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Editor Handbook
August 2012 Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd., 2001

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Copyright Statement
All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of Crimson Interactive Private Limited, hereafter referred to as CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or in part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. If you are viewing this document or any component hereof without express authorization or instruction from CIPL or its authorized representatives, please STOP and do not proceed further. Prior permission to view this document should be sought from the authorized representatives of CIPL at Individuals accessing this document and its component documents and/or files are NOT GRANTED license to the following: Distribute the URL or printed matter from this document without the express written permission of CIPL Retrieve or print a copy of the document Establish a link or links to this document in any other online or offline resource Disclose the specific contents, structure, and organization of this document (in so far as it relates to material not in the public domain) to any third party in any form whatsoever

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All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

Copyright Statement ......................................................................................................................................2 1. 2. 3. 4. a. 5. a. 6. 7. 8. 9. a. c. e. f. g. 10. a. c. e. f. g. 11. 12. Company Background ............................................................................................................................5 Our Contribution to the Global Academic Community ..........................................................................6 Our Client Base .......................................................................................................................................7 Our Editing Services..............................................................................................................................10 Copy Editing .......................................................................................................................................10 Our Editing Services (with Examples) ...................................................................................................11 Copy Editing .......................................................................................................................................11 Need for Re-Edits..................................................................................................................................17 Our Editing Process and Guidelines .....................................................................................................18 EditorClient Communication (Remarks File) ......................................................................................21 Editor Engagement ...............................................................................................................................26 Double checks....................................................................................................................................26 Grading ..............................................................................................................................................29 Client questions/feedback.................................................................................................................30 Client complaints ...............................................................................................................................30 Editor Report .....................................................................................................................................30 Communication and related Protocols .............................................................................................35 Assignment emails.............................................................................................................................35 Assignment upload ............................................................................................................................36 Channels of communication ..............................................................................................................40 Payments ...........................................................................................................................................43 Working hours ...................................................................................................................................45 Subject Area Match and its Significance ...........................................................................................47 Common Errors made by ESL Authors ..............................................................................................48 b. Editor feedback .................................................................................................................................26 d. Co-mentorship program ....................................................................................................................30 b. Substantive Editing ............................................................................................................................13 b. Substantive Editing ............................................................................................................................10

b. Confirmation and rejections..............................................................................................................35 d. Workload and schedules ...................................................................................................................37

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4 13. 14. Tips and Tools ....................................................................................................................................51 Useful Links........................................................................................................................................55

Annexure-1 ...................................................................................................................................................58 Copy Editing vs. Substantive Editing ........................................................................................................58 Annexure-2 ...................................................................................................................................................59 Types of Manuscripts ...............................................................................................................................59 Annexure-3 ...................................................................................................................................................61 File Formats ..............................................................................................................................................61 Annexure-4 ...................................................................................................................................................62 Assignment Email Template .....................................................................................................................62 Annexure-5 ...................................................................................................................................................64 Policy and Procedure for Client Complaints.............................................................................................64 Annexure-6 ...................................................................................................................................................66 Using the Ratings provided by Editors .....................................................................................................66 Annexure-7 ...................................................................................................................................................67 Structural Review Report (Advance Report) ............................................................................................67 Annexure-8 ...................................................................................................................................................69 Recruitment of Editors .............................................................................................................................69 Annexure-9 ...................................................................................................................................................73 Guidelines for editing PDFWord, PDFPDF, and TeXWord Assignments .......................................73 Annexure-10 .................................................................................................................................................76 Cover Letter Add-on .................................................................................................................................76 Annexure-11 .................................................................................................................................................77 Changes in the Document ........................................................................................................................77

All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

1. Company Background
Enago is a part of Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd., which was founded in 2005. While we are headquartered in Mumbai, India, Enago has physical presence in Japan as well, with an office in Tokyo. As of January 2011, we have edited over 30,000 manuscripts and assisted over 10,000 authors in publishing their papers in international peer-reviewed English journals. We believe this track record is attributable to our central tenets of quality, cost efficiency, and timely delivery. Some of our milestones include Enago being the first editing company to: Receive ISO 9001:2000 certification Introduce Manuscript Rate Card to help clients understand their strengths and weaknesses Conduct interviews with renowned Japanese researchers and publish these interviews online

Milestones such as the aforementioned have enabled Enago to forge strategic alliances with Japanese publishing giants such as MARUZEN and DNP. Also worthwhile mentioning is the fact that in November 2010, our services won Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd., the Red Herring Award for being one of Asias top 100 private companies. Needless to say, for us being just good is not sufficient.

All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

2. Our Contribution to the Global Academic Community

Documents are written in various forms, genres, scripts, and languages. Creators of such documents may be anyone from planetary physicists to practitioners of the liberal arts to people with a passion for newts. The hallmark of academic documents is that they are highly functional. The primary aim of such documents is to share information. An academic manuscript, in addition to performing this basic function, needs to ensure the following: The audience becomes sufficiently interested in the research being presented. Experimental methods listed in the manuscript can be easily reproduced. Research being discussed is understood by as wide an audience as possible. Requisite funds/grants are provided for the research being presented.

This is achieved as follows: Writing descriptively yet objectively Stating facts without exaggeration and definitely without fabrication Ensuring the grammatical correctness of all text Adequately supporting statements with references to related prior literature

These nuances make it quite a challenge when a non-native English speaker sits down to write his/her first research paper. Thousands of academic articles are written each year, but they compete for a limited publishing space. This results in only a small fraction of papers submitted to journals being actually published. For example, Nature, a weekly international journal, published only 8% of the papers submitted to it in 2008. Papers are rejected for lack of originality as well as for poor language. Although English language expertise may be concentrated in a few regions of the world, no one knows where the next world changer may be writing a paper. Our aim at Enago is to ensure that the barriers posed by the conventions of academic writing and the high standards of publication in academic journals do not prevent ground-breaking research from receiving the exposure that it deserves. As an Enago editor, your keyboard and mouse may hold the power to decide who receives the next Nobel Prize!

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a. Who our clients are
Enago focuses mainly on providing language solutions to researchers from non-native English-speaking countries. While we are rapidly expanding in other markets, our primary client base is Japan and our clients hail from of the following various backgrounds: universities, professors, researchers, students, scientists, corporate entities, government organizations, non-profit organizations, national institutes, agencies, and many more. Our client base also includes renowned universities from across the globe, such as Kyoto University, London School of Economics and Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the National Cancer Center, Waseda University, The University of Tokyo, National Defense Medical College, and Tokyo Institute of Technology.

b. What their expectations are and how we aim to exceed them

The research our clients engage in is of high quality but given the language barrier, they may fall short in their ability to communicate their ideas flawlessly in their manuscripts. Considering the burden on the reviewing body of a journal to process and evaluate large numbers of submissions, there is a chance that a manuscript conveying new information but lacking language fluency may fail to clear the peer-review process. Thus, some important content may not reach its target audience. This is where we step in with our services. We receive documents from clients working at a world-class research level and bring them to a language level where they are accepted by internationally reputed peer-reviewed journals. Enago does this by having the documents edited by editors who are highly experienced in editing scientific documents and have a thorough grounding in the style and expectations of academic journals. Because our editors are selected according to their subject matter expertise and we make every effort to provide them with manuscripts that fall within their areas of expertise, they are able to understand the content and edit the document even when an author s poor language skills hinder the clarity of the presentation. Keeping in mind the Japanese business culture, we strive to meet our clients expectations that revolve around the following Eight Core Values of Japanese Business.* Group Orientation Diligence Perception of Time Aesthetics and Perfectionism

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8 Curiosity and Emphasis on Innovation Respect for Form A Mind for Competition and Outlook Silence as Eloquence

*Reference: The Eight Core Values of the Japanese Businessman by Yasutaka Sai

Our clients expect zero errors with respect to language, grammar, and formatting (if chosen). English language being a limitation for researchers from the Far East, they tend to mistrust the entire editing task when they notice an error in the edited manuscript. A second source of apprehension for the client is misinterpretation of their instructions. This underscores the need for thorough quality checks at the editor end prior to the handover of edited manuscripts. As partners in our business, our editors should demonstrate the same sensitivity that our in-house staff exhibits toward our clients values. Most of us as individuals may have perhaps grown desensitized to many of these ideals that are important for the Enago clients because of dissimilar values in our own cultures. Time is one of them. Japanese people view it as a sign of huge disrespect if one is not considerate of their time. Hence, even the slightest delay in completing their request would be considered disrespectful, and they would be reluctant to use Enago services again. Enago has attracted loyal clients who reliably use our services for every new scientific publication. You may have trouble acquiring knowledge and understanding of the client s perspective because you do not know how the authors perceive what is involved in editing. As a step toward addressing such queries, Enago shall share monthly performance reports with you, which are based largely on client feedback and ratings/comments provided by our in-house quality analysts. Based on our experience with researchers and scientists, we would like to share some pointers. Our clients appreciate and acknowledge an editor who: Reorganizes information to achieve smooth and logical flow Points out if a concept has not been explained clearly Catches misspellings consistently Improves the documents overall readability Returns the assignment in time Corresponds with them about modifications Edits fairly and without malice Emphasizes not only on corrections but also on improvements Helps them understand why the changes are made Helps new writers minimize the need for corrections

They would not want to work with an editor who:

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Doesnt say what is erroneous and why Makes changes according to personal style Makes comments or changes that are not consistent or undesirable without proper explanations

We believe that looking at a document from different perspectives improves the overall quality. This is the reason why all assignments edited by our external editors (such as yourself) are checked by our inhouse editors. Our in-house editors or quality analysts work closely with the client because of which they have a very good idea about the overall client perspective. Feedback provided by them actually makes you aware of your effectiveness in conveying what the researcher is trying to accomplish. At times you might not agree with the feedback but we always emphasize on following a collaborative rather than a confrontational approach. Feedback is necessary to have honest relationships. We do not claim to catch all errors or not make any errors ourselves. Therefore, it is important for you to share your opinions about the feedback shared and tell us if it needs to be improved. We value your words immensely.

All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd.


4. Our Editing Services

Enago offers two editing services to its clients: Copy Editing and Substantive Editing. Our clients choose these services based on the following points: Skill of the author, and therefore, required level of editing Service checkpoints Deliverables

a. Copy Editing
Clients choose this service when they judge their manuscript to be properly structured or when they have prior experience with writing and submitting papers to international journals. These manuscripts are usually easy to understand but generally require some correction of word usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Because Enago assigns documents according to the subject area expertise of its editors, an editor who takes on a copy editing assignment is expected to correct anomalies in scientific terms and usage in addition to attending to the regular language and grammar requirements.

b. Substantive Editing
Clients choose substantive editing when they have concerns about the English language fluency of their documents or when they are writing an academic paper for the first time. Clients who choose to submit to top-tier journals such as Nature, Lancet, NEJM, and PNAS are more likely to select substantive editing. While the editing process followed is almost identical to that used for copy editing, the amount of work involved in substantive editing will be greater on both the structural and language fronts. Editors need to provide descriptive remarks and, in case of ambiguity, provide options and examples. In addition, to help the author better structure the manuscript, editors are required to complete a Structural Review Report (Refer to the Annexure), which is submitted to the author along with the edited manuscript. The client may opt for a cover letter to be written along with editing of the document. Details of the cover letter add-on are given in the Annexure. A more detailed comparison of these services appears in the Annexure. Click here to download a comprehensive list of service checkpoints.

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5. Our Editing Services (with Examples)

a. Copy Editing
i. Level 1 copy editing - (Example: Psychology, British English)

In Level 1 documents, language and content is near perfect, and hence, it becomes all the more necessary to identify the smallest of errors. Remember, the mistake most frequently made by novice editors is to rewrite portions of a text (for better or for worse, depending on the academic editors writing skills) and to ignore such minor details as capitalization, punctuation, and hyphenation. This is an absolute no-no, especially in Level 1 documents. school age children school-age children The term has been hyphenated because school age acts as a compound adjective for children. a moraic segmentation task, an awareness of articulation errors task, and an awareness of speaking rate task. a moraic segmentation task, an awareness of articulation errors task and an awareness of speaking rate task. The serial comma has been deleted because such commas are not used in British English In a moraic segmentation task In the moraic segmentation task The indefinite article has been revised to definite because the task has been mentioned before. with normal or fast speaking rate with a normal or fast speaking rate
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An indefinite article a has been added because rate is countable.


