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VORTEX-VT Vortex Flowmeter VORTEX-VT/VR 2-Wire Design with Microprocessor Converter

VORTEX 4 Flowmeter Series 50VM1000 Remote Design with P-Converter 10VM1000 VM VT/VR Compact 2-Wire Design with P-Converter 10VT1000 2-Wire Design with Remote Mounted P-Converter 10VR1000

Wafer Design 65 mm/2 1/2 DIN, ANSI

Flange Design DIN, ANSI

The Vortex Flowmeter VORTEX-VT is a member of the new Vortex Flowmeter Series VORTEX-4 from Bailey-Fischer & Porter. The flowrate of steam, gases and liquids can be metered with the VORTEX-VT over a wide range independent of the fluid properties. VORTEX-VT is characterized by the following design and application features: No moving parts, no wear, no maintenance. Rugged and straight forward flowmeter primary design with rigid welded shedder body in stn. stl. no. 1.4571/316 Ti or Hastelloy-C. Same sensor and same converter for all fluids, meter sizes and meter designs. Easiest installation and start-up - install in pipe line and complete the electrical connections. Ex-Design: II 2G EEx ib IIC T4. P-Controlled converter incorporating the most modern filter technology, tested to EMV-NAMUR Requirements. Modern SMD-Technology plus high degree of integration, e.g. customer specific circuits, assures maximum reliability. High contrast LC-Display, alphanumeric, 2 x 16 character, user configurable 2 line display. Separate connection box, the electronic compartment need not be opened for installation or start-up. Menu controlled operation using 3 buttons. Accuracy (Re > 20,000/40,000) Liquids:: 0.75 % of rate Gas/steam: 1 % of rate HART-Protocol for digital communication from PC or Process Control System.

Double sensor design with 2 independent converters for safety related applications. VORTEX-VR 2-Wire flowmeter with remote mounted converter, cable length max. 10 m.


VORTEX-VT, 10VT1000 in Flange and Wafer Designs

Contents General Principle of Operation Specifications Converter, Electrical Connections and Communication Installation Dimensions, DIN Dimensions, ANSI Dimensions, Converter VORTEX-VR Ordering Information

Page 1 2 3 9 11 12 13 14 15

Spec. D184S027U02 09/97

VORTEX-VT Vortex Flowmeter with Microprocessor Converter

Principle of Operation
The operation of the VORTEX flowmeter is based on the Karman Vortex Street. As the flow passes the shedder, vortices are formed alternately on both sides of the shedder. The flow causes these vortices to shed forming a vortex street (Karman Vortex Street) (Fig.2). The vortex shedding frequency which is measured, is a function of the flow velocity alone and is independent of the fluid density and viscosity. The local pressure fluctuations resulting from the vortex formation are measured by a Piezo-Sensor and converted into electrical impulses which correspond to the vortex shedding frequency.The flowrate calculated from these values is available as a current output signal (4 - 20 mA).

Bluff body
Fig.2 Karman Vortex Street


The frequency f of the vortex shedding is proportional to the flow velocity v and indirectly proportional to the width of the shedder d: v f = St -d St, the Strouhal-Number, is a dimensionless number which defines the quality of the vortex flowrate measurements. The St value is constant over wide Reynolds Number Re ranges for properly designed shedders. (Fig. 3). vD = Kinematic viscosity Re = ----------- D = Meter size

Strouhal number St

Linear flow range

Reynolds number Re
Fig.3 Relationship Strouhal No. VS.Reynolds No.

