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Final Major Project Unit 4

Planning and Production


Production Title:


Submission of Production:

Monday 24th June 2013

Length of production:


Crew names: Jake Kemp Callum Carmichael James McNaughton

Actors name: Ollie Barber

Production roles for crew Name Jake Kemp Role Director Producer Co - Editor Camera man Editor Sound technician

Callum Carmichael James McNaughton

Deadlines Crew responsibility Filming completed Editing completed Deadline for completion Friday 21st June Monday 24th June

Agreed content

A 30 minute mockumentary, with background shooting and following the tribe but with interviews as well.

Final Proposal / detailed outline of production

Lost Boys is a multi-genre production that is about a group of boys living their lives to the fullest on this island. The boys have been on this island for a couple of years and havent seen civilization since so they believe its a test of survival. Now this production is a mockumentary so what you see isnt exact reality but this is where the comedy side of the production comes in making the characters look silly but also making them do things that we wouldnt see eye to eye to. We have 6 boys on the island all in the age range of 19-21 and when they first met no one knew anyone so the hierarchy of the camp and authority is a bit unfair so conflict is common on the island. Throughout the production I will document their day-to-day lives and watching over their individual roles on the island and within the camp. This varies from cooking, hunting, building but also their personal hobbies and the sense of giving up and heading to Tesco by boat.

Team meetings, meetings with actors and crew Date 13/6/2013 Location 28 Berkshire Road Attendees Ollie Ollie James Callum 15/6/2013 28 Berkshire Road outcome Shooting on Wednesday 19th a

Shooting on Wednesday and then editing Friday 21st Sunday 23rd

Equipment required Equipment Camera Tripod Camera light attachment Editing suite Date needed 19th-21st June 19th-21st June 19th-21st June 21st-23rd June

Locations used Locations The Island Date 14th,15th,19th and 21st To film My whole production

Contingency / back up plans

My back up plan is a man made den in the woods above the mobile home camp Swiss Farm. I would base the project on the exact same things but edit out the features of the island.

Risk assessment Getting to and from the island: capsize the boat, drowning, deep water, strong currant. Solution: Lifejackets and 4 people max when on paddle boat. On the island: slips and trips, tools in the camp leading to injury, loose branches falling down, camp fire catching onto something and setting fire, burning yourself while cooking, falling off the rope swing. Solution: watch were were walking, restrict tools to certain people, keep camp fire away from the den and more in the open, cook responsibly and dont jump out of the tree really high up.

Production management (Detail how you managed each stage) Managing the pre-production roles Storyboard and Script Cast and Crew All of the rest Jake Kemp

Managing the production phase Managing the production phase was easier than I thought. My actor was on time to the set and the weather couldnt have been any better. I gathered my props and equipment easily and shooting went smoothly.

Post production phase

The editing stage was more important than my filming, as the editing was what was going to bring my production to life. The editing at the start went horrifically bad, after the first day of editing my hard drive and computer crashed and I was on the verge of loosing all my work. But after a stressful weekend I managed to recover my work and I carried on editing. When it came to the visual side of the editing everything looks good and the lighting and sound was good.

Detail how you solved problems

I only had a few problems to solve over the week of filming and editing. The main problem was with my laptop and hard drive. When we got to the set to film it turned out the part of the den I wanted to use had collapsed, so I had to clear some space to be able to film. Other than that no other problems had to be solved everything ran smoothly and to plan.

Prioritising (How and what did you prioritise during your producing)

So when filming I wanted to use all the sunlight I could. So I filmed my production in frame order instead of filming everything in one area and then everything in another area. I also prioritised this production over other college coursework, as I had to get it filmed and finished for a sooner date. This didnt effect things as I was able to edit over the week and go back to college to finish off all my other work.

Modifications (Why did you modify your work and what was changed during postproduction)

Modifications were minor to my production. The only modifications I made were cutting the clips and audio to size and that was it. The lighting that my camera captured was exactly how I wanted it, also my sound effects and audio from the camera both sounded well together therefore not having to turn down any audio.

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