Brand Image Analysis Questionnaire

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Brand Image Questionnaire

Name of the consumer: _______________________ Address: Street address __________ City ___________ State____________ Zip code ________ Mobile number: ____________ Email id: _____________________________ Q1. What are the factors that you look for in a brand in order to analyze the image of the brand? _________________________________ Q2. What kind of image do you have about our brand? a) Impressive image b) Not so impressive image c) No image at all Q3. What kind of image do you have about the quality of our brand? a) Excellent quality b) Good quality c) Average quality d) Bad quality Q4. What kind of image do you have about the pricing of our brand?

a) Very expensive b) Expensive c) Somewhat expensive d) Correctly priced e) Not expensive at all Q5. What according to you is the best aspect of the image of our brand? ______________________ Q6. What according to you is the worst aspect of the image of our brand? ___________________________ Q7. Would you like to suggest any changes in the image of our brand? a) Yes b) No Q8. If yes, what changes would you like to suggest to bring improvement in the image of our brand? __________________________

Brand Image Questionnaire:

Name: Address:

____________________ ____________________

Phone Number: ____________________ Email id: ____________________

Q1. How much do you care about using brands? a) Slightly b) Strongly

c) Not much d) Never Q2. List down a few brands of the product ______________________________________________________ Q3. What is the image of our product in your mind? ______________________________________________________ Q4. Do you know our company vision? ______________________________________________________ Q5. Can you identify our logo? ______________________________________________________ Q6. How do you differentiate our products from our competitors? ______________________________________________________ Q7. Do you trust in our products? a) Yes b) No c) Cant say Q8. Do you think our products get good word of mouth publicity?

a) Yes

b) No c) Dont know Q9. Do our products align with the values and beliefs of people? a) Yes b) No c) Cant say Q10. If no, then describe which products go against your values _______________________________________________________ Q11. Do our products provide a sense of self-esteem to you? a) Yes b) No c) May be d) Cant say Q12. Apart from the direct benefit of the product, what else do you look for in the product? a) Image of the product b) Identification with other users of the brand c) Other ________________________________________________

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