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Article 1 UNESCO Club 1.1. UNESCO Club is an association of people of all ages, all social and professional classes, sharing the ideals of UNESCO, aimed for their spread and inclusion in the action of the UNESCO international organization in all directions, included in the concept of science, culture and education. 1.2. The main activity of UNESCO Club is to learn and promote the work of UN and UNESCO, their principles and ideals. All club activities should meet two basic conditions to be conducted in the spirit of UNESCO, and in accordance with the Constitution of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs (hereinafter - the Constitution). 1.3. This Regulation determines the procedure for establishment of UNESCO Club, its structure and activities, as well as the elimination, based on the Constitution of the "Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs" public association (hereinafter KazFUCA). Article 2 Establishment of UNESCO Club 2.1. UNESCO Clubs can be organized if there are five or more members in the club, three of them should be of the full legal age. 2.2. Statement of intent to establish UNESCO Clubs should be addressed to the President of KazFUCA to the Executive Board of KazFUCA with following documents attached: - copy of documents, regulating action of association candidate (if it exists already); - information on work of association-candidate for the previous period; - draft of performance plan of UNESCO Clubs for the next 12 months; - nominal list of association members; - Name of executive management of the club with detailed contact information. 2.3. The Executive Board of KazFUCA considers the application submitted with an authorized representative of the Executive Board and a representative of UNESCO Club of the region. In this case, compliance of association-candidate with the requirements of the UNESCO Clubs is defined. 2.4. An authorized representative of the Executive Board of KazFUCA presents his/her recommendations at the regular meeting of the Executive Board of KazFUCA. Representatives of the association- candidate are informed of the date and place of the meeting of the Executive Board of KazFUCA and can participate in the discussion of this issue. 2.5. Based on the discussion, the Executive Board decides on granting the club-candidate status to this association for the establishment of UNESCO Club, or to deny the association in the beginning of the procedure of the establishment of UNESCO Club. 2.6. The Executive Board of KazFUCA decided to establish UNESCO Club on the basis of the clubcandidate, and to admit the members of the club as members of KazFUCA. 2.7. The Executive Board of KazFUCA may defer a decision on the establishment of UNESCO Club on the basis of the club-candidate with giving recommendations and deadline for its implementation, or to refuse in the establishment of the club because of the negative results of the discussion. 2.8. The certificate as per established form is issued to newly created UNESCO Club. Article 3 Membership in UNESCO Club 3.1. A KazFUCA member can be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached the age of 16, who shares the ideals of UNESCO, promotes them in his/her activities, actively participates in the implementation of cultural, scientific and educational programs of UNESCO, follows the Constitution and pays regularly membership fees. 3.2. KazFUCA members can be persons under the age of 16, who in this case must provide written permission from their parents or legal representatives. Foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to join KazFUCA, submit to their permanent or temporary place of living, studying the applications for admission to KazFUCA to the acting UNESCO Club.

3.3. Admission as a member is conducted by the Executive Board on the basis of written application of an applicant, recommendations and protocol of UNESCO Club. Decision shall be adopted by majority vote. 3.4. After a positive decision on admission as a member of KazFUCA, new member is obliged to pay an admission membership fee, the amount of which is determined by the Executive Board of the Federation. 3.5. The newly admitted member of KazFUCA gets a membership card and registration card as per established by the Executive Board of KazFUCA. Article 4 Rights and responsibilities of UNESCO Club 4.1. UNESCO Club has right to: - freely disseminate information about its activities; - hold meetings, review competitions, seminars, conventions, conferences and other public events that meet the goals and objectives of the Club; - represent and maintain its rights and legal interests of its members and participants in governmental authorities, local government and public associations; - initiate different questions on organizing the activities of KazFUCA, to make proposals to the Executive Boards of KazFUCA. 4.2. UNESCO Club is obliged to: - comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, generally accepted principles and norms of international law regarding the scope of its activities, as well as the norms stipulated by the Constitution and other constituent documents; - participate in KazFUCA programs and projects; - organize raising public awareness about the activities of KazFUCA; - implement its own programs and projects; - keep records of the members of UNESCO Club; - accept membership and admission fees; - provide annual reports on the activities of UNESCO Clubs to the Executive Board of KazFUCA. Article 5 UNESCO Clubs management 5.1. Superior body of UNESCO Clubs is joint meeting, which is held at least once a year, and is eligible if more than half of members participate. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the Club members, presenting at the joint meeting. 5.2. Joint meeting of UNESCO Clubs members: - Approves the Constitution of the Club and, if it is necessary, makes changing and amendments in it; - Defines the strategy of the Clubs activity, approves the budget, the basic programs, activities and procedures for their financing; - Selects the leader of the Club, the Board of the Club, hears and approves their reports; - Makes decision on the termination of the activities of the Club; - Decides on any other issues, stated in the Constitution. 5.3. The Council leads the Club in the period between joint meetings. The Council conducts a meeting as necessary, but not less than once every three months. The Council is re-elected not less than once in two years at joint meeting, which determines the members of the Council. Candidatures of the Chairman of the Council, secretary of the Council and treasurer are approved after election of the members of the Council by separate general vote. 5.4. The Council of the Club: - organizes, directs and controls the activities of the UNESCO Club; - ensures implementation of the decisions of the joint meeting; - defines the current tasks of the Club, prepares plans and programs of the Club and submits for approval to the Executive Board of KazFUCA; - distributes the responsibilities among the members of the Council, hears their reports;

- approves plans of development and implementation of individual projects and other activities of the Club; - informs about the activities of the Club, its governing body, the members of the Club; - interacts with other movements, organizations, associations, citizens; - Decides on any other issues, stated in the Constitution. 5.5. The Head of the Club is elected by joint meeting for one year and is included in the Council as its Chairman (the Charter, c.5.3.3.). The Head of the Club: - provides direct management of the Club; - ensures execution of current and future plans of the Club; - organizes the implementation of the decisions of the joint meeting and submits reports on their implementation; - represents the Club in a relationship with other companies, organizations and citizens; - performs other functions, assigned to him/her by the joint meeting. 5.6. The Council appoints a treasurer of the Club to maintain financial and operation activities, who provides required economical reporting of the Club; maintains records of material assets and facilities of the Club; performs other necessary actions. Article 6 UNESCO Clubs activities 6.1. UNESCO Club follows the Constitution and current Regulation in the ordinary course of its activities. In the other questions of its activities the Club follows the current legislation of Kazakhstan and statutory acts, regulating the activity of non-commercial public associations. 6.2. UNESCO Club may own any property necessary for the provision of statutory activities. 6.3. Funds of the club are formed of the admission and membership fees, voluntary donations, grants and other income and revenues as required by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning Social Associations. Article 7 Termination of UNESCO Clubs 7.1. The decision to terminate UNESCO Clubs is made by the Executive Board of KAZFUCA in the following cases: - the decision by joint meeting of the Club to terminate its activities; - carrying out activities, non-complying with the Constitution of KazFUCA; - termination of KazFUCA. 7.2. The Executive Board of KazFUCA can stop activity of UNESCO Club in case of absence of information from the club for a year, non-participation in KazFUCA programs for a year or improper use of the name and symbols of UNESCO, causing the damage of KazFUCA. 7.3. The decision to terminate the activities of the club, its liquidation is made by the Executive Board of KazFUCA. The decision is considered accepted if two thirds of the members of the Executive Board voted for this.

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