Index: Bid Shopping/peddling, 39 Biparameter Bidding/contracting Method, 38

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abbreviations, of crews, 4
acoustic treatments, 167
activity duration, 69, 30, 69, 192,
A+B method, 3738
approximate estimates, 2729, 237
architectural fees, 54
architectural woodwork, 147
assemblies estimating, 30, 231
authorization code, for CD-ROM, xv
average labor hour, 5, 94

cabinets, 147, 180

calculator, xviii, xix, xxi, 260
cambering, 132
cast-in-place concrete, 2, 32, 85, 104,
ceilings, 167169
change orders, 4748
City Cost Index (CCI), 1012, 18, 240
coating, 132, 167, 168
communications (Division 27), 179, 186
concrete, 85108
belt conveyors, 87
curing, 87, 101
extreme weather cost factor, 101
finishing, 49, 87
formwork, 49, 8594, 99101, 147
lightweight, 104105
mini-assemblies, 100
mix, 49, 86, 87, 98, 101102
placement methods, 49, 8588,
ready mix, 85, 98
shotcrete, 87
types of, 85
construction management at risk
(CM-at-risk) method, 43
construction management method, 43
Construction Specifications Institute
Masterformat, xii, 1, 2, 31, 265266
contingency, xvii, 45, 81
cost-plus-fee, 4041
fixed price, 40
lump-sum, 40
types, agreement, 39
unit price, 40









Back-of-the-envelope estimate, 28,

ballpark estimate, 28
bare cost, 1, 46
bid, 25, 26, 29, 30, 3436
unbalancing, 41
competitive, 36
selective, 36
bidding documents, 28
bidding process, 25, 37
bid shopping/peddling, 39
biparameter bidding/contracting
method, 38
board foot, 148
bonding capacity, 35, 55
bonds, 25, 4445, 51, 55
bid, 45
payment, 45
performance, 45, 55
bottom-up estimates, 3031
brick sizes, nominal, 118
budget estimate, 29
builders risk insurance, 4546, 58, 64



conveying equipment, 175

escalation, xvii, 25, 45, 7172, 166,
modifiers, 171172
of equipment, 5, 6, 9, 10
of labor, 68
reports, 18
cost data, Means format, 16, 2139
cost matrix, AACE, 26
cost estimating, xvii, 14, 2325, 4849
and project management, 49
databases, 32
preliminary, 231
scheduling and project control,
types, 2629
CostList, 75, 172173, 223, 232, 234
estimating with, 16, 12, 1719
illustration, xvxvi
location factors, 12, 18
CostWorks Estimator, xii, 19, 7577,
crew, 1, 36
abbreviations for, 4
bare costs, 4
equipment cost per day, 10
icon, 34
ID, 34
labor hours, 3, 57
overhead and profit, 4
critical path method (CPM), 51
cubic foot costs, 19, 238239
curtain walls, 166
daily output, 1, 5, 7
demolition, 34, 7475, 189
depreciation, of equipment, 205,
double declining balance, 214
Modified Accumulated Cost Recovery
System (MACRS), 214
straight-line, 213
sum-of-years-digits, 214
description, of unit price line, 1, 23
design-bid-build method, 42
design bid (DB) method, 42
design time, 53
detailed estimates, 2729, 34, 237
digitizing boards, xix
direct award, 36
direct cost, 6367


doors and windows, 165, 166

double declining balance method, 214
drawings, 2425, 131, 180183
duration, 69, 30, 37, 5154, 69, 192,
196, 263
activity, 69, 30, 69, 192, 196
project, 37, 5154, 263
earthwork, 189230
equipment selection for, 189
rental costs for, 202, 222
soil excavation, 190
shrinkage, 190
swelling, 190
truck capacity, 195196
types of, 189
electronic safety and security, 179,
engineering fees, 54
Engineering News Record, 72
analysis, 213225
depreciation, 213217
Division 11, 174
expenses, 217218
investment, 205, 218
maintenance, 205, 217
operating expenses, 217, 218, 222
rental, 9, 202, 222
taxes and insurance for, 222
truck capacity, 195
escalation, 25, 45, 71
excavation, 189199
by hand or machine, 196197
direct, 4344
indirect, 4344
extrapolating, 165
fast-track, 43, 5354
fees, architectural and engineering, 54
finish carpentry, 147
finishes (Division 9), 167168
fire suppression, 179181
fireplaces, 173
fireproofing, 149
flooring, 167168
forms, estimating, 267273
foundation, deep, 189
framing, 167, 232, 234
metal, 131, 132


