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CHAPTER: 1 History of wind energy

Chapter: 1
The renewable energy sources prevalent in the rural areas of developing countries are solar radiation and solar heat, wind energy, falling water, and bio mass. Geothermal, tidal, ocean-thermal, and wave energies are also renewable, but they are very sitespecific. The discussion in this report is confined to wind energy. In 1979, certain Danish producers of wind turbine power, including Bonus, Vestas, Kuriant, and Nordtank started to produce wind turbines. The turbines were supposed to generate electrical power by tapping and processing wind energy. That period marked the start of the development process of the modern wind power industry. Within an extremely short period of time (around 2 years), capacity ratings of these turbines shot up from the low beginning rating levels (between 20kW to 30 kW for every turbine). The amount of wind power produced by the entire world currently stands at an impressive 73,904 MW. Such a high figure has been obtainable, since many other countries have started in their efforts to harness wind energy. China, Germany, India and the United States of America - all had high levels of installed capacity, by the end of the year 2007. The World Wind Energy Association puts the estimated availability of wind power from all over the world at 160 GW. Moreover, these figures relate mainly to the outputs obtained from wind power turbines only. Wind Energy is an indirect form of Solar Energy. About 1% of the total solar radiation that reaches earth is converted into energy of wind. Wind results from differential heating of the earth and its atmosphere by sun. As the sun heats different parts of the earth at different rates, air circulates from cold to warm areas producing winds. Wind energy has been used for thousands of years to propel sailing ships and for pumping water and grinding grain. The application of wind energy has several advantages like low gestation period, no raw-material cost, non-polluting etc. The development in this sector was accelerated after the formation of Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources and later renamed as Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India., which offers policy and financial

incentives to projects based on renewable energy sources in the country. The oil crisis in 1973 revived the interest in the renewable sources of energy including wind energy. Different agencies like NAL, Bangalore, BHEL and some of the private entrepreneurs took up the design and development of windmills for pumping applications. MNRE had launched the wind resource assessment programme with the help of IITM now Centre for wind energy technology, Chennai to identify windy sites for various applications of wind energy. Non Conventional Energy Development Corporation of A.P. Ltd (NEDCAP), the Nodal Agency in A.P. has taken up wind mapping and wind monitoring projects with the support of MNRE, Govt. of India, Delhi and C-WET, Chennai to identify windy sites. Andhra Pradesh is one of the States in the country having windy sites suitable for setting up of wind power projects. India is a power-starved country. The total installed power generation capacity in India stood at 1, 05,714.29 MW as on 31 March 2002 including thermal, hydel, nuclear and renewable. The contribution of thermal, hydel, nuclear and renewable sources of power towards the total installed power generation capacity were 73%, 23.50%, 2% and 1.50% respectively. According to a recent estimate there is a demand gap of 8-10% and a peak load demand gap of 18-20% in the country. The problem is also accentuated by the fact that there is very little decentralized generation of power and vast areas in the rural segment is not connected by grid power. This is where tapping wind energy for generation of grid quality electricity on a decentralized manner can be of immense help to the country.


Chapter: 2 2.1. Where does Wind Energy come from?

All renewable energy (except tidal and geothermal power), and even the energy in fossil fuels, ultimately comes from the sun. The sun radiates 174,423,000,000,000 kilowatt hours of energy to the earth per hour. In other words, the earth receives 1.74 x 10^17 watts of power. About 1 to 2 per cent of the energy coming from the sun is converted into wind energy. That is about 50 to 100 times more than the energy converted into biomass by all plants on earth.

2.2. The Energy in the Wind: Air Density and Rotor Area
A wind turbine obtains its power input by converting the force of the wind into a torque (turning force) acting on the rotor blades. The amount of energy which the wind transfers to the rotor depends on the density of the air, the rotor area, and the wind speed.

The cartoon shows how a cylindrical slice of air 1 meter thick moves through the 2,300 m 2 rotor of a typical 750 kilowatt wind turbine. With a 54 meter rotor diameter each cylinder actually weighs 2.8 tones, i.e. 2,300 times 1.225 kilograms.

2.2.1. Density of Air

The kinetic energy of a moving body is proportional to its mass (or weight). The kinetic energy in the wind thus depends on the density of the air, i.e. its mass per unit of volume. In other words, the "heavier" the air, the more energy is received by the turbine. At normal atmospheric pressure and at 15 Celsius air weighs

some 1.225 kilograms per cubic meter, but the density decreases slightly with increasing humidity. Also, the air is denser when it is cold than when it is warm. At high altitudes, (in mountains) the air pressure is lower, and the air is less dense.

2.2.2Rotor Area
A typical 750 kW wind turbine has a rotor diameter of 54 meters, i.e. a rotor area of some 2,300 square meters. The rotor area determines how much energy a wind turbine is able to harvest from the wind. Hence the rotor area increases with the square of the rotor diameter.

2.3Local Winds: Mountain Winds

Mountain regions display many interesting weather patterns. One example is the valley wind which originates on south-facing slopes (north-facing in the southern hemisphere). When the slopes and the neighboring air are heated the density of the air decreases, and the air ascends towards the top following the surface of the slope. At night the wind direction is reversed, and turns into a down slope wind. If the valley floor is sloped, the air may move down or up the valley, as a canyon wind. Winds flowing down the leeward sides of mountains can be quite powerful

2.4. The Power of the Wind: Cube of Wind Speed

The wind speed is extremely important for the amount of energy a wind turbine can convert to electricity: The energy content of the wind varies with the cube (the third power) of the average wind speed. Now, why does the energy in the wind vary with the third power of wind speed? Well, from everyday knowledge you may be aware that if you double the speed of a car, it takes four times as much energy to brake it down to a standstill. (Essentially this is Newton's second law of motion). 6

In the case of the wind turbine we use the energy from breaking the wind, and if we double the wind speed, we get twice as many slices of wind moving through the rotor every second, and each of those slices contains four times as much energy, as we learned from the example of braking a car. The graph shows that at a wind speed of 8 meters per second we get a power (amount of energy per second) of 314 Watts per square meter exposed to the wind (the wind is coming from a direction perpendicular to the swept rotor area). At 16 m/s we get eight times as much power, i.e. 2509 W/m^2 The power per square meter exposed to the wind for different wind speeds.

Power of the Wind Formula

The power of the wind passing perpendicularly through a circular area is: P = 1/2 * *v^3* * r^2 Where P = the power of the wind measured in W (Watt). = the density of dry air = 1.225 measured in kg/m 3 (kilograms per cubic meter, at average atmospheric pressure at sea level at 15 C).

v = the velocity of the wind measured in m/s (meters per second). =3.1415926535... r = the radius (i.e. half the diameter) of the rotor measured in m (meters).

2.5 Wind Speed Measurement in Practice

The best way of measuring wind speeds at a prospective wind turbine site is to fit an anemometer to the top of a mast which has the same height as the expected hub height of the wind turbine to be used. This way one avoids the uncertainty involved in recalculating the wind speeds to a different height. By fitting the anemometer to the top of the mast one minimizes the disturbances of airflows from the mast itself. If anemometers are placed on the side of the mast it is essential to place them in the prevailing wind direction in order to minimize the wind shade from the tower

Which Tower?
Guyed, thin cylindrical poles are normally preferred over lattice towers for fitting wind measurement devices in order to limit the wind shade from the tower. The poles come as kits which are easily assembled, and you can install such a mast for wind measurements at (future) turbine hub height without a crane. Anemometer, pole and data logger (mentioned below) will usually cost somewhere around 5,000 USD.

Data Logging
The data on both wind speeds and wind directions from the anemometer(s) are collected on electronic chips on a small computer, a data logger, which may be battery operated for a long period. An example of such a data logger is shown to the left. Once a month or so you may need to go to the logger to collect the chips and replace them with blank chips for the next month's data. (Be warned: The most common mistake by people doing wind measurements are to mix up the chips and bring the blank ones back!)

CHAPTER: 3 Selecting a Wind Turbine Site


Chapter: 3 3.1 Wind Conditions

Looking at nature itself is usually an excellent guide to finding a suitable wind turbine site. If there are trees and shrubs in the area, you may get a good clue about the prevailing wind direction, as you do in the picture to the left. If you move along a rugged coastline, you may also notice that centuries of erosion have worked in one particular direction. Meteorology data, ideally in terms of a wind rose calculated over 30 years is probably your best guide, but these data are rarely collected directly at your site, and here are many reasons to be careful about the use of meteorology data, as we explain in the next section. If there are already wind turbines in the area, their production results are an excellent guide to local wind conditions.

Look for a view

As you have learned from the previous pages, we would like to have as wide and open a view as possible in the prevailing wind direction, and we would like to have as few obstacles and as low a roughness as possible in that same direction. If you can find a rounded hill to place the turbines, you may even get a speed up effect in the bargain.

3.2 Grid Connection

Obviously, large wind turbines have to be connected to the electrical grid. For smaller projects, it is therefore essential to be reasonably close to a 10-30 kilovolt power line if the costs of extending the electrical grid are not to be prohibitively high. (It matters a lot who has to pay for the power line extension, of course). The generators in large, modern wind turbines generally produce electricity at 690 volts. A transformer located next to the turbine, or inside the turbine tower, converts the electricity to high voltage (usually 10-30 kilovolts).

