Al-Azhar Scholars Expose Tahirul Qadri

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Al-Azhar scholars expose Tahirul Qadri

January 10, 2013

Since the publication of the March issue of The Islamic Post in which we, Al-Azhar University scholars in Cairo, Egypt,
exposed Tahir Qadri as a fraud, multiple exposés have been posted regarding Mr Muhammad Tahir, who has given
himself the title “Sheikh-ul-Islam” and conferred upon himself the alias of “Tahir-ul-Qadri”, having spent a great deal of
time, money, and effort promoting himself under the aforementioned title. He has managed to deceive many Muslims who
are ill-informed of his background and have been deceived by the media glitz & glamour of his paid advertising published
on the Internet.

Trending Discussions In reflecting upon the warnings of the Holy Last Messenger
(PBUH), we find that such people who spend such effort to
achieve this type of recognition and honour upon worldly pursuits
are always disgraced.
Friendly enemies Tahir-ul-Qadri (a native of Jhang, in Pakistan) is founding
22 chairman of the political party Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT),
which was organised during one of the most corrupt periods in
the country. He is also the head of the Minhaj-ul-Quran (MQI)
organisation, which he also founded.
May 29 drone hit dampens prospects of Kerry’s Pak ...Questions have been put forth demanding documentation that
16 Tahir was given the most illustrious and respected title of
“Sheikh-ul-Islam”; however, he has failed to respond except with
a flood of internet videos posted on Youtube, showing the
President of Al-Azhar University, Muhammad Usama Al-Abd,
Emotions and pragmatism using the title “Sheikh-ul-Islam” in the introduction of Tahir-ul-
Qadri. Why didn’t MQI also inform the people that Al-Abd’s
7 function with the university is administrative and that he doesn’t
have any such authority to officially confer such a title? Pakistan is
not an Islamic state like that of Turkey during the time of the
Khulafa Uthmani, wherein the Sheikh-ul-Islam was also an
Drones strategy
appointed position endorsed by the Khalifa. Thus, no authority in
8 the respectable country of Pakistan - or Egypt - can sanction this
title in such a manner.
One salient qualification that earns the title of “Sheikh-ul-Islam” is evident in those who have attained the level of
friendship with Allah (Al-Wilaya). We repeat the quote from Allama Shams El-Din El-Sakhawi, from his book, Al-
Jawahir ad-Durar fi Tarjima Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Hajar, in regards to the title of Sheikh-ul-Islam: “Sheikh al Islam, as
inferred from its use as a term among the authorities, is a title attributed to that follower of the Book of Allah Most High
and the example of His Messenger, who possesses the knowledge of the principles of the Science (of Religion), has
plunged deep into the different views of the scholars, has become able to extract the legal evidences from the texts, and
has understood the rational and the transmitted proofs at a satisfactory level.” Sakhawi added that, “At times, this title is
given to those who have attained the level of friendship with Allah (Al-Wilaya), and from whom people derive blessings
both when they are alive and when they have passed on. Similarly, whoever has tread the true path of the People of Islam
and has come out unscathed from the folly and ignorance of youth; and whoever has become a living apparatus for others
in solving difficulties or winning a struggle, and a refuge in every difficulty: these are the meanings of the word as used by
the general public.”
From an academic standpoint, it is becoming increasingly well known that Mr Tahir has plagiarised works that many
Ulema have spent their lives researching and developing. Common sense leads us to inquire as to why he was in Egypt
and needed Arabic translators - in areas where the colloquial Arabic was minimal. Every Aalim in Islamic history that held
the title of “Sheikh-ul-Islam” (especially in the Arab world) was known, first and foremost, to be advanced in his
knowledge of the Arabic language. Take from the example of perhaps the greatest Aalim in the Islamic world, Sheikh-ul-
Islam Abdul Qadir Gilani. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani was, and still is, known throughout the whole Islamic world for
surpassing all of his teachers in all of the Islamic sciences he studied, including extraordinary levels of the Arabic language.
Are we to believe that Tahir-ul-Qadri is of the same calibre of those who have excelled - via honest efforts and sacrifices
- in Islamic knowledge and authored numerous beneficial literary works? Why is it no other follower of the Qadiri
Tariqah, or even the Sheikh of the Qadiri Tariqah himself - El Sheikh Sayyid Mubarik Ali Gilani - has come to know of
this declaration?
Our demand to Tahir-ul-Qadri for answers still stands:
1. Who made you Sheikh-ul-Islam, and on what ground?
2. Why are you accepting funding from Iran, especially when Iran has established its enmity with Pakistan? The Sharia is
the standard of laws that Muslims obey and is an absolute must for any seeker on the Qadiri path, which your suffix
suggests. Under which law are you adhering, wherein you find it legitimate to project interminable waves of flyers and big-
screen television projections of yourself like that which is found in Iran and acceptable under Shia convention? Know that
Almighty Allah condemns such people, as they are people of Shaitan. There is a strange tie that you still have not revealed
to the public in regards to your relations with Iran, especially with your trip to Iran ten years ago, wherein your return to
Pakistan was an immediate/overnight change of disposition supplemented with millions of Pakistani Rupees to fund the
building of elaborate complexes.
3. What do you have to say, officially, to the charges levied against you from one of the high courts in Pakistan?
We know that Tahir-ul-Qadri is planning to return to Pakistan to instigate a “revolution” like the ones that have brought
civil wars and instability to North Africa (i.e. Libya) and the Middle East (i.e. Syria), causing catastrophic grief and
releasing a flood of extremists. Our Ulema in the United States, Canada, and Al-Azhar are condemning this false Sheikh
and therefore we advise people to avoid him and stay away from him. Our statement to Tahir-ul-Qadri still remains firm:
Keep away from our homeland, the United States of America, as history shows that your intent is to exploit and
undermine the hard works and sacrifices of American Muslims for the sake of the New World Order.
–The Islamic Post

