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10 Things Women Do To Ruin Their Careers

And getting pregnant isn't one of 'them! Here are the Top 10 things women shouldn't do if they want to get to the top: 1. Women tend to speak softly - you are not heard. 2. Women groom in public - emphasizes your femininity and deemphasizes your capability. 3. Women sit demurely - the power position when seated at a table is forearms resting on a table and resting forward. 4. Speak last in meetings - early speakers are seen as more assertive and knowledgeable than late speakers. 5. Women ask permission - children are taught to ask permission. Men don't ask permission, they inform. 6. Apologize - women apologize for the smallest error which erodes your selfconfidence. Men tend to move into problem solving mode.

7. Women tend to smile inappropriately when delivering a message; therefore you are not taken seriously. 8. Play fair - women tend to be more naive. A woman might assume the rules have to be obeyed, whereas a man will figure out a way to stretch the rules and not be punished. 9. Being invisible - women tend to operate behind the scenes and end up handing the credit over to a competitor. 10. Offer a limp handshake - one good pump and a concise greeting combined with solid eye contact will do the trick. In other words, to get on, women should behave like MEN!

Now how to save your career!

Ten Characteristics of the Alpha Female

Source: Images

Alpha Women-Beyond ALL THAT...........

She is feminine, highly intelligent and supremely and utter confident- and KNOWS it. She is not hesitant in using those attributes to achieve her ends.


She is not afraid of taking the more dominant role in the relationship.Who says that men have to be the dominant one? Not her. To her, traditional gender roles are 19th century in their premise.


She is comfortable with power. Power means being in charge of one's destiny and OWNING one's life. It also means BEING THERE for others and making the world a much better place for humankind.

The Highly Successful, Self-Confident, and Independent Woman

The alpha female is supreme among other females. She is also the queen among them. Other females often look to the alpha female for leadership. However, there are some females who feel threatened by the alpha female because this female tolerates no nonsense and does not believe in game playing and upmanship. Now here are the ten characteristics of the alpha female: (1) She is never embarrassed to ask for what she wants. Assertive is not a word that she is uncomfortable with. In fact, being assertive is second nature to her. She believes that all right thinking people should be never been hesitant regarding having their desires and wants met. To her, you should be able to be responsible for your own life and take care of yourself. The very idea that a person who refuses to ask for what he/she wants is a total anathema to her. Does that person want to be rescued? Asking for what one wants is what life is all about. Her motto is that life is for the takers and participators. Being indecisive and wishy washy is not in her vocabulary. (2) She enjoys being on an equal or superior spar with men. Why not? The idea that she must subvert her intelligence and other strong attributes and characteristics because she is a woman is so 19th century. She believes that a confident, intelligent, and mature man is not threatened bya powerful and highly successful woman. In fact, such men welcome such women because they are on a par with them. Furthermore, she believes that men are just other people, no more, no less. She does not believe in playing the weak damsel in distress. In fact, she is loathe to play silly, coquettish games of any kind. In fact, this inane affectation would sicken her to say the very least. Her motto-weak and insecure men need not apply! (3) She is not passive regarding the pursuance of any type of pleasure. To her being a woman is not equated with being passive. Not at all. She is oftentimes the initiator regarding seeking all avenues of fulfillment. This often including the sexual arenas. To be passive in her eyes means to be acquiescent in life and she is anything but acquiescent. In her eyes, that is equivalent to being owned and she does not want to be owned-not by tangle and/or intangible constructs. She is proactive regarding approaching her life. To her, life is for the active and aggressive!

(4) She does not mind being wildly and uninhibitedly feminine and sexy. To her, being feminine, beautiful, and sexy are not antitheses to being independent, powerful, and liberated. In fact, the former words are quite analogous to the latter words. She views sexual stereotypes is limited and atavistic labels that limits the full human being. She believes that human beings are beyond stereotypes which are only artificial constructs to describe the full human being. To her, the old stereotype of being a feminine woman is morbidly suffocating to her. She refuses to view the being beautiful, feminine, sexy, liberated, and independent as oxymorons.

(5) She does not mind at all if a man earns less than she does as long as he contributes to the relationship and upholds his end regarding household responsibilities. Who says that a man has to earn more than a woman? Not her. She does not subscribe to such outdated and utterly sexist paradigms and philosophies. She believes what a person earns is not based upon gender but by measured and immeasurable qualifications. She feels that it is quite normal and acceptable in some circumstances for a woman to out earn a man, so be it. She does not mind being the breadwinner in the family if need be.