Level 2 copy editing - (Example: Analytical Chemistry, American English)

concern challenges Better word choice There were three key points in this strategy: This strategy involved three key points: Sentence edited for better readability and clarity on-membrane digestion was performed under aquatic reaction system on-membrane digestion was performed using an aqueous reaction system Sentences edited for better readability and clarity + word choice (aquatic aqueous) iii. Level 3 copy editing - (Example: Surgery, American English)

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Remarks 1. Please check the word choice here. Classic appears to convey the meaning more clearly and is more popular in this context. 2. Please provide the percentage value here for parallelism in data presentation. 3. The highlighted text has been edited heavily. Please check carefully for any loss in meaning.

b. Substantive Editing
i. Level 2 substantive editing - (Example: Dental Science, American English, Formatting, >1000 words)

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The edits above are not only language and grammar corrections/enhancements but also content-related reconstructions. Also, note the focus on formatting-related issues tackled through Remarks. Where possible, in Substantive Editing, we provide suggestions and options for things that the author has not provided but is required to. Remarks 1. We suggest you use TMJ and pseudodynamic MRI as your running title, which is required to be within 25 characters with spaces as per the journal guidelines. 2. This abstract has been edited heavily. Please check the changes carefully for any loss in meaning. 3. Please provide the exact values where applicable for consistency in data presentation. 4. Please verify if these keywords are from the current Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database at ii. Level 3 substantive editing - (Example: Environmental Sciences, British English, <1000 words)

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Remarks 1. We have made extensive changes to the highlighted text as the original version seemed rather unclear. Also, as the introductory statement, it needed to have a better impact. Please check if it conveys the intended meaning. 2. Please check the data restructured in the highlighted text. 3. Please check if the definition we have added is accurate. Original: A series of surveys were performed, preliminary survey, followed by pre-monsoon survey named as base line survey in this study, monsoon survey, and post monsoon survey. These were done in December 2006-January 2007, in April 2007, in August 2007-September 2007, and in December 2007January 2008 respectively. Revised: A series of surveys was conducted, including a preliminary survey (December 2006 January 2007), pre-monsoon survey (termed as baseline survey; April 2007), monsoon survey (August 2007 September 2007) and post-monsoon survey (December 2007January 2008). The above change was made because the original version was wordy and information was not presented in an organized manner. The edit conveys the meaning adequately and manages to get through to the reader. iii. Level 3 substantive editing - (Example: Sociology, American English, <1000 words)

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Remarks 1. This highlighted text has been restructured for better readability and clarity. Please check. 2. We have made advance level changes to the highlighted text as the original version seemed rather unclear. Please check if it conveys the intended meaning.

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6. Need for Re-Edits

As you are aware, editing is not a one-way process. To facilitate a high quality edit, a strong iterative communication channel is necessary between the author and the editor. Recognizing this fact, it is now a standard practice in the editing industry to offer such opportunities to the client by means of free reediting. Therefore, we too have decided to offer free re-editing within 90 days of delivery of the first edit for Substantive Editing and 30 days for Copy Editing. The scope of the free re-editing is on the lines of our current free Q&A. This not only provides the clients an opportunity to clarify any of the comments that you have added to the document but also gives us an opportunity to improve our work. The terms of service allow clients to make only sentence level changes. The addition of paragraphs is not covered under this free re-edit service. Since this service is offered free of cost to the client, we expect our editors to provide it free as well. All such re-editing requests will be checked by us to ensure that there is no undue load on the editors. Going by our history of re-edits, not more than 10% of projects have come back for re-edits.

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7. Our Editing Process and Guidelines

Our clients give us very specific instructions on editing their files. Once they provide this information, they expect us to follow it, or if we cannot for any reason, to indicate why we are not able to do the same and mention further steps that are required. Thus, following client instructions is extremely critical for client satisfaction. (Examples of client instructions are as follows: Please edit from abstract to methods, Please dont change the underlined parts and the parts in red, and Please edit only underlined words.) Every client instruction should be read carefully to ensure that the details are understood. Clients send us different types of manuscripts in various formats. Refer to the Annexure for details. Our clients work on various platforms and operating systems. To minimize compatibility issues, you should open each of your working file and scroll through its contents. Please make sure that you have all the files for the assignment. While we check to ensure that there are no technical problems with the files we receive, if files do not open or if all files listed as sent are not received, please contact the Editorial Coordinator immediately. Although we work hard to ensure an exact match of subject expertise when assigning documents, we recommend that you skim through the manuscript quickly before accepting it to confirm that you comprehend the subject matter and hence can edit the assignment satisfactorily. Our clients have the option of specifying the type of English, American or British. Accordingly, set the language of the document to English (U.S.) or English (U.K.). To do this, select all text by pressing Control + A and then go to ToolsLanguageSet Language. Make sure that that the Do not check spelling or grammar box is unchecked. Note that this change should be made without the use of Track Changes.

Before starting the edit, make sure that Track Changes is on and the username is set to Crimson. The procedure for this (in MS Word 2003) is as follows:
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19 a. b. c. d. e. Open the document in MS Word Go to Tools/Options Select the User Information Tab Enter Crimson in the space for Name and Initials. Enable Track Changes and edit the document

Please note that Crimson is the username to be used while editing and not the color of the Insertions/Deletions in Track Changes.

FAQ: Why do you insist on using Crimson as the username for Track Changes in MS Word files. What difference does it make? MS Word allows multiple users to edit a single document in Track Changes and enables the reader to distinguish between the edits made by different users. This is achieved by using different usernames for each user. As you know, assignments are double checked by our in-house editors before they are sent to the clients. Having both you and the in-house editor use a single username ensures that the author sees only one set of tracked changes (as if only one person had edited the file). This approach allows the author to review the edit easily without getting confused. We decided to use Crimson as the username as it represents our parent company - Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. If the document is to be formatted according to a particular journal s guidelines, formatting guidelines or a link to download them will be provided. Clients expect that we check each and every element of the guidelines. Because our clients are so particular in this regard, we recommend the following approach. You are free to follow your own approach as long as we are together able to meet the clients need. Please read the guidelines and note down points that need attention. A good practice is to print the guidelines and highlight the important points. Also, check whether the guidelines call for a particular style guide such as APS, Modern Language Association (MLA), or The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). If author intervention is required to follow certain guidelines, bring this to the author s notice through a remark. Queries and comments relating to unclear content or suggested changes that might result in a meaning change are noted in a separate Remarks file that is returned to the client along with the edited document. A template for creating the Remarks file will be provided to you. The Remarks file is described in more detail in a later section.

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20 We recommend a preliminary skim of the entire text and two complete editorial passes of the text. Two passes seems to be the universal magic number: No academic editor is good enough to catch everything in one pass. The preliminary skim is a quick read through of the manuscript to size up the content, organization, and quality of the writing; to note elements that may require special attention (e.g., footnotes, tables, appendixes, glossary); and to identify any weak sections of the manuscript that will require extra time. If time allows, we recommend a third pass, i.e., hard copy proofreading. First Pass: The next step is to plunge in for your first pass, which should be done on screen. If you are editing in MS Word, edit the document using Track Changes in the Final Showing Markup view. During the first pass, most editors read very, very slowly through the text. To reiterate, because it is crucial to your success as an academic editor, you must train yourself to read v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y slowlyslow enough to scrutinize each comma, to interrogate each pronoun, to cross-examine each phrase, and to ponder each compound adjective, adverb, and noun. Moreover, you must read slowly enough to catch missing words, missing punctuation marks, ambiguities in syntax, and gaps in logic. In this pass, you should look up anything that you are unsure of. Please refer to a dictionary, style manual, usage guide, thesaurus, and other reference books. We suggest using Google Scholar ( to check the accuracy of technical phrases. Other resources are listed in a separate section (Links to reference material useful for academic editing). If you feel the need to ask the author to clarify or check anything, use the Remarks file to do the same during this pass. Second Pass: The second pass through the text is usually a much quicker read for the purpose of incorporating the answers to any global questions that arose in the first pass, catching the mechanical errors you missed in the first pass, double checking the house style, and fixing any errors you inadvertently introduced in your first pass. This pass should be done in the Final view. Consistencies are best fixed using the Ctrl + F function of MS Word. Do not rely on your eyes to make terminology or spacing consistentrely on technology. Carefully check and question all remarks inserted during this pass. If the text contains tables or charts, you will need to make a special pass to be sure that all items in the batch are consistent in style and format. Proofreading: Why is proofreading important? The foremost reason to proofread a manuscript is to ensure an error-free text. Another reason, a more precautionary one, is that the majority of clients of academic editing services are non-native English speakers. Given that, it is hard for them to judge the quality of a manuscript based on the English language changes. They may not be able to differentiate a good sentence from a bad one, but they can detect a typographical error easily. Clients judge based on what they see, and they will evaluate the editors skill based on what they can judge. The proofreading pass should always be done on paper and in the Final view. Some tips: Read word for word Read aloud so that you do not skip any words Look out for larger issues such as flow or consistency
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21 Documents with formatting: You should always double check whether all journal guidelines have been followed during the proofreading pass.

We have prepared a proofreading checklist for your reference. Click here to download it.

8. EditorClient Communication (Remarks File)

Often when editing, we need to ask the author for clarification on a particular idea or passage, or point out an underlying structural issue. At Enago, we use a Remarks file as the mode of communication between an editor and the client. As non-native English writers, our clients expect us to make changes that will improve their manuscripts and to identify unclear or weak areas. The Remarks file helps us communicate with the client, express our concerns, and suggest options for resolving problematic passages. It plays a very important role in assuring the client that we care for his/her manuscript and have given it the best treatment. (As previously noted, we will provide a template for the Remarks file that you can download for use with each assignment.) We understand that given your subject matter expertise, you will be the best judge for content-related problems. We will appreciate your efforts to communicate all the anomalies to the clients via remarks. In the document to be edited (the main file), the instances that need clarification should be highlighted along with the Remark label, as illustrated in the following example. Please note that editors must never contact author(s) directly, irrespective of the urgency of the assignment deadline. For any clarification or information, please route your queries through Editorial Coordinators at Enago. We aim to respond to all queries promptly.

The corresponding remarks should be placed in a separate file (the Remarks file), as shown below.
1. Please clarify whether you mean The microchannels between zeolite particles on the membrane surface were much smaller than the SiC particles or The microchannels between zeolite particles on the membrane surface were much smaller than the spacing between SiC particles.

Note that all suggestions must be entered in this manner. Please do not use any other form, such as using the Insert Comments feature of Word, writing remarks next to the unclear text in the main file, or placing remarks at the end of the main file. By having all editors use the Remarks file, we maintain a consistent and recognizable method of communication with our clients.
All information and content in this document is the intellectual property of CIPL. The use of this information and content in whole or part is forbidden unless express written permission has been granted by CIPL. Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

22 We take pride in providing professional comments to all authors. Hence, editors always need to take into account that the target audience is non-native English-speaking researchers. Although their level of English may seem very basic, their research certainly isnt. We therefore need to ensure that there are no reproachful comments. The language used in the Remarks file should be clear and easy to understand. Keep in mind that the Remarks file is for the clients perusal and does not form a part of the document that will be submitted to any journal. Care should be taken to ensure that the remark numbers in the main file and the Remarks file match. Most importantly, there should be no grammatical errors in the Remarks file. Refer to the examples below.

a. Incorrect technical word choice repeated throughout the document

The author may use an incorrect word/phrase throughout the document. In such cases, instead of making the change, place a remark at the first occurrence of the word/phrase.

2. Note that the term dimorphism is usually used as sexual dimorphism. Please check if the highlighted term should be revised to sex ratio variability for further accuracy. If yes, then please make similar revisions throughout the document.

b. Original unclear content edited according to your knowledge about the subject
You might come across some content that needs extensive editing. In such cases, even if you are certain that your changes are correct; you should write a remark to make the author aware that the meaning/impact may have been changed.

