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Burntisland Out of School Service Newsletter

June 2013 Annual General Meeting:

The BOSS AGM took place on the afternoon of Saturday 8th June, and what a successful afternoon we had. The children who came along with their parents really enjoyed Rosies Disco, as well as a lot of running around in the sunny garden! And most importantly, BOSS welcomed a new Chairperson and Treasurer! We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our incoming Chairperson, Lisa Johnston, and our incoming Treasurer, Louise Lauchlan. Welcome on board. And thanks to everyone who made the effort to come to the AGM. It would also be appropriate to offer grateful thanks to Dawn Mahal and Katherine Lynch, the outgoing Chairperson and Treasurer, who worked tirelessly (and voluntarily!) to improve standards and to guide BOSS through some very challenging times. Their efforts truly went above and beyond the call of duty. Both Dawn and Katherine will continue to be part of the Committee, as will all the members of the Committee as at the time of the AGM. Committee roles are available to view on the BOSS website and the Facebook page. Please do get in touch if youd like to informally discuss any aspect of the Committee. You could speak to Morag who can pass your query on to the Committee and we can get back to you. Or you could email:

Reminder - Please note that BOSS will be closed on Mon 15th July (Fife Council public holiday and Burntisland Games Day). Payments:
On 1st June you should have made your last of 10 monthly payments to BOSS for the school year 201213. July and August payments should be for any summer playscheme dates you have booked. The Playscheme Schedule can be found on the BOSS website and Facebook page, and we are taking bookings now please book ASAP to avoid disappointment. You can use the fees calculator to work out your 10 monthly payments for 2013-14.

BOSS is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and our charity number is SC043503
Website: BOSS Email: Management Committee Email: Telephone: 01592 872854 Mobile: 07980429040

Burntisland Out of School Service Newsletter

June 2013
Please also note that the 15 annual registration fee is due in August, and our updated fees will apply from August onwards. Again, please refer to the website or Facebook page for the fees calculator and related info. Any problems or queries please do get in touch with Morag or the Committee.

HUGE Thanks
To BAM, who moved and painted the climbing frame for us. The children are all delighted! And congratulations are due to Matthew, Ieli and Stephanie, who entered and won the Ecology Centre's create a blade for a wind turbine competition. They have won us a selection of stationery all made from recycled materials, as well as a Scalextric track and a hand held generator. Thank you and WELL DONE!!

P7s Moving on to High School:

All the very best to the P7 boys and girls who are moving on to Secondary School after the Summer good luck, and best wishes for several very happy and successful years in your new school! We hope you love it.

Lastly, on behalf of the Committee, Id like to say a big thank you to the BOSS staff for all their hard work during this school session. Its much appreciated, as are your cheery smiles as you go about your work. Also, our best wishes to Kirsty, who is getting married to PC Gibb on 31st August watch this space for a photo or two from the big day all the very best Kirsty and Keith!

Happy holidays everyone! Heres hoping for some sunny weather, so the BOSS team and children
can enjoy as much time as possible outdoors! ... although I hear from Morag that they will be out and about regardless of weather, so please do remember to leave a change of clothes at BOSS, as well as waterproof clothes, wellies, and even (heres hoping) sun cream! ... Best wishes for a happy summer, The BOSS Management Committee.

BOSS is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and our charity number is SC043503
Website: BOSS Email: Management Committee Email: Telephone: 01592 872854 Mobile: 07980429040

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