on epaper page 9

azhar scholars expose tahirul qadri

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Oh no Adnan, do not fight with them. I am a funded Molvii & I will be paying 2000 rupees to poor
people for appearing in the long march. I am concerned about Pakistan, but my allegiance is with
Canada. I am an expert of faking dreams & crying, I am a fraud and a big opportunist. Can you not
see that the killer part MQM has aligned with me?

I want you to follow me, I will get you out of this 'shit' situation & put you into even a bigger shittier
situation.Warm regards,

Saadiboy 2000 •

not so funny .... try improving ur sense of humor . people like u are nothing but assholes

Clps files •

U mean to say Dr. Qadri.

5 1

Imran •

What about you?


Adnan2013 •

Dear Friend,

I am settled in Australia for the last 15 years and now I understand why our country is going
I am settled in Australia for the last 15 years and now I understand why our country is going
down the drain. It's because of people like you and the ones who have been
commenting using sheer dirty language. You are being ruled by people like you and that's
what Allah has promised. Please try to change yourself or else get ready for further
disaster. What's wrong about Dr sahib's Canadian Immigration? How many of you
commenting here would simply refuse the immigration if you get a change to get that? Dr
Sahib has got his Canadian Nationality to make sure he can easily travel around to world to
deliver his lectures. He is there to help you people. Help him to help you.



Riaz Ahmad •

Adnan, like you I have lived all my life in the UK. You are absolutely right. It is damn
difficult for a corrupt society to accept the fact that unlike them, people are perfectly
capable of behaving and acting in a reasoned, rational, honest and upright manner.
In Pakistan, people react with just emotions rather than thinking through with
reason. They are only interested in their likes or dislikes based on charged
emotions, rather than weighing the rights or wrongs based on reasoned thinking. If
they don't like, they become angry and abusive like children; there is nothing
rational or sober about their behavior. Somehow for reasons unknown, rational
behavior is incompatible with their temperament and mindset.

Clps files •

Superb hahahahaha Well said Dr. Tahir Qadri the fake Dr.

PA K •

i love you man!!!

by the imagine what fun it would be if the elections get post-poned and then we get
Pakistan People's Party for the next 5 years!!!! i think we are going to a ball!

s ha_g •

Muhammed was not a Pakistani, a person can be Canadian and be a good Muslim, what
does a nations citizenship have to do with his argument? Looks like you never got a visa to
Canada, or you would have left first.

Sheroo Nofear •

LOLZ Good Replay TUQ

y aqub •

well said boys forget what the grave worshippers say to you,but still if tahir ul padri can
put the fear of god up the ppp and plm.its not a bad thing,lets wait and see what these shia
who are in power and the grave worshipper tahir ul padri end result is.

