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Geological Engineering Graduate Program Universitas Gadjah Mada

Spatial Data Analysis (TKG 762, 2 Credits) Semester II Academic Year 2012/2013

Individual Project Assignment General Instructions

Within the provided CD there are numerous GIS spatial data from the Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. Your task is to utilize the provided data for solving a spatial problem of your interest. Each student must choose her/his own spatial problem, such as mineral resources, geohydrology, geo-hazards etc. Selection on using which types of data (among all the provided dataset) as well as which parts of area will be your focus of study are purely your decision. Additional datasets beyond the provided ones can also be added, but it is your own responsibility to deal with such data. For students who are interested to work with other areas (not Yogyakarta) are also welcome, but they should prepare their own datasets.

You must present a short written report (about 10 pages A4 size) and CD data containing the results of your spatial analysis. The tentative deadline of report submission will be the end of semester. You are also requested to prepare a short presentation with power point (approx. 10 minutes length) on the results. The day of presentation will be announced later.

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Provided Datasets
Following is the list of provided spatial data, which are all in shapefile format. Words in red color indicate data in Bahasa Indonesia, with their English translation in the Note column. 1. River Field FID Shape Keterangan Sungai_Musiman Sungai

Note ID number Polyline Class Intermitten stream (Ephemeral) stream or river

2. MineralDeposits Field Note FID Shape Point Name Name of deposits Area Name of Province County Name of county MajorCom1 Major commodity 1 MajorCom2 Major commodity 2 MajorCom3 Major commodity 3 ModelType Type of deposit model ClassModel Class of mineral deposit 3. Road Field FID Shape Layer Jembatan Jembatan_Layang Jln_Kolektor Jln_Lain Jln_Lokal Jln_Nasional Jln_Propinsi Jln_Setapak Tiadk_Ada_Klas_Jalan Titian Page 2 of 4 Note Polyline Type of road Bridge Fly-Over Collecting road Other road type Local road National road Province road Unpaved road No-class road ?

4. ElevationContour Field Note ObjectID_1 Shape Polyline Height Altitude value Keterangan Contour class Kontur Indeks 50 Contour index 50 Kontur Interval Interval contour Kontur Indeks Index contour Shape_Length Length of contour 5. GeologicStructures Field ObjectID_1 Shape Keterangan Name Class SubClass ConfirmationLevel Reference Epoch Shape_Length 6. Administration Field FID Shape Kode Desa Kecamatan Kabupaten Propinsi Kode_Prop Note Polygon Code Village name Sub-district District or regency Province Code of province Note Polyline Note Name of structure Type of structure Subclass type of geologic structure Degree of certainty Source of data Geologic age of structures Length of structures

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7. Population Field FID Shape Kode_Kec District SubDistric TotalPopul Families Shape_Leng Shape_Area 8. GeologicMap Field FID Shape Symbols Class1 Shape_Length Shape_Ar_1 Note Polygon Code of geologic unit Geologic unit name Length of polygon Area of polygon Note Polygon Code of sub-district District name Sub-district name Total population number Total number of families Length of sub-district polygon Area of sub-district polygon

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