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1. Read the text about the Sports Personality of the Year Awards. Tick () true and cross () false or write? (No information). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Sports Personality of the Year Award is similar to other awards for sports. Ordinary people choose the Sports Personality of the Year. Jessica Ennis is famous all over the world. Ryan Giggs has played for many different English football clubs. Giggs has got a lot of medals. Giggs does not want to play for Manchester United after next year. Tom Daley didn't win an award. Eddie Izzard likes running marathons.

Sports Personality of the Year Awards

The Sports Personality of the Year is a British award that is given every year. It's an unusual sports award because it is not just about being good at sport. Of course, it's important to win competitions, but to win this award stars need to do more than that - they need to contribute to sport and be popular with the public. For this award, ordinary British people vote for their favourite sports stars. This year, over half a million people voted and footballer Ryan Giggs won the award with almost 30% of the votes. Racing champion Jenson Button was second with 19% of the votes, followed closely by world-champion athlete Jessica Ennis who got almost 16% of the votes. Giggs is still playing professional football at the age of 36 and he still plays for Manchester United, the team he started playing for 20 years ago! Recently he played his 800th match, scored his 150th goal and helped Manchester United reach the Champions League final. Giggs has won more medals than any other Premier League player - he won his 11th Premier League medal this year and he has also won several other sports awards, including the Player of the Year. Manchester United are so pleased with his performance that they have offered him a new contract for next year. Im passionate about football and I love playing for United,' says Giggs. 'I hope next year won't be the last year.' Other winners in the top ten included cyclist Mark Cavendish, gymnast Beth Tweddle and tennis player Andy Murray. The Young Sports Personality of the Year winner was diver Tom Daley. The special award went to TV star Eddie Izzard who ran 43 marathons in 51 days to raise money for the charity Sport Relief. Izzard raised over 200,000 to help poor people all over the world enjoy sport. 1. Lexical Cloze. Fill in the blanks with the correct option a, b or c. THE WORST BANK ROBBERS In August 1975 three men were 1.. their way in 2. rob the Royal Bank of Scotland at Rothesay, when they 3. . stuck in the 4... doors. They had to be helped free by the staff and, after thanking everyone, sheepishly left the building. A few minutes later the returned and 5... their intention 6. .... robbing the bank, but . 7... of the staff believed them. When, at first, they 8... 5,000, the head cashier laughed 9... them. convinced that it was a practical joke.

Considerably dishearten by this, the 10..... leader reduced his demand first to 500 then to 50 and ultimately to 50 pence. By this 11. .... the cashier could 12... control herself for laughter. Then one of the men jumped 13. .... the counter and fell awkwardly on the floor, clutching at his ankle. The other two made their getaway, but got trapped in the revolving doors 14. .... a second time, desperately pushing the 15..... way. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A in A when A got A round A advertised A from A nobody A asked A of A band A level A almost A over AA bad B at B for B were B revolving B announced B at B neither B stole B from B group B point B barely B across B in B mistake C on C they C had C spinning C declared C to C none C demanded C to C gangster C stage C rarely C upon C from C wrong D from D to D made D rounding D demanded D of D no one D robbed D at D gang D moment D even D through D for D upside

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct Present/Past Simple or Present/Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. I....(not/like) getting up in the morning. 2. My brother and I (have) to get up quite early to get to school on time. 3. Our father ....(sometimes/drive) us, but on other days we..(get) the school bus. 4. We...(not/go) to school next Monday because it is a holiday. 5. She .(always/talk) in class which ..(drive) all the teachers crazy. 6. Bill (paint) his front door when the telephone .(start) ringing. He .(answer) the phone and (speak) to his friend. 7. (Tony/ring) you last night? Yes. He(tell) me about his plans for the weekend. 8. Your hair(look) different last night. I know I (want) to dye it red but I .(not/pay) attention when I ..(buy) the dye. 9. Last Friday I .(walk) to work when I (see) an old friend. 10. Ann .(fly) to Barcelona tonight. She(pack) her suitcase yesterday. 3. Write questions to the answers, use a correct tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What time.? I go to work at 7 00 every day. Why? Because I didnt feel well yesterday. the party yesterday? She was wearing a black dress. How much.? It costs 2000 $ Where. last night? I was in the cinema. Put the verb into the correct form, Present/Past Simple or Present/Past Continuous. We can go out now. It(not/rain) any more. Ann.(wait) for me when I (arrive). I.hungry (be). Lets go and have something to eat. What..(you/do) in your spare time?.(you/have)any hobbies? Mary usually .(phone) me on Fridays but she(not/phone) last Friday.

5. Write an appropriate irregular verb.

become lend ... .. cut hurt . . . frozen grow fought .. hang .. .. hear .. . lent .. know .. . read . wrote .. ate have .. . sworn burst .. .. . . taught tell .. . sink . . wake .. .. sought run .. .. sold .. .. taken .. left . ... bought 6. Put the following verbs in present perfect 2. England footballers. back in Britain alter their match in Rome. 3. Singer Alex Haverty..his long-time girlfriend Katy Bowen. 4. Charles Blackstock, member of Parliament for east Chilbury,.at the age of 57. 5. Once again, bad weather..the tennis final at Wimbledon. 6. The foreign MinisterLondon for a two-day visit to Berlin. 7. Heavy snowhundreds of roads in Scotland.

arrive close leave marry stop die

8. Match the columns. 1. The party had already finished 2. When we arrived 3. I wasnt interested on the film because 4. I had seen the film before so 5. She felt tired because 6. She hadnt slept the night before and so a. the party had already finished. b. I had already seen it. c. I didnt want to watch it again. d. we arrived. e. she felt tired. f. She hadnt slept the night before.

9. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Everything was wet because it ____________ (rain) the night before. 2. She wasnt surprised because we ____________ already ____________ (tell) her. 3. ____________ the hooligans already ____________(leave) when the headmaster arrived? Yes, they ____________. 4. Stephen failed the test because he ____________(not / study) the day before. 5. I was cold all night long because I ____________(not/take) a jacket. 6. ____________ the show already ____________ (start) when you got there? No, it ____________ (not /start) yet. 7. They were disappointed because they ____________ (lost) the match.

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