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Harrison Lee Period 1 CTW Chapter 12 3/17/13 In the early nineteenth century, reform played a big role in shaping

the young nation. Many groups were formed to support the cause to a specific reform. Among these groups were women and the Whig party, who sought for equal political rights and social reform, respectively. Reform had a notable connection to politics due to the fact that politics proved to be the best way of having a prominent voice in the country. Women during the time period sought equal political and civil rights. Hence was the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, in which notable women such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Mary Ann McClintock, and Jane Hunt pursued womens rights activism. They protested their restrictions on political rights and thus came the Declaration of Sentiments which included ideas from the Declaration of Independence. A notable saying from the Declaration of Sentiments was the quote All men and women are created equal. Many women wanted the also wanted the right to vote. In a sense, this was their longing for political power that would augment their voice in American society. The Whig party arose during the nineteenth century to counter the Democratic party with its ideas. This political party strongly believed and supported social reform, such as temperance, asylum reform, and public schools. In addition, Whigs supported the three things which the Democrats strongly opposedcorporate charters, national bank, and paper currency. Since they were a comparatively new party advocating new ideas, the Whigs constantly tried to obtain the support from various groups of people to augment their political prominence. The Whigs set their ideas to be distinct from the Democrats so that people who opposed the Democrats would look over at the Whigs and lean onto their side. They also tried to appeal to some religious groups and succeeded in gaining support from evangelical Protestants. Because the Whigs were eager to spread their ideas, they sought political favor from the people. It is evident that groups with reform as part of their agenda try to connect themselves with the nation politically to gain approval and support from the people. The Seneca Falls Convention was once such examplesome women as radical reformers sought political attention along with a voice in the country. The Whig party required a proper political position in order to advocate their reform ideas to successfully win the Election of 1836. In conclusion, politics played a large role in reform during the nineteenth century.

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