Social Work Syllabus

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Social Work Paper- I Social work: Philosophy and Methods. Social work: Meaning, Objectives, Scope, Assumptions & Values; History of Social work in U.K. U.S.A. and India, philosophy of Social Work. Democratic (Equality, Justice Liberty & Fraternity) and Humanitarian (Human Rights) Matrix. Social works as a profession. Methods of Social work Social Case work : Meaning, Scope Principles, Processes (Psychosocial study, Assessments, treatment-goal formulation and techniques), Evaluation, Follow-up and Rehabilitation. Social Groups work: Meaning, Objective, Principles, Skills, Processes (Study, Diagnosis, treatment and evaluation), Programme, Planning and Development, Role of Social group worker, Leadership Development. Community organization: Meaning, Objective, Principles, Approaches, Roles of Community Organization Worker. Social Welfare Administration: Meaning Scope, Auspices-Private and Public, Principles, BasicAdministrative Processes and Practice decision making communication, planning. organisation, budgetingand finacial control, reporting. Social work Research: Meaning objectives, types, scope, scientificmethod, Selection and formulation of the problem Research Design Sampling, Sources and Methods ofData Collection, Processing of Data, analysing and interpretation, Report writing. Social Action: Meaning,Scope, approaches (Sarvodays, Antyodaya etc.) and Strategies. Paper- II Social Problems and Fields of Social work in India Problem pertaining to Marriage, Family and caste: Dowry- child Marriage, Divorce, Families with working couples, Disorganised Families, Families with Emigrant Heads of the Households, Gender Inequality, Authoritarian Family structure, Major Changes in Castesystems and problem of casteism. Problems Pertaining of Weaker Sections. Problems of Children, WomenAged. Handicapped and Backward Classes (SCs, STs, and other Backward Classes). Problems of Deviance: Truancy Vagrancy and Juvenile Delinquency, Crime, White Colla Crime, Organized Crime,Collective Violence, Terrorism, Prostitution and Sex Related Crimes. Social Vices: Alcohilism. DrugAddiction, Beggary, Corruption and communalism. Problems of Social Structure : Poverty, Unemployment, Bonded Labour, Child Labour. Fields of Social work India : Child Development, Development of Youth, Womens Empowerment, Welfare of aged, Welfare of Physically. Mentally and Social Handicapped, Welfareof backward Classes (Scs, STs and Other Backward Classes) Rural Development Urban Community Development, Medical And Psychiatric Social work, Industrial Social work, Social Security offender Reforms. & For Hindi Preparation Reference.

Public Administration Paper-1 Administrative Theory I. Basic Permises : Meaning, Scope and significance of Public Administation: Evolution of

PublicAdministration as discipline, Private and Public Administration: Public Administrations as an art and ascience: its role in developed and develeping societies; Ecology of administration- Social political, economicand culture New Public Administration II.Theories of Organisation : Scientific management (Taylor andtris associates): Bureaucreatic theory (Max Weber); Classical theory (Henri Fayol, Luther Gulick andothers); Human Relations theory (Ettor Mayo and tris colleagues); Systems approach (Chester Bamard). III. Principles of Organisation : Hierarch; Unity of Command; Power Authority and Responsibility.Coordination; Span of Control; Supervision Centralisation and Decentralisation, Delegation IV. AdministrativeBehaviour : Decision Making with special reference to the contribution of Herbert Simon, Theories ofCommunication, Morale, Motivation (Maslow and Herzberg), and Leadership. V. Structure of Organisation: Chief Executive and his/her functions Line Staff and auxiliary agencies. Departments Corporation companies, Boards and Commissions, Headquarters and held relationship. VI. Personnel Administration:Bureaucracy and Civil Services, Classification. Recruitment Training. Career development; Performanceappraisal, Promotion; Pay structuring; Service conditions; Integrity and Discipline, Employer-employeerealations; Retirement benefits; Generalists and Specialists; Neutrality and Anoymity. VII. FinancialAdministration : Concepts of Budget: Preparation and execution of the Budget; performance Budgeting;Legislative control; Accounts and Audit, VIII .Accountability and Control : Concepts of Accountabilityand Control; Accounts and Audit. IX. Administrative Reforms : Concepts and processes of AdministrativeReforms; O & M; Work study and its techniques; Problems and prospects. X. Administrative Law : Concepts and significance of Administrative Law, Delegation; Meaning, type advantage, limitations andsafeguards Administrative Tribunals. XI. Comparative and Development Administration : Meaning, natureand scope of Comparative Public Administration; Contribution of Fred Riggs with special reference to the Prismatic-Sala model; Concepts scope andsignificance of Development Administration, Political, Economicand socio- cultural context of Development Administration; Concepts of Administrative Development. XII. Public policy : Concept and significance of Policy and policy-making in public Administration Processesof formulation and implementation. & For Hindi Preparation Reference.

Paper - II : Indian Administration I. Evolution of Indian Administration : Kautilyas views, Major landmarks of Mughal and British periods. II. Constitutional Setting :Parliamentary democracy : Federalism; Planning Socialism. III. PoiticalExecutive at the Union Level : President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers; Cabinet Committees. IV. Structure of Control Administration : Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat Ministries and Departments Boardsand Commissions, Field organisations. V. Central- State Relations : Legislative Administrative Planningand Financial. VI. Public Service : All India Central and State Services. Union and State Public Service Commissions: Training of Civil Servants. VII. Machinary for Planning : Plan formulation at the nationallevel; National Develpment Council. Planning Commission. Planning Machinery at the State and Districtlevels. VIII. Public Sector Undertakings : Forms, Top- level Managment. Control and problems. IX. Controlof Public Expenditure : Parliamentary control; Role of the Finance Ministry. Controller and Auditor General.X. Adminstration of Law and Order: Role of Central and State agencies in Maintenance of law andOrder. XI. State Adminstration : Governor Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Chief Secretary: Secretariat;Directorates. XII. District Administration: Role and importance. District Magistate/ Collector, Land Revenue.Law and Order and Developmental functions, District Rural Develpment Angency, Special Programmes ofRural Areas. XIII. Local Adminstration : Panchayti Raj and Urban Local Goverment. Features, forms andproblems Autonomy of local bodies. XIV. Adminstration of Welfare:Administration for the welfare of weaker sections with particular reference to Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes; Programmes for thewelfare of Women. XV. Issue Areas in Indian Administration. Relationship between political and permanentexecutives. Generalists and specialists in Administration Integriy in Administration . Peoples Participationin Administration, Redressal of Citizens Grievances; Lok Pal and Lok Ayuktas; Administrative Reforms in India.

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