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Regulation of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs on UNESCO Clubs use of UNESCO name and logo

Article 1 UNESCO name and logo 1.1. UNESCO General Conference in resolution 33 S/89 accepted general principles on the use of the name, abbreviated name, logo and Internet domain names of UNESCO, including a number of regulations, relating to the role of the governing bodies and Chief Executive Officer. Full text of the relevant Directives was approved by the Executive Board (decision 174 EX/32). 1.2. The full official name of the Organization is: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. This name may be translated in all languages. The abbreviated name is the initials of words of the full name in English: UNESCO. Its name in a letter is written in any characters. 1.3. Permission to use the name, abbreviated name and / or logo of UNESCO is the prerogative of the General Conference and the Executive Board. Chief Executive Officer and the National Commission for UNESCO is authorized to grant permission for such use to other bodies. The right to grant permission to use the name, abbreviated name, logo and Internet domain names of UNESCO cannot be transferred to other bodies. Article 2 Use of UNESCO logo 2.1. UNESCO logo should be reproduced according to the graphical standards, developed by the Secretariat, and it is forbidden to make any changes in it. When it is possible, the full name of the Organization (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) should be written under the logo in a language (s), in which the document is created to show clearly that it belongs to the United Nations and its sphere of competence. 2.2. UNESCO logo can be used together with the logo of subsidiary bodies, intergovernmental programs, other organizations or specific events ("combined logos"). Combined logo should, when it is possible, include a phrase or indication of how such connection is achieved. Article 3 Permission of the National Commission to use the name and logo of UNESCO 3.1. In the framework of intergovernmental programs, program networks or movements of associations, centers and UNESCO Clubs, National Commissions, in accordance with its role as connection bodies, recognized by the Charter, have the right to grant permission to use the name, abbreviated name and logo of UNESCO, but only in the form of combined logo, which shows the name of the program or movement, and which, therefore, must comply with the relevant regulatory documents of these entities, networks or programs. It is subject to, in particular, the national committees of intergovernmental programs, biosphere reserves, associated schools or departments of UNESCO, as well as associations, Clubs or centers of UNESCO and their national coordinating organs. 3.2. In the case of provision their own patronage to the activities at the national level, the National Commissions can grant to organizations working in the spheres of competence of UNESCO, permission to use the name, abbreviated names and / or logo of UNESCO which are always associated with the National Commissions' own name and, if desired, with their own logo. This also applies to contractual relationships and promotional actions, carried out by committees at the national level in their own name. 3.3. National Commissions set terms and / or periodically conduct a survey of the permissions, granted by them. National Commissions have the right to recall the permissions, granted by them. Article 4 name and logo of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs 4.1. The full official name is: Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs. This name is used in the official language and translated in any other languages in case of regional and international events.

The abbreviated name is the initials of the words of the full name in English: KazFUCA. Its use in a letter is written in any characters. 4.2. The logo of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs is combined by official logo of the UNESCO with a full name and emblem (logo) of the Kazakhstan National Federation of the UNESCO Clubs Section 5. The name and logo of the UNESCO Club - a member of the Kazakhstan National Federation 5.1. The full official name: The name of an organization with adding a phrase UNESCO Club. This name shall be used on the national language and may be translated into other languages upon running of regional and international business events. 5.2. The logo of UNESCO Club is a combination of the official logo for the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on UNESCO and ISESCO affairs, also Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs with a full name and emblem (logo) of the organization on the basis of which was established the UNESCO Club. 5.3. The established UNESCO Club is a part of Kazakhstan National Federation should apply to the Executive Board for obtaining of permission to use of the names, acronyms and logos of the UNESCO, National Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on UNESCO and ISESCO affairs and Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs. The proposed logo and name is always combined with its own name of the organization and if requested with their own logo. Particularly, it concerns the associations, centers or UNESCO Clubs and their regional coordinating bodies. It is related to contractual relationships and measures on popularization that is carried out by UNESCO Club at the local level in its own name. Section 6. Forms of use of the logo of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs 6.1. The logo of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs should be reproduced according to the graphical standards elaborated by the Executive Board and should not be altered. 6.2. The logo of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs can be used jointly with the emblem or logo of the state bodies, governmental and international programs or specific events. 6.3. The decision on use of the names, acronyms and/or logos of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs is the prerogative right of the Executive Board. The samples of logos of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, UNESCO Club and the most frequent forms of use are given in the Annex. Section 7 Control over use of the logo 7.1. Any decision on permission for use of the name, acronyms and/or logo of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs is based on the following criterias: (i) compliance of the proposed associative links with the strategic objectives of the Federation and Charter, and (ii) compliance with the values, principles and constitutional aims stipulated by the Charter of UNESCO. 7.2. The Executive Board is entitled to set a term of validity and/or periodically review permissions authorized by them. The Executive Board has a right to withdraw its authorizations. 7.3. The Executive Board bears full responsibility for political, legal, financial and moral effects by issuing authorizations. 7.4. The Executive board and Members States of Kazakhstan National Federation Clubs of UNESCO cooperate closely with National Commission in order to prevent any unauthorized use of the names, acronyms or logo of UNESCO according to this Regulation. 7.5. Any amendments into this Regulation can be approved only by the Executive Board as per addressing to UNESCO bodies, National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on UNESCO and affairs or by Conference of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs. SAMPLES OF LOGO AND EXAMPLES OF ITS USAGE a) The official logo of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Club


The official logos of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs that are used upon conducting of the international events


The official logo of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs that is used by running of special events, exhibitions and public demonstrations


The logo of the Club Member of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNECSO Clubs


Name of the Club (in absence of logo) Member of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Club


Logo that is used on day-to day operations and routine documentation in Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs

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