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Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

Advanced Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC's) for Space Propulsion Systems

U. Papenburg**, S. Beyer*, H. Laube*, S. Walter**, G. Langel*, M. Selzer.** *Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG, Space Infrastructure Liquid Rocket Propulsion Development P.O. Box 80 11 68 D-81663 Munich, Germany
ABSTRACT For future rocket engine components advanced materials with excellent thermo-mechanical properties and chemical resistance are required to enhance the rocket engine performance and reduce weight and cost. A technology for the development and fabrication of high quality/high performance rocket engine components out of continuous and/or short carbon fibre reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC) is presented. Application of the C/SiC propulsion component technology is demonstrated with respect to design, structural and thermo-mechanical performance. The advantages of ceramic matrix composites (e.g. C/C, C/SiC) are: low density, high temperature and thermal shock resistance, high damage tolerance, low thermal expansion, high and tunable stiffness and strenght as well as their good thermal and electrical conductivity. An optimized application design/upscaling capability can be achieved by the flexibility of possible modifications in material manufacturing. Within a joined development of Dasa and IABG, new types of advanced C/SiC composites have been investigated. Low density C/C-structures with continuous and/or short carbon fibre reinforcement were infiltrated with pyrolytic carbon by CVI-process and with liquid silicon, which is partly reacted to SiC. After a grinding process, oxidation and abrasion protection coatings (e.g. SiC, SiC>2) on the component surface can be achieved by PVD- and CVD-techniques. In addition, specific characterization aspects for qualification of advanced propulsion components will be proposed and the further required technology improvements will be outlined. This paper gives a short overview of Dasa's and lABG's activities on ceramic matrix composites with continuous and short fibre reinforcements for propulsion components and further applications [I]. 1. INTRODUCTION For future rocket engine components with high heat loads, advanced materials are requested to master the extreme loads encounterd at high pressure and heat flux operation. Due to high pressures and heat fluxes the limits of conventional, i.e. metallic, materials are reached both for cryogenic and storable propellants. Copyright 1997 by Dasa Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with Permission Qualified state of the art materials used today for Dasa's liquid propulsion systems are copper and copper alloys, platin, nickel and nickel-based alloys, stainless steel, cobalt-based alloys and electrodeposited Nickel. However, to reduce the critical factors weight, manufacturing time and costs, new materials and processes are needed to enhance enorme performance and reduce engine costs. Ceramic matrix composites are a prime candidate for high temperature components in space propulsion systems, offering potential application at temperatures up to 1700C. These materials are already in use as in-space minor support structures, brake disks for airplanes and cars, and solid propellant engine nozzles. Manufacturing and experimental experience exist for other propulsion and space related applications, such as e.g. thermal protection systems, and thrust deflectors. In a first step, CMC could be introduced in hot propulsion system components with temperatures below about 1600C and with relatively small structural loadings. Examples are film and radiatively cooled combustion chambers and nozzles for small bipropellant engines, and nozzle extension skirts for large liquid propellant engines. In the mid 1980s, Dasa (formerly MBB) demonstrationtested C/C nozzle extensions with a cryogenic subscale combustion chamber, operating at a pressure of 100 bar and a mixture ratio of 5 - 6, yielding a combustion gas temperature of about 3500 K. Figure 1 shows the C/C nozzle test hardware, Figure 2 hot test with this C/C nozzle (without oxidation protection coating). The nozzle was mounted to the combustion chamber by means of a compression joint. Total test duration was 100 seconds, with the C/C test article showing no structural damage, demonstrating the feasibility of a radiation cooled nozzle extension on a high pressure cryogenic engine [1/2/3].

**Industrieanlagen-BetriebsgesellschaftmbH(IABG) High Temperature Technology and Advanced Materials D-85521 Ottobrunn, Germany

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.



The typical C/SiC manufacturing process used at IABG for rocket propulsion components is shown in Figure 3.
Both long and short fibre materials are included.