3. Note that the highlighted text was extremely unclear. We have edited it for clarity and conciseness. Please check the changes carefully for any loss in meaning.

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4. The original sentences were unclear. We have edited them for clarity and conciseness. Please check whether the edit conveys the intended meaning.

c. Original content with multiple interpretations

Occasionally, the original content is ambiguous and there may be more than one interpretation. In such cases, you should tell the author that the meaning is unclear and suggest the various possible interpretations.

5. Note that the comparison in the highlighted sentence is unclear. Do you mean these variables were significantly greater in cultures on UV-treated titanium disks than in cultures on untreated disks or that they increased during culture with UV-treated disks? Please check and revise accordingly.

d. Original content that is inconsistent with available technical knowledge

You may come across content that is known to be incorrect or inconsistent with existing knowledge. In such cases, write a remark to point out the inconsistency.

6. Note that the term roost/roosting is usually used in relation to birds/bats. Please check if it should be revised to sleeping or resting for further accuracy.

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7. Please check whether the sentence is accurate. In a typical reaction, reactants are depleted and products are created. This sentence is stating the opposite.

e. Extremely unclear content

Occasionally, you may come across sentences that do not make sense. Since our authors are not native speakers, they may make errors in translating the content of their documents, while considering the sentence construction to be perfectly fine. In such cases, first try to suggest a possible change (based on the context and your subject knowledge) as shown in Example 2. If that is not possible, write a remark asking the author to rephrase. Such remarks should not be overused.

8. Note that the highlighted text is unclear. Please check and rephrase for clarity.

9. The highlighted phrase is unclear. Please rephrase.

f. Formatting changes
If the author requests formatting of the document according to certain guidelines, we strive to adhere to these guidelines. Occasionally, this may not be possible and author intervention is needed, e.g., the guidelines request a list of keywords and it is not provided in the original manuscript. In such cases, inform the author about the steps to be taken to adhere to the guidelines using the Remarks file. Such remarks are usually not numbered and are placed in a separate section titled Journal Formatting in the Remarks file. See the examples that follow for reference: The journal guidelines require you to submit a list of 46 keywords. Please place these keywords after the Abstract. Note that according to the journal guidelines, all manuscripts dealing with the study of human subjects must include a statement that the subjects gave Informed Consent to participate in the study and that the study has been approved by an institutional review board or a similar committee. Please check and revise accordingly.

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The remarks template can be downloaded from the following location:

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9. Editor Engagement
Rather than simply seeking to add editors to our database, we believe it is of pivotal importance to include every editor in the Enago family. To that end, we take steps to ensure that every editor is familiar with our systems, processes, goals, and expectations, and that a system is in place that encourages our editors to communicate quickly and effectively with our in-house staff. This handbook is also a step toward the integration of our editors. After recruitment, we regularly provide assignments to our editors. To ensure that an editor s work reaches a level that is in sync with the clients requirement, assignments completed by editors are thoroughly evaluated by our in-house experts. Feedback is communicated where necessary, and performance is closely tracked to ensure that editor performance matches client expectations. Please note that your acceptance and confirmation of an assignment establish a binding contract between Enago and you. Assignments will be allocated to you based on the subject areas you have opted for, and deadlines will be set based on your words per day capacity. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to skim through an assignment to verify the subject area match and the difficulty level before you accept/confirm it. Also, you will need to confirm that the deadline given to you will allow you to edit the assignment as per our stringent quality benchmarks. This will mitigate the risks of poor quality deliverables or deadlines breaches, conditions that may warrant disciplinary action in the form of penalties of up to 100% of the assignment fee.

a. Double checks
Enago assigns a team of two editors to every assignmentone external editor and one in-house editor. Once the external editor has completed his/her work on the assignment, one of our in-house editors reviews the edited document. Given the extent of editing that is often required to improve the quality of a document, such a double check ensures that all client service checkpoints are covered and a uniform style is maintained. Having two pairs of eyes examining the document increases the accuracy and quality of the edit as well as its perspective. Although an in-house expert checks the manuscript before delivering it to the client, we consider our external editors to be equally responsible for meeting Enago s quality standards for document editing. This co-joint responsibility ensures a long-term strategic partnership between Enago and the editor.

b. Editor feedback
Double checking helps us rate the assignment as well as the quality of various aspects of editing. We rate an assignment on three parametersSubject Matter Expertise (SME), Quality of Language (QOL), and Attention to Detail (ATD)on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). Accordingly, feedback is communicated to editors. We share constructive feedback, acknowledge performance, and share client comments with editors. We value the contributions of all our editors and hold their skills in high regard at Enago. The
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27 primary objective of providing feedback is to establish a communication channel for information sharing and bring awareness regarding strengths and areas of improvement. We recognize that lapses in quality may not reflect a weakness in skill but rather a difference in expectations. In sharing feedback, we also seek to understand why an editor did or did not make a particular change, so that we can resolve the issues by clarifying our guidelines and streamlining our process. Therefore, we encourage all our editors to consider feedback as a learning system and not take it as criticism of their work. We consider feedback as a two-way process and welcome any questions or comments on our feedback/processes. i. Quality The quality team provides feedback to editors based on the comments received from the editing team. Specific points from the completed assignment are shared. Also, resources/tips are provided in certain cases to help editors enhance their skills. The following example illustrates this. Example 1: Copy edit (level 2): Done by a Bioscience editor Editor strengths: Good language enhancements, use of succinct expressions, and enhanced clarity of the text. Developmental points: (1) Use of or is unnecessary (supported with a link for better understanding), (2) Missing verb is, (3) Tip on Consistency when using words or making any changes in the manuscript, and (4) Tip on within vs. in. Please read the comments in the sample for brief description.

On sharing the comments with the editor, we received the following response:

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28 Thank you for the feedback. The tips provided in the comments were very helpful. I was surprised to see the typo. The assignment warranted many changes and so I guess this resulted in overlook. At any rate, I will definitely run spell check in the future to avoid such problems! I also appreciate your professionalism and eye for detail. I expect near perfection in my work, but it is comforting to know that someone else is "keeping me honest" in case Im not always perfect. This feedback process is a very helpful best practice and is much appreciated. Example 2: Copy edit (level 2): Done by a Bioscience editor Editor strengths: Good subject matter expertise, followed in-house style, and enhanced clarity of text. Developmental points: (1) Consistency in terminology, (2) Meaning change, (3) Word choice, (4) Incorrect spelling, and (5) (6) Better Readability Tips. Please read the comments in the sample for brief description.

On sharing the comments with the editor, we received the following response: Thank you very much for this email - I have been anxious for feedback regarding my editing for Enago. After looking at the comments, I realize that a weakness of mine is that I try to change unclear sentences too extensively, which often leads to change in the intended meaning, and should instead change as little as possible while also leaving a remark for the author.
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29 I am always open to studying more resources. If you have resources that relate to this issue, I would greatly appreciate it if you would send them to me. Thanks again for the feedback. It has helped me improve the quality of my work. I look forward to not only more assignments, but also more feedback.

ii. Procedural Editorial Coordinators share procedural feedback with editors bringing any process-related clarification to their notice. Instances when procedural feedback is sent are as follows: Incorrect method of writing Remarks or highlighting Remarks, or inappropriate use of the Remarks file Not sending a Remarks file or sending Remarks in the main file Using the Comment feature of MS Word rather than using Remarks Formatting a No, do not format assignment Formatting according to incorrect guidelines Not formatting an assignment in spite of valid journal guidelines provided A part or the entire file not edited Not sending the Advance Report for a substantive edit Incorrect username Following American English (AmE) where British English (BrE) is required and vice versa Rules PDF-to-Word conversion not followed

iii. Consistency We promise a consistent quality product to our clients. Given the fact that 70% of our clients are repeat clients and brand loyal, we cannot deliver inconsistent quality to them. This prerequisite applies to everyone associated with Enago. This is why we evaluate the consistency and quality of the edit provided by our editors. We measure this parameter periodically and will, as necessary, provide feedback to our editors.

c. Grading
At Enago, we assign grades to editors. These grades are a representation of how closely the editor s output matches the final document delivered to the client and do not necessarily relate to subject matter expertise. Grading is based on the ratings provided by the in-house editing and quality teams. These grades are reviewed on a periodic basis, and our Editorial Coordinators allocate assignments based on them.

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d. Co-mentorship program
We have initiated a co-mentorship program in which documents completed by an in-house editor will be sent to an external editor where required. After reviewing the file, the external editor is encouraged to share his/her opinions regarding the changes made by the in-house editor. These comments are then shared with the in-house team. This system offers both sets of editors opportunities to learn from each other and derive the benefits of a continual co-mentoring process. In addition to the co-mentorship program, we have our monthly performance reports (which include information regarding the assignments completed, feedback sent, client comments/complaints, and questions received).

e. Client questions/feedback
Our clients often have queries regarding editing changes. We offer a free question-and-answer (Q&A) service to our clients through which they can clarify such concerns. Most of these queries are routine and are handled by our in-house staff. However, some of the queries need input from the subject matter experts who had worked on the document, and the external editors will be required to answer such queries. The most frequently asked question is Why was this change made? This information is immensely useful to the clients as well as our in-house staff. Such questions should be answered using verbiage that is polite and clear. The aim should be to educate the clients and address their doubts. In addition, the edit is occasionally inappropriate because of misinterpretation; in such cases, the clients will provide clarification of the intended meaning and ask us to re-edit the sentences. Re-editing in such cases should be done based on the clarification provided, keeping overall consistency in mind.

f. Client complaints
We provide our clients a quality guarantee; if they are not satisfied with the edit or the manuscript edited by us is rejected on the grounds of poor English, they can send the manuscript for a quality check. On receiving the quality check request, the manuscript, along with client/reviewer comments, is sent to the external editor for his/her comments. After checking his/her response and conducting a thorough inhouse quality check, we provide the quality report to the client. The result of the quality check is also shared with the editor. We at Enago have a clear system for handling client complaints. The detailed process of client complaints is explained in the Annexure.

g. Editor Report
We share a monthly report on your work with Enago. It provides you with client perspective for the assignments completed over the month. The sections of this report are as follows:
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i. Consistency


0 Good Very Good Excellent

In-house quality analysts analyze the work of the editors before sending the document to the clients. Once an assignment is sent to the client, he/she also evaluates the same and provides evaluation ratings for each assignment. With this entire data, we arrive at a consistency factor that will give an idea about the consistency in meeting client expectations. We provide data for your work over the last six months via a graph such as the one shown above. Note that the values reported are cumulative, e.g., the percentage reported for Good also includes the percentage of Very Good ratings. Hence, the percentage values shown do not add to 100%. We provide separate graphs for Copy Editing and Substantive Editing. ii. Quality parameters
Subject Matter Expertise
Quality of Language
Attention to Detail













The quality of a document can be evaluated on three parameters: Subject matter expertise, Quality of language, and Attention to detail. Clients as well as in-house editors assess the document quality on these parameters. Data pertaining to each document are mentioned on a scale of developing, intermediate, fair, good, and proficient for these parameters. This section of the report provides the distribution of these ratings for each parameter over the month. There are separate graphs for Copy Editing and Substantive Editing.

