Owns Cancer, Vaishya, Sattwika, Mind, Queen, Female, Northwest, Blood, Watery Places, Parvathi, Krishna avatar, Pearl, Rainy, North( 4th House), water, Dhatu, White, Salty 3. Natural Benefic, exalts in Taurus 30 and debilitates in Scorpio 30, Mooltrikona in Taurus 40 - 200 4. Signifies Mind, emotions, Mother, memory, manners, politeness, adaptability 5. When afflicted signifies unsteadiness, lack of mental balance, delays, obstacles.

Fierce red eyes, short stature, tough & youthful body, fickle but generous disposition, short but shining and curly hair, valorous nature, bilious disposition, fair complexion. 2. Owns Aires and Scorpio, Kshatriya, tamasik, essence, Stamina, Commander in chief , Male, South, Marrow, Place of fire, Karthikeya, Narasimha Avatar, Coral, Greeshma , South(10th house), Fire, Dhatu, Red, bitter taste 3. Natural malefic, Exalts in Capricorn 280, debilitates in Cancer 280 , Moolatrikona is Aires 00 - 120 4. Signifies energy, strength, younger siblings, determination, and endurance. 5. When afflicted signifies rashness, short temper, impulsive desires, stubborn

4. Significations 5.Afllicted 5. when afflicted it signifies arrogance, Proud, jealous, angry, immoral

6. Natural friendship

6. Moon, Mars, Jupiter are 6. Sun, Mercury are friends, friends, Venus and Saturn are Mars, Jupiter Venus, Saturn are 6. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are enemies, and Mercury is neutral. friends, Mercury is enemy, neutral. Venus and Saturn are neutral





1.Physical attributes

2.Planetary leadership, Castes, Essential Nature, governance, Cabinet , Gender, Directions, Ruler ship over body constituents, Places Represented, Deities, Dasavasaras, Gems and stones, Seasons, Directional strength, element, metal, Colour, Taste 3 Benefics & malefic, Exaltation, Debilitation & Mooltrikona 4. Significations

1.Slim and beautiful body, large reddish eyes, dark green complexion, healthy skin, medium height, clear & witty speech, plenty of energy, bile, wind and phlegm in his composition, green robes 2. Owns Gemini and Virgo, Vaishya, rajasik, speech, Prince, Eunuch, North, skin, Playgrounds, Vishnu, Gowthama Budda avatar, Emerald, Saradrutuvu, East(Lagna or First house), Earthy, jeeva, Green, saltish taste. 3. Natural Benefic, Exalts in Virgo 150 , Debilitates in Pisces 150, Moolatrikona is Virgo 160 - 200 4. Signifies intellect, speech, blood relatives, learning, teaching, education, memory. 5. When afflicted it signifies lack of affection, ill reputation, scandals, loss of conveyances 6. Sun and Venus are friends, Moon is enemy, Mars, Jupiter

1.Has big belly and a fat body, pale eyes, virtuous disposition, phlegmatic temperament, knowledge of scriptures and sciences, bright yellow complexion, sharp intelligence, keenness in religious pursuits, forgiving nature, yellow coloured robes. 2. Owns Sagittarius and Pisces, Brahmin, sattwika, Wisdom and comforts, Guru, Male, North East, Fat, Treasure House, Dattatreya, Vamana Avatar, Yellow sapphire, Hemant Ruthu, East( Lagna, 1st House), Ether, Jeeva, Golden yellow, , Sweet taste. 3. Natural benefic, Exalts in Cancer 50 and debilitates in Capricorn 50, Mooltrikona is Sagittarius 00 - 100 . 4. Signifies Wealth, Health, Elder Siblings, Children, Dharma, Governmental favours. 5. When afflicted it signifies misjudgement, extravagant, misfortune, law suits, lack of compassion. 6. Sun, Moon, Mars are friends Mercury, Venus are enemies, Saturn is neutral.

1. Dark brown and handsome, symmetrical limbs and dark colour curly hair, writer of poetry, amorous disposition, has long arms, broad chest, windy and phlegmatic temperament, grace, vigour, wisdom and intelligence, multi coloured robes. 2. Owns Taurus and Libra, Brahmin, Rajasik, Comforts, Guru, Female, Southeast, generative organ, , Bedroom, Lakshmi, Parasurama Avatar, Diamond, Vasant Ruthu, North(4th House), Water, Moola, White, Sour taste. 3. Natural Benefic, Exalts in Pisces 270, debilitates in Virgo 270, Mooltrikona is Libra 00 - 150. 4. Signifies Love, beauty, Spouse, love, Marriage, partnership, conveyances. 5. When afflicted it signifies lack of affection, ill reputation, scandals, Loss of conveyances and luxury items. 6. Mercury Saturn are friends, Sun, Moon are enemies, Mars and Jupiter are neutral.


6. Natural friendship

and Saturn are neutral.





1.Physical attributes

1.Tall lean and week body, dark complexion, stiff hair, large teeth, lazy disposition, windy temperament, cruel nature, tamasik, lame, dark and shabby robes.

2.Planetary leadership,

1. Doesnt have any physical existence, it is north or ascending node of Moon. Rahu mostly imbibes the qualities of Saturn. Bluish complexion resembling smoke, wild in bearing,

1.Doesnt have any physical existence, it is south or descending node of Moon. Ketu mostly imbibes the qualities of Mars. Bluish complexion resembling smoke, wild in bearing,

Castes, Essential Nature, governance, Cabinet, Gender, Directions, Ruler ship over body constituents, Places Represented, Deities, Dasavasaras, Gems and stones, Seasons, Directional strength, element, metal, Colour, Taste 3 Benefics & malefic, Exaltation, Debilitation & Mooltrikona 4. Significations 5.Afllicted 6. Natural friendship

2. Owns Capricorn and Aquarius, Shudra, Tamasik, Sorrows and Miseries, Servant, Eunuch, west, Nerves, dirty places and sites of refuse disposal, Rudra, Kurma Avatar, Blue Sapphire, Sisira Ruthu, West( 7th House), Air, Black, Khashayam, astringent. 3. Natural Malefic, Exalts in Libra 200, debilitates in Aires 200, mooltrikona is Aquarius 00 - 200 . 4. Signifies problems, frustration, servant, grief, depression, 5. When afflicted it signifies fearful, sorrow, incompetent, cruel. 6. Mercury, Venus are friends, Sun, Moon, Mars are enemies and Jupiter is neutral.

intelligent and of windy disposition. Motion is always retrograde. 2. Represents Planetary army, Outcaste, tamasic, female, Gomed, Durga, South-west, waste materials, garbage, Durga, Varaha Avatar, represents head of Seshu 3. Signifies worldliness, Paternal Grandparents, destructive forces such as dissolution and disintegration. 4. When afflicted it signifies compulsive behaviour, hedonistic tendency.

intelligent and of windy disposition. Motion is always retrograde. 2. Represents planetary army, outcaste, eunuch, cats eye, south-west, Ganesha, Meena avatar, represents tail of sheshu. 3. Signifies spirituality, secrecy, maternal grandparents, great malefic, also called as Moksh-Karaka and Gyan- Karaka 4. When afflicted it signifies worries, impediments, insanity, amputation.

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