Manufacturing Process | | i Continuous woven C/C-Pregregs or Random orientated chopped C/C-felt

i CFRP-Moulding or Winding Techniques
Figure 1: C/C-nozzles (test hardware)

Carbonization in Vacuum, 1000C

Graphitization in Vacuum, 2100C i

Machining and Joining of Medium Size Components i Chemical Vapour Infiltration (CVI) 1

with Pyrolitic Carbon

1 Liquid Silicon Infiltration (LI) and I SiC-Reaktion in Vacuum, 1 800C j

1 1 1

Figure 2: Cryogenic subscale test on test facility P59.1 at Dasa (MBB) in Ottobrunn, Germany


PVD/CVD Oxidation/Erosion
Since then, new CMC materials and manufacturing processes have been developed by various institutions throughout Europe [1], and SEP has meanwhile demonstrated the feasibility of their material in hot fire tests with a full-scale radiation cooled HM7-engine nozzle extension,
Protection Coating (SiC, SiC>2\

C/SiC Rocket Propulsion Components

1 |

and has developed the radiation cooled C/C-extensible nozzle for Pratt & Whitney's RL 10B-2 engine [2/3/4].
This paper describes the development and fabrication of new high quality/high performance rocket engine components like 400 N combustion chambers for small bipropellant engines and nozzle extensions for present and future engines made of C/SiC composites. Chapter 2 focuses on the C/SiC materials and capabilities at Dasa/IABG, and chapters 3 and 4 discusses present and future applications.

Figure 3: Manufacturing of C/SiC-rocket propulsion components


Depending on the requirements from different propulsion applications, different types of carbon fibre reinforcement (continuous and short fibre reinforcement) have to be considered. Propulsion units with continuous fibre reinforcement (2D-C/SiC) can be realized with woven C/C-prepregs or C-rovings in different winding techniques up to diameters of 2000 mm (see Figure 4).

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

The raw material used for the short carbon fibre reinforcement (isotropic C/SiC) is a porous C/C rigid felt, made of

short and isotropically (random) oriented carbon fibres, which are moulded with phenolic resins or pitch at high pressures to a kind of CFRP blank, which is available in various sizes. Dependent on the moulding process, the short carbon fibres are randomly orientated in the blank body and, hence, an isotropic mechanical behaviour is achieved [5/6/7].

Figure 5: Greenbody machining of short fibre reinforced


The typical CVD coating process needed to protect the C/SiC from the oxidizing atmosphere in a combustion device is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 4: Winding of continuous carbon fibre reinforced CFRP-tubes up to diameters of 2000 mm

During pyrolisation/carbonization heat treatment up to 1000C, the phenolic matrix reacts to carbon matrix (C/C). The density of these C/C compounds is between 0.7 and 1.5 g/cm . A graphitization process in inert atmospheres (by heat treatment at temperatures up to 2100C) and a CVI (Chemical Vapour Infillration)-process with pyrolitic

carbon reduces the chemical reactivity of the carbon fibres with liquid silicon. This process has a decisive influence on the physical and mechanical properties of the C/SiC composites. These C/C-raw materials are deliverable in blanks of diameters up to 2500 mm. However, the short fibre reinforced C/C felt is sufficient rigid to mill it to virtually any shape, as shown in Figure 5 with a rather sophisticated support rear structure all cut out of a single "base" by standard NC milling. The ribs shown here are not thicker than 1.25 mm with 0.1 mm tolerance. This is one of the most significant advantages of this material since it drastically reduces the forming costs [8/9/10].

Figure 6: 2D-C/SJC nozzle extension in the plasma

supported CVD-coating process

Medium size C/C components (0 < 1500 mm) can also be joined at their mechanical interfaces with C/C bolts and screws (before Si-infiltration). Also, the component must
remain free of oil or similar contamination to ensure a

homogeniuos Si-infiltartion in the next process [11/12].


After careful microscopic inspection of the pre-shaped C/C-body the unit will be mounted in a dedicated high temperature furnace under vacuum with silicon supply in the liquid phase, i.e. at > 1500C. The lower end of the structure are dipped into the liquid silicon. Because of the capilary forces inherent in the porous C/C component, the molten silicon is sucked upwards into the structure. Subse-