3.3Grid Reinforcement
The electrical grid near the wind turbine(s) should be able to receive the electricity coming from the turbine. If there are already many turbines connected to the grid, the grid may need reinforcement, i.e. a larger cable, perhaps connected closer to a higher voltage transformer station. Read the section on Electrical Grid Issues for further information.


3.4 Soil Conditions

Both the feasibility of building foundations of the turbines, and road construction to reach the site with heavy trucks must be taken into account with any wind turbine project.

3.5 Wind Turbine Site Selection

Wind is the fuel that drives a wind turbine. A windmill needs to be placed where the wind is; putting it on too short a tower is like installing solar photovoltaic panels in the shade. Neither will work very well. Not just any wind will do, a wind turbine needs air that moves uniformly in the same direction. The rotor cannot extract energy from turbulent wind, and the constantly changing wind direction due to turbulence causes excessive wear and premature failure of your turbine. This means that you want to place your turbine high enough to catch strong winds, and above turbulent air. Since the tower price goes up quickly with height there is a limit to what is practical and affordable. This section is intended to help you decide what tower height works best.

The quick-and-dirty rule of thumb for turbine height is a minimum of 10 meters (30 feet) plus the length of a turbine blade above the tallest obstacle (trees, house etc.) in a 150 meter (500 feet) radius, with a tower height of at least 19 meters (60 feet). If the obstacle is more solid than a few trees (for example a whole tree line) then even more distance than 500' is needed, as will be described below.


This should really be regarded as an absolute minimum for a wind turbine; at 10 meters above an obstacle there will still be some amount of turbulence and additional clearance is highly desirable. Keep changes in height of obstacles in mind as well. For example, if you have trees that are expected to grow up to 60 feet high, it is advisable to use a 100 feet tower. Likewise, a 60 feet tower should only be used when the terrain is very, very flat with no obstacles in a wide area around. For most situations a 60 feet tower will only save a little money up front, while short selling energy production in the long run. Upwind and downwind are relative to the prevailing wind direction; where the wind blows from most of the time. A wind atlas can sometimes tell you what your prevailing wind direction is, and if there is one at all. Some sites have winds that did not read the rule book, and there it is equally likely to blow from more than one direction. When it comes to wind turbines, the bottom of a hill, valley, or ravine makes for a poor place to site a windmill. The wind tends to drop in speed at the bottom of a smooth hill, and then speed up as it goes up the hill, reaching around twice the wind speed at the top of the hill. The figure below shows this. You can use this effect to your advantage if you have hills on your property.

If you have sufficient space for guy wires, we advise to use a tilt-up tower for your wind turbine. They are economical, costing only a little bit more than the cheapest type of tower (a fixed guyed tower), and allow the turbine to be installed on the ground. Maintenance can also be done on the ground, by tilting the tower down. This


saves in crane expenses, and makes installation and maintenance much safer because the work does not have to be done at dangerous heights. Another aspect of proper windmill sitting is the distance from occupied buildings. All wind turbines produce some amount of sound. Some people find its sound soothing, since it tells them they are making energy, while it drives others absolutely bonkers. For that reason it is a good idea to place your wind turbine some distance away from your house, 100 feet is a good number for minimum separation. At that point the blades pitch to stall angle, causing the air to swirl across the blades instead of flowing smoothly, and this increases the audible sound. When this happens it can be heard over the wind when you are in close proximity (and downwind sound will carry further than upwind). There also is such a thing as too much distance, since the length and gauge of the wiring that is needed will increase. With the ever-increasing price of copper this makes it more expensive to install your turbine.


CHAPTER: 4 Wind Turbine Design:


Chapter: 4

4.1 Basic Load Considerations

Whether you are building wind turbines or helicopters, you have to take the strength, the dynamic behavior, and the fatigue properties of your materials and the entire assembly into consideration.

Extreme Loads (Forces)

Wind turbines are built to catch the wind's kinetic (motion) energy. You may therefore wonder why modern wind turbines are not built with a lot of rotor blades, like the old "American" windmills you have seen in the Western movies. Turbines with many blades or very wide blades, i.e. turbines with a very solid rotor, however, will be subject to very large forces, when the wind blows at a hurricane speed. (Remember, that the energy content of the wind varies with the third power (the cube) of the wind speed). Wind turbines manufacturers have to certify that their turbines are built, so that they can withstand extreme winds which occur, say, during 10 minutes once every 50 years. To limit the influence of the extreme winds turbine manufacturers therefore generally prefer to build turbines with a few, long, narrow blades. In order to make up for the narrowness of the blades facing the wind, turbine manufacturers prefer to let the turbines rotate relatively quickly.

Fatigue Loads (Forces)

Wind turbines are subject to fluctuating winds, and hence fluctuating forces. This is particularly the case if they are located in a very turbulent wind climate. Components which are subject to repeated bending, such as rotor blades, may eventually develop cracks which ultimately may make the component break.. Metal fatigue is a well known problem in many industries. Metal is therefore generally not favored as a material for rotor blades. When designing a wind turbine it is extremely


important to calculate in advance how the different components will vibrate, both individually, and jointly. It is also important to calculate the forces involved in each bending or stretching of a component. This is the subject of structural dynamics, where physicists have developed mathematical computer models that analyze the behavior of an entire wind turbine. These models are used by wind turbine manufacturers to design their machines safely.

Structural Dynamics: An Example - A 50 meter tall wind turbine tower will have a tendency to swing
back and forth, say, every three seconds. The frequency with which the tower oscillates back and forth is also known as the eigen frequency of the tower. The eigen frequency depends on both the height of the tower, the thickness of its walls, the type of steel, and the weight of the nacelle and rotor. Now, each time a rotor blade passes the wind shade of the tower, the rotor will push slightly less against the tower. If the rotor turns with a rotational speed such that a rotor blade passes the tower each time the tower is in one of its extreme positions, then the rotor blade may either dampen or amplify (reinforce) the oscillations of the tower. The rotor blades themselves are also flexible, and may have a tendency to vibrate, say, once per second. As you can see, it is very important to know the eigenfreqencies of each component in order to design a safe turbine that does not oscillate out of control.


4.2 Wind Turbines: Horizontal or Vertical Axis Machines?

Horizontal axis

Components of a horizontal axis wind turbine (gearbox, rotor shaft and brake assembly) being lifted into position.Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical generator. Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is usually pointed upwind of the tower. Turbine blades are made stiff to prevent the blades from being pushed into the tower by high winds. Additionally, the blades are placed a considerable distance in front of the tower and are sometimes tilted forward into the wind a small amount. Downwind machines have been built, despite the problem of turbulence (mast wake), because they don't need an additional mechanism for keeping them in line with the wind, and because in high winds the blades can be allowed to bend which reduces their swept area and thus their wind resistance. Since cyclic (that is repetitive) turbulence may lead to fatigue failures most HAWTs are upwind machines.


Wind turbines vary in size. This chart depicts a variety of historical turbine sizes and the amount of electricity they are each capable of generating (the turbine's capacity, or power rating).

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

As you will probably recall, classical water wheels let the water arrive at a right angle (perpendicular) to the rotational axis (shaft) of the water wheel. Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs as some people call them) are a bit like water wheels in that sense. (Some vertical axis turbine types could actually work with a horizontal axis as well, but they would hardly be able to beat the efficiency of a propeller-type turbine). The only vertical axis turbine which has ever been manufactured commercially at any volume is the Darrieus machine, named after the French engineer Georges Darrieus who patented the design in 1931. The Darrieus


machine is characterized by its C-shaped rotor blades which make it look a bit like an eggbeater. It is normally built with two or three blades.

The basic theoretical advantages of a vertical axis machine are:

1) You may place the generator, gearbox etc. on the ground, and you may not need a tower for the machine. 2) You do not need a yaw mechanism to turn the rotor against the wind.

The basic disadvantages are:

1) Wind speeds are very low close to ground level, so although you may save a tower, your wind speeds will be very low on the lower part of your rotor. 2) The overall efficiency of the vertical axis machines is not impressive. 3) The machine is not self-starting (e.g. a Darrieus machine will need a "push" before it starts. This is only a minor inconvenience for a grid connected turbine, however, since you may use the generator as a motor drawing current from the grid to start the machine). 4) The machine may need guy wires to hold it up, but guy wires are impractical in heavily farmed areas. 5) Replacing the main bearing for the rotor necessitates removing the rotor on both a horizontal and a vertical axis machine. In the case of the latter, it means tearing the whole machine down.

4.3 Wind Turbines: Upwind or Downwind Machines? Upwind Machines

Upwind machines have the rotor facing the wind. The basic advantage of upwind designs is that one avoids the wind shade behind the tower. By far the vast majority of wind turbines have this design. On the other hand, there is also some wind shade in front of the tower, i.e. the wind starts bending away from the tower before it reaches the tower itself, even if the tower is round and smooth. Therefore, each time the rotor passes the tower, the power from the wind turbine drops slightly. The basic drawback of upwind designs is that the rotor needs to be made rather inflexible, and placed at some distance from the tower (as some manufacturers have found out to their cost). In addition an upwind machine needs a yaw mechanism to keep the rotor facing the wind.


