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Bulletin # 3 - 15th April 2009

Justice Denied Again for Balwant Persaud

Published by the “Friends of Balwant Persaud

Stop making a mockery of the Judicial System! The

Real Culprit is FREE! How can the police and the
DPP co-operate with a criminal?
Stop making the Court into a circus now! The
public is invited to attend the next hearing on 8th
May 2009 and see for yourself how the Guyana
Police can make a court into a circus.
An early trial is needed because information is on hand that Inspector Trevor
Reid and Alim Samad is working together to prosecute Balwant Persaud. Reid
will have to face the court and give reasons why he is not charging Alim
Samad and whether he benefits financially from Alim Samad for not
prosecuting Alim Samad. Stop the postponements and let the trial begin.
Trevor Reid of the CID should be investigated for corruption and prosecuted
in the court and sacked as a policeman. All his benefits and ranks should be
taken away immediately.This man is giving a bad image to the police force.

Mr. Balwant Persaud had to attend the Magistrate’s court on 2nd April 2009 to
answer the frame up charges brought by the PPP government, in particular
Clement Rohee, the Minister of Home Affairs and the corrupt Guyana Police
with Inspector Reid as the main culprit. Reid should be investigated for
corrupt practices in connection with this case.

This is the fourth time Mr. Persaud had to attend court since these bogus
charges were laid against him and nothing has come out of these court

When he attended court on 2nd April 2009, the police and the police
prosecutor said that they are still investigating the matter and
awaiting the DPP report. Mr. Persaud’s lawyer, Mr. Glen Hanoman asked
the court ” why charge the man first and then investigate later?
Shouldn’t the investigation done first and then charges laid?”
The police just kept quiet and said the next court date is May 8th 2009.
Who gave instructions for charges to be laid against Balwant
Persaud? Are these charges linked with the Refugee cases Balwant
Persaud won in Canada?
Who raped the 15 year old girl that was granted refugee status in
What role is being played by Trevor Reid, CID Inspector and Alim
Samad, the real con man?

Mr. Hanoman told the court that his client’s reputation has been tarnished by
these trump up charges and adverse press reports and his client is not doing
any business due to the negative publicity in the press and the real con man,
Alim Samad is still free.

To make matters worse, the police said that Alim Samad, the real con
man will be a police witness and will not be charged. Alim Samad has
been accused by the victims of the alleged scam for collecting moneys from
them and not delivering the services as promised in his written agreements
with them. Alim Samad has been sued in the High Court by two of these
victims for all moneys he received from the victims based on written
documentation. It should be noted that the victims decided to sue Alim
Samad through their lawyer, Mr. Vidyanand Persaud and not to sue Balwant
It is clear that Alim Samad is the guilty party and NOT Balwant Persaud after
the victims lawyer examined all the contractual agreements and retainer

Why are the police not charging Alim Samad for fraud? Who is protecting
Alim Samad? Why did the victims decided to take private action against Alim
Samad in the High Court? Who is worshipping at the CIOG Mosque with Alim
Samad and has an interest in this case?

What roles do the following persons played in this case and what
financial, religious or political interest do they have?
Henry Greene- Commissioner of Police, Clement Rohee- Minister of
Home Affairs, Trevor Reid- CID officer, the Prosecutor-Denise
Griffith and Shalimar Ali-Hack- DPP?

It is time now for all the International organizations, embassies and human
rights organizations in Guyana and the world to know about this injustice
that is being carried out by the Guyana Govt. and the Police against an
innocent man, Mr. Balwant Persaud. This is a violation of human rights
as an innocent man is charged, imprisoned, subject to psychological
and mental torture and starved in the lock ups and prison and
banned from travelling out of the country.
We are urging the embassies to review the visas of these violators of human
rights and their immediate family members. Torture, False Charges and False
Imprisonments are crimes against humanity. We are also asking the lending
agencies and donor countries to review their aid to Guyana based on the
Guyana Government’s violation of human rights and torture against its own

We, the “ Friends of Balwant Persaud Committee” is asking for everyone who
believes in justice to pressure the authorities to let Balwant Persaud get an
early trial to clear his name or for all charges to be dropped immediately if
the authorities believe that there is no case against him.

We urge the authorities to look into the written documentation of this case
between the victims, Balwant Persaud and Alim Samad and not to rely on the
words of Alim Samad as he is the real culprit based on the victim’s
testimonies and their High Court lawsuits against him. These victims
terminated their Agreements with Balwant Persaud and subsequently hired
Alim Samad who robbed the victims.
The whole country is laughing at the police and the court system as
everyone knows that Balwant Persaud is an honest man. Why no one else
is accusing Balwant Persaud but only those few persons who had
dealings with Alim Samad? No complaints have ever been lodged against
Balwant Persaud in his various careers as an Accountancy and Computer
tutor and as an Immigration Consultant. The man has no track record of
dishonesty and now he is being framed by corrupt elements in the Guyanese

Why isn’t the police arrested anyone as yet who attacked and robbed
Balwant Persaud’s office on the 3rd July 2008 and shot up his home/office on
the 16th July 2008?
Since when bandits in Guyana are interested in paper files and
newspapers clippings?
Reports were made to the police and suspects names were provided to the
police by Balwant Persaud. Is Alim Samad and Clement Rohee above the

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