April June2011

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Vol. XXXVII No.2

Dental Dialogue

Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Website : www.idamsb.org Office : Hemendra CHS, Gokhale Rd., Near Cambridge Shop, Thane (W) - 400 602 Tel. No. 022-25400089 Telefax : 022-25346796 Mob. : 9819428802 E-mail : dr_ jayantp@rediffmail.com
President : First Vice President : Second Vice President : Third Vice President : President Elect : Hon. State Secretary : Hon. Joint Secretary : Hon. Ass. Secretary : Hon. Treasurer : Convenor CDE : Convenor CDH : Imm. Past President : Hon. Editor : Dr. Arunkumar Chhajed Dr. Abhay Kolte Dr. Suresh Meshram Dr. S. G. Ranpise Dr. Sanjay Bhavsar Dr. Jayant P. Deshpande Dr. Bhakti Agaskar Dr. Rajesh Iyer Dr. Subodh Phadke Dr. Deepak Matani Dr. Raghvendra Shenoy Dr. Navin Hantodkar Dr. Rajendra Bhasme

Dental Dialogue
Official Journal of IDA MSB
Editorial Office
1215 'A' Ground Floor, Opp. Daulatrao Bhosale School, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur - 416 012. Tel. : 0231-2629331

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Mobile : 9422419428

Telefax : P. P. 0231-2653906

E-mail : rajendrabhasme1959@gmail.com / yahoo.com/ indiatimes.com


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


Recession of Interest, Inflation of EGO & Corruption of Minds ! Recession, Inflation & Corruption are the TOP THREE menaces at present; which are threatening our civilization across the Globe. U.S, Europe & most of the World has been badly hit by RECESSION. Many people who have migrated to Dr. Arunkumar Chhajed Western world for better opportunities; are either getting Pink Slip or are Fired ! The Asian Giants - China & India are trying to fight INFLATION ! We have an economist Prime Minister giving excuses for inflation & price rise ! This is further fueled up by Fuel Price Rise !!! CORRUPTION - some say it exists from Ages and it is Universal ! I think it is at it's All Time High; and it is affecting every one's life. That is why there is unprecedented support to Anna Hajare Baba Ramdev; though it is a matter of debate. In relation to our profession also there is 20% to 50% increase in the Dental Materials & overheads ! Secondly, the general price rise is also affecting our lives too ! So we will have to reconsider the professional charges in light of the situation. If we see Recession, Inflation & Corruption at the back- drop of our association, I feel that, There is; q RECESSION in the interest of members towards Association; q INFLATION of Personal EGO, which in turn results in q CORRUPTION of minds ! So, It becomes responsibility of all of us that these are handled with at most care. We being Office Bearers; have greater share of responsibility that, we keep our Ego low and act in the interest of Association. We must not get carried away by our personal gains. We should avoid, using our positions to Settle our Old Scores; Because we must understand & believe that, Association is above all of us and no person is greater than association. If we fail to do this, the history wont forgive us ,as all of us are bound to be history sooner or later ! The persons & personalities might be forgotten; but the great work and the institutions and valuesfor which the person lived; will be remembered forever! LONG LIVE IDA !

Dear Colleagues, In the month of April, May & June 2011 IDA Members were enjoying holidays with their family members and therefore there were very few activities. There was State E.C. Meeting held at Kolhapur on 17th April 2011. It was having attendance of about 65 members. IDA Kolhapur Branch President Dr. (Mrs.) Kavita Patil & Hon. Branch Secretary Dr. (Mrs.) Shraddha Vajramushthi, made elaborate arrangement for the State E.C.