Downwind Machines

Downwind machines have the rotor placed on the lee side of the tower. They have the theoretical advantage that they may be built without a yaw mechanism, if the rotor and nacelle have a suitable design that makes the nacelle follow the wind passively. For large wind turbines this is a somewhat doubtful advantage, however, since you do need cables to lead the current away from the generator. How do you untwist the cables, when the machine has been yawing passively in the same direction for a long period of time, if you do not have a yaw mechanism? (Slip rings or mechanical collectors are not a very good idea if you are working with 1000 ampere currents). A more important advantage is that the rotor may be made more flexible. This is an advantage both in regard to weight and the structural dynamics of the machine, i.e. the blades will bend at high wind speeds, thus taking part of the load off the tower. The basic advantage of the downwind machine is thus, that it may be built somewhat lighter than an upwind machine. The basic drawback is the fluctuation in the wind power due to the rotor passing through the wind shade of the tower. This may give more fatigue loads on the turbine than with an upwind design.


4.4 Wind Turbines: How many blades?

Modern wind turbine engineers avoid building large machines with an even number of rotor blades. The most important reason is the stability of the turbine. A rotor with an odd number of rotor blades (and at least three blades) can be considered to be similar to a disc when calculating the dynamic properties of the machine. A rotor with an even number of blades will give stability problems for a machine with a stiff structure. The reason is that at the very moment when the uppermost blade bends backwards, because it gets the maximum power from the wind, the lowermost blade passes into the wind shade in front of the tower.

The Danish Three-Bladed Concept

Most modern wind turbines are three-bladed designs with the rotor position maintained upwind (on the windy side of the tower) using electrical motors in their yaw mechanism. This design is usually called the classical Danish concept, and tends to be a standard against which other concepts are evaluated. The vast majority of the turbines sold in world markets have this design. The basic design was first introduced with the renowned Gedser wind turbine. Another characteristic is the use of an asynchronous generator.


Two-Bladed (Teetering) Concept

Two-bladed wind turbine designs have the advantage of saving the cost of one rotor blade and its weight, of course. However, they tend to have difficulty in penetrating the market, partly because they require higher rotational speed to yield the same energy output. This is a disadvantage both in regard to noise and visual intrusion. Lately, several traditional manufacturers of two-bladed machines have switched to three-bladed designs. Two- and one-bladed machines require a more complex design with a hinged (teetering hub) rotor as shown in the picture, i.e. the rotor has to be able to tilt in order to avoid too heavy shocks to the turbine when a rotor blade passes the tower. The rotor is therefore fitted onto a shaft which is perpendicular to the main shaft, and which rotates along with the main shaft. This arrangement may require additional shock absorbers to prevent the rotor blade from hitting the tower.


One-Bladed Concept

One-bladed wind turbines do exist, and indeed, they save the cost of another rotor blade! If anything can be built, engineers will do it. One-bladed wind turbines are not very widespread commercially, however, because the same problems that are mentioned under the two-bladed design apply to an even larger extent to one-bladed machines. In addition to higher rotational speed, and the noise and visual intrusion problems, they require a counterweight to be placed on the other side of the hub from the rotor blade in order to balance the rotor. This obviously negates the savings on weight compared to a two-bladed design.


CHAPTER: 5 How does it work?


Chapter: 5 5. inside the Wind Turbine

5.1Wind Turbine Components

Nacelle, rotor blades, hub, low speed shaft, gearbox, high speed shaft with its mechanical brake, electrical generator, yaw mechanism, electronic controller, hydraulics system, cooling unit, tower, anemometer and wind vane. Anemometer: Measures the wind speed and transmits wind speed data to the controller. Blades: Most turbines have either two or three blades. Wind blowing over the blades causes the blades to "lift" and rotate. Brake: A disc brake which can be applied mechanically, electrically or hydraulically to stop the rotor in emergencies. Controller: The controller starts up the machine at wind speeds of about 8 to 16 miles per hour (mph) and shuts off the machine at about 55 mph. Turbines do not


operate at wind speeds above about 55 mph because they might be damaged by the high winds. Gear box: Gears connect the low-speed shaft to the high-speed shaft and increase the rotational speeds from about 30 to 60 rotations per minute (rpm) to about 1000 to 1800 rpm, the rotational speed required by most generators to produce electricity. The gear box is a costly (and heavy) part of the wind turbine and engineers are exploring "direct-drive" generators that operate at lower rotational speeds and don't need gear boxes. Generator: Usually an off-the-self induction generator is that produces 60-cycle AC electricity. High-speed shaft: It drives the generator. Low-speed shaft: The rotor turns the low-speed shaft at about 30 to 60 rotations per minute. Nacelle: The nacelle sits atop the tower and contains the gear box, low- and high-speed shafts, generator, controller, and brake. Some nacelles are large enough for a helicopter to land on. Pitch: Blades are turned, or pitched, out of the wind to control the rotor speed and keep the rotor from turning in winds that are too high or too low to produce electricity. Rotor: The blades and the hub together are called the rotor. Tower: Towers are made from tubular steel (shown here), concrete, or steel lattice. Because wind speed increases with height, taller towers enable turbines to capture more energy and generate more electricity. Wind direction: This is an "upwind" turbine, so-called because it operates facing into the wind. Other turbines are designed to run "downwind," facing away from the wind.


Wind vane: It Measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive to orient the turbine properly with respect to the wind. Yaw drive: Upwind turbines face into the wind; the yaw drive is used to keep the rotor facing into the wind as the wind direction changes. Downwind turbines don't require a yaw drive; the wind blows the rotor downwind. Yaw motor: Powers the yaw drive.

5.2 Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines:

The rotor consisting of the rotor blades and the hub are placed upwind of the tower and the nacelle on most modern wind turbines. This is primarily done because the air current behind the tower is very irregular (turbulent).

What makes the rotor turn?

But actually, it is a bit more complicated than just the air molecules hitting the front of the rotor blades. Modern wind turbines borrow technologies known from aero planes and helicopters, plus a few advanced tricks of their own, because wind turbines actually work in a very different environment with changing wind speeds and changing wind directions.

5.2.1 Lift:

Have a look at the animation of the cut-off profile (cross section) of the wing of an aircraft. The reason why an aero plane can fly is that the air sliding along the upper surface of the wing will move faster than on the lower surface. This means that the pressure will be lowest on the upper surface. This creates the lift, i.e. the force pulling upwards that enables the plane to fly. The lift is perpendicular to the direction of the wind. The lift phenomenon has been well known for centuries to people who do roofing work: They know from experience that roof material on the lee side of the roof (the side not facing the wind) is torn off quickly, if the roofing material is not properly attached to its substructure.


Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines: Stall

5.2.2 Stall

Now, what happens if an aircraft tilts backward in an attempt to climb higher into the sky quickly? The lift of the wing will indeed increase, as the wing is tilted backwards, but in the picture you can see that all of a sudden the air flow on the upper surface stops sticking to the surface of the wing. Instead the air whirls around in an irregular vortex (a condition which is also known as turbulence). All of a sudden the lift from the low pressure on the upper surface of the wing disappears. This phenomenon is known as stall. An aircraft wing will stall, if the shape of the wing tapers off too quickly as the air moves along its general direction of motion. (The wing itself, of course, does not change its shape, but the angle of the wing in relation to the general direction of the airflow (also known as the angle of attack) has been increased in our picture above). Notice that the turbulence is created on the back side of the wing in relation to the air current. Stall can be provoked if the surface of the aircraft wing - or the wind turbine rotor blade - is not completely even and smooth. A dent in the wing or rotor blade, or a piece of self-adhesive tape can be enough to start the turbulence on the backside, even if the angle of attack is fairly small. Aircraft designers obviously try to avoid stall at all costs, since an aero plane without the lift from its wings will fall like a rock.


5.3 Rotor Blades

Changing the Wind Speed Changes Wind Direction Relative to the Rotor Blade In this picture we have taken one rotor blade from the previous page off its hub, and we look from the hub towards the tip, at the back side (the lee side) of the rotor blade. The wind in the landscape blows between, say 8 m/s and 16 m/s (from the bottom of the picture), while the tip of the blade rotates towards the left side of the picture. In the picture you can see how the angle of attack of the wind changes much more dramatically at the root of the blade (yellow line) than at the tip of the blade (red line), as the wind changes. If the wind becomes powerful enough to make the blade stall, it will start stalling at the root of the blade.

Lift Direction

Now, let us cut the rotor blade at the point with the yellow line. In this picture the grey arrow shows the direction of the lift at this point. The lift is perpendicular to the direction of the wind. As you can see, the lift pulls the blade partly in the direction we want, i.e. to the left. It also bends the rotor blade somewhat, however.

Rotor Blade Profiles (Cross Sections)

As you can see, wind turbine rotor blades look a lot like the wings of an aircraft. In fact, rotor blade designers often use classical aircraft wing profiles as cross


sections in the outermost part of the blade. The thick profiles in the innermost part of the blade, however, are usually designed specifically for wind turbines. Choosing profiles for rotor blades involves a number of compromises including reliable lift and stall characteristics, and the profile's ability to perform well even if there is some dirt on the surface (which may be a problem in areas where there is little rain).

