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DanieI IsIand Cemetery

Prepared for Daniel sland Company and Affiliates May 3, 2013
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
1. ntroduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Timeline
2. Project Phases
2.1. Phase 1: Research
2.2. Phase 2: Restoration
2.3. Phase 3. Construction / Beautification of sites
2.4. Phase 4. Documentation
3. Budget
4. Outcome
AMPLPrepared for John Cooper Aug 15, 2012
1. ntroduction
Project TitIe: Recovering Meaning: Locating, Mapping, and Restoration of Historic Cemeteries
and Graveyards on Daniel Island, South Carolina
Submitted by: Ade Ofunniyin, PhD
"From the start, the plan for Daniel sland's development has involved honoring the history of the
area, including the African-Americans who were in some way connected to this land. This is why
we forged a close relationship with Philip Simmons and the Philip Simmons Foundation early on,
hiring him to create an identifying mark for the island (Daniel sland logo), dedicating a prominent
park in his honor and assisting the Foundation over the years. t's also why we invested in the
restoration and ongoing maintenance of three African-American cemeteries on the island. Like the
island's parks, these cemeteries will be carefully maintained by the property owners association
on an ongoing basis.
(From Herb Frazier's book, Behind God's Back)
African-American cemeteries are a unique resource. They not only represent the last resting
place of black Americans, but they are also storehouses of African-American history. The
graveyards and the grave decorations offer an unusual glimpse of a part of history which is rapidly
(Chicora Foundation)
1.1. Background
This project proposes to restore historic burial sites on Daniel sland. The plots contain remains
of generations of local families' buried since 1778 until 1973, (Daniel Island, Michael K.Kalman
and Michael K. Kalman Jr., 2006). Cemeteries like those on Daniel sland predate modern laws
that require long-term plans for funding and ongoing maintenance. African American burial sites
are disappearing from the American landscape, taking with them history, heritage and a people's
place in the rapidly changing world. The restoration of these treasured gravesites is intended to
honor the histories of the deceased who hold over two hundred years of the unique island town's
spiritual, natural, and cultural heritage.
Key objectives include increased community awareness and engagement, appreciation of
indigenous historic and cultural treasures, and providing high quality and relevant programs that
support the development, ongoing maintenance, and sustainability of the project and its affiliates.
We believe that the Daniel sland cemetery project is a step in the right direction towards
addressing the critical issues surrounding disappearing and abandoned African American burial
sites due to neglect, displacement and development. We also believe that this project has the
potential for affecting change in the ways that government, developers, and the public view the
importance of historic and sensitive African American sites and monuments. An intended
outcome of this project will be a curriculum activities guidebook for youth and a documentary
video chronicling the projects development. The documentary will be formatted for public
television and educational institutions.
1.2. Timeline
This project grew out of a visit that Dr. Ade Ofunniyin was making to his great great grandfather's
burial site at Simmons cemetery. The grave was not difficult to find. t is easily identified with his
gravestone still intact. However, at the same site there are several unmarked graves. Since his
initial interest in this project, he and his team have come to realize that this problem is prevalent
throughout the United States. Observations of the existing conditions of gravesites and voices of
the ancestors speaking to our spirits inspired us to stop, take a look around, and commit to taking
action to make a difference in changing the landscape of African American burial grounds. The
first visit was in the fall of 2012. Since that time, much has been done to bring life to the Daniel
sland Cemetery project.
t is anticipated that research and mapping will begin in May 2013 and take several months to
complete. t is also expected that the cleanup and restoration phase would begin in the summer
of 2013. A closing date for the project cannot be provided until consultation with landscape
architect, restoration contractor, and other service providers are completed.
Our vision shares Daniel sland Company's approach to development. We are committed to the
"long view approach and to developing diverse and livable communities. Daniel sland is fortunate
to have such treasures of peaceful and beautiful environments for the living and the deceased
buried at the gravesites.
2. The Preservation Project
The objectives of the project are to:
Restore and enhance the landscape of historic graveyards and cemeteries on
Daniel sland.
Develop an ecologically preserved environment that supports the natural habitat.
Phase 1: Research
Reconnaissance- Visit site (get lay of land, create new map of site).
Mapping, archival research (to determine what maps already exist).
Collect oraI histories (locate families of the deceased buried at cemeteries, interview
family members and develop a documented history of the deceased).
Orientation and training of students/participants assigned to support the collection of
genealogies and oral histories.
dentify all graves, headstones, markers, cemetery artifacts.
dentify buried veterans / develop partnership with local veteran's projects.
Data CoIIection - Provide learning opportunities for local schools, colleges, and
universities. College of Charleston Preservation Program students will participate in several
phases of the project.
Photograph and video record existing grave markers, note the condition and locations of
markers. Markers include any object used to identify the gravesite, such as gravestones,
pipes, floral arrangements, flags, etc.
Orientation and training of volunteers to do cleanup work.
Begin initial clean-up work with volunteers.
Public-relations/interprtation- Web site, tours, etc.