Dr. Jayant Deshpande

There was 3rd State Scientific Convention held on 2nd & 3rd July 2011 at Pune. Speakers were Dr. Neel Bhatavadekar who spoke on Crown lengthening, Asthetics & Function,. and also on Fundamentals of bone grafting for Dental Implantology. Dr. Sharat Shetty spoke on & gave demonstration on Post & Core. Next day Dr. Paresh Kale spoke on Preparation, Impresssion, Temporisation & Occlusion. This Scientific Convention was attended by many members. IDA Pune Branch President, Dr. Nitin Barve & Hon. Secretary Dr. Abhijit Lele took all efforts to make this convention a success. Thanking you, Jai INDIA, Jai IDA


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

With Best Compliments from

Dental Clinic
Dr. Priya Vikas Kamble
8, 1st Floor, Mangal Complex, Asara Chowk, Hotgi Road, Solopur - 3 Ph. : 2603588

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

6)Files in all 5 canals (Red in MB1, White in MB2, Yellow in MB3, Blue in DB, Green in P)

7)Working length x-ray

1)Dr. Neha with patient Arun

2)Patient Arun

8) Master cone x-ray

3)Pre-operative x-ray

4)Occlusal view of access opening showing MB1, MB2, MB3, DB and Palatal canal orifices

9)Post-operative x-ray with different angulations

5)Files in three mesial canals (Red in MB1, White in MB2, Yellow in MB3)

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


Instron testing machine

Specimen in Instron testing machine while testing


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Patient With Missiong Ear

Making of Reference Lines

Impression Making

Impression of the Defect

Wax Pattern on the Mould

Transparency Template

Try in Of Wax Pattern

Three Part Mound

Try in of Final Prosthesis

Final Prosthesis

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


Fig 1 ( Extra oral photograph)


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Fig 3 ( Cropped panoramic image of left side of styloid )

Fig 2 ( Panoramic view showing elongation of styloid process on left side )

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


The punctured wound in cheek mucosa

Toothbrush as seen when patient reported

The extracted toothbrush


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Fig. 1 - Preoperative photograph

Fig. 2 - Preoperative intra oral photooverhanging spur in the premaxilla .

Fig. 3 - Intraoperative- alveolar cleft after exposure.

Fig. 4 - Exposure of donor sitemandibular symphysis.

Fig. 5 - Bone graft placed in recipient site.

Fig. 6 - Incision in buccal mucosa, soft tissue harvest bed.

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011
The day of full moon, Purnima, in the month of Ashadh of the Hindu calendar is traditionally celebrated as Guru Purnima by Hindus. On this day, devtoees offer puja (worship) to their Guru. This was the day when Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa-author of the Mahabharata-was born. Veda Vyasa, did yeoman service to the cause of Vedic studies by gathering all the Vedic hymns extant during the times. The relationship between the Guru and the Disciple is considered very sacred. This relationship is purely spiritual in nature and is independent of age of the two. It is based on maturity of Gyan (Spiritual Knowledge) and Sadhana (Spiritual Practice). A guru (J w ) is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others (teacher). In Sanskrit gu means darkness & ru means light. As a principle for the development of consciousness it leads the creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. In the religious sense the term is commonly used in Hinduism and Sikhism, as well as in other Indian religions and new religious movements. Finding a true guru is often held to be a prerequisite for attaining self-realization. Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion said: "Even if a thousand suns and moons rose, they would be unable to remove the darkness of ignorance within the heart. This can only be removed through the grace of the Guru." "Guru" also refers in Sanskrit to Brihaspati, a divine figure in Hinduism. In Vedic astrology, guru or Brihaspati is believed to exert teaching influences. Indeed, in many Indian languages, the occidental Thursday is called either Brihaspativaar or Guruvaar. In contemporary India, the word "guru" is widely used with the general meaning of "teacher". In Western usage, the meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy or religion. In a further Western extension, guru is used to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived secular knowledge or skills, such as in business. Everything under the sun becomes the guru of human being. After taking the birth human being is taught by one' mother, then Father. Then the teachers from K.G., Primary School, Highschool teachers & then Professional teachers the Guru of Human being Wife, Son Daughter, Friends, all relatives. & everything under the Sun teaches the every thing something or anything. Some beings are experts in some one's field so they become the Guru of others. On the occasion of Gurupurnima I would like to take opportunity to taka blessings from my Guru.