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

quently the temperature is increased to 1800C and the silicon reacts with the carbon matrix and the surface of the

carbon fibres to form silicon carbide matrix (conversion process). Dependent on the amount of carbon and infiltrated silicon the resulting ceramic matrix composite consist of carbon fibres plus two matrix constituents (SiC and Si) in various concentrations. As mentioned before, the amount of carbon and silicon has to be apportioned exactly to prevent a chemical reaction with the silicon and the reinforcing carbon fibres. However, the fraction of metallic silicon contained in the blank after conversion amounts to 5 - 25% by weight. The density of the infiltrated C/SiC composite is typically between 2.1 g/cnr (2D-C/SJC) and 2.7 g/cnr (isotropic C/SiC). The use of vacuum conditions is not mandatory for all applications, yet was found mandatory for pore-free surfaces. The process will work at ambient pressure also with Argon. The duration of the thermal infiltration process is a direct measure of the extent to which the carbon matrix and carbon fibres react with Si to SiC, i.e. how much of the carbon fibre reinforcement will remain in the item. This parameter together with the temperature control to some extent the ratio of stiffness and strenght versus ductility of the C/SiC. After controlled cool-down of the item, it will be carefully examined again microscopically and by NOT methods (X-ray radiography) with respect to density variations, pores, microcracks etc. [11/12/13]. The main material properties of short (Iso) and continuous (2D) fibre C/SiC are summarized below in section 2.4.

Figure 7: High temperature vacuum furnace for C/SiC manufacturing (0 4 m)

Currently the C/C greenbody joining technology has been demonstrated on C/SiC burner components with a lenght of 3000 mm. No ageing and creeping effects (since 1 year at an application temperature of 1400C) were determined. Rapid manufacturing and breadboarding is achieved by

direct data link of the CATIA design stations for the NCprogramming for net-shape C/C-milling. Of all of the high performance, commercially feasible and advanced materials, only C/SiC offers the freedom to be moulded into
intricate "sculpture-like" shapes. It can be easily applied to very small and very large propulsion structures. The main


features and material properties of C/SiC manufactured by the above described processes are listed in the next section.
The C/SiC features and advantages can be summarized as follows:
Low specific density (2.10-2.70 g/cm )

All required facilities to perform the development and manufacturing work are available at IABG and Dasa in Ottobrunn. The various development and manufacturing
steps are accompanied by analytical work at the IABG laboratory, like SEM investigations of materials, mechanical tests including fracture toughness analysis and investigations of polished sections to estimate the received quality. The required equipment is available, including

SEM's, CTE-measurcment system, room and high temperature mechanical test devices and NdE (Non-destructive Evaluation) devices etc.. The manufacturing of C/SiC propulsion structures up to diameters of 1500 mm are state of the art. The fabrication of such propulsion structures can proceed immediatly without upgrading existing facilities. The facilities for propulsion unit manufacturing/processing up to > 2500 mm are also available (see Figure 7).

Low CTE (3.5-6.5 lO^K' 1 ) Good and tuneable thermal conductivity (5-135 W/mK)
Chemical and erosion resistant High temperature resitance (> 1700C) No detected ageing and creep deformation under stress

No open porosity Fast and low-cost near net shaping Short time manufacturing processing High flexibility in structural design, ultra-light

weight and up-scaling capability High and to some extent tunable stiffness (90-250 GPa) and strenght (140-350 MPa)

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

Note that for some parameters only the typical values are listed, e.g. the stiffness and strenght. The C/SiC structure in

this state has to be with suitable diamond tools to achieve the required surface quality [11/12/13].
Material Properties Haynes 25 Al Iso-C/SiC 2D-C/S1C AISI347 (short fibre) (cont. fibre)

Max. Operating
Temp. (C) Density (g/cm-'') Young's

IKK) 9,1

2,7 70 250 25 170

7,9 200 620 18 13


1600 2.1 - 2.3 90 - 140 250 - 300 4.5 - 0.5 || 10 1 - 30 ||

Modulus (GPa)
Tensile Strenghl (MPa) Thermal Expansion (10- 6 /K) Thermal Condutivity (W/rnK)

260 140 3,5 135

980 13 10

Figure 8: Thrust nozzles for solid rocket propulsion


Table 1: Properties of candidate propulsion materials in comparison





A typical field of application for CMC has been the area of solid-propulsion nozzles. IABG developed and produced CMC-components (nozzles, thruslers, etc.) for solid-propellant propulsion systems for tactical missiles funded by the German Ministry of Defence. C/SiC composite-based HT-structures offer numerous advantages, obviously led by high temperature resistance significant weight savings. Figure 8 shows C/SiC thrust nozzles for solid rocket propulsion.