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32 iii. Difficulty level matching After editing the assignments, the external editors evaluate the level of English for the assignment. Our in-house staff also evaluates this level after they work on the assignment. We provide you with the percentage of times your assessed difficulty level matched with that assessed by the in-house staff. This parameter brings to our notice the mismatch between the perception of external editors and in-house staff when it comes to the difficulty of an assignment. iv. Comments from the in-house editing team One section of the report provides comments of our in-house editors for individual assignments. The comments are provided by them after their final round of check and contain opinions on different aspects of editing based on their skill and experience. These comments are provided with the objective of collaborative learning rather than an assessment of performance. It is very much possible that the comments are debatable at times. Our objective is only to share the information we have with you. We appreciate your feedback on these comments; such feedback will help us improve the skills of our inhouse editors and our systems. v. Subject area distribution over the month

Corporate Finance Sociology

Education Social Science



International Relations Literature Political Science Philosophy

This section shows you how the overall volume of assignments completed by you was spread over various subject areas. We provide you information about your highest and lowest rated subjects, which will help you identify your strengths and areas of improvement. If you would like us to allocate more assignments belonging to one particular subject area, please let us know. Our clients are very particular about their subject areas and expect the editors to possess in-depth knowledge about the same.
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33 vi. Client repeat ratio and referral numbers Client repeat ratio tells us whether an existing client has returned to Enago with other documents for editing. This metric tells the editor the return percentage of clients whose assignments he/she had edited. We also track whether a new client has been referred to us as a result of a previous edit. The number of such referred clients as a result of your edits is presented in this section. These data reflect of our performance as a company because they are derived from the consumer behavioral patterns identified for our clients. vii. Client feedback ratings We receive regular feedback from our clients on various parameters related to our service. One of the important parameters is the clients opinion about the subject matter exp ertise of the editor. Although two editors work on each document edited by Enago, as most of the changes in a document that are related to subject matter expertise are made by the freelance editor, this parameter reflects the clients opinion about the freelance editors expertise. Note that as there is a time lag between you editing a document and the client giving feedback about it, the data you see for a particular month may not be for the assignments edited in that month. We present the feedback ratings as per the month they are received in. viii. Deadline breaches As previously mentioned, our clients are highly conscious about deadlines and therefore we consider it our top priority to meet them. A delay in the delivery of an edited file from an external editor means less time for the quality analysis team to check the assignment, which may affect the quality of the document. To create more awareness regarding deadline management, we provide a list of assignments for which deadlines were breached in the month and a graph showing the number of deadlines breached per month over the past year.
1 1 1 1

0 January

0 February March

0 April May June

0 July

0 August

0 September

0 October November

0 December

Please communicate your views and suggestions about the report at
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Communication and related Protocols

Editorial Coordinators, or ECs in Enago parlance, handle allocation of assignments from start to finish. They route assignments through our editorial process and hence are the primary conduits for your communication with Enago. The Editorial Coordinators are trained to handle all aspects of allocation, including answering your queries (or routing them to those who can answer them). Communication between you and Enago will primarily be via email to facilitate effective information flow and record keeping. We request that you follow these guidelines: We recommend a dedicated account for receiving assignments and/or communicating with Enago. This will help you keep track of all deadlines and check the status of pending queries. Please designate this as your primary email address so that all assignment emails are sent to this address. Please check this email account regularlywe recommend checking the account several times during the day. Our Editorial Coordinators work in three 8-hour shifts to have 24-hour coverage. So, please check and respond to assignment emails as promptly as you can. It is often necessary for our Editorial Coordinators to reach you by phone either to request you to reply to an urgent email or to pass on some other instructions. Please ensure that we have, on file, your currently active landline and mobile numbers. If these numbers change, please ensure that you update us at the earliest. Please share your Skype and Gtalk usernames to facilitate quick communication and query resolution.

a. Assignment emails
Editorial Coordinators will communicate with you primarily through email, which follows a templatebased format to ensure that all details pertaining to an assignment are conveyed properly (Refer to the Annexure for Assignment email template). Note: The files to be edited and files to be used as reference are attached to the assignment email message. If the file size is large, we may choose to send you the files via YouSendIt ( or any other online file transfer service. You do not need to sign up to this servicewe will send you a link and you can click on the link and download the assignment files directly.

b. Confirmation and rejections

As part of the assignment allocation process, the Editorial Coordinator in charge takes into consideration the factors of quality, subject area, schedule, and capacity. We request you to reply to all assignment emails sent to you even if you wish to reject the assignment. Two types of assignment allocation systems are commonly used by editorial service agencies:

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36 Bidding system: An assignment is offered to multiple editors. Usually, the editor who replies most quickly and/or the editor with the most competitive bid is chosen for the assignment. One Assignment-One Editor system: In this system, each assignment is offered to a single editor, who is chosen carefully to be the best possible match to the client requirements.

At Enago, we believe in quality of the work done and that is why we do not use a bidding system for assignments in our preference list but instead follow the One Assignment-One Editor system. If you need to reject an assignment for any reason, please inform us at the earliest so that the assignment can be allocated to another editor without any loss of time. If you do not reply to an email on time (generally within 12 15 hours for an assignment with a short deadline or 2530 hours for an assignment with a longer deadline), we will need to reallocate the assignment to another editor. On reallocating the assignment, we will send you a formal cancellation email with [!! CANCELLED !!] in the subject line. However, if the deadline for that assignment has expired, no cancellation email will be sent. Note: If you do not receive a formal cancellation email from us even when more than 24 hours/48 hours have elapsed since the assignment email was sent, please do not assume that it is cancelled. Please email us and check if the assignment is still available. Please start working on an assignment only after you have sent the confirmation/acceptance email. Once you have sent this email, no further communication from us is necessary and you can start working on the assignment immediately. Please hit Reply or Reply All when you confirm/reject an assignment or communicate with Editorial Coordinators on any assignment-specific question. If you do compose a fresh email, please use the same subject line as in the assignment email: [Copyediting: ABCDE-1] 136 words/Friday, July 31, 2009, 06:30 GMT. Using the same subject line helps faster tracking of all issues. Our spam filters are specially configured to route emails with subject lines as mentioned above speedily to the coordinators. If a different subject line is used, the filters may accidentally categorize the email as spam, and it is likely that such an email will be tagged as low priority for the coordinators to check and address.


Assignment upload

FAQ: Why do you insist on getting external editors to upload assignments? Besides the large number of assignments we process daily and the large file size issues involved in email transfer, the chief reason for insisting on getting external editors to upload assignments is to help the authors of the manuscripts. While uploading the assignment, an online process is followed to collect information from the external editors about the original manuscript, including the level of the author s original writing, and many other parameters. This information is sent to the author because it is a helpful assessment of the authors skills and allows him/her know what areas of his/her writing abilities may be weak and need improvement. Over time, authors have emailed us to inform how helpful they found
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37 such feedback. Therefore, we request that you upload the assignments along with this information (Refer to the Annexure). The information you provide will also help us process the assignment faster in-house. Based on your ratings, we will select the in-house editor with the skill set most suited for checking the assignment (i.e., skills that correspond with the improvements needed in the manuscript). FAQ: I tried accessing the upload site but it wont open. Are the passwords Im using correct? What do I do now? If you cannot access our upload site in the first/second attempt or are facing any other technical problem using the system, please send us the edited files via email. Wed prefer to receive the files first, start processing them for delivery to the client, and then fix the problem with the upload system. Please do not spend time trying to re-access or try a different username/password combination at the outset email us the files first before you do anything else. If the file size is large, please send the files via YouSendIt ( or any other free online file transfer service. Although our FTP-based upload system works well, we will notify you if there is a temporary problem and will request you to send the files via email instead until the problem is resolved.

d. Workload and schedules

i. Deadlines

Workloads and schedules are assigned on the basis of turnaround time (TAT) and volume. At the time of your recruitment, the following information was sought via a web form (the Editor Form, if you recollect): Working hours (in IST) Work on weekends Email availability Turnaround time (in words edited per day) Weekly volume (words you wish to accept from Enago per week)

Assignments are allocated and deadlines are determined on the basis of this information. In case you wish to update this information, please let the Editorial Coordinators know immediately, and we will make the required change in our records. Example: Its Thursday, and the Editorial Coordinators wish to assign a 10,000 word assignment to you As your stated TAT is 2500 words a day, the time required to edit this assignment is 4 days As you are located in the United States, you will receive this assignment on Wednesday night in your time zone. Since you have also indicated that you reply within 2 hours of starting work, you can begin the assignment on Thursday morning
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38 Since you have indicated that you work on Saturdays but not Sundays, 4 working days = Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday The deadline will be end of Monday in your time zone, which is Tuesday morning in India. The deadline will be given accordingly in the assignment email As seen in this example, your working hours and email availability are used to determine the earliest time that you will reply to our email and start working. If your working hours and email availability change routinely (e.g., if you travel for work often to a different city and have limited email access in that period), please let us know. FAQ: Why do I need to be available during specific hours to accept or decline an assignment? Does it matter if theres a slight delay? Yes, even a slight delay matters to our East Asian clients, especially Japanese clients. A delay in allocating an assignment could lead to a delay in sending the file to the clients. This may affect the author s submission deadline or a deadline to discuss the edited manuscript with a supervisor/reviewer. Since we deal with assignments having relatively short turnaround times, we request your cooperation in ensuring swift and timely allocation of assignments to minimize any delay and inconvenience to our clients. ii. Extensions

We occasionally deal with manuscripts for which the client deadline is shorter than usual. In such cases, you may be given a relatively shorter deadline. Consequently, you may find that you do not have sufficient time to complete the assignment by the given deadline. In such cases, please reply to the assignment email by enquiring about the possibility of an extension. Please mention the following: Reason that an extension is required Earliest deadline by which you can complete the assignment

The Editorial Coordinator in charge will extend the deadline if possible. Example 1: Enago: [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Friday, July 31, 2009, 03:30 GMT You: I cannot accept this deadline since I have another assignment due on the same day for another client. Can you extend this by 1 day? Enago: [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Saturday, August 01, 2009, 03:30 GMT You: I confirm the assignment with the extended deadline Example 2: Enago: [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Friday, July 31, 2009, 03:30 GMT
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39 You: I cannot accept this deadline since I have another assignment due on the same day for another client. Can you extend this by 2 days? Enago: Im afraid a 2-day extension wont be possible as this assignment has a close client deadline. Would a 1-day extension suffice? [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Saturday, August 01, 2009, 03:30 GMT You: Yes, although I would have preferred 1 more day. Confirmed for the extended deadline. Example 3: Enago: [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Friday, July 31, 2009, 03:30 GMT You: I cannot accept this deadline since I have another Enago assignment due on the next day, and I will use up all my time to work on that one its ABCDE-1. Can you help me with the scheduling? Enago: The deadline for this assignment (VWXYZ-1) cannot be extended, but ABCDE-1 has a longer client deadline. Would the following be fine? [Copyediting: VWXYZ-1] 1260 words/Friday, July 31, 2009, 03:30 GMT - no change [Copyediting: ABCDE-1] 3500 words/Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 03:30 GMT - extended (Weve extended the deadline for your already confirmed assignment, so that you can fit the new one in your schedule.) You: Great, I confirm VXXYZ-1 for the stated deadline and ABCDE-1 for the extended deadline. Alls well now! Note: If you cannot meet a deadline, please do not reject the assignment without first checking whether it can be extended. Please arrange to clarify all extension requests before an assignment is confirmed. FAQ: Can I ask for an extension after Ive confirmed/started working on an assignment? We prefer that you determine the need for an extension before you confirm an assignment. However, we are aware that occasionally, an assignment that looks straightforward on the surface may turn out to quite difficult to understand and edit. Occasionally, an unforeseen circumstance (storm, power blackout) may also cause a delay. If you feel you wont be able to meet a confirmed deadline, please email us immediately. We will attempt to extend the deadline which in turn will involve some rearrangement of our internal workflow and schedule. In cases where the client deadline cannot be extended, we may be forced to cancel the assignment and assign it to an editor who can meet the original deadline. We regret the inconvenience this may cause to you. As previously mentioned, delays in completing assignments may cause great inconvenience to our clients. They may miss a submission deadline or may not have sufficient time to review the edit before submitting the manuscript. Since client delight is a cornerstone of our service, we want to avoid situations of this kind.