openings, 119
wood, 147, 153
furnishings (Division 12), 174
galvanizing, 131, 132
general requirements, estimating, 51
glazing, 166
gypsum board, 167
header, spreadsheet, 13, 7980
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
(HVAC), 43, 179, 182183, 232,
historical cost indexes, 72, 240
indirect costs, 48, 63
inflation, 30, 45, 7174
installing contractors overhead and
profit, 4, 58, 63
insulation, 149, 234
insurance, 25, 4446, 51, 5657, 63,
65, 205, 217218, 222
builders risk, 46, 58
public liability, 45
workers compensation, 5657, 63,
interior finish, 167, 232
interpolation, 65
job conditions, adjusting Means data to,
markups, 65
productivity, 25, 6869
rates, local, 68, 89
labor hours, 56
laminated wood products, 147
landscaping, 189
lane renting method, 3738
legal contracts, 39
liquidated damages (LDs), 3738, 54
location factor, 1, 10, 12, 18, 63, 89
lockers, 173174
quantities, 148
sizes, 148
waste, 148

markups, 13, 19, 63, 64, 182
in RSMeans CostWorks, 7581
subcontractors, 6
masonry, 117125
deducting openings, 119
estimating, 117
productivity factors for, 118
quantity takeoff for, 119
scaffolding, 118, 123124
types of, 117
waste allowances, 117
MasterFormatTM , xii, 1, 2, 12, 31, 147,
179, 189, 231, 265266
materials management, 4547
mathematical intuition, xviixix
mechanical, 33, 174175, 179,
182183, 238
metals, 131141
estimating structural steel, 131
modified accumulated cost recovery
system, MACRS, 214
moisture protection, 149151
molding, 147
national average prices, 10
office overhead, 63
open shop wages, 68
openings (Division 8), 166168
overhead, 1, 4, 6, 9, 4445, 48, 51, 57,
6365, 131, 165, 233234
average fixed, 64
general, 44, 45
office, 63, 65
shop, 131
overtime, 69, 90
painting, 131, 167, 168, 171172
shop, 131
paneling, 147, 168
paving, 189
performance bonds, 45, 55
plaster, 167
plastics, 147
plumbing, 179, 181183
precast concrete, 85, 103
pre-engineered steel buildings, 133134,
preliminary estimate, 28, 231, 237



preparation effort, 2627

price escalation, 25, 45, 71
prices, national average, 10
productivity, xvii, 69, 25, 46, 63, 69,
90, 118, 189, 233
changes, 6, 46
decrease, 6, 8
increase, 8, 9
loss, 69
profit, 1, 4, 6, 3335, 41, 4445, 131,
165, 218, 233234, 261
profitability, 41, 58, 263
project delivery methods, 4143
pure agency construction management
method, 43
quantity estimating, 2425
quantity surveyor (QS), 2425
quantity takeoff, xi, 24, 28, 119, 148,
165, 180
rafter length, calculating, 150152
ready mix concrete, 85, 98
reinforcement, 49, 86, 87, 96, 99, 117
reinforcing, 2, 86, 231
rental costs, for earthwork equipment, 9,
202, 222
report editor, 80
reports, CostWorks, 7981
rolling pens, xix
roofs, 149150
rough carpentry, 147
rounding, xixxx
RSMeans, cost data format, 1
safety, site, 51
sales tax, 5859
scaffolding, 44, 8586, 118, 123124,
sealants, 149
serial number, for CD-ROM, xvxvi
sewerage and drainage, 189
sheathing, 147, 149, 152158
shelving, 147
siding, 149
signage, 173
site preparation, 189
site safety, 51
skylights, 166


slope, of roof, 150151, 157

special construction (Division 13), 134,
174, 175
specialties (Division 10), 173
specifications, xi, 24, 25, 28, 51, 117,
131, 179, 180, 186
government, 133
manufacturers, 218
spreadsheets, xiii, 1317
electronic, 14
manual, 13
square foot costs, xiv, 1, 238
stirrups, 9697, 100
straight-line depreciation, 213220
stressing tendons, 86
structural steel
estimating, 131132
extra costs for, 132133
types of, 132
substituting known local labor rates,
sum-of-years-digits depreciation, 214
supervision, job, 51
taxes, 45, 51, 205, 217, 218, 222
sales, 5859
unemployment, 63
temporary utilities, 44, 51
thermal and moisture protection, 149
tiling, 167
trusses, 147, 152, 158, 237
unbalancing bids, 41
unemployment taxes, 63
union wages, 63, 68, 89
unit consistency, 74
unit price estimates, 30
united inches, 166
unit of measurement, 1, 149
unit price line, 1, 172, 231, 233
utilities, xiv, 9, 45, 197
piped, 189
temporary, 44, 51
wages, 4, 5, 44, 57, 89, 90
union, 63, 68
wall finishes, 167168
waste, 46, 168, 181, 185
design, 148149


line, 182
lumber, 148149
in masonry, 117
of plywood, 149
regular, 148149
reinforcement, 96
storm and sanitary, 181182
welded wire fabric, 86, 96

windows, 147, 166

wood and plastics, 147159
wood-framed structures, estimating,
Work Breakdown Structure, WBS,
workers compensation insurance,
5657, 63, 65


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