Case Study

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A) Client profile: Name: Miss L Gender: Female

Date of birth: November 25, 1991 Chronological age: 19years 10months Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic Civil status: Single Educational status/ Attainment: 3rd year (nursing student) Occupation: Student Home address: Iponan Telephone number:

B) Miss L lived almost half of her teenage life away from her parents. Her parents went to the states when she was still in grade school that is why she was left with her two older sisters. It was hard for miss L to grow up without guidance from her parents. For her growing up without a parent was hard because for her a perfect life is you have a complete family where in your parents is the one guiding you in everything you do. Her eldest sister got married in an early age while her other sister also decided to continue her studies in other place. That is why miss L felt more alone because she feels that she has no one to count on. Miss L is very close to her friends she treats them like her real family because for her they are the one who can understand her and she can depend on

them. She had her first boyfriend when she first entered college the relationship lasted for a year. Miss L had a hard time moving on when they decided to live separate lives because miss L is very attached to him. But good thing she was able to move on with the help of the people that surrounds her and also with the help of the new guy (Mr. C). Miss L and Mr. C became so close even if they were not yet a couple. They get along very well introduce each other with their love ones. After a year and a half they decided to formalize their relationship so they became a couple.

C) Miss L and Mr. C became a couple. One day miss L was getting curious because it seems that her boyfriend is changing. Until one day the guy just disappeared and he didnt say anything. Miss L was trying to contact her and confront her to know what his problem is but the guy doesnt answer her calls or text messages and he refuse to see her. Miss L even asked the help of the family of Mr. C but even his family doesnt know what his problem is. Miss L was so upset again she keeps on asking herself what she did that made the guy act that way. There are so many rumors that miss L has heard that Mr. C was having an affair with a girl. After a couple of weeks miss L receive a text, it was from Mr. C asking if they can meet to talk. Miss L doesnt want to talk to M r. C because she doesnt want to hear anything that could hurt her. She doesnt want to know that Mr. C has a new girl that the reason why he went away is because he found another girl. Miss L is escaping from the reality and shes in denial of the things that is happening to her.

D) In the case of my client Miss L, I have chosen the gestalt therapy which is the empty chair technique. I have chosen this technique because I believe that it is the best technique that could apply to her situation. Miss L has so many things that she wants to tell to Mr. C but she doesnt have the guts to tell him, she cannot face Mr. C because she is afraid of what might Mr. C tell to her. Since she has so many things to ask and wants to tell him I have decided that Miss. L will undergo an empty chair technique wherein she can tell everything that she wants to say. She can burst out everything and express all the hidden feelings that she has kept by herself. I have observed that once Miss L falls in love she gives everything and doesnt reserve anything for herself. Shes very attached to the person and makes that person as a center of her world and maybe that

is why she is having a hard time accepting the reality, and maybe that is why she has having a hard time moving on and cant face the reality. Maybe the reason also that she is too attached to a person once she is in a relationship because she is longing for love. The love that she wasnt able to experience with her family.

E) What I did to my client during our intervention was first I explained to her what she will do and after she understood everything we started the technique. At first she was kind of hesitant but after a while she started opening the things that she wants to tell. She was angry and she was also crying during the session. After the session when she was already done I can see in her face that she was relieved in a way. She was glad that she was able to burst out the feelings of anger and sadness that she is keeping. We also opened her Facebook account to check and see the profile of Mr. C. I was beside her guiding her and telling her that no matter what we see am just right beside her to help her. And I also encouraged her that she can do it, so in the end we were able to view the account of Mr. C and we saw his new girl and Miss L cried and I just let her burst her tears and I comforted her. After that I told her that she should be strong in facing life. And that she should be optimistic, she should think positively. When shes entering into a relationship she should anticipate the things that might happen so that she would be ready to face it. She should love herself first before loving someone .When shes into a relationship she should put limitations and she should think of herself also. When shes into a relationship she should not let her world evolve around that person she should also know that there are still other people that loves and cares for them. She should learn to accept and understand the things that are happening to her. She should be open minded with the changes that is going on to her surroundings. Like for example her ex-boyfriend Mr. C, she should accept the fact that her ex has found another girl and that maybe they are not just meant for each other. When she feels down sometimes the best thing to do is pray to god and ask for his guidance and live everything to him and everything will turn right. I also recommend that she will have a cognitive behavioral therapy because of her some irrational beliefs.

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