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40 FAQ: Why dont you respond to my confirmation email giving me the go-ahead to start the assignment? As explained before, we usually do not follow the bidding system. Therefore, since you are the only editor to whom the assignment is allocated, you can start immediately once you have confirmed the assignment. The confirmation email can be as simple as hitting Reply to the assignment email and writing I confirm the assignment with the stated deadline. You can then begin work on the assignment without waiting for any further word from us. FAQ: Do you ever use the bidding system? We rarely use this system, and only when an assignment is confirmed with an extremely short deadline. In such cases, the author usually has an urgent submission deadline and we cannot risk the chance that the chosen editor will turn down the assignment, thereby losing time in the reallocation process. Therefore, the assignment is sent to more than one editor. The email in this case clearly mentions Please indicate your willingness to accept this assignment with the stated deadline. Please do not start until we have given you the go-ahead. In these cases, the coordinators are on standby and will send a go-ahead email to the first editor who replies to the assignment email. A cancellation email will be sent to the other editors who were offered the assignment. Please note that the situation above happens exceedingly rarely.

e. Channels of communication
For your convenience, we have categorized this section so that you can channel your queries to the individual or department most suited to send you a timely response. i. Editorial Coordinators 24 hours Monday to Friday and 06:0000:00 IST (00:308:30 GMT) on Saturdays a. Routine queries (Standard reply time: within 24 hours) Confirming or rejecting an assignment, routine queries related to extending a deadline, clarifying instructions in the assignment email, and deadlines and schedule in general Discounts and premiums on specific assignments Any change in your availability, notifications of leave or reduced turnaround time on specific days Request for resending files, additional reference material on an assignment, and observations about the level of writing In general, all assignment-related queries b. Non-routine queries (Standard reply time: within 23 business days OR 1 week)

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41 Queries that arise infrequently or that are not directly related to one specific assignment (e.g., In rare cases, authors may have engaged in unethical research practices, such as conducting an experiment without approval from a Review Board. Do I write a Remark in such cases or ignore the seeming transgression?) General questions about the type of assignments Enago sends, requests to send more assignments from a particular area or field, and queries of this nature c. Workload/Pay rate (Standard reply time: 1 week) Requests for an increase or decrease in your workload or an application to reconsider your pay rate for any service Any other discussion on your terms of service with Enago Please address these queries to the Manager of the Editorial Coordinator team; the Editorial Coordinators will provide you the requisite email address and name of the Manager on request. d. Suggestions and comments (Standard reply time: 1 week or longer) We welcome your suggestions, comments, and observations on all aspects of our operations and processes. Please address these queries freely and frankly to the Editorial Coordinators. If you would like to share any editing-related or other resources with Enago, please feel free to do so. We will appreciate your involvement. If you would like us to share or make available any resources (whether editing-related or otherwise), please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Recruitment Coordinators

ii. 10:0019:00 IST (04:3013:30 GMT) Monday to Friday a. Referrals (Standard reply time: 1 week or longer) If you wish to refer any of your colleagues, associates, or friends to Enago for providing services, our Recruitment Coordinator will notify you about the positions currently available and will request you to pass those details to the individual(s) you wish to refer, along with the details of the recruitment process

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42 b. Recruitment process and documentation (Standard reply time: within 1 week) Queries about any aspect of our recruitment process, including samples, evaluations, and feedback on edited samples Queries about the documentation maintained by Enago for each editor: Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Declaration, and other relevant forms including your CV If you wish to update your CV, list of subjects edited, or personal details we currently hold on file If you wish to inform us about any additional services you currently offer or plan to offer Quality and feedback team

iii. 10:00 19:00 IST (04:3013:30 GMT) Monday to Friday iv. Queries about feedback provided If you have any doubts about correct usage/style to follow Accounts 10:00 19:00 IST (04:30 13:30 GMT) Monday to Friday a. Monthly invoicing (Standard reply time: within 1 week) Queries about the monthly invoicing procedure If a particular discount or premium has not been entered into our system, or the fee on an assignment is incorrectly recorded In case of a non-matching invoice If you wish to change the mode of payment (PayPal to Bank Transfer and vice versa) or would like to change the account information we have on file Any clarification in account information or the process of wire transfers or PayPal If you want to know when payment for a particular invoice was made or will be made. We can provide you information on past payments and amounts, as well as details of tax withheld (if any). In case your payment has been delayed beyond the date mentioned in the notification email In case your bank rejects a payment and it has to be resent either to a different bank account or through PayPal If you need any information to prepare your tax return or file a statement of earnings

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Premiums: One of the reasons we work with a per 1000 word payment system is that the assignment fees are calculated in the assignment email itself and further negotiation is not required. This optimizes both your and our time and lets us concentrate on the work at hand, while still assuring that you are adequately compensated for your work. The pay rate that is mutually agreed upon by you and Enago is based on the following observations: On copyediting assignments, editors edit at a rate of 1000 words per hour on an average On substantive editing assignments, editors edit at a rate of 500600 words per hour on an average The assignments you receive will be a balanced mix of those that are well written, written at an average level, and poorly written (with consequent variation in editing time) Most assignments you receive will be sent with deadlines calculated as per the turnaround times specified by you

However, in rare cases: The deadline given will be very tight The client requirements will warrant significant additional effort or the level of writing is extremely poor

In these cases, we will offer a premium over your usual rate, at our discretion. The assignment email will clearly mention the percentage of premium offered and the reasons thereof, and the fee details will mention the total amount with the premium. Discounts: Clients usually ask for discounts of the following types, and hence, we will ask for proportionate discounts (see percentage values below) from you. 1. Large Word Count Discount: An assignment with a large word count usually takes less time to edit. Hence, we will ask for a 20% discount from you on assignments that have a word count of 8000 words or more. 2. Re-edit Discount: A client may make changes in a document that has already been edited and submit it for re-edit. Ideally, all such assignments should be re-allocated to the editor(s) who edited the original documents. Since the documents have already been edited once, they usually take a significantly less amount of time for re-edit, and hence, we ask the editor(s) to do the reedit for a fee that is 50% of the original edit fee. However, if the original editor is not available to take up the assignment, we allocate it to another editor and ask for a 25% discount on the original edit fee. Note that this discount is applicable for the Re-Editing service under which the client can make paragraph level changes to the document. For minor sentence level changes, we offer free re-editing to clients within 30 days of delivery for Copy Editing assignments and 90 days
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44 of delivery for Substantive Editing assignments; hence, we will expect you to provide these minor re-edits for free.

Quality Systems Enagos Quality Management Systems are ISO 9001:2008 certified. At the core of our quality commitment to our clients is trust. We have defined processes and protocols that monitor quality at all key checkpoints to enable us to honor this commitment. Our Quality team publishes periodic performance reports to help identify root causes of issues so as not to let them resurface. Needless to say, we take client feedback very seriously, more so with ESL authors who may question our editing services based on a small number of oversights. For every valid client complaint, on either quality or deadline, we may resort to any of the following settlement options with you depending on the severity of the complaint. Penalty up to 100% of the original fee Free re-edit

This is a step toward winning a dissatisfied clients confidence back into our editing services. Do note that we do not impose penalties for all client complaints. All complaints are duly validated, and penalties are asked for in case of valid complaints only. For other complaints, feedback is provided to better set expectations where necessary. We look forward to your understanding and cooperation. Note: The aforementioned discounts are not mandatory for editors. It is in the best interest of the business that we offer these discounts to our clients. If asked to provide a discount, an editor is always given a chance to discuss it with his/her Editorial Coordinator to facilitate a fair assessment. No discounts will be applied without the editors consent. If you have any questions or doubts, please email them to FAQ: Why is there 40-day delay in payments? The delay reflects the payment cycle at the client endfor an assignment completed in January, we invoice the client in February and the client is required to pay us by March. Since most of our clients use public money to pay us (university funds, government grants, etc.), they need to submit detailed invoices to the funding source (university, local or national body, and grants commission) and hence cannot make prepayment. Thank you for your understanding. FAQ: Why are exact figures required? Why cant I just round them up to the nearest dollar amount and be done with it? Were sorry for the inconvenience caused by our insistence on exact figures to two decimal places. However, banking rules and regulations (and our own auditors) require exact matching of invoice
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45 amounts with the amounts remitted. Since our assignment emails always specify the dollar amount to two decimal places, please use these exact amounts while preparing your invoice. If youre unsure as to how to do this, our Accounts Department will be glad to help youplease write to them at FAQ: Whats the logic behind the $100 limit for PayPal payments? Is there any specific reason why I cant get you to send a higher invoice amount to me through PayPal? PayPal charges a 4% transaction fee for every transaction. The greater the amount remitted, the bigger the fee gets. Banks, on the other hand, usually charge a standard fee per wire transfer that is independent of the amount of the remittance (usually $1020, banks will rarely use a sliding scale). Therefore, as the amount remitted gets larger, the PayPal fee increases, but the bank fee remains the same. Hence, we prefer bank transfer for large payments. If you prefer, we can send amounts of up to $200 through PayPal in one-off situations. Please email Accounts ( if you wish this to be done for a particular month. FAQ: Why cant you just mail me a check by registered mail to my home/work address? Government of India regulations require that we use wire transfer to send large remittances out of India. If we were to mail checks, you would need to directly communicate with the tax authority in India to release the payments to your account. We try to minimize the inconvenience caused to you by taking care of all the documentation/filing requirements at our end. Please refer to for the form that Enago must complete for sending every foreign remittance. FAQ: Is there anything different in the protocol for the assignments with premiums or discounts? In case of assignments with premiums or discounts, please do not start with an assignment until the quantum of the premium or discount is agreed upon by both you and Enago. Refer to the Annexure for the invoicing/payment process. You can download our Invoice Template from the following location:

g. Working hours
Enago operates out of Mumbai, India, and our Editorial Coordinators work in three shifts to have 24hour coverage 5 days of the week. On Saturdays, our ECs work from 06:0000:00 IST (00:308:30 GMT).
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If you send an urgent query outside these times over a weekend, there is still a chance that one of our Editorial Coordinators is working late and will reply. Therefore, please email irrespective of the time. However, the earliest we can guarantee a response in such cases is the next business day. On rare occasions, our Editorial Coordinators will need to coordinate with you on confirmation of assignments outside office hours. In this case, they will arrange communication accordingly (either through a personal email account or telephone). Please do not hesitate to email and get your questions answered, no matter how small or insignificant the query may seem. The more we communicate with each other, the better will be our understanding of author requirements and the more effectively we will then process client assignments.

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Subject Area Match and its Significance

To ensure high quality output from editors, it is critical that they know the subject matter of the assignments they are working on. Our list of subject areas plays a key role in how we select an editor for an assignmentthe list is grouped as follows: Level: Example: 1 (Major Group) Physical Sciences 2 (Sub-Group) Chemistry 3 (Specific Subject) Analytical Chemistry

We have recently revised the Subject Area list to include the new subjects that have come up as a result of the evolution of the respective research fields. As these new fields are very active, we tend to receive many assignments related to them. We, therefore, request all our editors to indicate their subject expertise as per our revised Subject Area list (approximately 653 subjects). This list will be sent to you by our Recruitment Coordinator. If you have been recently recruited, the number of subjects you can select is limited to 20. This will ensure that initially you will receive only those assignments that you are most familiar with. Once you are fully integrated in the system, this limit may be raised. This subject expertise matrix is considered while allocating assignments. We always try to ensure that allocation is done within the matching matrix. FAQ: I did not fill any survey; what should I do? Please contact FAQ: I am currently working (or have worked) on an assignment that is not from my field of expertise. What should I do to make sure that it is not sent to me again? If you receive any assignment that is outside your subject expertise, please email Make sure to communicate the assignment code and/or the individual subject as well. We shall remove the same from your allocation matrix. This will ensure that you do not receive any future assignments for that subject area.

