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theSun | TUESDAY MAY 5 2009 5

news without borders

20 countries have confirmed cases: WHO

by Hemananthani Sivanandam reported laboratory confirmed cases clear of the pandemic infection at with no deaths include Austria (one), the moment.


Canada (85), Hongkong (one),
Costa Rica (one), Colombia (one),
The ministry said the health
screenings at all international Cases around the world
ries have
Health Organisation (WHO) reported Denmark (one), El Salvador (two), entry points in the country, (WHO) said yesterday its laborato
yesterday that 20 countries have France (two), Germany (eight), Ire- including receiving passengers THE World Health Organisation in 20 countries.
fl u infections
identified a total of 985 H1N1 strain
officially confirmed cases of the in- land (one), Israel (three), Italy (one), from countries plagued by the ber of worldwide cases of the new
fluenza A(H1N1) infection. Here are details of the latest num
the Netherlands (one), New Zealand A(H1N1) infection and Malay-
This brings the total number of (four), South Korea (one), Spain (44), sians arriving from the said of the H1N1 flu virus:
officially reported cases to 985 at Switzerland (one) and the United countries, are continuing, and CONFIRMED CASES SUSPECTED CASES
press time, with 26 deaths reported. Kingdom (18). all arriving passengers are given 590 2,500
Mexico has reported 590 con- Mexico 101*
A statement by the Ministry of the health declaration form and 0
1 226
firmed human cases of infection Health said that as of Sunday, the health alert card. United States
85 0
with the number of deaths at 25. The Crisis Preparedness and Response It said the Immigration De- Canada 0
high number of cases from Mexico is Centre (CPRC) did not receive any partment and the ministry will 44 67
Spain 0
based on ongoing testing of collected reports of patients who needed to be continue to monitor the situation. 18 716
Britain 0
specimens from patients. quarantined in the isolation wards As of Sunday, 4,452 passengers 20
0 8
The United States reported it has for observation. were screened at all the entry Germany
5 81
226 laboratory confirmed cases, with It also said all cases admitted for points, including KL International New Zealand 0
one death. observation have been discharged Airport, and no cases were referred 4 28
France 0
The other countries that have from the hospitals, making Malaysia to the hospitals. 4 4
Israel 0
2 13
Italy 0
2 2

Is the battle being won?

El Salvador
1 108
Colombia 0
suspected cases: Switzlerland, Sout
Other countries with confirmed and Neth erlands,
k, Hon gkon g, Irela nd, the
Korea, Austria, Costa Rica, Denmar e, South
zuela, Peru, Guatemala, Chile, Beliz
Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Vene

ELSEWHERE CONTINUE TO RISE (H1N * Of the deaths that have emerged

in Mexico, 25 have been confirmed
A 1)
ZA WHO as from H1N1.


MEXICO CITY: Offices and businesses The World Health have infected pigs in
stayed closed in Mexico yesterday to try Organisation said Canada. A traveller

to prevent the spread of a deadly new its laboratories had carried the virus from
strain of flu, and authorities said the battle
was being won with a sharp drop in new
identified a total of
985 H1N1 flu infec-
Mexico to Canada and infected his
family and a herd of swine.
Asean seeks US help to
cases. tions in 20 countries. Few countries are ready to take address threat