VORTEX-VT Specifications Meter Sizes, Flow Ranges and Pressure Drops

Meter Size Selection
The meter size is selected as a function of the maximum volume flowrate QV. In order to achieve the maximum flow range, this value should not be less than one half of the maximum flowrate listed for the meter size (QV max). The linear flow range (see accuracy specifications) corresponds to a Reynolds No. of 20,000/40,000 (for DN 150/6) to 7,000,000. If the flow to be metered is in normal (normal conditions: 0 C, 1013 mbar) or mass flowrate units, the value must be converted to operating volume flowrate and the appropriate meter size selected from the Flow Range Tables (Table. 1, 2, 3). 1. Convert Normal density ( n ) --> operating density( ) 273 1,013 + p ------------------ = n -----------------------1,013 273 + T 2. Convert to operating volume flowrate (QV) a) From normal flowrate (Qn) --> n 273 + T 1,013 ------------------Q V = Q n ----- = Q n -----------------------273 1,013 + p b) From mass flowrate (Qm) --> Qm Q V = -------- 3. Dynamic viscosity ( ) --> kinematic viscosity ( ) = - QVmin [m3/h] N p T QV Qn = Operating density [kg/m3] = Normal density [kg/m3] = Operating pressure [bar] = Operating temperature [C] = Volume flowrate [m3/h] = Normal flowrate [m3/h]

Qm = Mass flowrate [kg/h] = Dynamic viscosity [Pas] = Kinematic viscosity [m2/s]

Product Selection and Flowmeter Sizing Program

A Bailey-Fischer & Porter software program FlowSelect is available for selecting the appropriate flowmeter design based on the users application specifications. An additional program FlowCalc can be used for the conversion calculations and flowmeter size selection. Both are WINDOWS program and are available free of charge upon request.


DN 300 DN 250 DN 200 DN 150

DN 100 DN 80


DN 50 DN 40


DN 25

DN 15







Minimum Flowrate, Liquids as a Function of the Kinematic Viscosity

VORTEX-VT Specifications Meter Sizes, Flow Ranges, Pressure Drops

Maximum Flowrate, Liquids
Meter Size DN inch 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 1/2 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 4 6 8 10 12 QVmax [m3/h] 6 18 48 70 170 270 630 1100 1700 2400 Frequency [Hz] at QVmax 400 240 190 150 100 70 50 32 28 25

Static Pressure, Liquids

To prevent cavitation, positive back pressure is required downstream of the flowmeter. Its value can be estimated using the following equation: p2 1.3 x pvapor + 2.6 x p' p2 = pvapor = p' = positive static downstream pressure [mbar] liquid vapor pressure at operating temperature [mbar] pressure drop, liquid [mbar]

Table. 1 Maximum Flowrate, Liquids

Example for Liquids: Pressure Drop, Liquids

See Fig. 5 for Water (20 C, 1013 mbar, = 998 kg/m ). For other liquid densities ( ), the pressure drop can be calculated using the following equation: p' = --------998 p p' = Pressure drop, liquid [mbar]

Find the meter size (DN/inch) for metering 55 m3/h liquid with a density of 850 kg/m3 and a kinematic viscosity of 2 cSt (=2 x 10-6 m2/s). 1. QV = max. 55 m3/h -> DN50/2 (per Tbl. 1): QVmax = 70 m3/h 2. Start of linear range, at 2 cSt, (from Fig. 4): QVmin = 6 m3/h 3. Pressure drop at = 850 kg/m3: p' = 425 mbar

p = Pressure drop, water (from Fig. 5) [mbar]

p [mbar]










0 25














0,5 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000

QV [m3/h]


Pressure Drop, Water (20 C, 1013 mbar, = 998 kg/m3), DIN-Design

VORTEX-VT Specifications Meter Sizes, Flow Ranges, Pressure Drops

Max. Flowrate, Gas/Superheated Steam
Meter Size DN Inch 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 1/2 1 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 QVmax [m3/h] DIN 24 150 390 500 1200 1900 4500 8000 14000 20000 ANSI 24 82 320 450 1000 1900 4050 8000 14000 20000 Frequency [Hz] at QVmax DIN 1620 1990 1520 1030 700 500 360 240 260 214 ANSI 2080 2000 2000 1300 870 670 450 240 260 240

Pressure Drop Gas/Superheated Steam

See Fig. 7 for air (at 20 C, 1013 mbar, = 1.2 kg/m3) for other fluid densities the pressure drop can be calculated using the following equation: p' = ------1, 2 p p' = Fluid pressure drop [mbar] p = Air pressure drop (from Fig. 7) [mbar] Normal Densities for Various Gases:
Gas Acetylene Air Ammonia Argon Butane Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Ethane Ethylene Hydrogen Methane Natural gas Neon Nitrogen Oxygen Propane Propylene Normal Density [kg/m3] 1.172 1.290 0.771 1.780 2.700 1.970 1.250 1.350 1.260 0.0899 0.717 0.828 0.890 1.250 1.430 2.020 1.915

