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Nov 2013

If you have heard the terms, "inner child" and "etheric body," have you noticed the indefinite-amorphous-mutable quality connoted? his seemin!ly technical point is "orth discussin! because "our immune system" is another "ith deliberately similarly indefinite connotation# If connectin! and communicatin! "ith your immune system interests you, read on# his article attempts to rectify some tan!led terminolo!y and reveals $%& indefinite-amorphous-mutable connotations are in fact "arranted for the sub'ect# (ecause of the several levels of tan!le, it "ill be easiest to start at the conclusion) and then, sho" "hy this appears inevitable# he conclusion is* our inner child is primarily an etheric bein!# $hat does this mean? +rior to the mid-1,00s it "as probably not possible for human-ind to co!ni.e our o"n etheric body# /nly after 1000, after muscle testin! conver!ed "ith N1+, primarily in the "or- of (ertrand (abinet 2(abinetics#com3 did methods to test, perceive, trac-, and "or- "ith invisible ener!ies, includin! our o"n etheric body become possible# ouch for %ealth, heta %ealin!, (ody al-, 4motion 5ode and especially +eace theolo!ical 6eminary 7asters 8 9octorate pro!rams articulated

methods, techniques and lan!ua!e to !rasp the reality and activity of invisible human ener!ies# In 1887 the MichelsonMorley experiment closed the door on discussing the reality of ether, in any form, in the minds of materialistic Cartesian scientists. Rudolf Steiner stood irtually alone in championing the reality of !etheric formati e forces! "ased on his direct clair oyant o"ser ations and his articulating #oethe$s Science into more clear language% experiments performed as in part, a ehicle for the personal&spiritual de elopment of the experimenter 'his (as the "eginning of the end for the dualism of Cartesian Science, a story still in its early chapters. he heavy liftin! 6teiner did on :oethe;s scattered science ideas "as repeated by 6teiner;s secretary, :unther $achsmuth and a fe" more even obscure fi!ures in the 1030s-10<0s# hese 'ustly-famous yet obscure boo-s are all available for free at 6cribd and other online places# he labors of the early =nthroposophists 2>udolf 6teiner and his students3 evolved the most complete and sophisticated articulation, yet produced, of the presence, activity and "or-in!s of the etheric body in the human e?perience# he =nthroposophic vie" of etheric ener!ies remains by far the most complete -no"led!e base about the human ether body# It is si!nificantly better informed, more "ide ran!in! and more !rounded in observation, than the better--no"n "or-s on the ether body by heosophist authors, based very much off of %indu philosophy# =t the same time, the =nthroposophic vie" has seriously dated and remains si!nificantly as-e" from its nearest sister-meme, holism and holistic healin! that be!an in the 10@0s# his article addresses some of the !ap here bet"een =nthroposophy and more modern development, especially muscle testin!, probably the premier and "fla!ship" application of :oethean 6cience# In ori!inal heosophy, our etheric body is the "envelope" for our cha-ra system, for all our lo"er frequency bodies 2unconscious, mental, emotional, ima!inal, physical3# /ur etheric body is the natural "operatin! system" of the human e?perience# In computer 'ar!on, our etheric body is the Ashell pro!ramB enablin! access to all capabilities and apps, from any other point in the system# = second useful formulation is the etheric body of any livin! bein! is its body of connectivity# /ur etheric body -eeps connected all internal activity--that "ishes to be connected) and, maintains all internal and e?ternal boundaries--to the best of its ability#

