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Regional rail and road transport

by Remus Costan Background

In the Center Region (fig. 1), the main roads are mostly repaired (94%), but the county and town roads are repaired at a rate o 4%, which means very little. The road density is about 30%, below the nations average of 33, 5%. The rail network in the area has a density of 41, 6 km at 1000 km 2, which is bellow the national average of 45, 9 km at 1000 km 2. The two main hubs of the region are situated in Brasov (67, 7 km/1000 km2) and Mures (45, 4 km/1000 km2).

Fig.1 The Center Region

Vision (fig. 2)
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The vision is to realize a regional system that uses renewable energies and materials, so it wont depend on fossil fuels. I want to create a local efficient network composed of electric buses and energy efficient high speed trains. The buses will be used for transport between towns and city edges, or perhaps even a light tram, only if the costs are low. The fast train will be used to travel between every county residence. In the major cities I want to solve the public transport problem, to reinsert light trams and electric transport (the area where it was removed) and the energy required for the vehicles will be produced from waste and hydrogen. If the area permits, the energy required for the vehicles could be produced from PV panels and windmills. After the problems with the means of transport are solved, the attention is required at the stops. The rail platforms should be covered, so the passengers will be protected from the weather, and the lights should be powered from PV panels and small wind turbines. The bus stops and terminals can be designed to blend with the city or town architecture.

Fig.2 Concepts of urban and regional transportation

Encouraging greater usage of public transport and non-motorized modes.

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Enabling the establishment of quality focused multi-modal public transport systems that are well integrated. Reducing the time spent on the road, by updating the current infrastructure. Implementing renewable energies at the vehicles structure and power supply, to decrease the CO2 emissions. Development of the regions infrastructure equally, to prevent future problems in this regard.

Project development approach

Legal/legislative frameworks are in place. The project is thoroughly prepare/evaluated. Technology options have been tested and evaluated. Clearances have been obtained from authorities.

Long range planning - 20/30 years perspective The city mobility issue is solved, by introducing eco-friendly transport which is well organized. Multimodal transport planning. Technology evaluation to be objective.

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