Table 2 Max. Flowrate, Gas/Superheated Steam

Example for Gases:

Find the meter size (DN/inch) for metering 2540 Nm3/h CO2-gas; temperature = 85 C, pressure = 5 bar abs. For details see Page 3 Meter Size Selection n = 1.97 kg/m3 1. 2. 3. 4. Convert n --> : =7.4 kg/m 3 Convert Nm3/h --> m3/h: QV = 676 m3/h --> Select: DN80/3 (QVmax = 1200 m3/h) Pressure drop at = 7.4 kg/m3: p' = 100 mbar Flow range start at = 7.4 kg/m3 (from Fig. 7): Q Vmin = 45m3/h, Convert m3/h --> Nm3/h: QVmin = 169 Nm3/h QVmin [m3/h]

Fig.6 Minimum Flowrate, Gas/Superheated Steam as a Function of Fluid Density, DIN-Design

VORTEX-VT Specifications Meter Sizes, Flow Ranges, Pressure Drops

p [mbar]

QV [m3/h]
Fig.7 Pressure Drop, Air (20 C, 1013 mbar, = 1.2 kg/m3), DIN-Design

Flowrate Saturated Steam [kg/h]

Example for Saturated Steam: Find the flow range for meter size DN50/2 at 7 bar abs. --> from Table 3: DN50: 84 - 1835 kg/h Additional: Saturated steam temp.= 165 C Saturated steam density = 3.67 kg/m3

p[bar a] DN/inch 15 1/2 25 1 min max min max

0.5 3 7 9 45 18 117 24 150 60 360 90 570 180 1350 150 2400 480 4200 840 6000 0.30

1 4 14 13 89 25 230 34 295 84 708 126 1121 252 2655 213 4720 673 8260

1.5 5 21 15 129 30 335 41 430 102 1032 152 1634 305 3870 311 6880

2 6 27 17 169 35 440 47 565 116 1355 175 2145 349 5081 408 9032

3 7 40 21 248 42 644 56 825 141 1980 211 3135 422 7425

4 8 52 24 324 48 842 64 1080 161 2592 241 4104 483 9720

5 9 64 27 401 54 1041 72 1335 179 3204 269 5073

6 10 76 29 476 59 1236 78 1585 195 3804 293 6023

7 10 88 31 551 63 1431 84 1835 210 4404 315 6973

8 11 100 33 624 67 1622 89 2080 223 4992 335 7904

9 12 112 35 699 71 1817 95 2330 236 5592 355 8854

10 12 124 37 773 75 2009 95 2575 249 6180 373 9785

12 14 147 41 920 81 2391 109 3065 270 7356

15 15 182 45 1140 91 2964 128 3800 302 9120

25 21 300 58 1875 131 4875 210 6250

30 25 360 69 2250 158 5850 252 7500

35 30 420 81 2625 184 6825 294 8750

40 34 480 92 3000 210 7800 336 10000

40 min 1-1/2 max 50 2 80 3 100 4 150 6 200 8 250 10 300 12 min max min max min max min max min max min max min max

481 578 674 770 15000 18000 21000 24000

407 493 811 974 1136 1298 11647 14440 23750 28500 33250 38000

577 685 793 899 1007 1112 1324 1642 2700 3240 3780 4320 12015 14265 16515 18720 20970 23175 27585 34200 56250 67500 78750 90000

597 781 966 1147 1327 1505 1685 1863 2217 2749 4521 5425 6330 7234 13200 17280 21360 25360 29360 33280 37280 41200 49040 60800 100000 120000 140000 160000

813 931 1126 1288 1517 1801 2086 2363 2647 2926 3482 4318 7101 8622 9942 11362 12040 15806 23100 30240 37380 44380 51380 58240 65240 72100 85820 106400 175000 210000 245000 280000

