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8 theSun | TUESDAY MAY 5 2009

news without borders

Report: Prince tortured

at least 25 more people
prince already implicated in a
whom will testify that the bru-
tality exhibited in the videos by
Zuma under new scrutiny
as presidency nears
torture scandal caught on tape Sheikh Issa is part of a pattern
has been filmed torturing at of conduct that has gone on for
least 25 other people, accord- some time, a pattern that was
ing to a lawyer representing one well known to various govern-
of the royal’s former business ment officials within Abu Dhabi,”
associates. Buzbee wrote.
The Gulf emirate has vowed The man ABC said was Race
to investigate after ABC televi- Sheikh Issa was shown beating relations
sion on April 22 aired a video a captive with whips, cattle JOHANNESBURG: South Af- as head of state, though he will only were finally dropped just two weeks
that appeared to show Sheikh prods and wooden panels with in rica’s new parliament convenes take office on Saturday at an inau- before the elections. Prosecutors
Issa bin Zayed al-Nahayan (pix), protruding nails. Assisted by po- Malaysia: tomorrow to elect Jacob Zuma as guration ceremony in Pretoria. said they could convict him, but
a brother of United Arab Emir- lice, he poured salt in the man’s president, under intense scrutiny “One of his main priorities is dropped the case due to apparent
ates president and Abu Dhabi wounds and ran over him with a
Focus on due to his checkered past and wor- to create confidence in him as a political meddling in the timing of
ruler Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed sports utility vehicle. the big ries about a leftward tilt under his person,” said Dirk Kotze of the the legal process.
al-Nahayan, mercilessly beat- The victim – who needed picture administration. University of South Africa. Despite all that, his promises to
months of hospital care – was Zuma’s African National Con- “What is going to be also im- expand South Africa’s social safety
reportedly an Afghan trader
pg 10 gress (ANC), which has dominated portant is that he addresses the net, create a national health insur-
who lost a load of grain worth politics since the fall of apartheid uncertainty or the fear that the left ance scheme, fight crime and create
US$5,000 (RM18,000). 15 years ago, won a sweeping vic- will dominate him and that he will jobs won the ANC a solid mandate
The incident also highlighted tory in general elections nearly two largely be manipulated by the left.” in elections.
the tough working and living weeks ago. Many South Africans admire The questions now are how he’ll
conditions of the UAE’s hun- With 66% of the seats of parlia- Zuma’s up by the bootstraps suc- achieve all that with the economy in
dreds of thousands of mostly ment, the ANC will easily elect him cess story in the rise of a self-taught the doldrums and who he’ll include
Asian workers, cheap labour former herdboy to the top of national in his cabinet.
key to the country’s booming politics. Zuma is already trying to soothe
development. Under apartheid, Zuma spent 10 worries among business leaders
In an initial letter to ABC years imprisoned alongside Nelson who fear he’ll lean toward his union
News, the UAE government Mandela and another 15 years in allies. In the ANC’s victory speech,
had described the incident as exile, climbing the ranks of the ANC he said he would consult with both
an assault and said the matter to become deputy president under unions and business on finding
was settled “privately,” adding Thabo Mbeki. ways to cushion the country from
that police followed “all rules, Then his tale turned sour, as the global downturn.
policies and procedures.” he developed a fierce rivalry with Respected daily Business Day
But on Thursday, the Abu Mbeki who sacked him in 2005 predicts the left will demand their
Dhabi human rights office said amid corruption allegations. pound of flesh. “With his elbow
ing a man. The footage, which in a statement that the govern- Zuma bounced back with sup- room restricted by the global eco-
sparked an outcry among ment “unequivocally condemns port from trade unions and the nomic situation and a multitude of
human rights campaigners, the actions depicted in the communist party to wrest control of opposing interest groups he needs
was smuggled out of the UAE video.” the ANC from Mbeki in December to keep on side, Zuma is under im-
by Texas businessman Bassam It also vowed to investigate 2007. The party axed his rival as mense pressure to trade influence
Nabulsi, a US citizen who said the matter and make the head of state just nine months later. for past support and future loyalty,”
he had also been tortured by findings public “at the earliest Corruption charges against Zuma it said in an editorial. – AFP
Sheikh Issa after a fallout with opportunity.” Although he was
the royal. “encouraged” that Abu Dhabi
Nabulsi’s Texas-based lawyer, had decided to look into the
Anthony Buzbee, wrote to UAE
authorities on Friday that he had
“more than two hours of video
incident, Buzbee expressed
doubt that a true investigation
would go forward.
Iran rejects protests seeking release of reporter
footage showing Sheikh Issa’s “I am skeptical about TEHERAN: Iran dismissed yesterday san Ghashghavi said such protests were an States, has herself been on a hunger strike
involvement in the torture of whether there will be a genuine protests launched by members of a press “interference” in legal procedures. since April 21 in protest at the sentence,
more than 25 people.” investigation, given the fact that freedom group seeking the release of US- “The Iranian judiciary is an independent her family says.
The letter was addressed to various Abu Dhabi government Iranian journalist, Roxana Saberi, who has entity and any kind of imposition or inter- But the Iranian judiciary has denied that
UAE Minister of Justice Hadef officials have been aware of been jailed on espionage charges. ference in the legal process is contrary to she was refusing to eat or that her health
bin Jua’an al-Dhaheri, the Abu these issues for many years, and Four US members of Reporters Without international norms,” Ghashghavi said. had been affected. Saberi was initially
Dhabi Judicial Department, the given the fact that members of Borders began a hunger strike on Sunday He said Saberi’s case was going through detained in January reportedly for buying
emirate’s acting public pros- the government were actually outside UN headquarters in New York, an appeal process and “we have to wait to alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic republic.
ecutor and the UAE embassy in involved in, or covered up the pressing for the release of Saberi, who see what the appeal judge decides.” The United States has voiced deep concern
Washington. torture” of Nabulsi, the Afghan is being detained in a notorious Teheran Saberi, 32, who was sentenced to eight about the case, dismissing the charges
“I also have access to at trader and others, he said. prison. years in jail last month after being convicted against Saberi as baseless and calling for
least three witnesses, all of – AFP Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Has- of spying for Iran’s archfoe the United her release. – AFP