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Common Errors made by ESL Authors

Writing is an important, but difficult to acquire, communication skill that is essential in todays information society. The level of difficulty is significantly higher when a foreign language is involved. Differences in language structure, the manner of expressing thoughts, writing styles, and other culturally varying factors greatly affect the writings of a foreign (second) language author. [Benson and Heidish, 1995]. Our clients face the aforementioned problem with English language manuscripts. Many aspects of the linguistic differences between Japanese and other languages are difficult to define and have not been completely explored. Japanese is an agglutinative language and is distinguished by a complex system of honorifics reflecting the hierarchical nature of Japanese society, with verb forms and particular vocabulary to indicate the relative status of the speaker, the listener, and a person mentioned in conversation (regardless of their presence). The sound inventory of Japanese is relatively small, and it has a lexically distinct pitch-accent system. It is a mora*-timed language. *Unit of sound used in phonology that determines syllable weight (which in turn determines stress or timing) in some languages. Given the structural differences between English and Japanese, some Japanese researchers may have great difficulty in developing the level of English writing skills that is expected of them. We list the most common errors made by our clients below:

a. Articles
Non-native authors, especially those who are Japanese, tend to make many mistakes in article usage. Errors in the use of the definite article are particularly common. This is not surprising as the Japanese language does not have an article system; therefore, Japanese authors lack a point of reference for inserting these parts of speech. This substantiates the need for editors to check whether the article usage is correct and consistent throughout a document and rectify the same accordingly. Incorrect: Although the marmosets increased their vocal rates during test period in all the three conditions (P < 0.001), time courses differed among conditions. Correct: Although the marmosets increased their vocal rates during the test period in all the three conditions (P < 0.001), the time courses differed among the conditions. A more comprehensive discussion of these errors is presented at

b. Comma
Overuse of commas is another major error category. We at Enago generally refer to CMS for guidance on comma usage.
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Incorrect: Since 1980, 24 PCNA cultivars derived from breeding and bud sport of the native cultivars, have been developed and registered. Correct: Since 1980, 24 PCNA cultivars derived from breeding and bud sport of the native cultivars have been developed and registered.

c. Hyphens and dashes

Check for consistent and correct use of hyphens and dashes. These punctuation marks appear as follows: hyphen (-), en dash (), and em dash (). Typically, a hyphen is used to join words of unequal importance (e.g., fluorescein-labeled conjugates). An en dash is used to join words of equal importance (e.g., electronphonon interaction), to denote ranges (e.g., 25 years, JanuaryApril), and to connect words that already have a hyphen (e.g., quasi-onedimensional). According to Wikipedia, an em dash is most commonly used to set off parenthetical text, to indicate a sudden break in thoughta parenthetical statement like this one or an open range (such as John Doe, 1987). Please consult CMS for further guidelines on usage of these dashes. In addition, to denote subtraction and negative numbers, please use the minus symbol ( ), which can be inserted from Words symbol list [Character code 2212, Unicode (hex)]. Incorrect: The firm fixation of titanium implants in bone requires the process of bone-titanium integration. Correct: The firm fixation of titanium implants in bone requires the process of bone titanium integration.

d. Tense
In scientific writing, typically, several tenses are used for various purposes. For example, past tense is used for reporting studies conducted in the past (Dhanoya et al. determined the atomic weight of edisensium using the chemical method.), present tense is used for stating scientific facts (The atomic weight of edisensium is 203.), and future tense is used to state what is expected to occur in the future (The use of edisensium will solve the energy crisis.). One common error is the use of was/were vs. has been/have been. The former are used to describe an event in the past (Edisensium was discovered in 2006.), whereas the latter are used to describe events that began in the past and you want to emphasize the events continuing natureeither entirely in the past or into the present (Many researchers have been studying the properties of edisensium). Incorrect: A considerable effort was made to find microfeatures of material surfaces that produce greater bioactivity. Correct: A considerable effort has been made to find microfeatures of material surfaces that produce greater bioactivity. A good explanation of tense usage with visual timeline is given in the link below:
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Note that native English-speaking editors probably find this distinction intuitive. Therefore, we should be alert to context clues where a simple past tense may be technically correct but is used incorrectly with an event whose continuing nature is important to the logic of the article s explanation of a point.

e. Word choice
Non-native speakers sometimes use a word that sounds similar to but means something completely different than the intended word. The spell check tool will not catch such errors; therefore, you need to pay careful attention to such word usage problems. Incorrect: Our results are reproductive. Correct: Our results are reproducible.

f. Apostrophe
The apostrophe is mainly used to indicate possession. Read carefully to avoid instances where it is used after plurals. Also, note that there should be no apostrophe in terms such as 1920s and 1930s. Incorrect: The tubes diameter was 10 mm. Correct: The tubes diameter was 10 mm. Incorrect: The solution was collected in 10-ml tubes. Correct: The solution was collected in 10-ml tubes.

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Tips and Tools

Consistency and precise grammar are keys to successful publication of a manuscript. Often an editor needs to make repetitive changes throughout a manuscript to achieve consistency, for example, use of Fig. vs. Figure vs. fig. and the use of abbreviations in the text. Therefore, to achieve consistency, use the Ctrl + F functions:

a. Ctrl + F
Match case (to check abbreviations) Find whole words only (to check consistent word usage) Find and replace using format

For example, Ctrl + I in the Find tab finds all italic characters. If you want to remove the italicization, in the Replace tab, use Not Italic.

If you want to search for tabs or paragraph breaks, you can use the Special tab in the Find and Replace window.

b. Show/Hide
Occasionally, a new user of Word is alarmed to discover that his previously pristine document is full of strange symbolsdots, arrows, paragraphs marks, etc. For experienced users, this reaction seems almost comical because experienced users know how invaluable the display of non-printing characters can be both in formatting and troubleshooting documents. Non-printing characters is Words term for anything that takes up space or has a formatting function but does not appear on the printed page (e.g., spaces, tabs, paragraph breaks, and the like). Even if you prefer to work most of the time without seeing them, you should know how to display them and what they mean.
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This button toggles between display of all non-printing characters and whatever specific non-printing characters you have chosen to display as an alternative. The shortcut key for Show All is Ctrl + * (Ctrl + Shift + 8). The same key combination will also toggle the display off. So what do all these marks represent? Line breaks: Paragraph marks: Pagination breaks: o o o Space characters: , Mincho space characters:

Using the Show/Hide button, one can easily remove double spaces and spaces in Mincho font and replace them by spaces in normal font.

c. Search
We recommend the use of Google Scholar ( to check usage of technical terms. The search terms must be selected carefully in order to get relevant results. i. Selecting search terms

The search terms you enter and the order in which you enter them affect both the order and pages that appear in your search results. Use words likely to appear on the pages you want. Avoid using a question as a query. USE [plant nomenclature Arabidopsis] NOT [what is the plant nomenclature for all species under Arabidopsis]
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53 Be specific: Use more query terms to narrow your results. For example, consider the query [animal]. It will result in numerous hits, both relevant and irrelevant. Hence, depending on context, USE [animal studies mouse kidney] or [animal studies mouse cell line endostatin] to get document-specific hits. To search for a phrase, a proper name, or a set of words in a specific order, put them in double quotes. A query with terms in quotes finds pages containing the exact quoted phrase. For example, [Journal of Microbiology] finds pages containing exactly the phrase Journal of Microbiology. The query [Journal of Microbiology] (without quotes) finds pages containing any of Journal of Microbiology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, or Journal of Medical Microbiology. A quoted phrase is the most widely used type of special search syntax. o [we report the case of a young man] o [strain at break] o [expanded in a plane wave basis] Use quotes to enter proper names. o [ Isaac Newton] o [ KruskalWallis test ] Google will search for common words (stop words) included in quotes, which it would otherwise ignore. o USE [ to recognize the symptoms and diagnose] o NOT [to recognize the symptoms and diagnose] You may include more than one quoted string in a query. All quoted query phrases must appear on a result page; the implied AND works on both individual words and quoted phrases. o [case report knee joint ]

Use *, an asterisk character, known as a wildcard, to match one or more words in a phrase (enclosed in quotes). Each * represents just one or more words. Google treats the * as a placeholder for a word or more than one word. For example, [We * the case of a child with] will give you the different verbs used in this construction. ii. Advanced operators

Some query words, known as advanced operators, have special meaning to Google. Since the advanced operators are convenient for searching, Google Guide calls them search operators. Here are some examples of search operators. Note: The colon (:) after the operator name is required. []
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54 [allintitle:radiation poisoning] [Streptococcus pyogenes filetype:pdf] define: If you start your query with define: Google shows definitions from pages on the web for the term that follows. This advanced search operator is useful for finding definitions of words, phrases, and acronyms. For example, [define:odontology] will show definitions for odontology. filetype: If you include filetype:suffix in your query, Google will restrict the results to pages whose names end in suffix. For example, [Streptococcus pyogenes hospital filetype:pdf] will return Adobe Acrobat pdf files that match the terms Streptococcus, pyogenes, and hospital. intitle: The intitle: operator as in [intitle:spectrum] returns only results that include your search term in the documents title.

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Useful Links

In addition to the links in the sub-sections below, do review these links before proceeding any further.

a. Language and grammar

See Online Technical Writing ( for interesting information on style (headings, lists, etc.); common grammar, usage, and spelling problems; and much more. See for a quick glance through 20 rules of Subject-Verb Agreement. See for a lowdown on the basic rules for hyphenation, including hyphens between words and hyphens with prefixes. Visit collated by Paul Brians, Emeritus Professor of English, Washington State University, to learn about the most confusing words and the most common errors in the English language. Refer to for material on tenses. For reference material on comma usage, visit

b. Technical/Scientific content
Visit for common terminologies and styles followed in biological nomenclature. Please refer to for more information about the correct use of measurement units.

c. Manuscript organization
See for insightful tips on How to Write an Abstract by Philip Koopman from Carnegie Mellon University.

d. Glossaries/Dictionaries
Refer to online Stedmans dictionary for a comprehensive collection of medical terms & definitions.

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e. Style guides
Refer to online version of CMS for general guidelines on academic writing and editing. Check for a list of popular style guides (abridged versions).

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Copy Editing vs. Substantive Editing
1. Original Skill/Requirements of the Author Copy Editing Clients who have some experience in writing and submitting English manuscripts Clients who want us to edit to enhance only the quality of English but not the structure Clients who receive instructions from professors 2.1 Deliverables: Remarks File Copy Editing Substantive Editing Same guidelines to be followed as those for Copy editing. In addition, keep the below points in mind: Remarks need to be descriptive & comprehensive In case of ambiguity, provide options and examples Provide references to prior literature wherever possible Provide developmental feedback to the author Substantive Editing Title Abstract Original Level of English Readiness for Publication Rated for: In addition to all parameters in Copy Editing, rate for: Methods Results Discussion Substantive Editing Clients who have less or no experience in writing and submitting English manuscripts Clients who want us to enhance both structure and language front Clients who submit to top-tier journals such as Nature, Lancet, NEJM, PNAS, etc.

[Refer to chapter on Remarks Writing]

2.2 Deliverables: Manuscript Ratings Copy Editing Rated for: Sentence Structure Flow and Transition Word Choice SubjectVerb Agreement Article Usage Tenses Punctuation References Academic Style 3.3 Advance Report Copy Editing Not provided to client

Substantive Editing The Advance Report provides general points of observations specific to different sections of an academic manuscript. (Refer to the Annexure 7 for further details) Not provided to the client if: If the manuscript is less than 750 words If the manuscript is for non-academic purposes (i.e., not for Journal Submission) If the manuscript is a re-editing assignment (with suffix _2 in assignment code; e.g., ABCDE-1_2)

4. Word Count Reduction Copy Editing Maximum word count reduction: 10% of the Original word count Remark to the client (in the Remarks file) if client/formatting guidelines require >10% word count reduction 5. Free Re-editing Copy Editing Free for 30 days after delivery Substantive Editing Maximum word count reduction: 20% of the Original word count Remark to the client (in the Remarks file) if client/formatting guidelines require >20% word count reduction Substantive Editing Free for 365 days after delivery

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Types of Manuscripts
Editors will encounter a wide variety of assignments during their editing journey at Enago. We have categorized these varieties below, although not exhaustively.
Research presented through a Journal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Full-length research articles Review articles Feature articles Short communications Rapid communications Letters to the editor Research letters Perspectives Editorials

10. Commentaries 11. Systematic reviews 12. Critical reviews 13. Literature reviews 14. Mini reviews 15. Case reports 16. Case studies 17. Clinical trials 18. Technical reports 19. Technical briefs 20. Cover letters 21. Errata/corrections Research presented through other means 1. 2. Conference proceedings Doctoral theses

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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clinical trial reports Brief technical reports Questionnaires Speeches PowerPoint presentations Excel sheets Posters

10. Web content 11. Resumes & author profiles Parts of a larger Manuscript 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Abstract only Figures only (as PowerPoint presentation files) Figure legends only Tables only Table captions only Selected text within a manuscript (text highlighted/font colored) Reviewer comments Responses to reviewer comments

Files not for editing (Optional) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Additional instructions by author Sample paper: previous papers by the same author Sample paper: papers on same/related topic by other authors Figures & tables Reviewer comments and/or responses to review comments Letter to the journal editor