Rotor Blade Materials

Most modern rotor blades on large wind turbines are made of glass fiber reinforced plastics, (GRP), i.e. glass fiber reinforced polyester or epoxy. Using carbon fiber or agamid (Kevlar) as reinforcing material is another possibility, but usually such blades are uneconomic for large turbines. Wood, wood-epoxy, or wood-fiberepoxy composites have not penetrated the market for rotor blades, although there is still development going on in this area. Steel and aluminum alloys have problems of weight and metal fatigue respectively. They are currently only used for very small wind turbines.

5.4 Power Control of Wind Turbines

Wind turbines are designed to produce electrical energy as cheaply as possible. Wind turbines are therefore generally designed so that they yield maximum output at wind speeds around 15 meters per second. (30 knots or 33 mph). Its does not pay to design turbines that maximize their output at stronger winds. Because such strong winds are rare. In case of stronger winds it is necessary to waste part of the excess energy of the wind in order to avoid damaging the wind turbine. All wind turbines are therefore designed with some sort of power control. There are two different ways of doing this safely on modern wind turbines.

5.4.1 Pitch Controlled Wind Turbines

On a pitch controlled wind turbine the turbine's electronic controller checks the power output of the turbine several times per second. When the power output becomes too high, it sends an order to the blade pitch mechanism which immediately pitches (turns) the rotor blades slightly out of the wind. Conversely, the blades are turned back into the wind whenever the wind drops again. The rotor blades thus have to be able to turn around their longitudinal axis (to pitch) as shown in the picture. During normal operation the blades will pitch a fraction of a degree at a time and the rotor will be turning at the same time. Designing a pitch controlled wind 31

turbine requires some clever engineering to make sure that the rotor blades pitch exactly the amount required. On a pitch controlled wind turbine, the computer will generally pitch the blades a few degrees every time the wind changes in order to keep the rotor blades at the optimum angle in order to maximize output for all wind speeds. The pitch mechanism is usually operated using hydraulics.

5.4.2 Stall Controlled Wind Turbines

(Passive) stall controlled wind turbines have the rotor blades bolted onto the hub at a fixed angle. The geometry of the rotor blade profile however has been aerodynamically designed to ensure that the moment the wind speed becomes too high; it creates turbulence on the side of the rotor blade which is not facing the wind as shown in the picture on the previous page. This stall prevents the lifting force of the rotor blade from acting on the rotor. If you have read the section on aerodynamics and aerodynamics and stall, you will realize that as the actual wind speed in the area increases, the angle of attack of the rotor blade will increase, until at some point it starts to stall. If you look closely at a rotor blade for a stall controlled wind turbine you will notice that the blade is twisted slightly as you move along its longitudinal axis. This is partly done in order to ensure that the rotor blade stalls gradually rather than abruptly when the wind speed reaches its critical value. (Other reasons for twisting the blade are mentioned in the previous section on aerodynamics). The basic advantage of stall control is that one avoids moving parts in the rotor itself, and a complex control system. On the other hand, stall control represents a very complex aerodynamic design problem, and related design challenges in the structural dynamics of the whole wind turbine, e.g. to avoid stall-induced vibrations. Around two thirds of the wind turbines currently being installed in the world are stall controlled machines.

5.4.3 Active Stall Controlled Wind Turbines

An increasing number of larger wind turbines (1 MW and up) are being developed with an active stall power control mechanism. Technically the active stall machines resemble pitch controlled machines, since they have patchable blades. In order to get a reasonably large torque (turning force) at low wind speeds, the machines will usually be programmed to pitch their blades much like a pitch controlled machine at low wind speeds. (Often they use only a few fixed steps depending upon the wind speed). When the machine reaches its rated power,


however, you will notice an important difference from the pitch controlled machines: If the generator is about to be overloaded, the machine will pitch its blades in the opposite direction from what a pitch controlled machine does. In other words, it will increase the angle of attack of the rotor blades in order to make the blades go into a deeper stall, thus wasting the excess energy in the wind. One of the advantages of active stall is that one can control the power output more accurately than with passive stall, so as to avoid overshooting the rated power of the machine at the beginning of a gust of wind. Another advantage is that the machine can be run almost exactly at rated power at all high wind speeds. A normal passive stall controlled wind turbine will usually have a drop in the electrical power output for higher wind speeds, as the rotor blades go into deeper stall. The pitch mechanism is usually operated using hydraulics or electric stepper motors. As with pitch control it is largely an economic question whether it is worthwhile to pay for the added complexity of the machine, when the blade pitch mechanism is added.

5.5 The Wind Turbine Yaw Mechanism

The wind turbine yaw mechanism is used to turn the wind turbine rotor against the wind.

5.5.1 Yaw Errors

The wind turbine is said to have a yaw error, if the rotor is not perpendicular to the wind. A yaw error implies that a lower share of the energy in the wind will be running through the rotor area. (The share will drop to the cosine of the yaw error, for those of you who know math). If this were the only thing that happened, then yaw control would be an excellent way of controlling the power input to the wind turbine rotor. That part of the rotor which is closest to the source direction of the wind, however, will be subject to a larger force (bending torque) than the rest of the rotor. On the one hand, this means that the rotor will have a tendency to yaw against the wind automatically, regardless of whether we are dealing with an upwind or a downwind turbine. On the other hand, it means that the blades will be bending back and forth in a flap wise direction for each turn of the rotor. Wind turbines which are running with a yaw error are therefore subject to larger fatigue loads than wind turbines which are yawed in a perpendicular direction against the wind.


5.5.2Yaw Mechanism

Almost all horizontal axis wind turbines use forced yawing, i.e. they use a mechanism which uses electric motors and gearboxes to keep the turbine yawed against the wind. The image shows the yaw mechanism of a typical 750 kW machine seen from below, looking into the nacelle. We can see the yaw bearing around the outer edge, and the wheels from the yaw motors and the yaw brakes inside. Almost all manufacturers of upwind machines prefer to brake the yaw mechanism whenever it is unused. The yaw mechanism is activated by the electronic controller which several times per second checks the position of the wind vane on the turbine, whenever the turbine is running.

5.6 Wind Turbine Towers

The tower of the wind turbine carries the nacelle and the rotor. Towers for large wind turbines may be either tubular steel towers, lattice towers, or concrete towers. Guyed tubular towers are only used for small wind turbines (battery chargers etc.)


5.6.1Tubular Steel Towers

Most large wind turbines are delivered with tubular steel towers, which are manufactured in sections of 20-30 meters with flanges at either end, and bolted together on the site. The towers are conical (i.e. with their diameter increasing towards the base) in order to increase their strength and to save materials at the same time.

5.6.2 Lattice Towers

Lattice towers are manufactured using welded steel profiles. The basic advantage of lattice towers is cost, since a lattice tower requires only half as much material as a freely standing tubular tower with a similar stiffness. The basic disadvantage of lattice towers is their visual appearance, (although that issue is clearly debatable). Be that as it may, for aesthetic reasons lattice towers have almost disappeared from use for large, modern wind turbines.

5.6.3 Guyed Pole Towers

Many small wind turbines are built with narrow pole towers supported by guy wires. The advantage is weight savings, and thus cost. The


disadvantages are difficult access around the towers which make them less suitable in farm areas. Finally, this type of tower is more prone to vandalism, thus compromising overall safety.

Cost Considerations
The price of a tower for a wind turbine is generally around 20 per cent of the total price of the turbine. For a tower around 50 meters' height, the additional cost of another 10 meters of tower is about 15,000 USD. It is therefore quite important for the final cost of energy to build towers as optimally as possible. Lattice towers are the cheapest to manufacture, since they typically require about half the amount of steel used for a tubular steel tower.

Aerodynamic Considerations
Generally, it is an advantage to have a tall tower in areas with high terrain roughness, since the wind speeds increases farther away from the ground, as we learned on the page about wind shear. Lattice towers and guyed pole towers have the advantage of giving less wind shade than a massive tower.

Structural Dynamic Considerations

The rotor blades on turbines with relatively short towers will be subject to very different wind speeds (and thus different bending) when a rotor blade is in its top and in its bottom position, which will increase the fatigue loads on the turbine.

Choosing Between Low and Tall Towers Obviously, you get more energy from a larger wind turbine than a small
one, but if you take a look at the three wind turbines below, which are 250 kW and 750 kW respectively, and with rotor diameters of 28 and 48 you will notice that the tower heights are different as well.

Clearly, we cannot sensibly fit a 60 meter rotor to a tower of less than 30 meters. But if we consider the cost of a large rotor and a large generator and gearbox, it would


surely be a waste to put it on a small tower, because we get much higher wind speeds and thus more energy with a tall tower. (See the section on wind resources). Each meter of tower height costs money, of course, so the optimum height of the tower is a function of 1. tower costs per meter (10 meter extra tower will presently cost you about 15,000 USD) 2. how much the wind locally varies with the height above ground level, i.e. the average local terrain roughness (large roughness makes it more useful with a taller tower), 3. The price the turbine owner gets for an additional kilowatt hour of electricity. Manufacturers often deliver machines where the tower height is equal to the rotor diameter. Aesthetically, many people find that turbines are more pleasant to look at, if the tower height is roughly equal to the rotor diameter.