1178 1422 1630 1970 2254 2506 2731 2951 3345 3747 4141 4929 6111 100051 12062 14072 16082 11800 17200 22580 33000 43200 53400 63400 73400 83200 93200 103000 122600 152000 250000 300000 350000 400000 0.59 0.86 1.13 1.65 2.16 2.67 3.17 3.67 4.16 4.66 5.15 6.13 7.60 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00


[kg/m3] Temp. Tsat [C] 81.3 99.6 111.4 120.0 133.0 144.0 152.0 159.0 165.0 170.0 175.0 180.0 188.0 198.0 224.0 234.0 242.0 250.0

Table 3: Saturated Steam Flow Ranges, DIN-Design

VORTEX-VT Specifications
Explosions Proof Design:
II 2G EEx ib IIC T4 Safety data for the range from -55 C to +60 C Ui = 28 V Ii = 110 mA Pi = 770 mW Linear curve The effective internal capacitance and inductance is negligible.

Meter Housing Stn. stl. No. 1.4571[316Ti], option: Hastelloy-C Flanges Stn. stl. No. 1.4571[316Ti], option: Hastelloy-C Shedder Body Stn. stl. No. 1.4571[316Ti], option: Hastelloy-C
Fig.8 VORTEX-VT, 10VT1000 Flange Design

Sensor Stn. stl. No. 1.4571[316Ti], option: Hastelloy-C Sensor Seals Kalrez O-Ring: 0 C to 280 C Viton O-Ring: -55 C to 230 C PTFE O-Ring: -200 C to 200 C HT-Special: -55 C to 320 C Other designs upon request. Housing, Electronic Assembly Cast light metal, painted

Accuracy and Reproducibility

Accuracy (incl. converter), linear Flow Range (Re > 20.000/40.000 (> DN150/6)): Gases/Steam: Liquids: Reproducibility 0.2 % of rate 1 % of rate 0.75 % of rate

See Dimensions

Gases: 15 % over max. flowrate Liquids: 15 %; Note: cavitation may not be present

Fluid Temperature:
-40 C to +320 C (Standard) -40 C to +280 C (Ex-Design) Note allowable temperature range for seals

Operating Pressure:
Flange design: Wafer design: DIN PN 10 to 40, option to PN 160 ANSI Class 150/300, option to Cl 900 DIN PN 10 to 40, option to PN 160, ANSI Class 150/300, option to Cl 900

Ambient Conditions:
Climate resistance (per DIN 40040): GSG Relative humidity: max. 85 %, yearly average 65 % Ambient-/Fluid Temperature:

Additional designs upon request. Ambient temperature [C]

Process Connections Flanges per DIN or ANSI, Wafer Design Electrical Connections Screw terminals, cable connector PG 13.5

Allowable temperature range VORTEX-VR

Allowable temperature range VORTEX-VT

Protection Class:
IP 65

Medium temperature [C]

Fig.9 Ambient/Fluid Temperature Relationship

Note: The display is readable down to approx. 0 C.

VORTEX-VT Specifications Converter

Output Signals
Current Output 4 - 20 mA, load 750 Pulse Output Scaled, in combination with Transmitter Power Supply 55TS1000/55TS2000 active 24 V or passive optocoupler

High contrast LC-Display, 2 x 16 characters. For display of the Instantaneous flowrate and integrated flow totals. Both lines of the display can be user configured. Examples:


VORTEX-VT, Electronic Assembly

Flow Range
The flow range end value can be set anywhere between QV max and 0.15 x QV max

1st Line : 2nd Line:

Volume flowrate Totalized volume flow

Parameter Settings
The data can be entered using the 3 buttons in a clear text dialog with the display or over the HART-Protocol (see also Communication, HART-Protocol.

Data Security
The totalizer values and meter location parameter settings are stored in the NV-RAM and EEPROM for a period of 10 years without power when the supply voltage is turned off.

1st Line: 2nd Line:

Volume flowrate, Bargraph display Totalized volume flow

Function Tests
The individual subassemblies can be tested using the internal software function tests. The current output can be set to manually selected flowrate values for start-up and checking purposes (manual process control).