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File Formats
File Formats Formatting Input Format Format handled by Editor Output Format to Client Changes visible to Client as per Journal Guidelines
1. Word MS Word MS Word MS Word 2. PDF MS Word PDF (hand written & Yes Yes Yes Yes


scanned in-house) 3. Excel 4. PowerPoint MS Excel MS PowerPoint MS Word containing TeX code 5. TeX/LaTeX (reference: PDF version of main + all supporting files) 6. Any image file formats (.jpg/.gif) Remarks file in MS Word format MS Excel MS PowerPoint TeX (reference: PDF file Yes (via reference PDF file) No No No No No

converted from Word file) Remarks file in MS Word format



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Assignment Email Template
Dear {First Name}, Password: {Password if the files are password-protected} Following are the job details for {Service: Copyediting or Substantive Editing}. Please reply to this mail at the earliest to confirm the deadline . - Deadline: Friday, July 31, 2009, 06:30 GMT / Friday, July 31, 2009, 12:00 IST - Subject: Psychology - Word Count: 136 words - Purpose: Submission to Journal-Abstract - Formatting: Yes, please format - Journal URL: - English: {American English/British English}, ( - Document Format: MS Word -> MS Word - Additional Instructions: {any special instructions for this assignment from the Editorial Coordinators} Client Comments: {any instructions directly from the client} --------------------*Editing Scheme* Please do not edit the references, figures, Author information, and tables (only for reference). Edit only figure and table legends/captions (if present). --------------------*Notes* -> Use Track Changes for Editing -> Change User Information in MS Word to Crimson (Name: Crimson; Initials: Crimson) Attachments: - No. of files for editing: 1 - No. of files for reference: 0 --------------------------------------------------Editor Code: {This is your unique editor code} Rate per 1000 words (in USD): {Rate of pay} Total (in USD): {Total amount for this assignment} ---------------------------------------------------Relevant Links: - Upload: - Copyediting: - Proofreading: - Remarks: Regards, {Name of the coordinator configuring the assignment}

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(Note: This template is subject to periodic revision)

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Policy and Procedure for Client Complaints
1. Objective: This document describes the process of receiving and addressing client complaints regarding any aspect of the services offered by Enago. 2. Policy: At Enago, we edit every incoming assignment with equal attention. Clients make use of our services primarily because of our attention to individual manuscript quality. We value assignment quality as most important. Our clients expect the best edit and if they are not satisfied, we take steps to correct it immediately. Enago values client feedback and recognizes that opportunities to improve our services arise from effective handling of client complaints. The aim of this policy is to ensure that the process of handling complaints is fair (at client and editor ends) and serves best interest of our clients. We consider rights of both the client and editor, which serve as a critical factor for making the process unbiased. All parties concerned are treated with courtesy, and appropriate confidentiality is maintained. At Enago, we believe in transparency and accountability, and we achieve this by making information about the procedure widely available Informing stakeholders about feedback received and actions taken to improve the services.

Where necessary, the Quality Department at Enago will have the final decision in the outcome of a complaint. 3. Procedure: In case of a quality complaint, we first determine its validity. Once a complaint is found to be valid, we identify the party responsible for poor quality, i.e., external editor or in-house editor. Our quality procedure ensures that for each client complaint, both corrective and preventive actions are taken. Corrective Action: Since impending submission deadlines are a critical factor influencing the result, we provide clients with two options in case of a valid complaint:
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(A) Client prefers free re-editing: Same editor will be asked to work on the re-edit for free. (B) Client prefers discount: Based on the severity of errors, the payment to the editor will be revised to 0100% of the original invoice. The editor will be notified about this change and will be given a chance to state his/her opinion before revising the payment. Preventive Action: Editor grade revised Other assignments checked for quality, if required Feedback provided to the editor Editor can contest quality cases with Enago and look for redressing the situation. Where possible, a mutual decision will be arrived at after consultation(s). Flowchart
Client complaint received

Client comment invalid

Complaint validation by the quality team

Client comment valid

Editor put on hold till the result is obtained

Appropriate explanation + next steps provided to the client

Provide editor feedback

Provide client with the solution of re-editing the same manuscript for free

Re-edit sent to a separate editor Quality team decides if the same editor will do the re-edit



Client Accept s


0100% of the original fee provided

based on the severity of errors

Editor grade is revised

Provide discount on the original assignment to the client Same editor re-edits the file. Editor will not be compensated for this re-edit

Other assignments checked for quality,

if required

Editors can contest this on a case-by50% of original fee/No compensation for the original assignment case basis with the quality team, if they feel they are not responsible. A fair decision will be arrived at. Re-edited file sent to the client

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Using the Ratings provided by Editors
Based on the favorable outcome of a survey, we provide a Manuscript Rate Card for every author. This rate card aims at grading the authors expertise in English language and manuscript writing based on several parameters. This is solely for the benefit of the authors, since they can get to know their weak areas and try to focus on them while writing future research articles. The ratings provided by you for these parameters while uploading the assignment are sent directly to the authors, and hence, the importance of these ratings should not be underestimated. Please refer to the Rating Rubric available on our website. The explanation for each numerical rating is provided to the author as per this rubric. We strongly suggest referring to the Rating Rubric, which provides adequate guidelines to rate the manuscript for various categories. Remember, this rating acts as an English assessment report for authors belonging to non-native English speaking nations, and hence, it should be given due importance.

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Structural Review Report (Advance Report)

The snapshot provided below shows a part of the Advance Report that editors need to fill and send while working on a Substantive Edit. Here is the procedure for filling the report: 1. Download *.xls file from the website. 2. Enter the assignment number 3. Start filling the report You will find that the report follows a questionnaire pattern and it has the following columns: Section: The report is divided into sections. These sections are actually the sections of the assignment, i.e. overall manuscript, title, abstract, etc. Questions: Each section will have specific questions that you need to answer. Select Option: You will select an answer from the drop-down list instead of writing the answers. Example/Comment: If there are any additional comments/examples you want to provide related to a question, please enter it here.
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68 Note that when you select an option, it will tell you whether the comments/examples for that response are mandatory or not. Section status: At the end of each section, you will find the section status. It will let you know whether the section is complete. Once you have completed the report, the status at the top will change to Report Complete. Save the *.xls file and upload it along with the completed assignment. If for some reason, the report does not show a completed status, you can still go ahead and send it to us. Please use the NA option for cases not applicable to the manuscript and provide the reason if necessary.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Your comments will be collated and sent to the client as a report.

Some pointers for composing the report

Some documents, depending on their topic and subject area, may not have some of the typical headings encountered in a research paper, whereas some papers may have multiple sections of the same type (e.g., multiple methods sections in Physical Sciences and Engineering papers). For example, a rapid/short communication may not have explicitly demarcated Materials and Methods or Discussion sections, but it would still present the methods and discuss the findings in the text. In rarer cases, some parts of the Advance Report are not applicable at all (e.g., a literature review does not present any results but contains an uninterrupted discussion), and the report hence contains an NA option. Please use this option judiciously and only when really required. Materials and methods: Some Arts and Humanities documents would not need this section; exceptions to this rule are psychology and social science papers. Most full-length research articles use this section. Results: There ought to be results for any study that you conduct. However, results and discussion are sometimes provided under the same heading. Discussion and Conclusion(s): This heading in the Advance Report also includes questions on the conclusions of a study, which becomes even more significant in some studies where the conclusions are also provided under the same section.

Click here to download the Advance Report Template

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Recruitment of Editors
Process The process of recruitment is transparent and unbiased and is designed to recognize applicants who match the quality expectations of our clients. 1. Depending on the volume of work we receive from clients, we may need to recruit more editors for our database. 2. The Recruitment Coordinator posts ads on various websites and Editorial Associations detailing our requirement and the application procedure. 3. Alternatively, even when a recruitment drive is not underway, you can submit an application to be considered for the position of Copyeditor/Substantive editor by emailing 4. The ads posted by the Recruitment Coordinators specify the expertise we require: Biosciences and Medicine Physical Sciences and Engineering Finance, Business, and Law Arts and Humanities 5. (Any of the above, all of the above, or any combination of subjects depending on the requirement.) 6. The applicant can send an up-to-date CV and a covering letter to and include the following details in your covering letter: Post applied for: Copyeditor/Substantive editor/both Subjects Turnaround time (words/day) Rate per 1000 words (in USD) for copy and substantive editing. Rate per hour (in USD) for copy and substantive editing Years of experience in editing Any other relevant information 7. The applicant will have to undertake a small sample test (not more than 1000 words, but usually even smaller). The instructions for editing the sample will be appended with the sample itself. Please note that the sample is not entirely representative of the work our editors will receive but is targeted at skill assessment only. 8. The representative samples of the type and extent of editing that Enago requires will be attached along with the sample test and applicants can quote pay rates according to the representative samplesnot the test sample, as the test sample is for skill assessment only. 9. Applicants will be recruited on the basis of the evaluation of the sample test. This evaluation is done by senior members of our Quality Team, with a view to identify those applicants whose editing skills match the requirements of our clients. 10. A formal recruitment email is sent detailing the forms that need to be filled by the applicant to get inducted into our database. The documentation required (specified in detail in the next section) is spelt out in that email.
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70 11. After all the forms are checked and verified, the successful applicant will be added to our database. We shall send the first assignment as soon as we receive a request from our clients for editing in the editors chosen subject area(s).

We maintain the following documentation for each editor in our database. This documentation is held securely, and access to this documentation is limited on a need-to-know basis. Editor Form This is an online form which you are required to fill at the time of recruitment. This form is 128-bit SSL protected, and access to this form is controlled by username and password. The Recruitment Coordinator will give you the link and login details required to access this form. This form records your: Personal details and contact information Information on turnaround time Qualifications and experience with style guides & file formats Fee details Subject Area Form The Recruitment Coordinator will send a form to you to select the subjects in which you are most comfortable. We will allocate assignments to you based on the expertise you indicate in this form. We understand that with time, editors acquire/lose expertise in a particular subject depending on their involvement in editing manuscripts from that subject as well as refresher courses and training undertaken. Therefore, if you wish to update your subject areas form at any time, please email the Recruitment Coordinator. Payment Details Form This is an online form and is secured in the way described for the Editor Form. This form is used to record the bank account information required to remit your payment. Please enter all information correctly and carefully, including information about correspondent banks (routing information) and relevant bank routing codes (SWIFT/IBAN/ etc.). Non-Disclosure Agreement
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71 As you are no doubt aware, information about our internal operations, our clients, their manuscripts, etc. is confidential and cannot be disclosed to third parties without prior approval from us. Please print out, sign, scan and email us the Non-Disclosure Agreement that attests to the above. Assignments cannot be allocated to you until we are in receipt of the signed form. Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Declaration Please see the section on Payments above, which explains why this Declaration is required. Our Recruitment Coordinator will email you to determine whether you have a tax-exempt status in India. If so, we will request you to print, fill out, sign, and return by post (snail mail) the completed TDS Declaration. The declaration form can be downloaded from the following location: Although you may send us a scanned copy of the signed form for records, we need the actual form received via post (the Government of India insists that we maintain this in hardcopy). You can find an example of TDS at the following link: FAQ: Why do you need all that information just to send me money? What are all those codes? The following information is collected in the Payment Details form: 1. Account Name: This is the name that the bank account is held under and associated with e.g., John Smith. Please do not enter the type of account here (e.g., Checking, Saving, Personal, etc.). 2. Account Number: The number that identifies the account to the bank and all other parties. 3. Bank Name: The name of the banking institution, credit society, or building society where the account is held. 4. Bank Address: The address of the branch where you hold the account. 5. Sort Code: This is a number or code assigned to a bank which helps to identify it internationally. Please check the sort code with your banks local branch where you hold the account. This code is generally used by European and Australian banks. 6. Swift Code/IBAN Code/ABA Number/Routing Number: These are codes used internationally to route wire transfers. Please ask your banks local branch where you hold the account to supply these codes (whichever is available). Note: The United States does not participate in the IBAN/SWIFT system. Some banks, however, may choose to obtain an IBAN number for international transfers.
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72 US Banks use, instead, a nine-digit Routing Transit Number (RTN) or ABA number (occasionally also called ABA transit number). US-based editors can get this number instead of IBAN/Swift.