In experiments the thermoshock, temperature and mechanical resistance of different nozzles (average chamber pressure to 80 bar) was demonstrated. The original matallic nozzles were exchanced by CMC-nozzles without any redisign in the nozzle mounting. Because nozzles or nozzle
throat inserts of CMC have the advanlge of a low abrasion,

The small bipropellant engines in operation tools use metallic combustion chambers, which are more or less refractory according to the type of cooling used. An engine using regenerative cooling may very well be made of stainless steel, but film or radiation cooled engines require higher performance materials. Beryllium may be used up to maximum temperlures up to 1100C. Another candidate, niobium, is limited by its susceptibility to oxidation, resulting in a demand for additional surface coating rather than by its melting temperature (2400C). Typical operating conditions are chamber pressures of 10 bar and combustion temperatures around 3000 K. The propellants are MMH and NTO. The chamber walls arc typically film- and radiation cooled; some systems requires in addition regeneratively cooled throut sections. Increased wall temperatures by reduced active cooling result in higher performance engines. While preparing a new generation of small high-performance bi-propcllanl engines, Dasa and IABG have investigated CMC's. The main advantage of these CMC composites is the increased maximum operating temperature up to 1700C with improved resistance to thermal cycles . Figure 9 shows a ION C/SiC bipropellant engine combustion chamber/nozzle, made with short carbon fibre reinforced silicon carbide. First laboratory hot tests with 10 N combustion chambers show no significant thermal ageing or erosion effects after 400 thermal cycles (cumulative operating time: 50 h, corresponding time 6 h, see Fig. 10) [6/7/8].

the loss of thrust by nozzle throat expanding during operation is less severe with C/SiC nozzles.

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

Figure 9: 10 N C/SiC satellite nozzle with short fibre


Figure 11: 400 N Iso-C/SiC (short fibre) combustion Chamber

Figure 10: I O N combustion chamber during hot firing


Figure 12: 400 N 2D-C/SJC (continuous fibre) combustion chamber

In a further step, Dasa and IABG will test in the near future different 400 N bipropellant engines on the satellite
propulsion test facility in Lampoldshausen, Germany.


Typical applications of CMCs in hot components of large liquid propellant engines arc today envisionized for hot gas flow components and nozzle extensions, the main advantages being life and/or performance increase and possibly

These 400 N combustion chambers will be made of different C/SiC like short and continues fibres with different protection systems.
The 400 N bipropellant test engines made of C/SiC at IABG are shown in Figures 11 and 12. It is also foreseen to test chambers with continuous fibres, made at Dasa-Dornier/Friedrichshafen.

weight and cost savings in scene applications. The requirement for materials for liquid propellant engines are extremely high. Materials for an engine with storable propellants, are exposed to combustion temperatures about 3000 K at combustion pressures up to 50 bar (for the combustion chamber) and have to be chemically and erosion resistant. The nozzle extension of such a thrust chamber is typically exposed to temperatures of about 1300 K (metallic version).

To use CMCs like C/SiC for high pressure cryogenic engines the requirements concerning heat fluxes, thermalschock resistance, engine loads and thermo-mcheanical behaviour are even higher in comparison to storable engines (chamber pressures up to 200 bar, combustion gas temperatures around 3500 K).

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

As described in the introduction, the feasibility of a CMC nozzle extension has already been demonstrated, and a next potential application of C/SiC is seen as film/radiation cooled nozzle extension in storable propellant upper stage engines (low structural loads) [9/10]. One application of C/SiC in a flight engine is the thermal protection coating of the Vulcain engine igniter How path, see Figure 13. The figure shows cut of the igniter el vow after 16 ignitions. No delaminations or significant erosion of the C/SiC coating were detected.


Polenlial CMC-componenls in ramjels are hoi parls such as shock diffusor, subsonic diffusor, inlel cone combustion chamber insulation, flame holder and thrust nozzle. The material requirements of ihesc componcnls are Ihermalshock , temperature, mechanical and erosion resistance. The level of pressure and slresses depend on ihe operaling allitude of cruise missiles. Gas lemperatures with more than 2000C are possible in ramjels depending on Ihe lype of liquid and solid propellanl and ihe combuslion chamber pressure.
A C/SiC inlel ramp flap of a hypersonic Sa'nger Iransporlalion system was designed, buill, and Icsled in Ihe frame of

ihe German ramjet propulsion technology Sa'nger program. Figure 16 shows ihis inlel ramp Hap [14/15].