Can be set between 1 to 100 s .

1st Line: 2nd Line:

Mass flowrate Totalized mass flow

Qvmin (Low Flow Cutoff)

Can be set between 0 to 10 % of QV max (max. volume flowrate for the meter size).

Error Messages in the Display

Automatic system monitoring with error diagnostics in clear text on the display with appropriate error message.

Supply Power
14 to 46 V DC Ripple: max. 5 % or 1.5 Vpp

Flow rate

Power Consumption

Protection Class
IP 65

VORTEX-VT Specifications Converter - Electrical Connections and Communication

Electrical Connections
The converter of the VORTEX-VT is a 2-Wire design, i.e. the supply voltage and the output signal (4 - 20 mA) are transmitted over the same leads. a) Supply Voltage from Central Power Supply Source With SMART-capable Zener barriers or Power Supplies, e.g. Hartmann & Braun TZN 128, HART-Communication is possible. d) Electrical Connections VORTEX-VR The VORTEX-VR flowmeter primary and converter are installed separate from each other and interconnected by a 10 m long signal cable. The converter is connected as shown in a), b) or c).


Transmitter power supply unit

Signal cable max. 10 m *)

Ground b) Supply Voltage from Power Supply

*) Part no.: D173D016U07 Part no. Ex: D173D016U09

Power supply, DC or AC

10VR1000 primary



Interconnection Diagram Flowmeter Primary/Converter

Power supply unit

UM = Supply voltage, VORTEX-VT/VR = 14 V DC US = Power supply voltage = 14 - 46 V DC


c) Electrical Connections Ex-Design The Ex-Version of the VORTEX-VT is an intrinsic safe ib design. The protection of the supply/signal leads can be accomplished using supply isolators or Zener barriers. The limit values noted in the figure for the intrinsically safe circuit may not be exceeded. The conditions detailed in the Ex-Certificate are to be observed. Ex-Zone
intrinsically safe circuit:
Umax IN = 28 V Imax IN = 110 mA Pmax IN = 0,77 W Li = Ci = 0

Allowable load

Non Ex-Zone
Power supply, DC or AC


Load Diagram

Power supply unit


VORTEX-VT Specifications Converter - Electrical Connections and Communication

Pulse Transmission
It is possible, with the intelligent VORTEX-VT, to transmit pulses together with the 4 - 20 mA current output in 2-Wire technology. The converter superimposes the scaled pulse signal on the current output in accordance with the Bell 202 Standard. This signal is demodulated in the Bailey-Fischer & Porter Transmitter Power Supply 55TS1000/55TS2000 and converted to a galvanically isolated pulse output signal. Any other instruments connected to the current output are not affected.
Power supply: 115/230 V, AC 24/48 V, AC 24 V, DC

Communication, HART-Protocol
The HART-Protocol provides for digital communication between a process control system/PC, handheld terminal and the VORTEX-VT. The parameter settings for all instruments can be transmitted from the converter to the process control system/PC. In the reverse direction it is possible to reconfigure the converter The digital communication is accomplished by superimposing an AC signal on the current output (4-20 mA) which does not affect any other instruments connected to the current output. Transmission Mode FSK-Modulation on the current output 4-20 mA per Bell 202 Standard. Max. signal amplitude 1.2 mASS. Logic 1: 1200 Hz Logic 0: 2200 Hz The SMART VISION WINDOWS-Software can be utilized for the HART-Communication. Detailed information will sent upon request. Load Current Output Min.>250 , max. 750 Max. cable length 1500 m AWG 24 twisted and shielded Baudrate 1200 Baud Current Output at Alarm High = 22.4 mA Low = 3.85 mA For operation with HART-Protocol (Option) see the separate Instruction Manual VORTEX 4-HART-Communication (D184B008U13)

Pulse output active

Pulse output opto

Power supply unit 55TS1000/55TS2000 Ground

Converter Transmitter Power Supply 55TS1000/55TS2000

Integrated Pulse Output for intelligent 2-Wire Field Instruments The specifications are contained in the Specification Sheet D184B045U01.