In this "ay, our etheric body supports the immortal-eternal soul, !ivin! it an ener!etic envelope or container in "hich the "I" can co!ni.e itself in the human e?perience# /ur etheric body is the mother-body, encompassin! all our other sub-bodies, visible and invisible# /ur etheric body is the lar!est of our invisible bodies# It needs to be as the "envelope" for all sub-bodies and sub-systems required to function in the 4arth e?perience# he continuum of frequencies in our etheric body, hi!h to lo" and bac- up a!ain, is several octaves "ider than our mental or emotional bodies, "hich are contained-maintained "ithin it# hese sub-systems include our memoryChabit body, mental body, emotional body, ima!inal body, body of acupuncture meridians 2and stran!e flo"s3 and physical body# he etheric bodies of men and "omen differ si!nificantly and another article in preparation addresses this# D* $hich physical part of the human bein! is our etheric body most analo!ous to? =* /ur etheric body is most analo!ous to our lymphatic system# /ur lymph system drains and clears un"anted material too bi! for our "hite cells to handle# /ur etheric body does this for ener!etic quantities and qualities# &ou can thin- of it performin! this function for astral "astes, emotional "astes, mental, "astes and so on# = tip of the hat to 6ally =nne /stler, 7edical Intuitive "ho contributed to this insi!ht# $ithout a "eb and "ithout a "eaver, "ithout common communication bet"een all our bodies and sub-systems, "ithout communication bet"een them and our immortal-eternal soul--each of us "ould be even more disor!ani.ed than "e are no"E For the purpose of learnin!, the enormity of our etheric body can be simplified into a hi!h frequency re!ion and a lo" frequency re!ion# $ithin the lo"er frequencies of our etheric body are all the acupuncture points and meridians# 6teiner;s phrase "etheric formative forces" and the phrase "prephysical body" both point to the lo"er frequency activity and behavior of our etheric body# he 12 or!an meridians primarily reside in our sub-conscious, in theta frequencies# he 5onception Gessel, :overnin! Gessel and the rest of the

"stran!e flo"s" are deeper and lo"er in frequency, in our unconscious# hat;s "hy "e can feel some chan!es and activity in the or!an meridians but rarely if ever in the 5onception 8 :overnin! Gessels# he hi!her frequency ran!e of our etheric body is the home of* archetypal ideals, role models, Fairy tales and Scripts People Live 7ytholo!y and superheros, archetypal polarities of 9ivine Feminine and 9ivine 7asculine, our habits of connectin! "ith our o"n 9ivinity, ho"ever conceived#

he mystical %orn of +lenty is in the upper etheric of each person# %o" easily or ho" challen!in! it is for you to connect "ith Infinite 6upply, thru your o"n a!ency, su!!ests "hether you li-ed-en'oyed the boo-Cmovie, he 6ecret) or, if you are part of the frustrated bac-lash a!ainst he 6ecret# $hat Hun! "ished to !rasp in some aspects of the collective unconscious in his "or-, Man and His Symbols is also in this upper frequency levels of the etheric body# he middle ran!e of our etheric body, "here most of our thin-in! and feelin! occur, can be conceived of as a habit body or habit holo!ram# In it are stored all the habits--functional and dysfunctional--on each level of our psyche, physical, ima!inal, emotional, mental and unconscious 2you can :oo!le "+=574" for more on this scheme3# 7ore poetically, our etheric body is "the "eb that has no "eaver#" his phrase is the title of a famous 5hinese 7edicine boo-# he author may indeed have coined the phrase# %is phrase points to the function and character of the etheric body itself) and I suppose, to the interrelated net"or- of topics in 5hinese medicine# In common 'ar!on, our etheric body "eaves to!ether all parts of our psyche, into a person, "ho can both "al- and che" !um at the same time, both "al- the do! and tal- on a cell phone simultaneously# Indeed, the capacity to embrace, coordinate and ma-e sense of unrelated but conti!uous or!ans, functions and activity I6 the nature of the etheric body# =lert readers "ill !rasp ho" this connects the etheric body "ith the characteristic concerns of motherin!, to the 9ivine 7other, and to the $omb of 5reation#

20 names for the inner child

(ecause our etheric body is the primary inte!ratin! function of the human

e?perience) and, because it is invisible, it has been AdiscoveredB over and over a!ain, !iven many names by many "blindmen#" he historical namin! of the etheric body is e?actly analo!ous to the poem, " he (lind 7en and the 4lephant#" 6ee full poem and its ori!ins here* 2http*CC"""#noo!enesis#comCpineappleCblindImenIelephant#html3 (riefly, each blind man, feelin! only the one part of the elephant, bet"een his t"o hands, over-! his understandin! of one small part of the elephant, the le!, the tail, the trun-, to be the true character of the entire elephant# he si!hted person loo-in! more "spherically" at a healthy elephant perceives multiple functions and aspects# %ence* 20 names for the inner child# 6ee if you can add any terms to this list* - pre-physical body - vitality, prana, chi - habit body, habit holo!ram - memory body, habit body, habit holo!ram - inner child as reactive emotional self - "ounded inner child of the past - immune system of the body - animal self, animal nature - the body electric, life force - the Afloatin! brain" - neural default mode - Afeelin!s and needsB in the NG5 sense - the ;1ittle =rtist; of The Artists Way - innate "isdom of the sum of your cells - morpho!enetic fields 26teiner thru +oppelbaum3

- subconscious, unconscious - !ate-eeper of the etheric centers - >udolf 6teiner;s Aetheric formative forcesB - etheric body, etheric double - :ro"th body

%ave I left out anythin!? If you thin- of another, I;d en'oy hearin! it#

Q: How intelligent is my etheric body?