MA wan •

Soon this drama of tahir ulr qadri will be over and people will move on.
If tahir-ulr-qadri is really sincere with Pakistan, first he should get rid of his
canadian nationality .

Safian •

Jamia Al'Azhar Ka Naam Istamal Krne Wale Jali Scholar:

Salafiyoun Aur Jamat e Islami Aur Congressi Mullaoon Ki Taraf Se Jhoota
Propaganda Kia Ja Raha Tha K Alazhar University Ke Scholars Ne Dr.Sahab K
Baray Mein Ghalat Comments Diye Hein Lakin Haqeeqat Mein Aisa Kuch Nhe Hai
Balke Kuch Individuals Ko Jamia Alazhar Ka Represntator Bana Ker Pesh Kia Gia.
Yeh Baat Aise He Hai Jaise Mein Arab Dress Pehen Ker Kisi Per Fatwa Laga Doon
Aur Log Samjhain K Yeh Arab Koi Barra Molvi He Hoga Jis Ne Fatwa Diya Kionke
Hmary Haan arab Ulma Ko Barra Mana jata hai. Lakin Aik Student aur Alim Mein
Bahut Faraq Hota Hai.Baqi detail image mein Mojood Hai..

Chac ha •


Safian •

Jamia Al'Azhar Ka Naam Istamal Krne Wale Jali Scholar:

Salafiyoun Aur Jamat e Islami Aur Congressi Mullaoon Ki Taraf Se Jhoota
Propaganda Kia Ja Raha Tha K Alazhar University Ke Scholars Ne Dr.Sahab K
Baray Mein Ghalat Comments Diye Hein Lakin Haqeeqat Mein Aisa Kuch Nhe Hai
Balke Kuch Individuals Ko Jamia Alazhar Ka Represntator Bana Ker Pesh Kia Gia.
Yeh Baat Aise He Hai Jaise Mein Arab Dress Pehen Ker Kisi Per Fatwa Laga Doon
Aur Log Samjhain K Yeh Arab Koi Barra Molvi He Hoga Jis Ne Fatwa Diya Kionke
Hmary Haan arab Ulma Ko Barra Mana jata hai. Lakin Aik Student aur Alim Mein
Bahut Faraq Hota Hai.Baqi detail image mein Mojood Hai..

W aqas A min •

These are not the scholars of al-Azhar; these are bunch of graduates
from al-Azhar who are using their connetion to al-Azhar to defame Dr.
Qadri.See the following links where the 'real' scholars and authorities of al-Azhar praise Dr. Qadri
and officially approve his works:

Shaykh Sagarji, who is the Imam of the Hanafis in Syria, states:

‫وﻗﻔﺖ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺗﺄﻟﻴﻒ ﺟﻠﻴﻞ ﻟﻤﻮﻻﻧﺎ ﺷﻴﺦ اﻹﺳﻼم اﻟﺠﻬﺒﺬ اﻟﺠَﺤﺠﺎح أوﺣﺪ زﻣﺎﻧﻪ وﻓﺮﻳﺪ ﻋﺼﺮﻩ‬
‫وأواﻧﻪ اﻟﺒﺮوﻓﺴﻮر اﻟﻌﻼﻣﺔ واﻟﺸﻴﺦ اﻟﺤﺒﺮ اﻟﻔﻬّﺎﻣﺔ ﺑﺤﺮ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم ﺻﺎﺣﺐ اﻟﺘﺼﺎﻧﻴﻒ وﻣﺆﻟﻒ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺆﻟﻔﺎت اﻟﻌﺎرف ﺑﺎﷲ واﻟﺪال ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺑﺎﻟﺤﺎل واﻟﻘﺎل اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻞ ﻋﻤﺎد اﻟﺪوﺣﺔ اﻟﻘﺎدرﻳﺔ‬
‫اﻷﺳﺘﺎذ اﻟﺪﮐﺘﻮر ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻃﺎهﺮ اﻟﻘﺎدري‬
‫ رﮨﻨﻤﺎﺋﮯ اﺳﺮا ِر ﺣﺎل و ﻗﺎل‬،‫ ﻧﺎﺑﻐہ ﻋﺼﺮ‬،‫ ﻓﺮﻳ ِﺪ دوراں‬،‫ ﻋﻼﻣّہ زﻣﺎں‬،‫ﻣﺠﻬﮯ ﺷﻴﺦ اﻻﺳﻼم‬،
‫ ﺻﺎﺣﺐ ﺗﺼﺎﻧﻴﻒ ﮐﺜﻴﺮﮦ ڈاﮐﭩﺮ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻃﺎﮨﺮ‬،‫ﺖ ﺳﻠﺴﻠۂ ﻗﺎدرﻳہ‬ ِ ‫ ﺷﻮﮐ‬،‫ ﻋﺎرف ﺑﺎﷲ‬،‫ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺑﺎﻋﻤﻞ‬
‫اﻟﻘﺎدرﯼ ﮐﯽ ﺑﻠﻨﺪ ﭘﺎﻳہ‬
As ada_547 •