4 -20 m A R b m in = 2 50 O h m

H A RT R S2 32 C




VORTEX-VT Installation
Centering of the Wafer Design Flowmeters
The following conditions should be observed when installing the flowmeter primary in the pipeline. The centering of Wafer Design is accomplished by utilizing the outside diameter of the body of the flowmeter primary and the mounting bolts. Centering sleeves, centering rings (up to DN 80/3) or segments are included as accessories with the shipment whose dimensions are a function of the pressure rating of the flowmeter primary.

In- and Outlet Sections

In order to assure total functionality, the flow profile should be undisturbed at the inlet of the flowmeter. An inlet straight section with a length 15 times the nominal diameter of the flowmeter primary should be provided. When space bends or control valves are installed upstream of the flowmeter the inlet straight section length should be at least 25 times the nominal diameter of the flowmeter primary. The length of the outlet straight section should be at least 5 times the nominal diameter of the flowmeter primary (Fig. 14).

Centering Ring


Centering segment

Fig.14 Fig.16 Centering the Wafer Design Flowmeters Using Rings or Segments

Control valves should be installed downstream from the flowmeter (Fig. 15).

Additional Installation Information

For liquids the flowmeter primary must be completely full at all times. In horizontal installations with fluid temperatures > 150 C installations as shown in Fig. 17 are recommended. When gas bubbles may be present a gas separator should be provided. In installations in long pipelines, which have a tendency to vibrate, dampeners are to be installed up- and downstream of the flowmeter primary.


Control Valve Installation


Installations for High Fluid Temperatures


VORTEX-VT Dimensions, 10VT1000/10VR1000, DIN

Cable connector Pg 13,5 Design with remote converter - VR


Number of holes N Flow direction

Cable connector Pg 13,5

Clearence required to remove preamplifier and sensor assembly

Wafer Design

Meter Size Pressure Rating DN 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 PN 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-16 25-40 10-16 25-40 10-16 25-40 10-16 25-40 10-16 25-40 PN 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40 10-40

L Flange 200 200 200 200 200 250 300 350 450 500


Weight [kg]

196 195 190 195 215 225 250 280 303 329

95 115 150 165 200 220 235 285 300 340 360/375 395/405 425/450 445/460 485/515

231 230 225 230 250 260 285 315 338 364

65 85 110 15 160 180 190 240 250 295 310/320 350/355 370/385 400/410 430/450

14 14 18 18 18 18 22 22 26 22 32/36 23/27 30/33 23/27 30/33

17.3 28.5 43.1 54.5 82.5 107.1 159.3 206.5 260.4 309.2

16 20 20 22 26 22 16 24 30 26 32/36 26 32/38 26/28 34/42

100 100 100 100 100 125 150 175 225 250

4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8/12 12 12 12 16 5.1 6.6 8.7 13.1 14 25.4 45.3 67.4 77.2

DN 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 Fig.18

Wafer Design 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 199 198 191 198 212 221 253 55 73 94 105 144 164 220 232 231 224 231 245 254 286 17.3 28.5 43.1 54.5 82.5 107.1 159.3 4.2 4.1 4.8 5.6 7.6 8.5 13

Dimensions 10VT1000/10VR10000, DIN


VORTEX-VT Dimensions, 10VT1000/10VR1000, ANSI

Cable connector Pg 13,5 Design with remote converter - VR

Flow direction

Number of holes N

Cable connector Pg 13,5

Clearence required to remove preamplifier and sensor assembly

Wafer Design

Meter Size Pressure Rating ANSI 1 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 ANSI 1/2 1 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 Fig.19 Class 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 Class 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300 150/300

L Flange 200 200 200 200 250 300 350 450 500


Weight [kg] 5.7 8.5 10.1 17.6 20.1 32.8

195 190 195 215 225 250 280 303 329

108/124 127/155.6 152.4/165 190.5/209.5 228.6/254 279.4/317.5 343/381 496.4/444.5 482.6/520.7