Size of Wind Turbines


Power Output Increases with the Swept Rotor Area

When a farmer tells you how much land he is farming, he will usually state an area in terms of hectares or acres. With a wind turbine it is much the same story, though doing wind farming we farm a vertical area instead of a horizontal one. The area of the disc covered by the rotor, (and wind speeds, of course), determines how much energy we can harvest in a year. The picture gives you an idea of the normal rotor sizes of wind turbines: A typical turbine with a 750 kW electrical generator will typically have a rotor diameter of some 48 meters (157 ft.). If you double the rotor diameter, you get an area which is four times larger (two squared). This means that you also get four times as much power output from the rotor. Rotor diameters may vary somewhat from the figures given above, because many manufacturers optimize their machines to local wind conditions: A larger generator, of course, requires more power (i.e. strong winds) to turn at all. So if you install a wind turbine in a low wind area you will actually maximize annual output by using a fairly small generator for a given rotor size (or a larger rotor size for a given generator) For a 750 kW machine rotor diameters may vary from 48 to 54 m (157 to 166 ft.) The reason why you may get more output from a relatively smaller generator in a low wind area is that the turbine will be running more hours during the year.

Reasons for Choosing Large Turbines

1. There are economies of scale in wind turbines, i.e. larger machines are usually able to deliver electricity at a lower cost than smaller machines. The reason is that the cost of foundations, road building, electrical grid connection, plus a


number of components in the turbine (the electronic control system etc.), are somewhat independent of the size of the machine. 2. Larger machines are particularly well suited for offshore wind power. The cost of foundations does not rise in proportion to the size of the machine, and maintenance costs are largely independent of the size of the machine. 3. In areas where it is difficult to find sites for more than a single turbine, a large turbine with a tall tower uses the existing wind resource more efficiently.

Reasons for Choosing Smaller Turbines

1. The local electrical grid may be too weak to handle the electricity output from a large machine. This may be the case in remote parts of the electrical grid with low population density and little electricity consumption in the area. 2. There is less fluctuation in the electricity output from a wind park consisting of a number of smaller machines, since wind fluctuations occur randomly, and therefore tend to cancel out. Again, smaller machines may be an advantage in a weak electrical grid. 3. The cost of using large cranes, and building a road strong enough to carry the turbine components may make smaller machines more economic in some areas. 4. Several smaller machines spread the risk in case of temporary machine failure, e.g. due to lightning strikes. 5. Aesthetical landscape considerations may sometimes dictate the use of smaller machines. Large machines, however, will usually have a much lower rotational speed, which means that one large machine really does not attract as much attention as many small, fast moving rotors. (See the section on wind turbines in the landscape).



Just how much of a wind turbine that belongs to the transmission system is a matter of definition. In this chapter we will include the components that connect the wind turbine rotor to the generator

5.7.1 THE HUB

The blades on all Bonus wind turbines are bolted to the hub. Older Bonus wind Turbines with Aero star blades have a flange joint, where the glass fiber is molded out in a ring with steel bushes for the bolts. The newer wind turbines have threaded bushes glued into the blade root itself in both cases bolts from the blade pass through a flange on the cast hub the flange bolt-holes are elongated enabling the blade tip angle to be adjusted.

The hub is cast in a special type of strong iron alloy, called SG cast iron. Because of the complicated hub shape which is difficult to make in any other way, it is convenient


to use cast iron. In addition the hub must be highly resistant to metal fatigue, and this is difficult to achieve in a welded construction. In contrast to cast iron of the SG type normal cast iron has the disadvantage of being rather fragile and often can fracture under blows. This unfortunate quality is due to the high carbon content of cast iron. High carbon content enables the cast iron to melt easily and thus easily flow out into the casting form when cast iron solidifies; carbon exists as graphite flakes suspended in the pure iron. These flakes form weak zones in the material, easily prone to zigzag fissures from flake to flake. These weak zones are only important, if forces attempt to pull the material apart. Graphite has great compressibility strength, and is therefore not easily compressed. Normal cast iron has the same compressibility strength as steel, but its tension resistance level is only 10% of steel tension resistance. In producing SG cast iron several special materials, mainly silicium, are added during casting.. After casting has taken place, it is further heat treated for about 24 hours, thereby changing the free carbon from their usual flakes into small carbon from their usual flakes into small round balls. The name SG cast iron is also short for Spherical Graphite cast iron (Latin: Sphere = ball). This round ball shape binds the necessary carbon in a more compact form. The graphite is not a hindrance for the binding structure in the metal itself, and there is likewise a better structure between the crystals of iron. Thereby achieving the higher strength qualities necessary for a wind turbine hub On account of the extra heat treatment SG cast iron is somewhat more expensive than normal cast iron.


The main shaft of a wind turbine is usually forged from hardened and tempered steel. Hardening and tempering is a result of forging the axle after it has been heated until it is white-hot at about 1000 degrees centigrade. By hammering or rolling the blank is formed with an integral flange, to which the hub is later bolted.


The shaft is reheated a final time to a glowing red, following the forging process, and then plunged into a basin of oil or water. This treatment gives a very hard, but at the same time rather brittle surface. Therefore the axle is once again reheated to about 500 degrees centigrade tempering the metal and thereby enabling the metal to regain some of its former system.

5.7.3 Gearboxes for Wind Turbines

1 Ring wheel 2. Planet wheel 3 Sun wheel 4 Planet carriers

The power from the rotation of the wind turbine rotor is transferred to the generator through the power train, i.e. through the main shaft, the gearbox and the high speed shaft, as we saw on the page with the Components of a Wind Turbine. But why use a gearbox? Couldn't we just drive the generator directly with the power from the main shaft? If we used an ordinary generator, directly connected to a 50 Hz AC ( alternating current ) three phase grid with two, four, or six poles, we would have to have an extremely high speed turbine with between 1000 and 3000 revolutions per minute (rpm), as we can see in the page on Changing Generator Rotational Speed. With a 43 meter rotor diameter that would imply a tip speed of the rotor of far more than twice the speed of sound, so we might as well forget it.


Another possibility is to build a slow-moving AC generator with many poles. But if you wanted to connect the generator directly to the grid, you would end up with a 200 pole generator (i.e. 300 magnets) to arrive at a reasonable rotational speed of 30 rpm. Another problem is that the mass of the rotor of the generator has to be roughly proportional to the amount of torque (moment, or turning force) it has to handle. So a directly driven generator will be very heavy (and expensive) in any case.

Less Torque, More Speed

The practical solution, which is used in the opposite direction in lots of industrial machinery, and in connection with car engines, is to use a gearbox. With a gearbox you convert between slowly rotating, high torque power which you get from the wind turbine rotor - and high speed, low torque power, which you use for the generator. The gearbox in a wind turbine does not "change gears". It normally has a single gear ratio between the rotation of the rotor and the generator. For a 600 or 750 kW machine, the gear ratio is typically approximately 1 to 50.

5.8 Wind Turbine Generators

You can see the internal cooling fan moving inside this generator. It is mounted at the end of the rotor, which is hidden inside the shining magnetic steel cylinder, called the stator. The radiator-like surface cools the generator. It is hard to see the details on a real life generator like the one to the right. Therefore, we'll take it apart and make some simplified models on the next pages. The wind turbine generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Wind turbine generators are a bit unusual, compared to other generating units you ordinarily find attached to the electrical grid. One reason is that the generator has to work with a power source (the wind turbine rotor) which supplies very fluctuating mechanical power (torque).

Generating Voltage (tension)

On large wind turbines (above 100-150 kW) the voltage (tension) generated by the turbine is usually 690 V three-phase alternating current (AC). The current is subsequently sent through a transformer next to the wind turbine (or inside the tower) to raise the voltage to somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000 volts, depending on the standard in the local electrical grid. Large manufacturers will supply both 50 Hz wind turbine models (for the electrical grids in most of the world) and 60 Hz models.


5.8.1 Cooling System

Generators need cooling while they work. On most turbines this is accomplished by encapsulating the generator in a duct, using a large fan for air cooling, but a few manufacturers use water cooled generators. Water cooled generators may be built more compactly, which also gives some electrical efficiency advantages, but they require a radiator in the nacelle to get rid of the heat from the liquid cooling system.

5.8.2 Starting and Stopping the Generator

If you connected (or disconnected) a large wind turbine generator to the grid by flicking an ordinary switch, you would be quite likely to damage the generator, the gearbox and the current in the grid in the neighborhood.

Design Choices in Generators and Grid Connection

Wind turbines may be designed with either synchronous or asynchronous generators, and with various forms of direct or indirect grid connection of the generator. Direct grid connection mean that the generator is connected directly to the (usually 3phase) alternating current grid. Indirect grid connection means that the current from the turbine passes through a series of electric devices which adjust the current to match that of the grid. With an asynchronous generator this occurs automatically.

5.8.3 Synchronous Generators

3-Phase Generator (or Motor) Principles

All 3-phase generators (or motors) use a rotating magnetic field. In the picture to the left we have installed three electromagnets around a circle. Each of the three magnets is connected to its own phase in the three phase electrical grid.


As you can see each of the three electromagnets alternate between producing a South Pole and a North Pole towards the centre. The letters are shown in black when the magnetism is strong and in light grey when the magnetism is weak. The fluctuation in magnetism corresponds exactly to the fluctuation in voltage of each phase. When one phase is at its peak, the other two have the current running in the opposite direction, at half the voltage. Since the timing of current in the three magnets is one third of a cycle apart, the magnetic field will make one complete revolution per cycle.

