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Regulation on planning and reporting of the Clubs and Regional branches of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO.

Section 1. The principles of long-term planning of the UNESCO Clubs activity 1.1. The long-term planning is a policy paper of UNESCO Clubs that determines set of strategic priorities, principal directions of the activity and purposes stipulated by the Charter of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO (hereinafter - KazFUCA) which is focused on it and on the expected outcomes. The long-term plan is a tool for development of the specific measures that is within frame of two years documentation on program and budget of KazFUCA. The drawing and implementation of the plan includes ongoing process on consultancies and discussions with UNESCO Clubs and its partners on that role which KazFUCA able and shall play in the planning period in order to resolve the statutory goals and in the course of its mandate and functions (see Annex No. 1). 1.2. The long-term plan covers sixteen months period (from September to December of the following calendar year) and reflects all events conducting by the basic organization for UNSECO Club in the course of its main activities. It is devoted to the annual work plans for educational activity. The UNESCO schoolClub makes it at the end of academic year in the form of special (final) section of its annual work plan is approved by the territorial department of education. This section may include the major educational events that are proposed to be held with the aid of and under the sponsorship UNESCO (in this case, the events shall be duplicated in the final section), the same to the specific forms of activities. 1.3. The resources of long-term plan for KazFUCA consists of fiscal provisions of KazFUCA, that is approved by the Executive Board and also fees paid by the Members of KazFUCA and assets for extra budgetary projects. This document relating to the planning does not provide detailed budget information, as the issue on general directions of formation and expenditure of funds should be decided by the Executive Board of KazFUCA. Section 2 Drafting of long-term plan 2.1. The approximate form of the work plan for KazFUCA in general and the structure of the main sections is given in Annex 2. The Executive Board of KazFUCA defines a number of basic priorities to be taken into account in the preparation and drafting of the relevant components of the plan of the single UNESCO Club. The UNESCO Club defines the section by itself and determines events and the form of their activity. The Club can carry out the work on the selected one or more of the main areas of activity and relevant sections of the plan. The following sections are required for every UNESCO Club: Organizational work and development of club activities Celebration of anniversaries, international days, years and decades Developing relationships with other Clubs, associations and centers of UNESCO. 2.2. The draft of the plan shall be send to the UNESCO Club on June and the Executive Board of KazFUCA that is in accordance with its function identifies the key priority areas for the development of international cooperation in the field of cultural development, determines the budget measures and possible sources of funding. Upon discussions on July and August the Executive Board approves the plan or reports its recommendations to the individual Clubs and UNESCO. The revised draft of the work plan is directed by the Club at the beginning of September for approval by the Executive Board of KazFUCA. 2.3. Usually in September at its meetings, the Executive Board of KazFUCA considers a draft strategic plan for KazFUCA in its final form, both in terms of the main activities and budget. This procedure will ensure the timely exchange of views between the governing bodies of UNESCO Clubs and KazFUCA on training activities and budget planning. The time schedule for the development and harmonization of the long-term plan is given in the Annex No. 3. 2.4. Usually in December/January the Executive Board of KazFUCA at its meetings, examines the implementation of the work plan and every KazFUCA UNESCO Clubs review and assesses the achievements, monitors the results, as well as proposals for adjustment of plans and individual activities.