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Guidelines for editing PDFWord, PDFPDF, and TeXWord Assignments
File description For PDFWord and PDFPDF assignments, we convert the original PDF document to Word format before sending it to you. For TeXWord documents, we first convert the TeX file to PDF and then convert it to Word format. Although we take care to have as close a reproduction of the original text as possible, the existing software is limited in its ability to convert complex characters. Hence, some of the characters in the original document may not get converted properly. Figure 1 shows an example of such conversion. The text highlighted in blue is an example of how complex characters and symbols appear after conversion; they are not converted properly. Note that the highlight is only for illustration purpose and will not be present in the files you will be working on.

(a) Original PDF

(b) Word format post conversion Fig. 1: Changes in symbols as a result of PDFWord conversion

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74 Editing tips: As some symbols/characters may not get converted properly, we highly recommend that you refer to the original PDF when you encounter such odd characters in the Word document. This will enable you to understand the text better. Do not change such characters to their original form. Leave them as they appear in the converted version. Our clients are aware of the limitation of PDFWord conversion and they typically refer to the tracked changes only while making changes to the original source file for the PDF. Hence, we do not expect you to change the converted characters and symbols. If you come across text that appears awkward in the Word file but appears clear in the original PDF file, then please do not change it in the Word file. If you notice that the Word file is missing some text or chunks of text appearing as embedded objects, please write a remark to point this out. Our in-house editors will take necessary action. For embedded equations, you can point out punctuation changes via remarks. Typically, there are errors only in the end-of-equation punctuations. We typically do not have formatting service for such assignments. However, if formatting instructions are provided, take care of only style/content-related issues (e.g., word/character count restriction, and abbreviation usage) after referring to the guidelines. Do not introduce any structural changes (e.g., font styles, color, italics, line spacing, indentations, bullets, page numbers, page setup, and heading styles) even if they are mentioned in the guidelines.

Guidelines for TeXTeX assignments File Description: For such assignments, we convert the TeX source file into Word format. Hence, all TeX commands in the file, which control formatting, will be visible in the Word file as well.

Editing tips: TeX commands: Please do not change the commands appearing in the Word file. Such commands are typically identified by the character \ at the start of the line. Editing around the commands: However, you may need to edit text enclosed by the commands. For example,

Here, the command \title{} should not be changed, but the text within the command should be edited. A handy reference for such commands is at (Note that this document is not created or hosted by Enago, and we are not responsible for the information presented in it. It is solely for your reference.)

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75 We typically do not have formatting service for such assignments. However, if formatting instructions are provided, only take care of style/content-related issues (e.g., word/character count restriction, and abbreviation usage) after referring to the guidelines. Do not introduce any structural changes (e.g., font styles, color, italics, line spacing, indentations, bullets, page numbers, page setup, and heading styles) even if they are mentioned in the guidelines.

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Cover Letter Add-on
Clients who choose Substantive Editing may opt for a cover letter add-on service. In this service, we provide a template for the author to input relevant information to generate a cover letter. You are required to edit the body of the cover letter (generally highlighted in yellow). As you are aware, a good cover letter includes a summary of the most important results as well as a statement about the novelty of the study. As the abstract also contains these points, the clients most often paste the abstract in the body of the cover letter. From the abstract as well as the main text of the document, you are required to glean what points should be presented in the cover letter and then edit the body accordingly. Thus, this add-on cover letter edit is not merely duplicating the edit on the abstract but requires more effort on your part.

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Changes in the Document
Changes in version 2.February 8, 2010 We have expanded the Introduction section to our client base to include client perspective about our editing services. In particular, more information about the editorclient relationship and the role of inhouse editors in providing the client perspective is included. These additions are at the following locations. 3.4 Client perspective10 3.4.1 EditorClient relationship10 3.4.2 Role of in-house editors in providing the client perspective11 We have also added a new section reporting developments in 2009 10. These developments include expansion of our subject list, establishment of Quality Expert, and creation of Editor Report. This section and its subsections are at the following locations. 13 Developments in 200910..52 13.1 Expertise matching for assignment allocation52 13.2 Quality focus in 200910..53 13.3 Editor Report..54 Changes in version 3.March 15, 2010 Change in our brand name from Edisense to Enago has been done throughout the document Link to Remarks template..26 Link to Invoice template51 Structural Review Report template..67 TDS form..70 Example of TDS..70 Changes in version 4.April 23, 2010 Link to Service checkpoints..12 Link to Proofreading checklist21 Communication with authors..23 FAQ regarding assignments with premium/discount..51 Annexure-9: Guidelines for editing PDFWord, PDFPDF, and TeXWord assignments.72 Changes in version 5. BrEAmE link
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78 The invoice upload link is not mentioned in the handbook. Changes in version 6. Cover Letter Add-on115 Changes in version 7.20 October, 2011 Restructured Table of Contents. Need for Re-Edits.20 Changes in Editor Report.36 Removed the Word 2003 output requirement.62 Changes in version 8.21 May, 2012 Annexure-1: Revised minimum word count for Advance Report to 750..58 Annexure-1: Revised free re-editing duration to 365 days58

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ABA, 76, 77, 78 abstract, 17, 21, 59, 73, 82 Academic Community, 9 academic journals, 9, 10 academic writing, 9, 60 Accounts, 5, 46, 49 Acrobat, 58 Adobe, 58 Advance Report, 33, 62, 74 Advanced Operator, 57 AmE, 33, 68, 83 American, 3, 15, 16, 18, 21, 33, 68 Apostrophe, 54 APS, 22 Articles, 52 Assignment Email, 68 ATD, 31

data presentation, 16, 17 deadlines, 30, 37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 70 define, 52, 58 definition, 18 deliverables, 30 Deliverables, 62 dictionary, 23, 60 Documentation, 5, 6, 46, 76 double check, 22, 23

Edisense, 83 Editor Form, 6, 41, 76 Editorial Coordinator, 21, 39, 42, 48, 68 Eight Core Values of Japanese Business, 10 em dash, 53 en dash, 53 Enago, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 64, 70, 71, 75, 81, 83 errors, 5, 11, 12, 14, 23, 25, 28, 52, 54, 59, 71, 80 expectations, 3, 10, 30, 31, 35, 48, 75

bank routing codes, 76 Bank Transfer, 46 Benson and Heidish, 1995, 52 Bidding system, 40 biological nomenclature, 59 BrE, 33, 68, 83 British, 3, 14, 17, 21, 33, 68

Far East, 11 Feedback, 4, 5, 12, 30, 34, 46, 71 File Formats, 6, 66 filetype, 58 Final Showing Markup, 23 Final view, 23, 24 First Pass, 23 footnotes, 23 formatting, 11, 17, 22, 24, 28, 33, 55, 63, 80, 81 formatting guidelines, 63 free re-editing, 20, 48, 71 FTP, 41

capitalization, 14 checkpoints, 13, 30, 48, 69 clarity, 10, 15, 19, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32 client complaint, 48, 70 client complaints, 34, 48, 70 client delight, 43 Client Questions, 34 CMS, 22, 52, 53 Co-mentorship, 4, 34 Comma, 5, 52 comma usage, 52, 59 compound adjective, 14, 23 Confirmation, 4, 39 confusing words, 59 consistency, 17, 24, 33, 34, 35, 55 Copy Editing, 3, 6, 13, 14, 15, 20, 35, 36, 62, 63 cost efficiency, 8 Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd, 1, 2, 8, 22 Ctrl + *, 56 Ctrl + F, 5, 23, 55 Ctrl + Shift + 8, 56 CV, 46, 75

Glossaries/Dictionaries, 6, 59 glossary. See Google Scholar, 23, 56 Grading, 4, 33 grammar, 11, 13, 17, 21, 53, 55, 59 Gtalk, 39 guidelines, 22, 24, 28, 31, 33, 39, 53, 60, 62, 63, 66, 72, 80, 81

handbook, 30, 84 has been/have been, 53 honorifics, 52

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hyphenation, 14, 59 Hyphens and dashes, 5, 53 hyphens between words, 59 hyphens with prefixes, 59

National Cancer Center, 10 National Defense Medical College, 10 Nature, 9, 13, 62 NDA, 46 NEJM, 62 Non-Disclosure Agreement, 7, 46, 77 non-native, 72 nonprinting character, 55 Non-Routine Queries, 45

IBAN, 76, 77, 78 indefinite article, 15 in-house, 4, 11, 12, 22, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 66, 67, 70, 80, 83 Insert Comments, 25 intended meaning, 18, 19, 27, 33, 34 intitle, 58 ISO, 8, 48 ISO 9001-2000, 8 IST, 41, 44, 45, 46, 50, 68

One assignment-one editor system, 40 operating system, 21

Japanese business culture, 10 journal guidelines, 28, 66

Pagination breaks, 56 paragraph breaks, 56 Paragraph marks, 56 parallelism, 16 parenthetical text, 53 pay rate, 45, 47 payment, 46, 47, 48, 49, 71, 76 Payment Details Form, 76 PayPal, 46, 47, 49 pdf, 58, 68, 72, 81, 83 PDF, 66 PDF-to-Word, 33 peer-review, 10 per 1000 word, 47, 68 placeholder, 57 PNAS, 13, 62 preliminary skim, 23 premium, 46, 47, 49, 83 proofreading, 23, 24 punctuation, 13, 14, 23, 53, 59, 80

keywords, 17, 28 Kyoto University, 10

Lancet, 13, 62 language enhancements, 31 Large Word Count, 47 Level 1 Copy Editing, 14 Level 2 Copy Editing, 15 Level 2 Substantive Editing, 16 Level 3 Copy Editing, 15 Level 3 Substantive Editing, 17 Line breaks, 56 London School of Economics and Political Science, 10

Manuscript Rate Card, 8, 72 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 10 measurement units, 59 mechanical errors, 23 medical terms, 60 MeSH, 17 Mincho, 56 MLA, 22 Monthly Invoicing, 5, 46 mora, 52 MS Word, 22, 23, 33, 66, 68 multiple interpretation, 27 Mumbai, 8, 50

Q&A, 20, 34 QOL, 31

rating, 72 Rating Rubric, 72 readability, 11, 15, 19 reconstructions, 17 Recruitment, 5, 6, 45, 46, 75, 76, 77 Recruitment Coordinator, 76 Recruitment Process, 45 Re-Edit, 20 reference material, 23, 44, 59 Referrals, 5, 45

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Registered mail, 49 Remarks file, 3, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33, 62, 63, 66 resources, 23, 31, 33, 45, 68 review board, 29 Routine Queries, 5, 44 Routing Number, 77 RTN, 78 Rubric, 72 TDS, 7, 46, 77, 83 Technical/Scientific Content, 6, 59 template, 69 Template, 6, 29, 50, 68, 69, 83 Tense, 5, 53 terminologies, 59 The University of Tokyo, 10 thesaurus, 23 time zone, 41, 42 Tokyo Institute of Technology, 10 Track Changes, 21, 22, 23, 68 Turnaround time, 75 Types of Manuscripts, 6, 64 typo, 23, 32

Schedules, 41 scientific terms, 13 search operator, 58 Second Pass, 23 serial comma, 14 Service, 13, 68, 83 Show All, 56 Show/Hide, 6, 55, 56 Skype, 39 SME, 30 Sort Code, 77 Space characters, 56 spell check, 32 spelling, 13, 21, 32, 59 SSL, 76 Structural Review Report, 6, 13, 73 Style Guide, 60 subject area, 13, 30, 37, 39, 51, 74, 76 Subject Areas Form, 7, 76 Subject-Verb Agreement, 59, 62 Substantive Editing, 3, 6, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 35, 36, 48, 62, 63, 68 Swift Code, 77

Upload, 4, 40, 69 upload site, 41 user name, 21

was/were, 53 Waseda University, 10 wildcard, 57 word choice, 3, 15, 16, 25 word count reduction, 63 Word Count Reduction, 62, 63 word usage, 13, 54, 55 wordy, 18 Workload, 5, 41, 45

Table, 65, 68, 84 Tax Deduction at Source, 7, 46, 77

Yasutaka Sai, 11 YouSendIt, 39, 41

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