Synchronous Motor Operation

The compass needle (with the North Pole painted red) will follow the magnetic field exactly, and make one revolution per cycle. With a 50 Hz grid, the needle will make 50 revolutions per second, i.e. 50 times 60 = 3000 rpm (revolutions per minute). In the picture above, we have in fact managed to build what is called a 2-pole permanent magnet synchronous motor. The reason why it is called a synchronous motor, is that the magnet in the centre will rotate at a constant speed which is synchronous with (running exactly like the cycle in) the rotation of the magnetic field. The reason why it is called a 2-pole motor is that it has one North and one South pole. It may look like three poles to you, but in fact the compass needle feels the pull from the sum of the magnetic fields around its own magnetic field. So, if the magnet at the top is a strong South pole, the two magnets at the bottom will add up to a strong North pole. The reason why it is called a permanent magnet motor is that the compass needle in the centre is a permanent magnet, not an electromagnet. (You could make a real motor by replacing the compass needle by a powerful permanent magnet or an electromagnet which maintains its magnetism through a coil (wound around an iron core) which is fed with direct current. The setup with the three electromagnets is called the stator in the motor, because this part of the motor remains static (in the same place). The compass needle in the centre is called the rotor, obviously because it rotates.

Synchronous Generator Operation

If you start forcing the magnet around (instead of letting the current from the grid move it), you will discover that it works like a generator, sending alternating current back into the grid. (You should have a more powerful magnet to produce much electricity). The more force (torque) you apply, the more electricity you generate, but the generator will still run at the same speed dictated by the frequency of the electrical


grid. You may disconnect the generator completely from the grid, and start your own private 3-phase electricity grid, hooking your lamps up to the three coils around the electromagnets. (Remember the principle of magnetic / electrical induction from the reference manual section of this web site). If you disconnect the generator from the main grid, however, you will have to crank it at a constant rotational speed in order to produce alternating current with a constant frequency. Consequently, with this type of generator you will normally want to use an indirect grid connection of the generator. In practice, permanent magnet synchronous generators are not used very much. There are several reasons for this. One reason is that permanent magnets tend to become demagnetized by working in the powerful magnetic fields inside a generator. Another reason is that powerful magnets (made of rare earth metals, e.g. Neodymium) are quite expensive, even if prices have dropped lately.

Wind Turbines with Synchronous Generators

Wind turbines which use synchronous generators normally use electromagnets in the rotor which are fed by direct current from the electrical grid. Since the grid supplies alternating current, they first have to convert alternating current to direct current before sending it into the coil windings around the electromagnets in the rotor. The rotor electromagnets are connected to the current by using brushes and slip rings on the axle (shaft) of the generator.

5.8.4 Asynchronous (Induction) Generators

Most wind turbines in the world use a so-called three phase asynchronous (cage wound) generator, also called an induction generator to generate alternating current. This type of generator is not widely used outside the wind turbine industry, and in small hydropower units, but the world has a lot of experience in dealing with it anyway: The curious thing about this type of generator is that it was really originally designed as an electric motor. In fact, one third of the world's electricity consumption is used for running induction motors driving machinery in factories, pumps, fans, compressors, elevators, and other applications where you need to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.


One reason for choosing this type of generator is that it is very reliable, and tends to be comparatively inexpensive. The generator also has some mechanical properties which are useful for wind turbines. (Generator slip, and a certain overload capability).

Motor Operation
When the current is connected, the machine will start turning like a motor at a speed which is just slightly below the synchronous speed of the rotating magnetic field from the stator. Now, what is happening?

If we look at the rotor bars from above (in the picture to the right) we have a magnetic field which moves relative to the rotor. This induces a very strong current in the rotor bars which offer very little resistance to the current, since they are short circuited by the end rings. The rotor then develops its own magnetic poles, which in turn become dragged along by the electromagnetic force from the rotating magnetic field in the stator.

Generator Operation
Now, what happens if we manually crank this rotor around at exactly the synchronous speed of the generator, e.g. 1500 rpm (revolutions per minute), as we saw for the 4pole synchronous generator on the previous page? The answer is: Nothing. Since the magnetic field rotates at exactly the same speed as the rotor, we see no induction phenomena in the rotor, and it will not interact with the stator. But what if we increase speed above 1500 rpm? In that case the rotor moves faster than the rotating magnetic field from the stator, which means that once again the stator induces a strong current in the rotor. The harder you crank the rotor, the more power will be transferred as an electromagnetic force to the stator, and in turn converted to electricity which is fed into the electrical grid.


Generator Slip
The speed of the asynchronous generator will vary with the turning force (moment, or torque) applied to it. In practice, the difference between the rotational speed at peak power and at idle is very small, about 1 per cent. This difference in per cent of the synchronous speed is called the generator's slip. Thus a 4-pole generator will run idle at 1500 rpm if it is attached to a grid with a 50 Hz current. If the generator is producing at its maximum power, it will be running at 1515 rpm. It is a very useful mechanical property that the generator will increase or decrease its speed slightly if the torque varies. This means that there will be less tear and wear on the gearbox (Lower peak torque). This is one of the most important reasons for using an asynchronous generator rather than a synchronous generator on a wind turbine which is directly connected to the electrical grid.

Grid Connection Required

An asynchronous generator is different, because it requires the stator to be magnetized from the grid before it works. You can run an asynchronous generator in a stand alone system, however, if it is provided with capacitors which supply the necessary magnetization current. It also requires that there be some remanence in the rotor iron, i.e. some leftover magnetism when you start the turbine. Otherwise you will need a battery and power electronics, or a small diesel generator to start the system).

Synchronous Generator Speeds (rpm)

Pole number 2 4 6 8 10 12 50 Hz 3000 1500 1000 750 600 500 60 Hz 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600

The term "synchronous generator speed" thus refers to the speed of the generator when it is running synchronously with the grid frequency. It applies to all sorts of generators, however: In the case of asynchronous (induction) generators it is equivalent to the idle speed of the generator.


High or Low Speed Generators?

Most wind turbines use generators with four or six poles. The reasons for using these relatively high-speed generators are savings on size and cost. The maximum force (torque) a generator can handle depends on the rotor volume. For a given power output you then have the choice between a slow-moving, large (expensive) generator, and a high-speed (cheaper) smaller generator.

5.9 Indirect Grid Connection of Wind Turbines Generating Alternating Current (AC) at Variable Frequency
Most wind turbines run at almost constant speed with direct grid connection. With indirect grid connection, however, the wind turbine generator runs in its own, separate mini AC-grid, as illustrated in the graphic. This grid is controlled electronically (using an inverter), so that the frequency of the alternating current in the stator of the generator may be varied. In this way it is possible to run the turbine at variable rotational speed. Thus the turbine will generate alternating current at exactly the variable frequency applied to the stator. The generator may be either a synchronous generator or an asynchronous generator, and the turbine may have a gearbox, as in the image above, or run without a gearbox if the generator has many poles, as explained on the next page.

Conversion to Direct Current (DC)

AC current with a variable frequency cannot be handled by the public electrical grid. We therefore start by rectifying it, i.e. we convert it into direct current, DC. The conversion from variable frequency AC to DC can be done using thyristors or large power transistors.

Conversion to Fixed Frequency AC

We then convert the (fluctuating) direct current to an alternating current (using an inverter) with exactly the same frequency as the public electrical grid. This conversion to AC in the inverter can also be done using either thyristors or transistors. Thyristors or power transistors are large semiconductor switches that operate without mechanical parts. The kind of alternating current one gets out of an inverter looks quite ugly at first sight - nothing like the smooth sinusoidal curve we learned about


when studying alternating current. Instead, we get a series of sudden jumps in the voltage and current, as you saw in the animation above.

Filtering the AC
The rectangular shaped waves can be smoothed out, however, using appropriate inductances and capacitors, in a so-called AC filter mechanism. The somewhat jagged appearance of the voltage does not disappear completely, however, as explained below.

Advantages of Indirect Grid Connection: Variable Speed

The advantage of indirect grid connection is that it is possible to run the wind turbine at variable speed. The primary advantage is that gusts of wind can be allowed to make the rotor turn faster, thus storing part of the excess energy as rotational energy until the gust is over. Obviously, this requires an intelligent control strategy, since we have to be able to differentiate between gusts and higher wind speed in general. Thus it is possible to reduce the peak torque (reducing wear on the gearbox and generator), and we may also reduce the fatigue loads on the tower and rotor blades. The secondary advantage is that with power electronics one may control reactive power (i.e. the phase shifting of current relative to voltage in the AC grid), so as to improve the power quality in the electrical grid. This may be useful, particularly if a turbine is running on a weak electrical grid. Theoretically, variable speed may also give a slight advantage in terms of annual production, since it is possible to run the machine at an optimal rotational speed, depending on the wind speed. From an economic point of view that advantage is so small, however, that it is hardly worth mentioning.

Disadvantages of Indirect Grid Connection

The basic disadvantage of indirect grid connection is cost. As we just learned, the turbine will need a rectifier and two inverters, one to control the stator current, and another to generate the output current. Presently, it seems that the cost of power electronics exceeds the gains to be made in building lighter turbines, but that may change as the cost of power electronics decreases. Looking at operating statistics from wind turbines using power electronics (published by the German ISET Institute), it also seems that availability rates for these machines tend to be somewhat lower than conventional machines, due to failures in the power electronics. Other disadvantages


are the energy lost in the AC-DC-AC conversion process, and the fact that power electronics may introduce harmonic distortion of the alternating current in the electrical grid, thus reducing power quality. The problem of harmonic distortion arises because the filtering process mentioned above is not perfect, and it may leave some "overtones" (multiples of the grid frequency) in the output current.


