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Kiritee Konark Mishra

Curriculum Vitae

Room- 122, Hall- 2

Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur-208016, India
Ph: +91-512-2597312






To obtain a creative and challenging internship, so as to gain research experience, for

the summers (May-July) of 2004.
Currently in 6th semester of B.Tech-M.Tech [dual degree] in Electrical Engineering at
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. CPI (GPA) : 8.1/10.0
AISSE ISC 2000 (class-XII) : 87.6%
AISSCE ICSE 1998 (class-X) : 92.8%



Speech Processing:
Have done independent studies and made analysis of
speech and voice signals with an objective to find a better encoding scheme for
speech signals, through extraction of voice parameters and text message (phoneme
analysis using Devanagari script) from the given speech signal. (Summers 2003)

BSS: Created software tools in JAVA for Blind Source Separation of linearly
mixed signals using ICA and PCA techniques. Devised algorithms for the
separation of certain class of non-linear mixtures. Special emphasis was put on
isolating audio sources from given mixtures. Done along with Dr. P K Kalra.

Simulated and characterised fractals, and studied their dynamic
behavior to model naturally occurring chaotic systems and naturally occurring 1/f
noise (Summers 2002). Done along with Dr. G P Kapoor.

Circuit designing: Was part of a team that designed electronic circuits for the
amplifier component of pressure transducers, to be used in a segment of Delhi
Metro Railways. This was done under Prof Deshdeep Sahdev in winters, 2002.


Speech Signal Processing and Voice Transformation

Statistical Signal Processing
Digital and Analog Circuits




Transceivers: Have designed and constructed a functional multiple

modulation transceiver, operating in amateur radio frequencies....


Software Development: Had created graphing software in JAVAGraphiXY during August-September 2002. Presently involved in creating an
instant messaging application for GPRS enabled devices.

National Talent Scholar:

One among 72 students, from all over the country,
to be awarded the National Talent Scholarship for academic excellence, in 1998,
by National Council of Education, Research & Training, Govt. of India.

Indian National Physics Olympiad:

Ranked among top 2% of all students.
Won 2 prize in Robocode programming contest held during all
India inter-college science technology festival, Techkriti, 2003. I programmed
robots that battled each other in a computer simulated arena.
Prayog, Techkriti 2003 :
Won 3rd prize in Prayog, the experimental science
competition in Techkriti.
Stimula, Techkriti 2002:
Won 3rd prize in Stimula, the HCI design
competition. Had created a website for Bhagwad Gita for the same.








Information Theory &

Communication Systems
Signals, Systems and Networks
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Electronics and
Microprocessor Technology
Microelectronic Circuits
Power Electronics

Control System Analysis

Power Systems

Other relevant courses :

Probability and Statistics

Order and Chaos (Chaos Theory)
Mathematical Logic
Consumer Psychology

I am conversant in using usual engineering tools like MATLAB,

MATHEMATICA, PSPICE, and MICROCAP. I am also acquainted with
I have experience in programming in JAVA, C++, C and GWBASIC / QBASIC
computer languages.
I am conversant with Windows, Linux as well as Solaris environments.
I am also well familiar with website development technologies including HTML,
JavaScript and PERL (for CGI scripting)

Coordinating Clubs: I am presently the coordinator of the Quiz Club and

assistant coordinator of the Photography Club of IIT Kanpur. The previous year I
had worked as a secretary in the Public Relations Cell.
Music: I am an active member of the institute music club. I am a vocalist, and also
play the guitar, and synth.
Voluntary Service: I am also a part of "Shiksha Sopan" a voluntary social service
organization, engaged in educating people in nearby villages.
Bharat Scouts & Guides: I was invested as a President Scout in 1999.

Date of Birth:
Natural Languages Known:
Permanent Address:

English, Hindi, Oriya
IRC Village,

I hereby declare that the above information is true to best of my knowledge.

Kiritee Konark Mishra

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