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1l Tony’s Cheese Pizza

l ChickenladTaco
l Tuna Sa ButtEner &
l Pean ndwich
Jelly Sa toes
l MashedCPooitans
n Note: l Carrotn Fresh
N u t r i t i o H PROTEIN s to build
l Garde
IT ein, which help l Cinnamon A
GO LEANanW d nuts provide protrvings every day. Choose Slices
s, eggs an 3 se
Meat, fish, be teeth and muscles. Eat 2- y beans and peas. l Blueberry D
elight Heatlhy
strong bones,ultry without skin, fish, dr Time!
lean meat, po 8l Tony's Cheese Pizza
7l BBQ Chicken l Nachosoo Supreme Choose your
6l Spaghetti Casserole eenies
l Beanie WTa l Tuna N ledl
e lunch food wisely
5l Tony's Cheese Pizza Patty Sandwich
l Chickenlad l ChickenButtcoer & Jelly Cassero tter & on our color-
4l Beefy Macaroni l Soft BeefNTaco f Sa Entree
l Che Butter & Jelly l Peanut ich
Sandw tatoes
l Peanut ndBu
Jelly Sa wtaich
coded menu.
l Healthy all the
hicken uggetsJelly l Peanut ich l MashedGPo
C as se ro le
l C
Butter & Sandw ies l Sweet tPo ns re en Beans time
l PopcornJoC l Peanut ich l Carro nCFroiesh Salad l Tendern Fresh Salad l Most of the time
on a Bun Sandw /Cheese l Potato Fr en Beans l Garde Sour Sauce
l Sloppy Buetter & Jelly l NachotsCwoins l TendernGFrreesh Salad l Garde d Fresh Fruit l Some of the time
l Peanut ich G ar de l Assorte uce l Apple
Sandw Starz l Carro Peaches l pple Slices l Applesa l Raisins kie
l Diced d Fresh Fruit l Cinnamon A l Raisins y Shortcake l Sugar Coo
l Potato Green Beans Assorte l Raisins Gelatin Here’s How
l Tenderrry Applesauce l l Fruited l Strawberr
l Bluebe l Raisinslate Chip
1l 5Teryiaki Chicken the Lunch
l Choco
l Raisinsy Delight Cake
l Cherr Coo kie 1l 4Sliced Roasted Turkey ce
Over FluffydleRiCasserole
Menu Works...
Entree - Students
1l 3Chicken Cacciatore w /Tur ke y G ra vy Tu na N oo must select one (1)
12 C hi ck en /S pa gh etti l Italian M ea tb all