Wind Speed Measurement: Anemometers

The measurement of wind speeds is usually done using a cup anemometer, such as the one in the picture to the left. The cup anemometer has a vertical axis and three cups which capture the wind. The number of revolutions per minute is registered electronically. Normally, the anemometer is fitted with a wind vane to detect the wind direction. Instead of cups, anemometers may be fitted with propellers, although this is not common. Other anemometer types include ultrasonic or laser anemometers which detect the phase shifting of sound or coherent light reflected from the air molecules. Hot wire anemometers detect the wind speed through minute temperature differences between wires placed in the wind and in the wind shade (the lee side). The advantage of non-mechanical anemometers may be that they are less sensitive to icing. In practice, however, cup anemometers tend to be used everywhere, and special models with electrically heated shafts and cups may be used in arctic areas. Quality Anemometers are a Necessity for Wind Energy Measurement. 51

This instrument is used to measure the horizontal wind speed. It is used together with a wind vane. The wind will cause the three hemispheric cups to rotate around the vertical axis. The faster the cups spin, the faster the wind speed. The rotations of the cups are counted either mechanically or electrically

Wind vane:
The wind vane is an instrument used to measure the wind direction. It has a tail and a nose mounted at its center of gravity so it can move freely about a vertical axis. The design of the vane causes the end with the smallest area to turn into the wind. The tail points where the wind is going and the nose (smallest area) points where the wind is coming from. From the direction of the nose the wind direction can be named in reference to where it is coming from. It should be mounted on a rooftop or mast 10 meters above the ground away from buildings, trees, and other objects which interfere with the true wind direction. A compass was used to work out the direction of the main compass points.

5.11 The Electronic Wind Turbine Controller

The wind turbine controller consists of a number of computers which continuously monitor the condition of the wind turbine and collect statistics on its operation. As the name implies, the controller also controls a large number of switches, hydraulic pumps, valves, and motors within the wind turbine. As wind turbine sizes increase to megawatt machines, it becomes even more important that they have a high


availability rate, i.e. that they function reliably all the time. Communicating with the Outside World The controller communicates with the owner or operator of the wind turbine via a communications link, e.g. sending alarms or requests for service over the telephone or a radio link. It is also possible to call the wind turbine to collect statistics, and check its present status. In wind parks one of the turbines will usually be equipped with a PC from which it is possible to control and collect data from the rest of the wind turbines in the park. This PC can be called over a telephone line or a radio link.

Internal Communications

There is usually a controller both at the bottom of the tower and in the nacelle. On recent wind turbine models, the communication between the controllers is usually done using fiber optics. The image to the right shows a fiber optics communications unit. On some recent models, there is a third controller placed in the hub of the rotor. That unit usually communicates with the nacelle unit using serial communications through a cable connected with slip rings and brushes on the main shaft.

What is monitored?
It is possible to monitor or set somewhere between 100 and 500 parameter values in a modern wind turbine. The controller may e.g. check the rotational speed of the rotor, the generator, its voltage and current. In addition, lightning strikes and their charge may be registered. Furthermore measurements may be made of outside air temperature, temperature in the electronic cabinets, oil temperature in the gearbox, the temperature of the generator windings, the temperature in the gearbox bearings, hydraulic pressure, the pitch angle of each rotor blade (for pitch controlled or active stall controlled machines), the yaw angle (by counting the number of teeth on yaw wheel), the number of power cable twists, wind direction, wind speed from the anemometer, the size and frequency of vibrations in the nacelle and the rotor blades,


the thickness of the brake linings, whether the tower door is open or closed (alarm system).

Control Strategies
Many of the business secrets of the wind turbine manufacturers are to be found in the way the controller interacts with the wind turbine components. Improved control strategies are responsible for an important part of the increase in wind turbine productivity in recent years. An interesting strategy pursued by some manufacturers is to adapt the operational strategy to the local wind climate. In this way it may e.g. be possible to minimize uneconomic tear and wear on the machine during (rare) periods of rough weather.

5.12 Controlling Power Quality from Wind Turbines

Most people think of the controller as the unit which runs the wind turbine, e.g. yaws it against the wind, checks that the safety systems are OK, and starts the turbine. The controller does indeed do all these things, but it also looks after the power quality of the current generated by the wind turbine.

Grid Connection and Power Quality

In the section about power quality you will learn how electricity companies require that wind turbines connect "softly" to the grid, and how they have certain requirements that the alternating current and voltage move in step with one another. The image to the right shows the high voltage section of a controller for a megawatt machine. This part of the controller operates e.g. the thyristors which ensure soft coupling to the electrical grid.


5.13 Wind Turbine Safety

The components of a wind turbine are designed to last 20 years. This means that they will have to endure more than 120,000 operating hours, often under stormy weather conditions. If you compare with an ordinary automobile engine, it usually only operates only some 5,000 hours during its lifetime. Large wind turbines are equipped with a number of safety devices to ensure safe operation during their lifetime.

One of the classical and most simple safety devices in a wind turbine is the vibration sensor in the image above, which was first installed in the Gender wind turbine. It simply consists of a ball resting on a ring. The ball is connected to a switch through a chain. If the turbine starts shaking, the ball will fall off the ring and switch the turbine off. There are many other sensors in the nacelle, e.g. electronic thermometers which check the oil temperature in the gearbox and the temperature of the generator.

Rotor Blades
Safety regulations for wind turbines vary between countries. Denmark is the only country in which the law requires that all new rotor blades are tested both statically, i.e. applying weights to bend the blade, and dynamically, i.e. testing the blade's ability to withstand fatigue from repeated bending more than five million times. You may read more about this on the page on Testing Wind Turbine Rotor Blades.


5.14 Over speeds Protection

It is essential that wind turbines stop automatically in case of malfunction of a critical component. E.g. if the generator overheats or is disconnected from the electrical grid it will stop braking the rotation of the rotor, and the rotor will start accelerating rapidly within a matter of seconds. In such a case it is essential to have an over speed protection system. Danish wind turbines are requited by law to have two independent fail safe brake mechanisms to stop the turbine.

Aerodynamic Braking System: Tip Brakes

The primary braking system for most modern wind turbines is the aerodynamic braking system, which essentially consists in turning the rotor blades about 90 degrees along their longitudinal axis (in the case of a pitch controlled turbine or an active stall controlled turbine ), or in turning the rotor blade tips 90 degrees (in the case of a stall controlled turbine ). These systems are usually spring operated, in order to work even in case of electrical power failure, and they are automatically activated if the hydraulic system in the turbine loses pressure. The hydraulic system in the turbine is used turn the blades or blade tips back in place once the dangerous situation is over. Experience has proved that aerodynamic braking systems are extremely safe. They will stop the turbine in a matter of a couple of rotations, at the most. In addition, they offer a very gentle way of braking the turbine without any major stress, tear and wear on the tower and the machinery. The normal way of stopping a modern turbine (for any reason) is therefore to use the aerodynamic braking system.

Mechanical Braking System

The mechanical brake is used as a backup system for the aerodynamic braking system, and as a parking brake, once the turbine is stopped in the case of a


stall controlled turbine. Pitch controlled turbines rarely need to activate the mechanical brake (except for maintenance work), as the rotor cannot move very much once the rotor blades are pitched 90 degrees.

5.15 Wind Turbine Occupational Safety Towers

Large, modern wind turbines normally use conical tubular steel towers. The primary advantage of this tower over a lattice tower is that it makes it safer and far more comfortable for service personnel to access the wind turbine for repair and maintenance. The disadvantage is cost.

Occupational Safety

The primary danger in working with wind turbines is the height above ground during installation work and when doing maintenance work. New Danish wind turbines are required to have fall protection devices, i.e. the person climbing the turbine has to wear a parachutist-like set of straps. The straps are connected with a steel wire to an anchoring system that follows the person while climbing or descending the turbine. The wire system has to include a shock absorber, so that persons are reasonably safe in case of a fall.


A Danish tradition (which has later been taken up by other manufacturers), is to place the access ladders at a certain distance from the wall. This enables service personnel to climb the tower while being able to rest the shoulders against the inside wall of the tower. In this image you see the editor of our Spanish web site verifying that this is actually a very practical solution. Protection from the machinery, fire protection and electrical insulation protection is governed by a number of national and international standards. During servicing it is essential that the machinery can be stopped completely. In addition to a mechanical brake, the rotor can be locked in place with a pin, to prevent any movement of the mechanical parts whatsoever.


CHAPTER: 6 Wind Turbines in the Electrical Grid


Chapter: 6

6.1Wind Energy Variations

The vast majority of the installed power of wind turbines in the world is grid connected, i.e. the turbines feed their electricity directly into the public electrical grid. Wind Energy Production during a Fine Summer Week

The graph above shows a summer week of electricity output from the 750 KW (kilowatts) of wind turbines in the RCI wind form. Electrical power consumption was 2,700 KW at the time this curve was printed from the power company control centre..