LOL i knw them, their not even graduates, theyve been in Al Azhar for 2-3 years. Someone
should ask them (havent been in touch since they moved to Egypt), who made them the
"scholars of Al Azhar", jahil people, spreading lies about a great sheikh like, Shaykh ul
Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri saab.

Zahid Iqbal •

Well done
I can't believe all the gullible idiots on this comments section, and this so called 'news'

s ha_g •

Thank you for clarifying the facts, which many of these foolish commentators have not
taken trouble to find out. Our people are so foolish, we will believe a person just because
he is Arab, as if he is some holy man, mostly people from backward areas will believe
anything by Arabs, they dont have open mind, and will start name calling and filthy
language and this shows what great Muslims these people are, a true Muslim never hurts

as if mirz a •

os profeser ka nam hi batla do please

S harjeel Ahs an •

Before believing in rumors, read some facts:

* Vice chancellor of al-Azhar ash-Sharîf, ash-Shaykh Usama al-`Abd refers Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri as
al-Fâdil al-Jalîl Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri:

* You can read the praises of Imâm al-Akbar Shaykh al-Azhar Dr Muhammad Sayyid Tantâwî for
Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri here:

And here is a message of support in which again Dr. Qadri was called Shaykh-ul-

* You can read the praises of Mufti al-A`zam Egypt `Alî Jumu`ah for Shaykh ul Islam Dr
Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri here:

* You can read the praises of ash-Shaykh al-Ustâdh Dr Ahmad `Umar Hâshim (former president
of prestigious Al-Azhar University of Egypt) for Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri
see more

s ha_g •

Laanat on Vice Chancellor of AL Azhar....anyone can say anything so what? I admire Dr

Qadri, Al Azhar should leave Pakistanis alone. They hate him because he gave Fatwa
against terrorist and these Al Azhar people support terror in the name of jihad they want to
against terrorist and these Al Azhar people support terror in the name of jihad, they want to
use Pakistani fools as foot soldiers against Israel. Please warn your children and keep
them away from jihadees.

Muhammed Burhan al-Din •

If you are Muslim, then it is their right to be concerned about Pakistan, especially if even they can
see that this liar is trying to lead us into a catastrophic situation, resulting in India taking us over.

Zahid Iqbal •

You seem to be alone in this opinion, I think you need to chill out a bit....

Taloot _3 •

ahhh wht an imagination lol u just asume every thing its only religious munafrat u r
spreading we know him & we are with himm he is the best scholar in islamic world today

s ha_g •

oh please, you are one of those 'ummah

people, when no Arab nation gives you citizenship even if you polish their shoes for 30
years, in the west these so called kafir christian nations gives Muslims equal rights and
citizenship within 3-5 years. I respect them more than so called fellow Muslim Arab nations
that use Pakistanis as slaves and never give them equal rights and a passport. I would
never give a damn what Al Azhar says, I have too much pride, too bad many Pakistanis
make us all embarrassed by toting anything that comes from an Arab mouth. Do they care
about Kashmir? Name one Arab nation that broke diplomatic relations with India over
Kashmir, and we are in a state of war with them, Yasser Arafat called India his second
home, you talk of ummah....haha please....

Mus lim •

ur very right...100%agreed....

A s if •

fuck u n this harami qadri(padri)...thnx al-azhar


Zahid Iqbal •

Are you some kind of illiterate? Try and at least differentiate bewteen fact, opinion, and fiction.