Figure 14: Igniter elbow with C/SiC thermal protection of the Vulcain engine after engine testing

A hot fire feasibility demonstration test of this flight qualified short fibre reinforced C/SiC coaling of the igniter elbow are shown in Figure 15 (hot fire feasibility demonstration test) [1 1/12/13]. This C/SiC hot gas pipe withstand in 30 tests gas temperatures up to 2000C combined with abrasive particles and thermalshocks of 2100K/sec without any ageing, abrasion effects or damages.

Figure 16: C/SiC inlel ramp (lap demonslralor of Ihe

hypersonic Sa'nger space iransporlation system


Before presenting ihe use of C/SiC for rockel propulsion applicalion in the next chapter, two oilier areospacc examples of successful! applicalion of C/SiC components will be


Highly promising results have already been obtained in ihe

field of ihrust vector control systems for jels and laclical missile propulsion, where tests of new concepts have been made possible by the use of C/SiC composites (thruslers, movable nozzles, valving of hoi gases, jcl blasts, etc.).
Figure 16 shows the 2D-C/SJC Ihrust deflector for the X-31

Figure 15: Hot fire feasibility demonstration lest of short

experimental aircraft which successfully demonstrated the use of this material under aclual flight condition.
The successful experimental verification of thcrmalshock and Icmpcralurc resistance of C/SiC Ihrustcrs give legilimalc hopes for short-lime applications of CMC lo olhcr

fibre reinforced C/SiC thermal prolcction for

Ihe igniler elbow of Ihc Vulcain Engine

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

components of high velocity missiles. All exposed surface components of high velocity missiles are set out high temperatures and mechanical stresses by effects of aerodynamic heating and friction [16/17/18].

Figure 17: Ultra-lightweight C/SiC-Scan Mirror for



Figure 16: 2D-C/SiC thrust deflector for the X-31 aircraft 4.2 ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT C/SIC MIRRORS C/SiC with short fibre reinforcement has high application potential for optomechanical, especially ultra-leightweight applications (e.g. mirrors, antennas, optical benches, ^ telescope structures) with a mass of < 18 kg/m . C/SiC for mirror and telescope structure applications actually resulted from an extended trade of available materials in context of the FIRST reflector (diameter: 3500 mm) and of the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation Satellite) imager scan mirror which revealed that none of the "classical" materials would fulfill all given requirements, such as mass versus size, stiffness, CTE radiation resistance, thermal conductivity etc.. These mirrors will operate under extreme conditions: in geostationary orbit, exposed to hot and cold space, radiation, and worst: rotating with the satellite. One of the most advantageous features for experienced space-borne optomechanical instrument designers is the combination of high stiffness, low CTE and good thermal and electrical conductivity, particulary in contrast to Zerodur, Aluminium and Beryllium [19/20/21/22/23/24]. Figure 17 shows the ultralightweight C/SiC-Scan Mirror for MSG.

Different space propulsion and related components made of different CMC materials are being introduced into flight systems. Examples are solid propulsion nozzles, thrust deflectors, hot gas flow path components, thermal protection systems, and in-space high precision mirror supports. Nozzle extensions are on the verge of being used in large liquid propulsion upper stage engines. This paper described advanced C/SiC materials developed at IABG and Dasa in Ottobrunn, Germany. These materials and processes are available for future combustion chamber/nozzle assemblies for small bipropellant thrusters (Dasa 10 N and 400 N class) and for storable upper stage nozzle extensions (film/radiation cooled). Other potential future applications include the use of C/SiC as combustion chamber material for low pressure storable propellant engines with regenerative cooling.

Copyright 1997, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.



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[13] U. Papenburg, K.K.O. Bar: "Ceramic Fibre Testing up to 1600 C", ACerS 96th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN/US, 27. April 1994.


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[15] Proc. Workshop on Metrology at high-temperature advanced materials for space, ESA/ESTEC, Nordwijk, NL. 1991. [16] K.K.O. Bar, G. Appel, H.-U. Mast, W. Jarzab:" Thermo-mechanical tests of hot spacecraft structures" Berichtsband der DGLR Jahrestagung, Friedrichs-hafen, IABG 1.-4. October 1990. [17] U. Papenburg, E.D. Reese, R. WeiB:"Hot Grips for Monotonic and Cyclic Uniaxial Loading", BMFTProgramm Materialforschung - Neue Materialien, MaTech, Projekt-Nr.: 03K1001, Seite 867 ff., Jahresbericht 1995/96.


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