=* If our immune system is intelli!ent enuf to -eep our food di!estin!, refle?es "al-in!, mouth tal-in! and brain thin-in!--all at once--it must have some de!ree of intelli!ence# his cannot all be chemistry, cannot be even all neuro-chemistry) it cannot be all !enes# "Intelli!ence" is the only reasonable e?planation# 7ultitas-in! is one characteristic capacity of our etheric body# &ou may be surprised to learn our lo"er helper self, our immune system can accomplish all its tas-s "ith the intelli!ence of a three year old# D* &ou mean I;m not the only intelli!ence inside my o"n body? =* 5orrect# he ori!inal +lan of the =n!els appears to be for the "a-in! conscious self to be in the middle, bet"een, sand"iched bet"een, an upper helper self and a lo"er helper self# D* $hat use to me is the intelli!ence of a three year old? =* =s any healthy three year old, our child "ithin can respond to direct questions and respond if "hat is offered is A >J4 for me no" 2beneficial3)" or, AN/ >J4 for me no" 2neutral to detrimental3#" Neither plants nor animals have this level of discretion-preference-intelli!ence# /ur etheric body, immune system, does and it operates 2KC@) most si!nificantly, in our small intestine choosin! "hich nutrients to assimilate into our blood stream and "hich to let !o by as not useful# If it did N/ have this level of intelli!ence in our small intestine, "e "ould ta-e in "hatever "as in our :#I# ract indiscriminately, li-e a plant# Find full discussion of this in other articles at %ealin! oolbo?#or!#

Our etheric body is our connection to the cosmos

/ur etheric body lives in ener!y, virtually all of it invisible to our "a-in!-thin-in! self# his is ho" and "hy our etheric nature "as left out of 5artesian 6cience# /ur etheric body three year old does not live in cloc--time but in fairy tale time# It also e?periences itself as connected to, as an instance, a subset, and at effect from, the lar!er etheric bodies of family, culture, nationhood, planet 4arth, solar system and so on) hence, the small but measurable relevance of moon phases on human behavior# D* $hat;s the easiest "ay to connect and communicate "ith my etheric body? =* =rm-len!th-testin! = !ood video is here http*CCinner"ise#comCenCvideosCallvideosC113-inner"ise-the-arm-len!ht-test?cate!oryIidL<K I do advise s"appin! out "yes" and "no" for A >J4 for me no"" and AN/ >J4 for me no"" as these are much closer to "hat our inner three year old is doin! and "thin-in!#"

Why so mysterious?
he upper etheric realm from "hich our etheric body is born from is some "ay, is the realm of "mystery" itself, the "neither this nor that" first pointed out by the Men (uddhists) and "e can add, the mutability of "omen, the pleasure "omen ta-e in acquirin! ne" loo-s and e?perimentin! "ith novel presentations of themself# /ur etheric body is desi!ned to remain in the bac-!round and ta-e a bac- seat to our conscious "a-in! self, after a!e seven, for the remainder of our days on 4arth#

The rise and fall of "inner child"

he term "inner child," had purchase in humanistic psycholo!y circles and literature bet"een 10NK and 100<# =fter Hohn (radsha" retired, no credible, charismatic leader too- his place# he "inner child" has its !reatest practical use amon! counselors, ener!y "or-ers, do"sers, muscle testers and therapists "or-in! "ith addictions and + 69#

he shallo" penetration of "inner child" into "ider culture is unfortunate because ac-no"led!in! our lo"er helper self, connectin! "ith and communicatin! "ith it, is one of the bi!!est brid!es into self-a"areness and self-healin!# 4?cerpted and revised from &ou %ave hree 6elves, Golume 1, available at =ma.on in paper and e(oo- form# 7ore articles li-e this at %ealin! oolbo?#or! 6ee +art $/* $hy all 20 names for the inner child are FJN5 I/N=11& 4DJ=1

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