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User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643

User Questionnaire

The questionnaire is broken down into two sections and should be

completed immediately after completing all sections of the application.
Section One reviews the application and its effectiveness in supporting the
learner, and the second is to answer questions based on the information
learnt from the application.

Please answer all questions by placing the letter of your answer next to
the answer field allocation to every question. E.g. Answer: A

For Section A please be honest throughout and attempt every question.

Final comments at the end are encouraged to gather further feedback
from you about the application.

For Section B using only the information gathered from the application,
answer the ten questions provided.

Please continue through the questionnaire.

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643

Section A: Application

About You

Full Name(Leave Blank to remain anonymous):

What age range do you fall into?

A. Under 16.

B. 16-25.

C. 26-39.

D. 40-60.

E. 60+


General Review

What previous knowledge have you had regarding Texas Hold’em

Poker before using the application?

A. Never played the game before.

B. Played a few times but didn’t really know what was going on.

C. I’ve played a lot already.


Did you find any faults in the application?

A. Yes

B. No


If you answered yes, please explain what you found:

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643

Did you find the application fun?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Mostly

D. Not alot


Would you use the application again?

A. Yes

B. No


Was the visibility of all items easy to see and read?

A. Yes

B. No


How would you improve the application?

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643


How did you find the quantity of information which was delivered in the

A. Too much information given and expected to remember.

B. Not enough information given.

C. Right amount of information given.


How did you find the quality of information which was delivered?

A. I did not understand some of the terms, even when they were

B. The information was delivered in a way which was difficult for me to


C. I understood everything correctly enough to be able to move onto

the exercises confidently.



How did you find the difficulty of the questions in general?

A. The questions were too difficult even after the tutorials.

B. The questions were too easy and think I could have answered them
even without the tutorials.

C. Using the information from the tutorials I answered the questions



How did you find the structure of the questions?

A. The questions were all the same difficulty throughout.

B. The questions started off easy and were more challenging as they
went on.

C. The questions started off difficult and became easier.

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643



How did you find the difficulty of the strategy in general?

A. The strategy was difficult to understand and I had problems all the
way through.

B. The strategy was easy and didn’t build upon much I learnt in earlier

C. I used information I learnt in previous sections to combine with the

new information to work through the strategies.


Please add any other comments which you think will benefit the
development of this application:
User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643

Section Two: Questions


The small blind is 30 chips, you are the Big Blind. How many chips do you
need to put in?

A. 15 chips B. 60 chips C. 90 Chips D. No Chips



The pre-flop betting has finished with 3 people calling the Big Blind. It has
come to you in the Big Blind. You do not want to put any more chips in the
pot for this round of betting, what do you do?

A. Fold B. Raise C. Call D. Check



The round of betting has finished after the flop with all players having
chips left. What happens now?

A. The turn is shown B. A showdown occurs C. The flop is shown D. The

big blind has to act



Someone bets 50 chips on the river.

a. You want to increase this amount, what do you have to do?

A. Call B. Fold C. Raise D. Check


b. What is the minimum you can increase to?

A. 100 chips B. 80 chips C. 51 chips D. 500 chips

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643


You start the hand on the dealer button.

Which blind are you required to place into the pot?

A. Small Blind B. Big Blind



You and you opponent have got to showdown.

You show a Straight

Player Two shows Two Pair

Who Wins?

A. You B. Player Two Answer:


The board shows:


You have: Qc-Th

What hand do you have?

A. High Card B. Straight C. Flush D. One Pair Answer:


Player One has called Player Twos bet on the river and the hand has
reached showdown.

The board is:


Player One shows: 4c-4s

Player Two shows: Ad-9d

Who Wins?

A. Player One B. Player Two Answer:

User Testing Post Test Questionnaire 06001643


The board at the river is:


Which is the best possible holding in this situation?

c. 3s-3h B. Js-Jd C. Ac-Kc D. 8c-Tc Answer:


The board on the flop is:


You hold:


Which card on the turn or river would you need to make a straight?

A. 4c B. 8h C. Ts D. It is impossible to make a straight with just

one more card

Thanks alot for your time in completing this questionnaire.

Once completed please hand back into Jonathan

Tingate( or email to in
order for your results to be included in the user testing section of the

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