China quake survivors face

intimidation, detention
BEIJING: Survivors of China’s devastating earth- praising the rebuilding effort and acts of selfless
quake last year face detention and harassment sacrifice
if they protest over collapsed schools, corruption But the Amnesty report highlights the tensions
claims and other grievances, Amnesty International the quake left, pitting a one-party government that
said. prizes control against people convinced neglect
While Beijing is pouring billions of dollars into and graft made schools vulnerable and has tar-
rebuilding towns in southwestern Sichuan province nished rebuilding efforts.
flattened by the May 12 quake, the government Many of the tools of control Chinese authorities
also has waged a less public campaign against have honed to guard stability have been applied
citizens who blame more than natural destruc- with particular intensity in quake-hit areas of
tion for the many schools that collapsed, killing Sichuan, Amnesty said.
thousands of children, the human rights advocacy Parents demanding inquiries into claims that
group said. corruption and lax quality-control weakened
“By unlawfully locking up parents of children schools that toppled in the quake had been de-
who died, the government is creating more misery tained in “black jails” – informal detention rooms
for people who have said in some cases they lost in hotels and offices, Amnesty said.
everything in the Sichuan earthquake,” said Rose- Chinese lawyers and human rights activists
ann Rife of Amnesty in a statement e-mailed with who have offered help to grieving families had
the report released yesterday. been intimidated and detained, and their efforts
In the week before the anniversary of the quake, to bring cases to court stymied, the report said.
which killed around 80,000 people, the contention Rife said Amnesty had no firm estimates of
between state authorities and discontented survi- numbers of detentions of parents and protesters.
vors described by Amnesty could intensify. “But we assume we’re only hearing about a small
On the weekend, several grieving parents of number of the abuses,” she said from Hong Kong.
Juyuan, where a high school building toppled in the An official in the Sichuan government propa-
quake, said their plans to mourn their dead children ganda office said she had not seen the Amnesty
were stopped by police. report but rejected its claims. “This group has no
“The police and town officials told us that we right to criticise us,” said the official, who refused
should not make such a fuss,” said one of the par- to give her name. “China has made many achieve-
ents, Yang Rengui, whose son died in the school. ments in reconstruction, so why do they exagger-
Ahead of the anniversary, official media is ate and distort problems?” – Reuters

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