Dr. Rajendra Bhasme, BDS, MJC * Bachelor of Dental Surgery * Master of Journalism & Communication Science

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` m g n m { U _ m , A m f m T >1 5 e H o$ 1 9 3 3 ( 1 5 O wb 2 0 1 1 )
This Issue is realesed on Third EC of IDA MSB on 17th July 2011 at Khar (W), Mumbai


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2

Attend in Large Numbers


65th Indian Dental Conference

9th to 12th February 2012

Dental Dialogue


Contact Dr. Narendra Paralkar
Clinic : 022 27823658, 27823757

(Dr. Rajendra Bhasme)

Kolhapur, 17April 2011 : Second Executive Committee Meeting of Indian Dental Association Maharashtra State Branch was held today here at Hotel Vrushali, Kolhapur. President IDA MSB Dr. Arunkumar Chhajed, HSS Dr. Jayant Deshpande and all Executive Committee Members of Maharashtra were present for the meeting. Dr. Ashok Dhobale, HSG IDA a also made his presence for the meeting. Dr Ashok Dhoble, Honorary Secretary General of Indian Dental Associations, the apex body of dentists which has 29 state-level branches with an affiliation of 50,000 dentist while talking to the gathering said that four public sector insurance firms will offer a soon-to-be-launched insurance cover for dental care, very likely by June this year. Unlike general health insurance which mandates a minimum period of hospitalisation, no such clause will be binding to claim dental insurance. Cosmetic dentistry will not be included under the insurance scheme. Two schemes of assured sum of Rs 20,000 and Rs 70,000 - Rs 80,000 will be launched. The apex body had approached the Union Finance Ministry for approval of the scheme in in 2003. The proposal was since pending with various bodies for an approval. A few months back, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, the watchdog for the insurance sector, approved this scheme. The insurance cover will now be offered by General Insurance, New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance and United India Insurance. Survey findings shocking Dr. Dhoble said that surveys by marketing firms engaged in oral healthcare reveal that in a population of 1 lakh, up to 70,000 (80%) children suffer from dental problems and an equal number of adults have gum-related diseases. Only 1,400 (2%) of them approach dentists, and only 56 (40%) of them take treatment. Also, almost 40 per cent of cancer patients have oral cancer, which will be covered by the insurance scheme.


Inauguration of 49th MSDC Kalyan

Dr. Rajiv Varma a man full of practical knowledge. Lecture an eye opener for all the dentist on 17th April 2011 on Predictable Fixed Prosthodontics

Dr. Shailesh Deshmukh a renowned orthodontist had very thoughtfully planned his lecture for the General Dental Surgeons on 1st May 2011 at Kolhapur

Dr. Ashish Deshpande & Dr. Subodh Phadke talk on Cosmetics Dentistry on 10th July 2011 at Kolhapur Dr. Shraddha Vajramushti

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


IDA Thane branch had organised 2 study circles for the benefit of its members during the month of May and June 2011 as a part of its CDE series every month. The details of the two study circles are as below: 1. Study Circle in May 2011: Topic: Implant for Beginners Speaker: Dr Jayant Deshpande An Eminent implantologist form Thane and HSS, IDA MSB Dr Jayant Deshpande gave a very nice presentation on the Basics in Implants for beginners and narrated how simple cases of implant can be done by the beginners when they start Implant Practice. His presentation was an eye opener on the myths, the do's and dont's of Implant Dentistry. The programme was well attended by 47 members of IDA Thane. 2. Study Circle in June 2011: Topic: Digital Radiology Speaker: Dr V Sreenivasan, MDS(OMDR) HOD, Subharati Dental College, Meerut, UP. The lecture was a highlight about the recent advances in Digital Radiology which also threw some light on the basics of Digital radiology. Dr Sreenivasan explained the differences, advantages, and disadvantages about the routine OPG, the Spiral CT, Cone beam CT and Dentascan Imaging techniques in a simple and lucid language. The lecture was well appreciated by 52 members who attended and benefited.

Dr. Jayant Deshpande


The Second Scientific program of our br. This new IDA year was arranged on Friday 22nd April 2011. At IMA Hall, Jail Road, Dhule. We had invited most eminent speaker in field of dentistry namely Dr. Rajesh Oswal. The topic was Unusual Surgical Cases. The third Scientific program of our br. This new IDA year was arranged on Friday 27th May 2011. At IMA Hall, Dhule. We had invited most eminent speaker in field of dentistry namely Dr. Nitin Patel & Dr. Archana Borse. The topic was Tumours of Maxillo facial region. & Its pathological aspects.


