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Description of the learner: A mother with first time experience of having a child. She can understand Tagalog, English and Ilocano. She is a college graduate. There are no hearing disabilities that can hinder her from learning. Learning Need: Information about breastfeeding Educational Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit: Information on breastfeeding
Learning Objectives After 15 minutes of discussion the mother will be able to: 1. Discuss on own how long should she breastfeed. The American Academy of Pediatrics currently (2005) recommends: "Pediatricians and parents should be aware that exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months of life. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child." Target Domain: Cognitive Nipple rolling, Breast massage to move milk forward in the milk ducts. Manual expression consists of supporting the breast firmly, then placing the thumb and forefinger on the opposite side of the breast, just behind the areolar margin, first pushing backward toward the chest wall and then downward until secretions begins to flow. Place baby on one shoulder and gently pat the back or Hold baby in sitting position on the lap, then lean the baby forward against one hand, with the index finger and thumb supporting the head or Laying the baby prone across the lap One-on-one discussion with handout 2 minutes: Pamphlet Instant oral feedback: The mother will discuss on own how long should she breastfeed. Learning content Teaching strategy Time allotment and Resources Needed Method of Evaluation

Target Domain: Cognitive


Enumerate 2 out of 3 techniques of breastfeeding

2 minutes: Pamphlet One-on-one discussion with handout

Instant oral feedback: The mother will enumerate 2 out of 3 techniques of breastfeeding


List the 3 techniques of burping

3 minutes: Pamphlet One-on-one discussion with handout

Instant oral feedback: The mother will list 3 techniques of burping

Target Domain: Cognitive


Enumerate signs 4 out of 5 sings of hunger

Target Domain: Cognitive List 8 out of 12 advantages of breastfeeding to baby Target Domain: Cognitive 5.

sucking sounds and/or lip movements, rapid eye movement during the light sleep cycle and changes in facial expression. tense body posture crying Best for babies Reduce incidence of allergy Economical Antibodies Stool inoffensive Temperature is always right Fresh Easily established Emotional bonding Digestible Immediately available Nutritionally balanced Gastroenteritis is reduced May serve as protective function in preventing breast cancer Aids in uterine involution Reduces cost of feeding and preparation time Provide an excellent opportunity to enhance a true symbiotic bond between mother and child

2 minutes: Pamphlet One-on-one discussion with handout 2 minutes: Pamphlet

Instant oral feedback: The mother will enumerate signs of hunger

Instant oral feedback: The mother will list advantages of breastfeeding to the baby

One-on-one discussion with handout

List 8 out of 12 advantages of breastfeeding to mother Target Domain: Cognitive


2 minutes: Pamphlet

Instant oral feedback: The mother will list advantages of breastfeeding to mother

One-on-one discussion with handout 2 minutes: Pamphlet Instant oral feedback: The mother will enumerate positions in breastfeeding


Enumerate 4 out of 6 of positions in breastfeeding

1. Cradle hold rest feet on the stool 2. Cross cradle one hand is on the neck of the baby and the other one is on the breast, 1 inch from the nipple 3. Inclined mother fully reclined on her back. Baby is on top of her 4. Football or clutch ball - baby is clipped 5. Side lying arm is elevated with pillow 6. Saddle hold nipple same level with babys mouth

One-on-one discussion with handout

Saint Louis University School of Nursing

Teaching Plan

Prepared by: Guiniling, Cleo Cindy B. BSN-IV A Group 3

June, 2013

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