In this case, attention is drawn to the Executive Board on expected results and the identified needs that could be the basis for the submission of amendments to the long-term plan of KazFUCA. Section 3 Reporting principles of UNESCO Clubs 3.1. The reporting on activities of UNESCO Clubs is the main source of information on the work of UNESCO Clubs for KazFUCA, the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO and the World Federation of Clubs, Centers and Associations of UNESCO. The reporting format is established by the Executive Board and communicated to KazFUCA UNESCO Clubs. 3.2. The activities of UNESCO Clubs provide the following reporting forms: Annual Plan on UNESCO Club activities (shall be submitted to the Executive Board of KazFUCA by 20 of December of the financial year) (see Annex No. 4); The reports on key regional/international events held by the Clubs, Regional branches and by Executive Board of KazFUCA (hall be submitted to the Executive Board of KazFUCA annually after completion of the event) (see Annex No. 5); The routine reporting on Membership (shall be submitted to the Executive Board of KazFUCA as of 20 May, 20 September and 20 December of the financial year) (see Annex No. 6). 3.4 Regulation on partnership and presentation of Honorable Partner Certificates of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs Section 1 General principles of the UNESCO Clubs partnerships 1.1. The purpose of this regulation is to empower the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs to receive additional resources from extra-budgetary sources by improving the various initiatives that are undertaken on behalf of UNESCO as well as building on existing internal resources. 1.2. The funds for private sources are being sought with the aim to implement the programs and projects of the National Federation in accordance with the objectives and policies of KazFUCA. The voluntary contributions, donations, grants and property may be taken directly from the agencies, organizations and individuals on the terms set out in the Charter of KazFUCA and acceding to current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1.3. The priorities shall be given to such partners and aggressive activities: that meet the main objectives and priorities of UNESCO that are prepared and/or implemented and/or supported by UNESCO and which are accepted by the Member States that are their beneficiaries; For those that contributes additional extra-budgetary funding and improve the public perception of UNESCO; For those that reinforce the credibility of UNESCO and credibility on the part of civil society. Section 2 Selection of partners for UNESCO 2.1. The partnership relations that deal with financial borrowing can be established with private individauls and legal entities that ensured by their abilities to help to KazFUCA. The potential partners will be invited to provide, inter alia, the following information: Legal status, certificate of registration, bank details; Summaryof the activity; Accurate plan of work in affiliate support, including a description of the mechanisms, procedures and methods to be used for preparing the financial contributions. 2.2. KazFUCA will not consider private individuals or legal entities in order to establish any kind of partnership proposals that will be submitted by, if: They are engaged in activities inconsistent with the ideals and principles of the United Nations (for example, the proven facts of human rights violations, discrimination, child labor, production or sale of weapons, illegal production of narcotics and drugs and other harmful substances to human health, an activity or organization production that has proven to be harmful to the environment); They are against legal claims or in accordance with the law of any other legal action taken or if they act in respect of the conviction for unlawful acts (previously convicted);

They did not fulfill their obligations under earlier agreements with KazFUCA or UNESCO.

Section 3 Conclusion of Partnership relation agreements with private donors 3.1. In cases where the UNESCO Club considers partnership proposal acceptable, it comes up with proposal on that matter to the Executive Board of KazFUCA. 3.2. Any partnership relation agreements with the aim to raise funds to be entered into with private sources of funding will be subject to the signing of an official written agreement concluded between UNESCO Club and a Partner. Such agreements shall include a complete list of proposed activity for implementation, like: purpose, duration, territory, partner commitments, obligations UNESCO Club, financial arrangements and terms of payment. The draft agreement shall be submitted for signature by the partner only after the approval of its content, financial and legal sections by Executive Board of KazFUCA. The Executive Board may ask for a help to the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO and the National Commission for UNESCO of the Member State. Section 4 Honorable Partner Certificates of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs 4.1. In order to encourage voluntarily of the partners on achieving of target goals and long-term plans of KazFUCA and also within the acknowledgement of contribution of the partners in implementation of programs and projects of UNESCO Clubs that proven itself as a private individual and legal entity may be granted with Honorable Partner Certificates of UNESCO 4.2. The Honorable Partner Certificate of UNESCO is issued on behalf of Kazakhstan National Federation and granted by the President of KazFUCA, - KazFUCA or authorized member of the Executive Board and Head of UNESCO Club. Form of the certificate is approved by the Executive Board of KazFUCA and unified. The Certificate is assigned by the President of KazFUCA. 4.3. The UNESCO Club is a part of Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs shall request from the Executive Board a granting of Honorable Partner Certificate by declaration of intents; information on cooperation of UNESCO Club with the Partner, concluded agreements and achieved results; and also brief information on proposed ceremony. The granting of Honorable Partner Certificate shall motivate improving of program authority of UNESCO in the regions and its image both as a specific UNESCO Club so as National Federation in general. 4.4. The Executive Board of KazFUCA is entitled to set the terms of validity and/or periodically review the Honorable Partner Certificates. The National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on UNESCO and ISESCO affairs has a right to withdraw Certificates issued by the Executive Board of KazFUCA.

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