Nooralams iddiqui •

no Adnan, do not fight with them. I am a funded Molvii & I will be
paying 2000 rupees to poor people for appearing in the long march. I am
concerned about Pakistan, but my allegiance is with Canada. I am an
expert of faking dreams & crying, I am a fraud and a big
opportunist. Can you not see that the killer part MQM has aligned with

I want you to follow me, I will get you out of this 'shit' situation
& put you into even a bigger shittier situation.Warm regards,TahirulQadri

ak s heik h •

This so called and self proclaimed 'sheikh ul islam' is betraying and deceiving the illiterates of a
section of pakistani nation. May ALLAH help his followers to think and ponder and come to the true
path , ameen.

W aqas Amin •

These are not the scholars of al-Azhar; these are bunch of graduates
from al-Azhar who are using their connetion to al-Azhar to defame Dr.
Qadri.See the following links where the 'real' scholars and authorities of al-Azhar praise Dr.
Qadri and officially approve his works:

Shaykh Sagarji, who is the Imam of the Hanafis in Syria, states:

‫وﻗﻔﺖ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺗﺄﻟﻴﻒ ﺟﻠﻴﻞ ﻟﻤﻮﻻﻧﺎ ﺷﻴﺦ اﻹﺳﻼم اﻟﺠﻬﺒﺬ اﻟﺠَﺤﺠﺎح أوﺣﺪ زﻣﺎﻧﻪ وﻓﺮﻳﺪ ﻋﺼﺮﻩ‬
‫وأواﻧﻪ اﻟﺒﺮوﻓﺴﻮر اﻟﻌﻼﻣﺔ واﻟﺸﻴﺦ اﻟﺤﺒﺮ اﻟﻔﻬّﺎﻣﺔ ﺑﺤﺮ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم ﺻﺎﺣﺐ اﻟﺘﺼﺎﻧﻴﻒ وﻣﺆﻟﻒ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺆﻟﻔﺎت اﻟﻌﺎرف ﺑﺎﷲ واﻟﺪال ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺑﺎﻟﺤﺎل واﻟﻘﺎل اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻞ ﻋﻤﺎد اﻟﺪوﺣﺔ اﻟﻘﺎدرﻳﺔ‬
‫اﻷﺳﺘﺎذ اﻟﺪﮐﺘﻮر ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻃﺎهﺮ اﻟﻘﺎدري‬
‫ رﮨﻨﻤﺎﺋﮯ اﺳﺮا ِر ﺣﺎل و ﻗﺎل‬،‫ ﻧﺎﺑﻐہ ﻋﺼﺮ‬،‫ ﻓﺮﻳ ِﺪ دوراں‬،‫ ﻋﻼﻣّہ زﻣﺎں‬،‫ﻣﺠﻬﮯ ﺷﻴﺦ اﻻﺳﻼم‬،
‫ ﺻﺎﺣﺐ ﺗﺼﺎﻧﻴﻒ ﮐﺜﻴﺮﮦ ڈاﮐﭩﺮ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﻃﺎﮨﺮ‬،‫ﺖ ﺳﻠﺴﻠۂ ﻗﺎدرﻳہ‬ ِ ‫ ﺷﻮﮐ‬،‫ ﻋﺎرف ﺑﺎﷲ‬،‫ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺑﺎﻋﻤﻞ‬
‫اﻟﻘﺎدرﯼ ﮐﯽ ﺑﻠﻨﺪ ﭘﺎﻳہ‬

Zahid Iqbal •

His detractors and mud-slingers are the 'illiterates'... they can't seem to disntuinguih
between fact and fiction.

The common people see sense Dr Qadri's proproals. Love him or hate him, read this:

y aqub •

we can tell between grave worshipers and momins

ak s heik h •

We can very well distinguish between fact and fiction,. this is all fiction.

Zahid Iqbal •

As if your opinion matters much. You've not even bothered to research the facts.

Taloot _3 •

those who dislike him all are najadis wahabies

S aleem Chaudhry •

I do not care what name he is known by. As an average person with an average knowledge of my
religion I really admire this man. A great orator a man with amazing understanding and interpretation of
the Quran. I for one am totally for people like him. The Muslim world desperately need such intellectuals
to show leadership backed by knowledge. Those criticising him please name (other than a few) people
of similar calibre.