Wind Matches Daily Electricity Consumption Patterns

At the bottom of the graph you can see the power output of the five preceding days. On average, the month of June has the lowest wind power output during the year. The typical weather pattern is that winds are low at night, and higher during the day, as you can see from the five days of moderate winds. This means that wind electricity generally fits well into the electricity consumption pattern, i.e. wind electricity tends to be more valuable to the electrical grid systems than if it were being produced at a random level.


6.2Seasonal Variation in Wind Energy

Wind Matches Seasonal Electricity Consumption Patterns

In temperate zones summer winds are generally weak compared to winter winds. Electricity consumption is generally higher in winter than in summer in these regions. Electrical heating is therefore ideal in combination with wind energy, because the cooling of houses varies with the wind speed much like the electricity production of wind turbines vary with wind speeds. In electricity systems that are not based on hydropower and wind there may be good

6.3 Starting (and Stopping) a Turbine

Most electronic wind turbine controllers are programmed to let the turbine run idle without grid connection at low wind speeds. (If it were grid connected at low wind speeds, it would in fact run as a motor, as you can read about on the generator page). Once the wind becomes powerful enough to turn the rotor and generator at their rated speed, it is important that the turbine generator becomes connected to the electrical grid at the right moment. Otherwise there will be only the mechanical resistance in the gearbox and generator to prevent the rotor from accelerating, and eventually overspending. (There are several safety devices, including fail-safe brakes, in case the correct start procedure fails, which you may have read in the section on Wind Turbine Safety).


6.4 Soft Starting with Thyristors

If you switched a large wind turbine on to the grid with a normal switch, the neighbors would see a brownout (because of the current required to magnetize the generator) followed by a power peak due to the generator current surging into the grid. You may see the situation in the drawing in the accompanying browser window, where you see the flickering of the lamp when you operate the switch to start the wind turbine. The same effect can possibly be seen when you switch on your computer, and the transformer in its power supply all of a sudden becomes magnetized. Another unpleasant side effect of using a "hard" switch would be to put a lot of extra wear on the gearbox, since the cut-in of the generator would work as if you all of a sudden slammed on the mechanical brake of the turbine. Large power thyristors in wind turbines get very hot when they are activated. They have to be equipped with aluminum heat sinks and fans as you see in the picture to the right.

To prevent this situation, modern wind turbines are soft starting, i.e. they connect and disconnect gradually to the grid using thyristors, a type of semiconductor continuous switches which may be controlled electronically. (You may in fact have a thyristor in your own home, if you own a modern light dimmer, where you can adjust the voltage on your lamps continuously). Thyristors waste about 1 to 2 per cent of the energy running through them. Modern wind turbines are therefore normally equipped with a so called bypass switch, i.e. a mechanical switch which is activated after the turbine has been soft started. In this way the amount of energy wasted will be minimized.


Weak Grids, Grid Reinforcement

If a turbine is connected to a weak electrical grid, (i.e. it is varying far away in a remote corner of the electrical grid with a low power-carrying ability), there may be some brownout / power surge problems of the sort mentioned above. In such cases it may be necessary to reinforce the grid, in order to carry the fluctuating current from the wind turbine. Your local power company has experience in dealing with these potential problems, because they are the exact mirror-image of connecting a large electricity user, (e.g. a factory with large electrical motors) to the grid.

Flicker is an engineering expression for short lived voltage variations in the electrical grid which may cause light bulbs to flicker. This phenomenon may be relevant if a wind turbine is connected to a weak grid, since short-lived wind variations will cause variations in power output. There are various ways of dealing with this issue in the design of the turbine, mechanically, electrically, and using power electronics.


CHAPTER: 7 Advantages of Wind Power


7. Advantages of wind power system:

1. Reduces or even eliminates the cost of electricity 2. Reduces dependence on power companies 3. Excess electricity produced can be sold back to the power company at a profit 4. Allows you to tap into the abundance of free renewable wind energy that is literally in-your-face everyday 5. It is good for the environment because windmills produce no polluting exhaust 6. It helps our country reduce its dependence on foreign oil 7. Building a windmill can be a family bonding experience that can teach our next generation that everyone can have a significant impact on cutting energy costs while improving our environment 8. The cost to operate a windmill is very low 9. The simple design of a wind turbine means low maintenance costs - just install it and forget it. 10. The cost to build your own windmill can be as low as $200 if you have the right windmill plans that outline where to find low cost and free sources for materials.

Disadvantages of Wind power:

1. It is weather dependent - no wind equals any electricity 2. There is a dependence on the zoning rules of each community 3. Purchasing commercial pre-build wind turbine systems can be costly and require 8 or more years to pay back the initial investment .


8. Conclusion:
Wind energy generation system of the 750 kW wind turbine generators at kondameedapalli of Kurnool district and functioning of AC/DC/AC Conversion in 250 kW wind turbine of RCI wind Projects are studied







PERFORMANCE: Nominal power output Rated wind Speed Cut in wind speed Cutout wind speed Survival wind speed Hub height Calculated life time Power Regulation 250kw 13m/s 3m/s 25m/s 60m/s 36.5m Optional 41m Minimum 20years Passive Blade Angle adjustment

ROTOR: Rotor Diameter Swept Area Location Number of blades Angle of main shaft Speed Minimum Blade Angle Cone Angle Direction Location Main Bearing Weight 30m 707sq.m Upwind Two 7*c with horizontal Variable, max.85rpm 7.5* 180*-161* Clockwise Attached to Gear Box 2,500kg


BLADE: Length Material Profile Twist Blade Chord Mounting 12.9m Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy N.L.F 416 6* 900-700mm Flexible

GENERATOR Number Type Application Rating Number of Poles Windings 1per turbine Asynchronous Grid Connection 250KW 4 Two separate winding each suitable 125kw Nominal speed while Generating voltage Nominal Current Frequency Nominal Torque Protection class Insulation class Weight 1512 rpm 400v 447Amps 50 HZ 1640 N-M IP 55 F 1470 Kg


GRID CONNECTION Converter Converter Number of Thyristors Maximum power Reactive power Over voltage safety device Diode Bridge- mutator AC-DC-AC 12 275 KW 90 KVAR Yes

GEAR BOX Number of stages Ratio Nominal Torque 2 1 :26.6 37,310 Nm

TOWER Type Material Protection Location Ascent Weight Lattice Steel Hot dip Galvansing Internal Ladder 35 m tower 17000 kg

NACELLE Material(Base Plate) Weight Galvanisedke 7,500 kg

BRAKE SYSTEM Aerodynamic Brake By aerodynamic torque passive blade angle adjustment. Yawing out of wind at wind speed above 25m/s Parking Brake (mechanical) For maintenance


YAW SYSTEM Type Active, driven by electrical motor with reduction. 2 Nos. Rated Power Yaw Speed Yaw Bearing Yaw Brake Signal Based On 1.5 KW/3KW (RCI) 0.72 deg/sec Crown Braking, externally Geared. Constant friction brake, 8 Numbers. Wind vane/PLC/UMC

CONTROLLER Control By PLC : Two Numbers LOCATION FUNCTION PLC#1 PLC#2 Nacelle Data acquisition

Control cabinet All Control actions.

BLADES: Fabrication Type Blade Material Total mass of one blade Center of Gravity to blade root Length Height Thickness Manufactured by a tout vent, France LW30/250 Carbon-Epoxy composite 300kg 5.0m 13.4m 1.2m 0.27m


HUB: Fabrication Type Total mass(incl. blades) Total swept rotor area Lagerwey Wind turbine B.V. Rotor 30m 3100kg 707 m^2


Asynchronous generator type Weight Moment of inertia Bearing Drive end Non drive Lubrication Type of grease Regressing interval Stator winding Rotor winding Thermal protection Connection Insulation class

M2CA355MA4BSE 1350K 6.5kgm

6322/C3, ball bearing 6319/C3, ball bearing Grease STABURINGS NBU 8 EP 4000h 2layer winding(cu) Squirrel cage winding(al) 3pcs PTC, 155 deg c Star/delta F

RATED DATA Power Voltage Current Speed Frequency Power factor Max speed 250kw 690Y/380D v 240/420 A 1512 rpm 50hz 0.90cos 2400 rpm


Technical specifications
GENERAL DATA Rated power Power regulation Cut in speed Rated power wind speed Cut out speed Hub height Rotor speed 250kw STALL 3m/s 15m/s 25 m/s 50m 25/38 rpm

ROTOR No. of. blades Blade type Rotor diameter Swept area 3 Lm 13.4 29m 660.2m^2

GEAR BOX Type Ratio Lubrication Oil volume 3 step. Helical 1 : 39.5 Splash 87 lts

GENERATOR Type Rated power Voltage RPM Protection class Slip 6/4 pole asynchronous 60/250 kw 415 v 1000/1500 IP 55 1%


BRAKE SYSTEM Mechanical brake Position Aero dynamic brake Disc brake High-speed shaft Pivotable bladetips

YAW SYSTEM Type Yaw brake Yaw drives Control Ball bearing El.brake and permanent magnet brake Z el.motors, planetary-worm gear Wind vane


MONITORING Power quality Voltage, current, frequency, factor, power output RPM Temperature Rotor, generator Generator winding, thyristors, gearbox bearings and control panel Other Tower type Wind speed and direction Lattice tower(50m) power


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