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OPENING SEQUENCE : The Indian Map appears ..

Zoom in to Maharashtra VO : When it is a question of fairness and transparency in all dealings whether at home or in government who could know this better or do it better than the fairer sex i.e. the Indian woman. And just like it is said that behind every great man there is a woman, WE PROUDLY STATE THAT BEHIND EVERY GREAT NATION & MOVEMENT TOO IS THE POWER..THE DIVINE NURTURING FEMININE PRINCIPLE THE POWER OF WOMAN!

CHAMPIONING THE CAUSE OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT! When intelligence, creativity and earthy wisdom all blend perfectly in a fertile mind, the outcome is a force named Smt.Neela Satyanarayana, State Election Commissioner, Maharashtra, who has been championing the cause of women empowerment for over 5 decades. Even before she joined active politics to further the cause, she has been touching & transforming the lives of millions of women from all parts of India by just being a dedicated artist accomplished author, poet, lyricist & music composer par excellence! Thats where she brings the sensitivity to her role in governance and in her mission to equip the Indian woman to take charge of her own life!

SINCE APRIL 2011 THE GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA HAS IMPLEMENTED THE POLICY OF 50 PERCENT RESERVATION FOR WOMEN IN THE LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT BODIES Smt. Neela Satyanarayana realized that this move to include women in public life would bring about the much desired winds of change at all levels in the nation . only and if only ..they are harnessed in the most efficient manner possible That was the turning point and the inception of Krantijyotia giant leap for womankind!

Smt. Neela Satyanarayana always envisioned a glorious period where the Indian woman from all strata of society would work hand Even the constitution of India guarantees equal rights to women so this movement would thus have to go beyond being just another feminist movement and work at the psyche of women in helping them first seek and then assert their identity.

With the new policy of reservation for women the opportunity presented itself and Smt. Satyanarayana made gold of it by creating Krantijyoti..the beacon of empowerment. The life of Smt Savitribai Phule, eminent educationist and social reformer who started the first all girls school as far back in 1848 is Smt Satyanarayanas guiding force for her work at Krantijyoti.

KRANTIJYOTITHE BEACON OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN GOVERNANCE Krantijyoti is thus the dream child of Smt. Satyanarayana and its main endeavor is educating the EWRs Elected Womens Representatives in the fullest and most complete way possible. The movement is thus based on a very simple but profound principle of Minding the Minder by training and inculcating solid moral, social & ethical values in the EWRs. WHY KRANTIJYOT Smt. Satyanarayana maintains that just making policy changes and including women in governance may be a welcome step but it does not guarantee progress unless the raw material i.e. the EWRs are tapped to perform at high levels of efficiency and competence. For one, there is always the danger of the EWRs being just a puppet in the hands of the dominating male who will then work his agenda through the EWR. It would thus be just liberation and equal opportunity on paper. Conducting extensive research in to the problems of EWRs at various levels, Smt. SatyaNarayana through Krantijyoti has come up with revolutionary training programs for these EWRs. Thus Krantijyotis unique creative programs are easily able to identify and assess a candidates strengths and weaknesses and what follows is a joyful journey full of songs, games and interactions. Just a 3 day program has been able to a sea change in the outlook, confidence levels and management skills of many a EWR. Krantijyoti s programs are based on the principles of scientific management and leadership skills. It harnesses a womans natural instincts for nurturing and preservation and streamlines it towards a macro level. It helps a EWR to guide her intuition with a solid knowledge base and take confident strides which change her at all levels at the personal level, domestic level and most importantly helps her perform to optimum efficiency.

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Conclusion : Smt. Satyanarayanas efforts through Krantijyoti will help establish the fact that the Indian woman is not just a good mother, sister or wife but can also be the asura vanquishing Devi who is worshipped in temples. Smt Satyanarayana has indeed helped millions realize the goddess within themselves.

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