(6) She believes in having a career to establish her self-worth and independence. She believes in being a contributor to life. She feels when one contributes to life, one is truly a full and authentic person. She also feels worthwhile as a consequence of being a contributor. Furthermore, a contributor always leaves a posthumous mark to the society and world at large. In other words, the contributor has made an imprint in life. For her a career does that. A career is why for her to use and exhibit her intelligence and talent for the world to see. She also gets a sense of self-actualization regarding a career. In her eyes, nothing makes a woman more self-fulfilled and self-actualized than to have a satisfying career. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac and elixir in her eyes. Besides that, having a career means power and power has its own rewards. Being powerful means calling a shot caller which translates into OWNERSHIP. Nothing makes an alpha woman happier than to own and be in charge of one's destiny. (7)She thrives on being in responsible positions and being in charge. Being responsible for others is equate to power for her. She is highly, if not prodigiously, intelligent. She also believes that she is more than highly capable of the task at hand. Since she knows that for a fact, who is better than she to assume high powered and responsible positions. She is THE BEST at what she does and NO ONE can do it better than she. Furthermore, power means being a mentor and of help to others, cultivating, encouraging, and develop their human potential for her good and that of the firm. To her power is an integral part of the human construct. Either one has power which means that one can be highly proactive and influential in the events of humankind or one is utterly powerless, always being at the behest of others. She refuses to be on a proverbial leash, only answering to herself.

(8) She refuses to believe in the antiquated concept that one becomes less agile and more infirm with age. Age is just a number to her. Besides, it is such an artificial construct which means nothing in the scheme of things. She is the type of woman who often remains vital in her old age. She thinks that anyone who succumbs to atavistic stereotypes regarding aging needs a good psychiatrist or better yet should starting broadening his/her life perception-and fast! She, for one, is not going to become an old lady. Think of Betty White, a nonagenarian, and Rita Moreno, an octogenarian, quite youthful ladies who totally exemplify that one is as young as one believes one's self to be. These ladies keep being fierce and get even more fiercer with each passing year! (9) She does not believe in complaining and whining. She sees complaining and whining as abject passivity and refusal to improve the negative circumstances of one's life. She furthermore view complaining and whining as a sign of being a borderline psychotic. She figures that if one is mentally healthy and mature, he/she should remedy his/her life if it is less than positive and/or satisfying. She believes that everyone's life has some percentage of difficulty and hardship in it. To just complain and whiny is a total waste of energy. That energy is better served in assessing, challenging, and solving what adversities, difficulties, and/or other problems one may have. Besides she maintain, other people, unless they are close to you, are uninterested in listening to your lamentations. She staunchly believes that complainers and whiners are total wimps who should be horsewhipped into sanity and maturity! There is no need to say on this issue! (10) She takes no quarter and believes in no excuses. She believes if one makes one bed, he/she should lie in it, either for good or bad. In other words, one reaps what one sows. If one exerts little or no effort, do not expect to reap tremendous rewards. She finds it totally nonplussable that many people want success and other types of rewards in life but refuse to put in the necessary organization, planning, and sacrifices to obtain their goals. When they do not achieve their desired goals, they blame everyone and everything but themselves. This excuse making really incenses her to the multillionth degree. Stop with the excuses already, she reasons. To her, people find it easier to make numerous excuses if their lives do not go the way they want than to look into the issues at hand. Her motto is that each person has what he/she strives for and deserves, nothing more and nothing less! In summation, the alpha woman is a no-nonsense woman. She is supremely confident and self-assured. She knows what she wants, how to ask for, and obtain it. She is also a true realist, no sugarcoating life situations for her. She likes life at its most unadulterated essence. She appreciates the good and can learn and improve from the bad in life. She also knows how to make the bad exceedingly beneficial for her. She does not believe in antiquated gender stereotypes for that does not even tough the iceberg with her as far as she is concerned. She is beyond stereotypes. She is a take charge woman who makes no excuses in life. She is and has what she earns and deserves. Now you have my synopsis on the ten characteristics of the alpha female. The alpha female is totally unique among other women! In fact, she is a prototype of women in the 21st century and beyond.

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