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Brazil is in flames

Long live the revolutionary days of the working class and the exploited masses!
Down with PT a lackey regime of imperialism and the union bureaucracy of FS, CUT and their left legs of the reformist left!
Dissolution to the murderous police led by Dilma, the new Collor de Mello of the 21st century! Out with Biden, US imperialism and the imperialist pirates of Brazil and Latin America!

Everyone out, nobody left!


The real owners of Brazil took the streets Long live the uprising of the ABC working class of San Pablo against PT and the rotten union bureaucracy of CUT and the reformist left who signed the agreement to sell out the wages as in General Motors!
Long live the millions of exploited who go down from the hills and shanty town to fight against the transnational companies, for better wages, free bus-ticket, public and free education system and health care and for decent housing!

For Worker, student, unemployed workers, poor peasant and the masses fighting Committee! In each neighborhood, Self-defense committee! Rank-and-file soldier committee! Factory committee and strike commands as in the 70s!

Down with the ones from above! Everyone out! SET UP THE POWER OF THE EXPLOITED ONES!
Down with the power of the social PT bourgeoisie of US imperialism and the traitors of the union bureaucracy who support them!

The Brazilian bourgoisie and the ones from the entire continent, lackeys of Wall Street, is shaking

The workers are in the streets and set on fire the branches of CUT and PT
Down with the pelega union bureaucracy of CUT and the wage agreements of hunger and misery! Slacker? Slackers are the bankers, bosses and all the capitalist parasites

In order to get free transport, increase on wages and decent job for all: Expropiation of the expropiators! Out with imperialism! Smash the transnational companies!

For the exploited of Brazil success

Let the revolution in Latin America come back! Let the 2001 revolution in Argentina and the worker and peasant revolution in Bolivia and Ecuador come back!
Down with the boss dictatorship of the judges caste, the Kirchner government and the right wing opposition! General Strike in Chile to kick out Piera and tear down the civic-military Pinochet regime! Down with the new rich of the CP of Cuba of the Castro brothers, restorationist of capitalism!

Enough with Bolivarian governments, murders and agents of Obama and the US imperialism! Down with CELAC, FTA, ALBA, MERCOSUR and all the political and military agreements that tie our nations to imperialism!

Lets the working class and the exploited rule!

From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego: a single class, a single fight, a single revolution! Enough with the fake Bolivarian revolution which brought more hunger, repression to the people and more plundering to imperialism

For the Socialist United State of Latin America!


The exploited from Brazil take as theirs the fight of their class brothers from Turkey who fight against Erdogan government
Let the indignados of Madrid come back! Let the ones occupying Wall Street come back!
Spark in Athens, burn Paris and the working class from Europe upsurge!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thousands of exploited, leaving aside by the bureaucracy and the treacherous left who support the PT, fight in the streets

They are the owners of oppressed Brazil

They show how to fight the lackey government of imperialism as the one of Dilma and PT
The parties who claim themselves to defend the interest of the working class and call themselves socialist for years with their betrayals supported the Lulas party and the regime of the exploited ones, for that reason the masses do not allow them to talk on their behalf.

Everyone out, nobody left!

In Brazil the World Social Forum was founded, the one that today siege the Syrian revolution and allow the genocide of Al Assad, on behalf of Obama and Zionism

Fighting as in Turkey and Brazil, lets break the siege of the Syrian masses
Let make the revolution in North of Africa and Middle East stand up again to upsurge the Palestinian masses and destroy the fascist state of Israel! ---------------------------------------------------------------------A vain and with good manners left

It goes with the demonstrations

but it does not go with their violent methods

While the murderous police of PT kill workers and peasants, millions suffer hunger and eat roots in the rural and urban areas For the reformist left the methods of the working class of the union bureaucracy of CUT and their negotiation behind the workers back, the peaceful demonstrations

The right to the insurrection of the oppressed masses is sacred

The mass political fight, the fights in the streets, the clashes with the murderous police, the fires of the PT and bureaucracy branches, the attacks to the city hall and the occupation to the parliament this is the discipline and progress and order that the exploited ones impose over their executioners

PST-U of Brazil and FIT of Argentina at the feet of Dilmas government

The rebellion of the slaves is not a crime, it is JUSTICE! -----------------------------------------------------------------------The working class and te most exploited layers took the streets in mass political fight The ones who do not fight and slander are the treacherous of the union bureaucracy
The proletariat of the ABC of Sao Pablo is fighting Lets stand up, develop and centralize the self-organization organism of the exploited ones! For Worker, student, unemployed workers, poor peasant and the masses fighting Committee! In each neighborhood, Self-defense committee! Rank-and-file soldier committee! Factory committee and strike commands as in the 70s!



The hidden data of the reformist left In Brazil

65% of the working class is paid under the table 20% has a contract 10% is unemployed 5% is organized

95% of the working class fight in the streets, fight for all and the unions keep betraying
The leadership of FIT and PTS of Argentina demand to CUT to call to a strike. THEY ARRIVED LATE
They cannot organized the non-organized because they are already shaking Brazil from the bottom The unionism cretinism of the reformism is expose and at the back of the masses

Long live the revolutionary days!

Long live the political mass fight of the working class, the unemployed workers and the dispossessed ones who nobody cares about. ----------------------------------------------------------------As the revolutionary Internationalist Communist of Lenin and Trotsky stated The ranks of the workers can be united, if they defend the interest of the most exploited layers The union bureaucracy and the renegades of Trotskyism only recognize the interest of the labor aristocracy In the uprising Brazil On one side the Stalinism together with Dilma and the union bureaucracy On the other side, the Trotskyist and the 4th International together with the masses in their revolutionary fight

The rebellion of the slaves is not a crime, it is JUSTICE!

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