Development of Stakeholder-Stewardship- Who will protect the work, artifacts and
research. Daniel sland Historic Society may be a good candidate for this type of
Phase : Restoration
Restoration phase of the project will engage the expertise of a preservation specialist to restore
headstones, advise about possible new markers for unmarked gravesites, and recommend best
procedures for preserving collapsed gravesites. Frances Ford has tentatively agreed to work with
project. Ms. Ford is a faculty member at the College of Charleston Historic Preservation Program
and the Clemson University Extension Program. Robert Russell is a faculty member at the
College of Charleston Historic Preservation Program. Ms Ford and Robert Russell visited the
Daniel sland sites on March 11, 2013.
have also been in communication with Professor James Ward who is also at the College's
Historic Preservation Program. Professor Ward and are investigating the possibility of students
working as interns on the project.
Additionally, have designed a curriculum and submitted a proposal to the College of Charleston
Historic Preservation Program to teach a course focused on the importance of preserving African
American burial sites. f approved, this course will begin in the fall. Students participating in the
class will commit to "field study at the cemetery project. Dr. Eric Poplin of Brockington and
Associates and Dr. Martha Zierden, Archaeologist from the Charleston Museum, have agreed to
participate as guest lecturers to students about their research at the Daniel sland burial sites
(see attached proposed course curriculum).
Phase : Construction/Beautification of Sites
Work with landscape architect and restoration contractor to formalize plans for
enhancements that include construction of masonry columns, coping walls and iron gates
(see attached drawings).
Plans for the sustainability of project include ongoing maintenance of sites (opportunities
for preservation groups, fundraisers, and donors)-i.e. DNA, Daniel sland Garden Club,
Daniel sland Rotary Club, Daniel sland Historical Society, and Charleston Conservancy
Daniel sland Community
Property Owners
Residents and Local Businesses
Historical and Preservation Societies
Schools, Colleges, and Universities
City Archives
South Carolina Historical Society
Charleston Preservation Society
Mayheim Thomas Pinckney Alliance
SC Department of Archives & History- State Historic Preservation Office
Garden Clubs
American and Civil War Aficionados
Pirate Aficionados
Museums and Art Galleries
Hospitality ndustry
Funding Opportunities
Applications will be made to a variety of organizations/agencies for grants to fund the project.
These include government and private entities interested in historic preservation, cemetery
preservation, public education, and opportunities for civic responsibility. Civic groups will be able
to support the project with either monetary and/or in-kind support.
Funding Sources for this project include:
Daniel sland Company
Daniel sland Historic Society
City of Charleston
Harpo Foundation
Guggenheim Foundation
Post and Courier Foundation
Chicora Foundation
National Park Foundation
National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association
Faith Based organizations
Further inquiries are needed to determine what additional types of government and private funding
might be available to support this project. Ongoing community consultation is planned.
Community information sessions will be forthcoming to provide project details. Meetings are
designed to encourage ongoing community support. We welcome input for the development of
the project, upkeep, and usage of the enhanced areas.
A separate category of fund raising will be implemented for the documentary video.
sland Company
Daniel sland Historic Society
The Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission
Charleston Preservation Society
Thomas Pinckney Alliance
Lowcountry Africana
Family TYES SC
Builders of Our Heritage
Phase V.
Research has shown that the disappearance of African American burial grounds is of national
concern. Burial grounds are more than repositories for the remains of the deceased. They are
also sites of historical memory. These memories are important to our families, our communities,
and in many instances the nation. The sites at Daniel sland, South Carolina include the Simmons
and Lesene cemeteries. The Daniel sland cemetery project begins the documentation and
chronicling of the processes that we will engage in our work to rescue and restore as many burial
sites as possible.
A complete comprehensive video documentary will chronicle the entire preservation process as a
special feature of the "Builders of Our Heritage" community television project. This documentary
will feature the entire restoration process (particularly student participation) along with interesting
interviews, historic information, re-enactments and more. Charleston county is located in the very
center of the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor which runs from Wilmington, North
Carolina to Jacksonville, Florida. This documentary is a key element in the establishment of
official Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage tourist sites highlighting the importance of sacred
African American burial grounds.
Oral Histories
Audio and video recording of the oral history process will be documented, transcribed,
collected/owned by Gullah Society , as well as made available to designated repositories for
educational / historical purposes.
Genealogy research will encompass family histories that are identified from:
headstones and marked burial sites
materials gathered during oral history collections of individuals
related to the three cemeteries on Daniel sland, Charleston, SC.
funerary record
Outcomes of this project include:
mproved awareness of the cultural and historical significance of the Daniel sland
cemeteries and community.
A developed vista for reflection and respite for Daniel sland residents, visitors, and
family members.
Strengthening of partnership between homeowners, residents, and area
ncreased opportunity for schools, colleges, and universities to learn to appreciate
the need to preserve historic grave sites, local culture and history.
mproved support networks for Daniel sland and the community as a whole.
Enhancement of the current quality services offered to the community.
ncreased opportunity for the community to access and enjoy the cemeteries.
A significantly documented community development project that will serve as a
model for other communities.
Budget detaiIs wiII be forthcoming by May 10, 2013.

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