K halidg •

Shame on you so called Al-Azhar scholars. You and rest of the failed ulema have done nothing for islam
and muslims in general. Stop dividing the umma. You spend so much time fighting with each other.
Forget about titles. They matter nothing nowadays. Who cares whether he is Sheikh Ul Islam or not.
People are not looking at his title. They are seeing the work and action Dr Tahir ul Qadri is doing for the
welfare of Pakistan. He may not be perfect but he is better than the rubbish ulema, molvis, crappy
imams and useless corrupt politicians we have in Pakistan and other parts of the world. At least he is
doing something. You Al-Azhar scholars have all gone into character Assassinations and cannot
stomach if someone else is getting fame. Stop talking about different mazhabs and quoting history. We
live in 2013 and most of you have become redundant. I also urge people leaving comments to refrain
from swearing and foul language as it totally against the norm of a good muslim character.

A li A s ghar •

These Al Azhari scholars are fake. I think everybody needs to visit this.

This is Dr Tahir ul Qadri visit to Al Azhar University around October and visiting Shaykh Al Azhar. If you
dont like Dr Tahir ul Qadri fair enough but dont spread lies and mis information. Dont you know that
Allah Almighty is watching you

Zahid Iqbal •

Great journalism!!
Let's divert attention from the real issues by mud-slinging Dr Qadri via dubious sources.
I urge all readers to read this:

Well done the Nation for 'reproducing' a personal blog in the name of journalism. So much for 'free'

Q Cy c lops 25 •

Absolute incorrect information in this article. Who are these special scholars of Al-Azhar.
The change and process Dr Tahir ul Qadri is trying to be bring o Pakistan is a move not many have
dared to do in Pakistan because of many fearing the safety of their lives.

Change should be brought, for the people and society of Pakistan. Inshallah!!!

Zahidiqbal999 •

Wh t b h f l Y 't di ti i hb t f t i i d fi ti
What a sorry bunch of people you are. You can't distinguish between fact, opinion and fiction.
Dear me.

Y as s ar •

Ha! This article is so funny! I’m surprised someone like the

Nation chose to publish an article written by some boys at home on a personal
blog! Many of the British readers would recognise instantly who wrote this ‘expose’,
a bunch of ill-informed boys who may or may not have spent some years in
Al-azhar and left it with an over inflated ego. In Britain we call such boys pseudo-scholars.
Character assignation is their forte. It’s a pity they have fallen prey to their
jealousy rather than practise and teach what they learnt at al-Azhar.

Regardless, the information in this article is utterly false;

if anyone needs clarification then all they need to do is listen to the
opinions of real scholars from al-Azhar about Shaykh Tahir.

As regards to his proposal for Pakistani politics then to

the common man, this man speaks sense…what’s so hard to understand…rid your
country of looters and revel in cleaner politics. Simple.

S aira •

I read the Islamic Post newspaper and find it very informative especially in light of the fact they focus on
news most media ignore. In particular this man, Tahir Qadri, who gives himself many titles and never
refuses a photo-op only to use later on in an attempt to boost his presence, give himself status in the
eyes of the poorly educated Muslims worldwide.

I am glad to see that the Nation decided to reprint this expose and I hope they continue to follow the
Islamic Post and read/reprint much more of its articles.

Ahmad Javed •

Hah, Islamic post, no one knows this news paper, it's a home made blog ...
1 1

W as eem •

he is talking common man problem in Pakistan. so whoever he is, he must be listened and respected

ak s heik h •

Common man of Pakistan is experiencing problems since long especially during the tenure of
Pervaiz musharraf and the present govt, where was he during this period? enjoying life in
Canada .

A aqiby as in •

In this article an effort was made to increase friction between sunnis and muslims. This article is clearly
work of satan Three Pakistani courts have ratified the efforts of Sheikul Islam as legitimate Arabs have
work of satan. Three Pakistani courts have ratified the efforts of Sheikul Islam as legitimate. Arabs have
no right to spend their petrodollars sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. And Arabs have always been a
biased nation. Look as how you treat muslim brethren who come to work at your locations. Is it in the
Sharia what you do to them? Please mend your own people and your own Islam and try to ask for
forgiveness for your sins. So please keep your stupid philosophies to yourself and do not mess up with
us. You are not anymore any legitimate custodians of Islam. Just look at yourself. From Syria to poverty
in Egypt, to infidel-loving EmiratIs and Qatari and Kuwaitis, You are a dark spot on the face of Islam.
Rabbi najjini minalqaumizzualimeen, rabbinsurni alal qaumil mufsideen. AMEN.

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