Executive Committee Agenda - October 2011

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NOTICE OF MEETING Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Executive Committee *************************** 11:30 a.m.

, Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Des Moines Area MPO Office *************************** TENTATIVE AGENDA The established protocol for minutes of this meeting will be to list all attendees, and with each item on which a vote is conducted in the ordinary course in order to take formal action, those voting nay or abstaining will be identified by name. Any member who is absent from the meeting for any period of time during which a vote of the body is taken, is expected to notify the recording secretary at the conclusion of the meeting so that the absence can be duly noted in the minutes. Roll Call votes will be taken as required by law or upon the request of any member that is approved by the chair, and the vote of each member for or against the proposition, or abstention, will be incorporated in the minutes or recorded on a separate sheet attached to the minutes.
1. 2. 3. 4. Call To Order VOTE: Approval of Agenda VOTE: Approval of Meeting Minutes................................................................................Page 3 Review the September 14, 2011, meeting minutes; consider approval. REPORT and VOTE: Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Annual Review.................................................................................................................................Page 7 Report on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) annual review; consider approval. REPORT and VOTE: Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment DART Alternatives Analysis Corridor............................................................................Page 8 Report on DARTs request to amend the MTP to recognize the University/Ingersoll corridor; consider approval. REPORT: Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Appropriations Requests for Washington D.C. Trip..Page 11 Report on Federal Fiscal Year 2013 appropriations request for the Washington D.C. Trip. REPORT: Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority Federal Funding Transfer.........Page 12 Report on DART request to transfer STP funds from FHWA to FTA. REPORT: Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Revisions........................................................................................................................Page 14 Report on Transportation Improvement Program Revisions. REPORT: Reports to the MPO.........................................................................................Page 15 Report on a proposal to allow MPO committee and partner agencies to provide reports at the MPO Policy Committee meetings.



7. 8.


Altoona Ankeny Bondurant Carlisle Clive Dallas County Des Moines DART Grimes Johnston Mitchellville Norwalk Pleasant Hill Polk City Polk County Urbandale Warren County Waukee West Des Moines Windsor Heights The MPO receives federal funding and may not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, or national origin, according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For more information or to obtain a Title VI Complaint form, call 515-334-0075.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

. REPORT: The Tomorrow Plan Update...........................................................................Page 16 Brief updated regarding The Tomorrow Plan. REPORT: Surface Transportation Policy Update.......Page 17 Brief update on efforts to review and potentially update the STP funding process. REPORT: Trail Counters Update and Checkout Procedures .............................................Page 18 Discussion of proposed checkout procedures for trail counters. VOTE: Approval of the October 20, 2011, MPO Agenda.....................................................Page 19 Approve the October 20, 2011, MPO agenda. INFORMATION: Passenger Rail.............................................................................................Page 20 Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Committee Next Meeting Date Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 11:30 a.m., MPO Office. Adjournment

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 3 ISSUE: VOTE: Review and approve minutes of the September 14, 2011, Executive Committee meeting. BACKGROUND: The minutes of the September 14, 2011, Executive Committee meeting minutes are included on the following pages. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the September 14, 2011, Executive Committee meeting minutes.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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MEETING MINUTES Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Executive Committee 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 14, 2011 MPO Meeting Room Des Moines, Iowa The MPO Executive Committee held a meeting at 11:30 a.m., on September 14, 2011, in the MPO Meeting Room. Before the meeting, the MPO staff sent agenda packets to the MPO Executive Committees representatives and posted the agenda at the MPO office at 1:52 p.m., on September 9, 2011. The fiscal year-to-date publication cost of meeting minutes for the MPO: $387.21. In addition to these published tentative minutes, there also may be additional meeting notes on file with the MPO staff that are public records and available upon request as provided by law. These tentative minutes reflect all action taken at the meeting. Members Present: Chris Coleman, City of Des Moines Tom Hockensmith, Polk County Angela Connolly, Polk County Paula Dierenfeld, City of Johnston Tom Armstrong, City of Grimes Ted Ohmart, City of West Des Moines Robert Mahaffey, City of Des Moines Members Absent: Others Present: Mike Clayton, Iowa Department of Transportation Staff Present: Todd Ashby, Executive Director Jennifer Zelle, Administrative Assistant Jonathan Wilson, MPO General Counsel Dylan Mullenix, Principal Transportation Planner Nathan Goldberg, Senior Transportation Planner Luke Parris, Associate Transportation Planner Bethany Wilcoxon, Associate Transportation Planner Zach Young, Associate Transportation Planner Michael Wright, Transportation Planning Intern

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Call to Order MPO Chair Chris Coleman called the September 14, 2011, meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.


Approval of Agenda MOTION: A motion was made to approve the September 14, 2011, Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Committee meeting agenda.

MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes MOTION: A motion was made to approve the August 10, 2011, Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Committee meeting minutes.

MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. The Tomorrow Plan Update The Sasaki consulting team presented; discussion on item 4. 5. Iowas Clean Air Attainment Program Applications MOTION: A motion was made to approve the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) applications.

MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Annual Review MPO staff presented; discussion on item 6. 7. Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment DART Alternatives Analysis Corridor MPO staff presented; discussion on item 7. 8. Surface Transportation Funding Program Process MPO staff presented; discussion on item 8. 9. Priority Project Solicitation Process MPO staff presented; discussion on item 9. 10. Federal Fiscal Year 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program Revisions MPO staff presented; discussion on item 10.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Approval of the September 22, 2011, MPO Agenda MOTION: A motion was made to recommend that the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization approve the September 22, 2011, MPO Agenda.

MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. 13. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Committee Next Meeting Date 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 12, 2011, in the new MPO Meeting Room. 14. Adjournment Chair Coleman adjourned the meeting at 12:33 p.m.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 4 ISSUE: REPORT and VOTE: Report and vote on the Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (HY 2035 MTP) annual review document. BACKGROUND: Chapter Nine of the HY 2035 MTP notes the MPO should annually review the MTP and update the document as deemed necessary. In August 2010 the MPO developed a process for conducting this review, which includes MPO staff developing an annual review report for review by the MPO TTC Planning Subcommittee, the MPO Growth Scenario Task Force, and the MPOs TTC, Executive, and Policy committees. The annual review notes any updates to information in the plan, recommended updates to the growth scenario and/or regional travel demand model, and a progress report on the plans implementation. A draft of the Fiscal Year 2011 HY 2035 MTP annual review is included as a supplemental item to the agenda packet. The MPO staff also developed a complimentary report to track the MTPs goals, objectives, and performance measures, which is also included as a supplemental item. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Recommend that the MPO receive and file the plan component of the HY 2035 MTP annual review report and re-affirm the MPOs September 17, 2009 action approving the HY 2035 MTP. 2) Recommend that the MPO receive and file the travel demand model component of the HY 2035 MTP annual review report. STAFF CONTACT: Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075; and, Nathan Goldberg, ngoldberg@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 5 ISSUE: REPORT and VOTE: Report and vote on the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authoritys (DART) request to amend to the Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (HY 2035 MTP). BACKGROUND: DART is currently conducting an Alternatives Analysis (AA) study on the University Avenue/Ingersoll Avenue Loop for additional transit investment as part of the DART Forward 2035 Plan effort. DART has requested that the MPO amend the HY 2035 MTP to recognize this corridor, which was approved by the DART Commission in August. Amending the MTP to include the corridor will help demonstrate to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) the MPOs support for the project. Following completion of the AA in early 2012, DART will ask the MPO to again amend the HY 2035 MTP to recognize the resulting Locally Preferred Alternative produced by the AA study. Plan amendments require the MPO staff to provide a 45-day comment period and to hold a public input meeting on the amendment. The MPO staff held a public meeting for this amendment in conjunction with public meetings DART held for the AA study on Thursday, October 6. MPO staff will provide a summary of comments received regarding the amendment following the meeting and comment period. Pages from the HY 2035 MTP showing the proposed amendment are included on the following pages. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the MPO approve an amendment to the HY 2035 MTP to recognize the University Avenue/Ingersoll Avenue Loop Alternatives Analysis. STAFF CONTACT: Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075; and, Nathan Goldberg, ngoldberg@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Rapid Transit DART currently is administering an Alternatives Analysis a Rapid Transit Corridor Study that complies with the FTAs Alternative Analysis requirement for New Starts funding. An Alternatives Analysis is the first step in the planning process needed to be able to use Federal funds for a transit projects construction. The Alternatives Analysis study examines a number of modal alternatives, including a no-build alternative, enhanced express bus service, light rail transit, and bus rapid transit, and commuter rail along six corridors in the MPA in the University/Ingersoll Corridor , as illustrated in Figure 6.28. Bus rapid transit is the likely alternative for some corridors, should funding become available to implement the service.


Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 6 ISSUE: REPORT: Brief report on the annual process for submitting projects for the Greater Des Moines Partnerships trip to Washington, D.C. BACKGROUND: The MPO staff has initiated the annual process of working with MPO member governments and participating agencies to develop a list of priority transportation projects seeking Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2013 funding to discuss with congressional members during the Greater Des Moines Partnerships 2012 trip to Washington, D.C. The following timeline describes the process for developing the list: October 4, 2011 - initial notice emailed announcing the start of the application process; October 21, 2011 letters of intent from MPO member governments and participating agencies due to the MPO staff; November 2011 - draft project listing provided to MPO committees for discussion; December 2011/January 2012 - Surface Transportation Program Funding Subcommittee meets to identify priority projects from the assembled listing; January/February 2012 - MPO committees take action to approve the project listing and priority projects; February through April 2012- deadlines to complete project applications for congressional offices; and, May/June 2012- Greater Des Moines Partnership trip.

