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30 Days to Your First Website Design

Course Tutors: Ian Yates, Editor of Webdesigntuts+

Lesson Notes
00 - Course Introduction: None. 01 - What is Web Design?: Planning Ahead: Ways to Improve Your Web Design Workow 02 - Usability: The Ugly Duckling of Web Design Dont Make Me Think book 03 - Content: Less is More: Fundamentals of Minimalist Web Design 04 - Goals: Taking the Guesswork Out of Design A Beginners Guide to Successful Conversion 05 - Three Donts of Design Theory: Be Inspired, But Dont Copy 06 - Inspiration: Typekit Gallery CSS Website Awards McBess Orman Clark Creattica Forrst Dribbble Practical Tips for Taking Design Inspiration without Copying How Do You Combat Designers Block? Where Do You Find Your Design Inspiration?

07 - Style and Theme: Vintage modernism example Kuler Vintage Modernism by Brandon Moore Introduction to Color Theory for Web Designers 08 - Conceptual Sketching: Wireframes Magazine Web Without Words 09 - Designing with Grids: 960 grid system Using the 960 Grid System as a Design Framework 10 - The Anatomy of a Webpage: Introducing the F Layout 11 - Whitespace: Using Whitespace in Your Designs 12 - Backgrounds and Textures: Create Your Own Sexy Background Patterns Subtle Patterns 13 - Navigation: Trying to Navigate Website Navigation 14 - Web Typography: FontSquirrel LATO web font Droid Serif web font Choosing the Font: A Practical Guide to Typography on the Web 15 - Features Section: None. 16 - Contact Form: Sign In or Register: Form Design from Scratch

17 - Footer Section: Social Icons PSD Footer Designs for Your Inspiration 18 - Prepping Your Design: None. 19 - Sprite Sheets: SpriteMe Sprite Cow 20 - Project Organization: Nettuts+ File Structurer 21 - Code Editors: Fire FTP JSFiddle. Coda 18 Wonderful IDEs for Windows, Mac, and Linux 22 - Web Standards Model: World Wide Web Consortium wiki 23 - Semantics: Wikipedia: semantics The Importances of Semantics on the Web 24 - Further into CSS: Clearx Hack Clear Fixing 25 - Browsers: Fluid Thinking Understanding Progressive Enhancement

26 - Behavior: jQuery slideshow: jQuery for Absolute Beginners 27 - Form Validation: jQuery plugin: Validation HTML5 Form Validation 28 - Cross Browser Testing: VMWares Fusion Browsershots Spoons browser tools How do you cross browser test? 29 - Google Analytics: Beginners Guide to Successful Conversion 30 - Conclusion: None! Youre done!

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