Practical SS7 1

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Practical SS7. Part 1

SS7 for all


Practical SS7. Part 1

Warning: The information bit outdated, so please read further "Practical SS7, Part 3" Instead of introducing many of us are ready to rush into battle, learn everything, but can not make the first move. Very often, the reason is too much information around us. Yes, that's right. Outwards to practice with SS7, you will find a lot of information, but here's where to start is hard to understand. There are lots of implementations, some of them are even open. And if you spend a couple of weeks, the result is a very simple and a working implementation. But who can guarantee that your patience for so many is enough? :) What is this article? Below I am going to tell and show how to run a full working SS7 stack on the desktop. You do not need or buy signal cards, no special installation of operating systems, or watch with a bunch of compilation errors. All you need is just download, unpack, set up and run a little bit. Description of the technology I hope that you have a little understanding of what and how SS7 messages transmitted to the physical / link layer. Options is a little bit. This could be a classic stream E1 (or rather time-slots in this thread, 16 weeks), or SigTRAN (technology transfer of signaling messages over an IP network.) Since I said that special cards do not have to buy, it is logical to assume that our workshop SigTRAN will use to transmit messages between nodes. now the most embarrassing moment: for tests require 2 host. Not sure 2 computers (though it is the easiest option) can be one computer with Vmware (with Linux or Windows). It will use the stack from the company Dialogic. Stack module can be used as a classical SS7 (Dialogic provides special signaling card for this), and with SigTRAN. As this industrial solution (which I use in my work, for example), then it is worth the money. But for the purposes of development it is possible to use a stack of "trial version" mode - 10 hours. After this, all applications must be restarted. For us, this restriction does not limit, and for under 24/7 of course buy a license. stack itself, as I said, the module. There are several different modules to implement various types SigTRAN M2PA, M2UA, M3UA and SUA. I will not scare you while deciphering these terms, but I will say that we will be using the "simplest" type - M2PA. The tests we will install and configure such a protocol stack: M2PA-> MTP3-> SCCP-> TCAP-> MAP. Next, a special application to send SMS through the MAP to the second host, where another application will receive this SMS. installation process then I will consider the installation process for Windows. 1. Go to website Dialogic 2. Choosing SS7 Development Package for Windows, download and



Practical SS7. Part 1

SS7 Development Package for Windows, download and install. When the installer prompts you to select the type of card (SS7HD or SPCI2S), do not select any of the cards. 3. We go to the second page 4. Downloading in c: \ septel following files: Binary for Windows - MTP3, Binary for Windows SCCP, Binary for Windows - TCAP, Binary for Windows MAP and Binary for Windows - M2PA. 5 . Download the Wireshark (svobodnorasprostanyaemy protocol analyzer). configuration process is now necessary to determine who will send SMS, and who is receiving. We have only 2 hosts, so one of them will be the sender (MTU), and the second recipient (MTR). Once defined, strictly comply with all the points: 1. Checking through ipconfig IP addresses of both hosts. Just in case, disable Firewalls, check that the hosts "see" each other (using ping, for example). 2. Download the archive , from withdrawing the mtr.exe and mtu.exe. Copy them to c: \ septel on the appropriate host (MTU and MTR). 3. In the same archive containing initial configuration files that need to write to c: \ septel under names config.txt and system.txt: written as config.txt Host MTR config.mtu.txt written as config.txt MTU on the host , depending on the type of operating system is written in c: \ septel on both hosts file named system.txt system.linux.txt or 4. Edit the config.txt on both hosts: In CNSYS: IPADDR set the local IP address (from item 1) In SNSLI: SNLINK set IP address of the second host. Naturally, the second host in config.txt IP addresses are simply reversed. Testing 1 . On each host must be on 2 console. In MS Windows this is done through StartRun-cmd. 2. In the first console run 2 commands cd C: \ septel gctload-D If there was a successful launch (last message will S7_MGT Boot Complete), then go to step 3. If not, write a comment at the bottom of the page where we ask for help to understand)) 3. In the second console do cd C: \ septel mtpsl act 0 0 Once you run this command on both hosts, it activates M2PA link. The window should appear: point code = 00000001 Destination available 4. To stop the stack, perform gctload-x Analysis of the results to the results of its actions before we got a full protocol stack ACS (SS7). In the next article, I will explain how and why it can be used (not for nothing that you have installed the application mtu and mtr).



Practical SS7. Part 1

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