Outside Mexico, however, the number Its toll lags national 881 00/3 chances with the new virus, widely BANGKOK: Asean is seeking assistance from
of confirmed cases continues to rise, and reports but is considered 02 dubbed swine flu. the United States to address the influenza
officials say it will take time to confirm more scientifically secure. Action by the Chinese authorities to A(H1N1) threat.
just how contagious and dangerous the In Turkey, a hospital spokes- hold Mexicans in hotels and other places, Asean health ministers scheduled to meet
virus is. man denied that one of its patients had whether they were ill or not, sparked a here on Friday with their counterparts from
Mexico’s health ministry said yes- been killed by the new strain. Broadcaster diplomatic dispute with Mexico. A Mexi- China, Japan and South Korea are likely to
terday the flu epidemic had passed the CNN Turk had earlier reported that a can embassy official in China said the discuss the issue with US Secretary of the
worst and experts said the virus might patient had died of suspected swine flu Chinese were quarantining more than Department of Health and Human Services
be no more severe than normal flu, al- at Akdeniz Hospital in the south of the 70 Mexican business people and tourists Kathleen Sebelius via video conference.
though it could still have an impact on country. after some showed flu symptoms. Asean secretary-general Dr Surin Pitsuwan
world health and was expected to spread Only one death has been confirmed China denied Mexican complaints that said the video conference with Sibelius was
to more countries. outside Mexico – a Mexican toddler who discrimination lay behind the measures. expected to involve updates on the H1N1 situ-
“The virus has entered into a stabi- was visiting the United States. “The measures concerned are not ation and effective responses.
lisation phase. The cases are starting In the United States, the flu has spread directed at Mexican citizens and there “America, the frontline state, with the best
to decrease,” Mexican President Felipe to 30 states and infected 226 people, the is no discrimination,” Foreign Ministry of defence mechanisms, is willing to share with
Calderon said, adding that Mexico would US Centres for Disease Control and Pre- spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said. Asean and East Asia its expertise and experi-
begin to get back on its feet again this vention said. It seems to be hitting mostly The row over confinement has ence on how to face this common threat to
week after shutting restaurants, offices, younger people, with very few cases strained what has been a warming rela- humanity worldwide,” Surin said. – Bernama
cinemas and even churches to try to stop among those over 50 years old. tionship between the two countries, but
the spread of the disease. CDC acting director Richard Besser with Beijing courting Latin America as a Singapore issues Home
“Our objective is to return to normal- said there were “encouraging signs” the trade and diplomatic partner, the damage
ity as soon as possible but what I want is new strain was not more severe than appears unlikely to last. Quarantine Order
to do that in secure conditions,” Calderon what would be seen during normal Mexico is China’s second biggest trade SINGAPORE: Singapore stepped up its
said in a televised interview. seasonal flu, but he still expected the partner in Latin America – behind Brazil drive to curb the spread of the influenza
After days of alarm that had kept new virus to have a significant impact – and its biggest export market there, ac- A(H1N1) virus yesterday by issuing the
streets eerily quiet, Mexico City appeared on health. cording to Chinese statistics. Home Quarantine Order (HQO) to contacts
more relaxed yesterday, with some peo- “We’re not out of the woods,” Besser Asia’s trade and tourism could be hit and suspected contacts of the virus.
ple venturing out on bikes or running. told Fox News Sunday. by the latest flu outbreak but lessons The order under the Infectious Diseases
Many no longer wore the surgical masks The US government said it hoped learned from the SARS epidemic in A crowd Act can be issued to any person who is a
that have been almost obligatory in the to have a vaccine ready for the new flu 2003 are boosting efforts to counter the offers known or suspected close contact of a
city in the last week. strain by the autumn. effects. SARS, or severe acute respiratory food as it probable or confirmed case of the virus, as
Laboratory tests have shown 590 firm The WHO said flu surveillance should syndrome, killed more than 800 people reaches out well as persons who arrive in Singapore
cases of the virus in Mexico, out of which be increased in humans and animals now around the world in 2003 after first ap- to touch the within seven days after having departed
25 people were confirmed to have died. that the latest H1N1 strain was found to pearing in southern China. – Reuters wild boar. from Mexico. – Bernama

Despite flu, they just want to touch the

boar for luck
by Himanshu Bhatt the jungle nearby after the priest began Machine operator A. Subramaniam, feeding a few about a year ago. 50, of Johor Baru, who drove with his
Large numbers are now conditioned family of six to Kamunting for just a day
TAIPING: While the world has gone on to the sounds of the temple bell when to receive blessings, said they were not
high alert against the influenza A(H1N1) it is rung in the evening and respond by concerned about the A(H1N1) virus as
virus, initially thought to be associated coming over to be fed. “Malaysia is a safe country”.
with swine, thousands of pilgrims are Ah Tiong said the animals have Pak Long Ambri, 57, who works at a

having no qualms about converging at a not been known to disturb or attack nearby petrol station, said he had not
temple in Kamunting, near here, to feed people. seen anything like this although he had
and touch wild boar. “People come to offer food and then stayed there almost all his life.
Visitors from around the country rub a four-digit number on a boar’s body He said most people are not con-
gather each night at the Sri Munees- to have better chances to strike it big,” cerned about the virus since the place
varar Alayam temple in Anak Bukit to he said. is spiritual. “People come from Penang,
obtain “blessings” from dozens of wild He recounted a story of a bus-load Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and even
boar, said to have “powers” to bring of visitors who all struck a lottery when Thailand, and often form a line to use
good fortune. they wrote the registration number of our toilets,” he said. to rub some ringgit notes against a experience. People say what is hap-
A check by theSun found a frenzy the bus they had arrived in on pieces He said married women with prob- boar. pening here is a miracle, so it is okay,”
of at least 3,000 people at the iso- of paper and rubbed them against the lems conceiving also believed they “Now there is economic slowdown, she said.
lated temple each night during the long boar. could get pregnant after touching the so it is understandable that people want However, Kiang Tan, 42, who came
weekend holidays. People with personal and health wild boar. to come here for good luck,” she said. with her husband from Seremban “out
Temple volunteer Ah Tiong, 42, said problems, including disabilities, also Lai Chin Leng, who came with her Lai is not worried about any health of curiosity”, expressed concern over
the wild boar started appearing from show up in the hope of getting better. family from the Klang Valley, managed threat. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime the pushing and shoving by the crowd.

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