Radio Bituary

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Radio-bituary By Tex Larson

air tap obituary

INT. COLLEGE RADIO STATION HALLWAY - EARLY MORNING Upbeat MUSIC. LAURA, 22, pretty but overworked, knocks on the MENS ROOM door. Pauses and knocks again. She cautiously peeks inside. Its empty. She wrinkles her nose and turns away with a look of disgust. Walks down HALLWAY. LAURA taps on her SMARTPHONE. The line rings and rings. SAMANTHA, 19, crosses her path, smoking a cigarette. LAURA Have you seen Jerome? SAMANTHA shakes her head. LAURA puts the phone to her ear again, then hangs up. SAMANTHA enter the STUDIO through a DOOR under the illuminated "ON AIR" SIGN. LAURA No smoking in the studio! FRANKIE (VO) That was "Kiss Me in Space" by the Dethholz. Speaking of kiss me... Hey, sugar tits. Jerome Dresdens coming up. Hes gonna rock your world with B-sides til the sunrise. But before that we got time for one more glorious track on "The American Mid Waste" with Frankie T on WFRT college radio. Another SONG starts. INT. STUDIO. FRANKIE, 23, kisses SAMANTHA, then gathers up his iPOD and BACKPACK. LAURA opens the door. LAURA Frankie, can you stay and play a couple more songs? Jeromes late. FRANKIE Cant. Gotta go. Sup with Jerome? LAURA Hes... I, I dont know, I cant get in touch with him. FRANKIE Sorry, Laura. Got shit to do.


INT. RADIO STATION HALLWAY FRANKIE and SAMANTHA walk down the HALLWAY to the EXIT. LAURA follows. LAURA Please? He should be here any minute, hes just running late. FRANKIE opens the door. RICH, 20, is waiting OUTSIDE. LAURA Rich, have you seen Jerome? RICH Who, what? LAURA Come in, I need your help. Now. INT. STUDIO RICH is at the DESK, surrounded by MICROPHONES. NEWSPAPER in his hands. RICH These are the frickin obituary pages! LAURA Its news! Just read it! Its four in the morning! No ones listening! RICH Then why does it matter?! LAURA It doesnt! Read! RICH taps microphone. RICH Is this thing on? (hesitates) Good morning, State U! This is Rich Matthison, live on WFRT! And this is Radi-ooo-bituary! Live! On WFRT! Okay? Today on Radiobituary: Michael James McGill, 64, passed away of natural causes Friday morning. Survived by his wife, (MORE) (CONTINUED) He has a

CONTINUED: RICH (contd) Kathleen OCallaghan McGill, and their two daughters, Claire McGill Connelly and Diedre McGill Chang. Uh, services to be held at St. Patricks at noon Monday. Okay. Naomi Carina George, 33, died in a scuba diving accident when she was crushed underwater by a sinking fishing boat. Services to be held at Neptune Funeral Home Monday. Jacob Dean Sawyer, 47, was killed when his fishing boat was suddenly struck by a plane. His boat sank and the wreckage crushed a scuba diver underwater.


RICH snickers. LAURA scowls at him through the GLASS PANEL of the sound engineers room. RICH Sarah Brigitte Rheinhardt, 31, died when she was piloting her private plane over the Atlantic. In a freak accident, an out-of-control paraglider smashed into her plane, which then collided into a fishing boat. A diver was also killed. RICH struggles to control his laughter. RICH Okay, a promising student died tragically Thursday in Saint Augustine while on spring break, when the cable on his paragliding chute snapped, sending him into a plane which then crashed onto a boat, sinking it, and crushing a scuba diver underwater. RICH laughs uncontrollably. RICH Jerome Dresden, 22, was a music history student at State University, and a DJ at the college radio station. His dream was to bring peace to the world through sharing the music he loved. RICH and LAURA make eye contact through the glass.

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