Oral health week 2011 programme was held in association with IDA Maharashtra branch. As per every year, we have organized various programs and activity in oral health week that we had conducted during 5th Feb 2011 to 11th Feb 2011. On 5th Feb. Ant tobacco rally, Gutkha Dahan, Oral Health awareness Rally, Road Show, Street play on cancer awareness was done at Mahatma Gandhi Statue Dhule, Dr. Arun Chajjed, President IDA Maharashtra State. Hon. S.P. Shri Shashikant Shinde address the rally. In rally we have involve rotary club, giants Club, School Children, Dental College Students, almost seven hundred participants in this rally. And Oral Health week inauguration by district Collector Shri Gokulji Maware A.C.P.M. Dental College and Hospital Dhule at 11 a.m. On 6th Feb. Checkup camp at Look and learn School Parola Road, Pune & Matoshri Vrudha Ashram, Nakane, Dhule On 7th Feb. Oral Checkup Camp at Civil Hospital, Dhule & Shahada and Andh Shala, Dhule. On 8th Feb. An Essay Competition regarding oral health and education. At Jaihind High school and R. K. Chitale High School, Dhule. Drawing competition was held at Chavara High School, Sindhu Ratna High School, Matru Seva School, Dhule. On 9th Feb. Oral checkup camp At Parola High School, Parola. Project Chairman. Dr. Sachin Badgujar & Oral Checkup at R.K. Chitale Primary School, Dhule. On 10th Feb. Healthy Teeth Competition was arranged At Jesht Nagrik Sang, Dhule. On 11th Feb. Drawing and essay Competition and healthy teeth competition, Prize distribution ceremony At ACPM Dental College, Dhule.
Dr. Archana Jakhete


Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

State Level Awards of IDA MSB

Dear Members, IDA Maharashtra State Branch is a leading branch of IDA and has 42 branches out of 290 total branches. There are 30 State Branches all over India. IDA Maharashtra State has more than 5000 members out of total 30,000 members all over India. You are all aware that IDA is functioning for past 63 years and serves individual member by promotion, encouragement and advancement of the Dental and allied Sciences. IDA also works in the area of Public Oral Health & Dental Education. IDA Maharashtra State publishes Quarterly Journal Dental Dialogue for past 50 years. Activities of IDA Maharashtra State are published in the issue of Dental Dialogue. IDA is spreading fast, recognition of efforts of individual member or individual branch is not that great. There are so many branches but awards for recognizing efforts of active IDA member or branch are only few. Awards Committee of IDA Maharashtra State Branch, Convener, Dr. Sujit Pardeshi worked to formulate different awards as stated below which are approved by State E.C. and by A.G.M. will be given hereafter. Bids are invited from individual member/branch. Details are as follows : 1. Best Local Branch President 2. Best Scientific Activity of Local Branch 3. Best CDH Activity of Local Branch 4. Best Student Activity of Local Branch 5. Best Membership Growth by Local Branch 6. Best Student Membership Growth by Local Branch 7. Best Social Security Member's Growth by Local Branch 8. Best Journal of Local Branch 9. Best Treasurer of Local Branch The guidelines for sponsoring the awards as directed by AGM are as follows:l Any local branch, individual, can sponsor one or more awards The minimum bid amount would be RS. 20,000/- which would have validity for l 10 years. The Bidder can quote more than the floor price, if desired l Cheque in the name of IDA MSB, the receipt of the same would be given to the donor The recipient will be given a Trophy & Certificate in the name of the donor's l wish After the tenure of 10 years, new bids would be invited again. The original l bidder would be given preference if he/she wish to continue to be the sponsor If due to any reason the original bidder does not want to enter in new agreement, the sponsor amount will be refunded without any interest. The new bid amount would be different after 10 year tenure which would be l finalized in the AGM after tenure completion. The award period would be IDA year 2011 to IDA year 2020 l The bids should reach the state office on or before 30th August 2011. l In case if there are more bidders for any award, highest bidder will be given l preference. The decision of the State Office would be final and binding on all bidders. The decision of State office of IDA MSB would be final about the sponsor, if l more than 1 bidder with same price applies for any award The decision about the same would be taken in the State EC meeting held l after 31st August 2011 & would be published in subsequent issue of Dental Dialogue l Award Bid Forms will be provided for interested donors. l So appealing all of you to generously sponsor any of the awards & grab this opportunity of adding your name to this list of donors of IDA MSB awards. Yours in IDA Dr. Jayant Deshpande Hon. State Secretary, IDA MSB Bid Amount should be paid in Lump sum by a Crossed l

Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011


Dr. Rahul Hegde Nominated as National DCI Member

Dr. Rahul Hegde President Elect IDA K H A RG H A R B R A N C H h a s b e e n nominated on Dental Council of India by Government of Maharashtra for second consecutive term. He is senate member of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences and former president of Indian Society of Dr. Rahul Hegde Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry & was executive member on Dental Council of India.

Dr. R. S. Sathawane installed as National President of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology
Dr. R. S. Sathawane, a member of IDA and Coeditor of Dental Dialogue has been installed as the President of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology ( IAOMR ) for the year 2010-11 at the recently held 22nd National Conference of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology at New Delhi. He has once again brought laurels to the orange city Nagpur & to IDA by occupying the highest post at the national level. Earlier he has worked as Vice-President and Member of Executive Committee of the Academy.

Dr. R. S. Sathawane

IDA Nanded Branch had celebrated "Dentist Day" i.e. 6th Mar. 2011 in a different & delightful way. We have arranged a family get together of all Dentist of Nanded IDA at our President, Dr. Arun Niwale's farm house as "VANBHOJAN". Around 25 families of dentists have attended the program. We have arranged various games like couple games, kids games etc. Winners have got prizes. All dentists have got refreshment & relaxation other than day to day routine. Everybody was very happy & satisfied with arrangements done by Dr. Arun Niwale & Dr. Medha Umrajkar. Special efforts done by Dr. Sagar Rahegaokar and Dr.Jalaba Dhumal for the success of this great celebration. Dr. Medha Umrajkar



Official Journal of IDA MSB Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

RNI No. 27841/75

MAHENGO : 8987

International Advisor : Dr. Chhad Gehani (U.S.A.)


Assistant Editor : Dr. Shailesh Yadav Contributory Editors : Dr. R. S. Sathwane Dr. Abhay Kolte Dr. Vivek Pakhmode Business Managers : Dr. Vikas N. Patil, Dr. Ashish Khasbage Dr. Arun Khalikar Public Relations : Dr. Bajrang Shinde Dr. Chandrashekhar Tambade Dr. Naveen Hantodkar Dr. Sujit Pardeshi Co-ordinators : Dr. Pramod Gurav Dr. Deepak Matani, Dr. Harish Kulkarni Dr. Shrinivas Ashtekar Advisors : Dr. Ashok Dhoble Dr. S. G. Damle Dr. Dilip Pol Dr. Suresh Meshram Dr. Vijay Pethe Dr. Abhay Kamra Dr. Sabita M. Ram

CopyRight Readressal Committee :

Pre. : Dr. Arunkumar Chhajed H.S.S. : Dr. Jayant P. Deshpande Members :

Dr. Nitin Dani Dr. Vijay Baldawa

Circulation free to all members of IDA Maharashtra State Branch

Non Members : Rs. 15/- Inland

Opnions expressed in the articles and advertisements are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editor or Publisher. The Editor and Publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material, views, statements of claims. The material (text, illustrations, slides, tables, etc.) supplied for articles is the sole responsibility of the author and / or Advertiser. Dental Dialogue is not responsible for verifying or authenticating the source of such material.
Copy right : All the rights are assigned by the author (s) to the Dental Dialogue & are reserved. No part of the article (s) should be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means i.e. graphic, electronic, or mechanical without written permission of the Editor.

Printed & Published by Dr. Rajendra Bhasme on behalf of the Indian Dental Association, Maharashtra State Branch and Printed at Rajhuns Printing Press, Bhausingji Road, Nagala Park, Kolhapur 416 002. and published at 1215 'A', Ground Floor, Opp. Daulatrao Bhosale School, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur 416 012. Editor Dr. Rajendra Bhasme

Dental Dialogue

Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

RNI Reg. No. 27841 / 75

Dental Dialogue

Vol. XXXVII No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2011

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