l Peanut ndwich Bu tt er &
11 Bl ue be rr y M uffin l Ro
C he es e Pizza l Beef Burrito
& Jelly l Cheesebd Bun
Enric he
ur ge Jelly
to Fr ie s Side Dishes -
l Chili & Nuggets
C he es y Chicken Bake l Pe anut Butter an ut Bu tt er & Jelly l Po C ar ro t C oi ns Students may select
l Chi Joe Sandwich l hips Sandwich cken Salad l Pe l Fresh Salad
Sl op py w /Nacho Cer & Jelly hi Sa nd w ich l G ar de n up to three (3) side
l er & Jelly l Peanut ich Butt l Fiesta C t Potatoe lesauce h Fruit items.
l Peanut icBuh tt Sandw tatoes he
l Mas t Coins d Po ta to es l Sw ee
l A pp
ssorted Fres Milk - Students
Sandw ies Po ar ro C as Be an s l A
l Potatot C Fr l Mashed y Gravy lC
A ss or te d Fr esh Fruit s l Tender Greesenh Salad l Raisins Gelatin may select up to
ns ur ke l Fruited
l Carro n Froiesh Salad w/T
nd er G re en Beans l
l C in na m on Apple Slice l Gardend Fr Pe ac he s one (1) choice of
l Garded Peaches l Te n Fresh Salad den Fresh Sa lad l Chille milk.
G ar de uc e l G ar isi ns
l Chille berry Applesa l Ra
l Raisins risp t
isi ns l St ra w l be rr y D eligh
l Ra Cobbler l Cherry C l Blue All trays must have
l Blueberry l Raisins kie 22
l Sugar Coo e Pizza a minumum (entree
21 on i & Cheese l To ny ’s
he es
eenies & 2 other items)
20 tt i C as se ro le l M
ar l
he f Sa lad Entree totaling three (3)
BBQ Chicken
l Spaghes Supreme
l Nac d Turkey & Cheese l BBQ Pulled Po l C hili Cheese Frrk ies
l Pe anut Buttich er & items. Maximum
l Beefy M acaron i l he
l Tony's CJoe on a Bun
es e Pi zz a l To as te
w ich Sandwich tter & Jelly l Tender G
Jelly Sandre w
en Be an s (entree & 4 other
items) totaling five
Sa nd lly Bu t C oi ns
CasseronleChicken l Sloppy Butter & Jelly l Peanut Butter & Je l Peanut ich l Carro n Fresh Salad (5) items.
l Popcor ef Taco l Pe an ut Sand w lG ar de
Be Sa nd w ich Sa ndwich C as se ro le as he d Po ta to es C hi lle d Pe ac hes
l Soft Butter & Jelly i Rice l Sweet Po tato l M t Coins l Note:
l Peanut ich l Confett en Beans l Carro n Fresh Salad l Raisins rry
Sandw tatoes
l CarrotnCFroiesh Salad l TendernGFrreesh Salad l G ar de l St ra w be 1/2% chocolate
arde l Garde on Apple Slices Homestyle tcake
l Sweet Po en Be an s l G
d Fr es h Fr uit lC in na m l H ot
e Sh or milk, 1% low-fat
l TendernGFrreesh Salad l Assorte d Peaches Raisins kie ApplesaucFr esh Fruit milk, and
ar de l C hi lle l oo A ss or te d
lG Applesauce l Raisins l Sugar C l condiments are
l Very Berry obbler l Raisins elatin
l Raisins st Cake l Blueberry C l Fruited G offered daily
l Black Fore 29 with meals.
28l Sliced Royas
te d Tu rkey l BBQ Chickes
l Tony’s Clad he
e Pizz a
27 en Cacciatore w/Turke liGPiraevy
l Tuna SaButter & Jelly If you have questions
26 M ea tballs l C hi ck
gh et ti l Fr ito C hi
y Sa nd w ich l Pe an ut or concerns, please
25 ol
l Sp
ese Pizza l
/S pa
ft Beef Tacotree Pe an
en Pa
l Chi Butter & Jelly
tt Sa
d Potatoes ans contact us by calling our
Chef SaladttEn
No Scho l rrito l l Green Belad Customer Care Line at
l Beef BuBu Jelly l er & Je lly Sa nd w ich ro le l Te nd er
l Peanut ichtt
er & l Peanut ich Bu
l Sw ee t Potato Casse l G ar den Fresh Sa
pp lesa uce
(904) 732-5174
Sandw ies Sandw ce C ar rot Coins Salad l Blueberry A
a Fe
l Sant Green BeansRi l es h
l Potatot Fr ns l Garden Fr Applesauce l Raisins
l Carro nCFroiesh Salad l Tendern Fresh Salad l Strawberry l Strawbeakrrey
de G ar de Shortc
l Gar on Apple Slices l aches t l Raisinsy Crisp
l Cinnam l Chilled Pe d Fr es h Frui l C herr
ss or te
l Raisins e Chip Cookie l A
l Chocolat l Raisins Gelatin
l Fruited tice.
ge without no
en us ar e su bject to chan
l, tr y o u r daily snack
-on to yougs r regular m Ice Cream
As an addte , Sandwich, $ .75
A La Car
Off er in
$ .50 Low Fat Cup Ec lair
Choco la te .00
Fresh Fruit $ .75 ry ba by , N ut ty Buddy $1
Yogu rt $ .7 5 C
Goldfish Craer $ .50
Drinks $ .50
Pret ze l Po pp $1 .00
K ri sp ie Tr ea t
60 M ilk $1 .00
te d B ak ed Chips $. G at or ade, Dole ana,
Assor $. 50 op ic
Belly Bears ia $1.00 Fruit Juice, Trer
nc hm an .3 5 B ot tled Wat
Cru $
Small CookiRoll $1.25
Cin na m on
Lunch Prices
Paid $1.50 • Reduced $ .40
For online meal payments, go to ww

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