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SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester Organizational Behaviour Paper Code - 102 ____________________________________________________________________ 1.what is meant by vision-it means the future must be seen & communicated to the team 2.C2B-Consumer to business 3.Char of negotiation-establishes set of rules o resolve conflict 4.Pple who do not have dream of their own will see u r vision as Impossible 5.Which type of formal communication has max control over receiver-Person To Person 6.What is halo effect-People see things and react to situation according to their previous exp 7.A persom tries to focus his time & energy on things that give him the maxreturns 8.while encoding a msg the receiver- Interprete the message 9.Prescience means- Knowledge abt future 10.Successful people realize the valu of time-management- True 11.Defensiveness means- Receivers tring to justify himself 12.Prerequisite for negotiation- Party should have predetermined goal 13.What is current message- Info abt topic under current discussion 14.Mech barriers are due to- Difficulties in devices used for communicatin 15.Inside address consist of name & address of a person to whome the letter is being sent 16.Qualities of good listener-Welcome disagreement, Looks for the areas of agreement 17.Function of informal commn.- Supplimenting, Confirmation,Contradicting 18.Steps included in meeting- Physical arrangement,agenda,minutes 19.Obstacle of good listening are- Bias, Prejudice 1
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SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester Organizational Behaviour Paper Code - 102 ____________________________________________________________________ 20. Endomorph would mean- Round ,Soft, Fat 21.Feedback is immediate in business org.- True 22.We have less than one fifth of our time as working time- false Note: In assign ment we have question as one fifth of our time is utilized as wrking time which is true but here the questionis used as less than one fifth 23.Inside address contain Name address & tel no- true 24.Getting organized to reduce waste time on finding things-True 25. While writing memo writer has to take care abt sensitivity of words- false 26.Mgr has to play Planner, Provider, Protector 27.Vision Increase persons potential False(I think true ) 28. E-Commerce House Journal Sales Person E-commerceIt includes varity of e-Platform Responcibility of Human Resource dept Presentable,friendly,Technically sound,Good manner, well dressed (not remember)

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