230 225 230 250 260 285 315 338 364

97.4/88.9 98.4/144.3 120.6/127 152.4/168.3 190.5/200 241.3/269.9 289.4/330.2 362/387.3

15.9/19 15.9/22.2 19 19/22.2 19/22.2 22.2 22.2 25.4/28.4

24.3 38.1 49.2 73.7 97.2 146.4 194 255 305

16/19 19.5/22.6 21/24 25/30 26/34 27/38 30/40 30.2/47.7 31.8/50.8

100 100 100 100 125 150 175 225 250

4/4 4/4 4/8 4/8 8/8 8/12 8/12 12 12/16

431.8/450.8 25.4/31.7

Wafer Design 112.5 112.5 113 112.5 111 116 137 197 196.5 189 189 211 225 251 52 70 89.5 106.5 138.5 176.5 222.2 232 231.5 224 224 246 260 286 13.9 24.3 38.1 49.2 73.7 97.2 146.4 58.3 80.5 81 80.5 55.5 58 56 5.1 6.1 8.4 11.2 17.2 25.7

Dimensions 10VT1000/10VR1000, ANSI


VORTEX-VT Dimensions Converter VORTEX-VR in Field Mount Housing


Field Mount Housing, VORTEX-VR


VORTEX-VT Ordering Information

Ordering Number Meter Design Compact Remote mounted converter(10 m cable) Series Standard Double sensor Process Connections Flange Wafer Design, DIN Wafer Design, ANSI Fluid Liquid Gas Natural gas Steam Superheated steam Oxygen Others Materials Housing Shedder Body SS 1.4571/316TI SS 1.4571/316TI SS 1.4571/316TI Hastelloy C Hastelloy C Hastelloy C SS 1.4571/316TI Hastelloy C Others Design Level Meter Sizes DN 15 1/2 DN 25 1 DN 40 1-1/2 DN 50 2 DN 80 3 DN 100 4 DN 150 6 DN 200 8 DN 250 10 DN 300 12 Pressure Rating DIN PN 10 DIN PN 16 DIN PN 25 DIN PN 40 DIN PN 64 DIN PN 100 ANSI CL150 ANSI CL300 Others Sensor Design Standard with groove Expanded temperature range (320 C) Others Sensor SealTemperature Range Kalrez O-Ring 0 C to 280 C -55 C to 230 C Viton O-Ring PTFE O-Ring -200 C to 200 C HT-Special -55 C to 320 C Others Certifications Standard, none EEx ib IIC T4 Certificate DIN 50049-3.1B EEx + 3.1B Calibration Standard Instrument Tag German English Software Level Operating Mode Continuous Accessories None HART-Protocol Supply Power 14 - 46 VDC 10V T R 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Sensor SS 1.4571/316TI SS 1.4571/316TI Hastelloy C Hastelloy C

1 2 3 4 9 * A B C D E F G H J K B C D E F G K L Z 2 5 9 3 4 5 6 9 A B C D 3 1 2 * A 0 1 A



Customer: Mr./Mrs./Ms.: Telephone: Date: Dept.: Telefax:

Fluid: Condition: Flowrate: (Min, Max, Operating) Density: (Min, Max, Operating) Viscosity: (Min, Max, Operating) (Please specify for liquids) Fluid Temperature: (Min, Max, Operating) Ambient Temperature: Pressure (Min, Max, Operating) Ex-Protection: Effective Pipeline Inside Diameter

Steam m /h kg/m3 mPas



Liquid Normal conditions Operating conditions Normal conditions Operating conditions

C bar Yes mm inches No

Bailey-Fischer & Porter reserves the right to make changes which represent technical improvements without prior notice.

z z

The product program includes: Variable Area Flowmeters z Electromagnetic Flowmeters Vortex-/Swirl Flowmeters z Mass Flowmeters z Transmitters for Pressure and Differential Pressure Gas-/Liquid Filling Systems z Ultrasonic Metering Systems for Concentration Measurements
Bailey-Fischer & Porter GmbH 37070 Gttingen, Germany Tel. 0551/905-0 Fax 90 57 77

Certified per DIN EN ISO 9001

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