Letters of intent must include the project name, project sponsor(s), a short project description, total project cost, and funding request amount. All projects seeking FFY 2013 transportation appropriations funding must submit a letter of intent, regardless of the projects inclusion on previous lists. Project must also be consistent with the Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. MPO staff will work with project sponsors and congressional staffs to ensure project sponsors receive and complete appropriation applications RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075; and, Nathan Goldberg, ngoldberg@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 7 ISSUE: REPORT: Brief report on the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) federal funding transfer request. BACKGROUND: DART annually submits a request to the MPO to transfer Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal Highway Administration to the Federal Transit Administration and into DARTs FTA grant. Included, immediately following, is a copy of DARTs letter requesting the transfer. Following the MPOs approval at the November meeting, staff will send a letter to the Iowa Department of Transportations Office of Public Transit requesting that DART be allowed to expend $799,000 in STP funds in Federal Fiscal Year 2012. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Zach Young, zyoung@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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September26,2011 ToddAshby ExecutiveDirector DesMoinesMetropolitanPlanningOrganization 420WatsonPowell,Jr.Way,Suite200 DesMoines,IA50309 RE:TransferofSurfaceTransportationProgram(STP)fundsfromtheFederalHighway Administration(FHWA)totheFederalTransitAdministration(FTA) DearMr.Ashby: The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) requests the Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) concurrence to transfer the Committees $799,000 in Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The purpose of this transfer is for the purchase of three heavyduty buses, which is incorporated into DARTs capital plan for 2012 (FTA separates STP fundsfromformulafundgrants). Please place this item on the October MPO meeting agendas and, if approved by the committees, request that the Iowa DOT in turn ask the FHWA to have these funds transferred toDARTsFTAgrantIA95X012.Ifyouhavequestions,pleasecontactmeat(515)2835005. Sincerely, DebraMeyer CapitalPlanningManager,DART


Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 8 ISSUE: REPORT: Brief report on revisions to the MPOs Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program (FFY 2012-2015 TIP). BACKGROUND: The City of Ankeny, the City of West Des Moines, and Warren County have requested the following revisions to the FFY 2012-2015 TIP. Sponsor: City of Ankeny Project: NE 36th Street Interchange Project Number: STP-U-0187()-70-77 Change: Funding levels Revision Type: Administrative Modification Sponsor: City of Ankeny Project: NE 36th Street Reconstruction Project Number: STP-U-0187-(625)-70-77 Change: Project termini Revision Type: Amendment Sponsor: City of West Des Moines Project: SW Connector - Phase III Project Number: STP-U-8260(624)-70-77 Change: Move from FFY 2010 to FFY 2012 Revision Type: Amendment Sponsor: Warren County Project: SW Connector Interchange/Corridor Project Number: HDP-CO91(61)-71-77 Change: Move from FFY 2010 to FFY 2012 and project termini Revision Type: Amendment The MPO staff notes that the City of Ankenys NE 36th Street Interchange project is considered an administrative modification and therefore only needs approval of the MPO. However, the remaining three projects are amendments and will be subject to MPO approval and a public comment period. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion. STAFF CONTACT: Luke Parris, lparris@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075; and, Zach Young, zyoung@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 9 ISSUE: REPORT: Proposal from staff regarding an addition to the monthly MPO meeting to allow for reporting from MPO roundtables, working groups, and partner agencies, on a rotating basis. BACKGROUND: Of the MPOs roundtables and working groups, many do not have participation from representatives who serve on the MPO Policy Committee and therefore lack a direct connection back to the MPOs decision makers. Additionally, the MPOs partner agencies may have pertinent information to share with the MPO periodically. To improve the connection between the MPO and these groups, staff proposes adding an item to the monthly MPO agenda to allow for the MPOs roundtables and working groups, as well as partner agencies, to report to the MPO. This could be done on a rotating basis to limit the number of reports, and time devoted to the reports, each month. Staff has identified the committees and agencies listed below as candidates for reporting to the MPO. Please note staff does not envision that all of the agencies listed will need to regularly address the MPO Policy Committee, but would only do so on topics of importance. Central Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Roundtable; Freight Roundtable; Public Transportation Roundtable; Stakeholders Working Group; Transportation Advisory Group; Traffic Management Advisory Committee; Des Moines International Airport; Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority; Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency; Iowa and US Departments of Transportation; Greater Des Moines Partnership; and, Transportation Management Association.

Staff welcomes feedback from the Executive Committee about this proposal. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 10 ISSUE: REPORT: Update on The Tomorrow Plan. BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, September 13th, the launch of The Tomorrow Plan was held at the State Historical Building. This open house event focused on how we live, how regional planning works, and what is going on in the region today. Also highlighted at the event were Capital Crossroads, DART Forward 2035, and What If Des Moines. The event drew around 300 participants. On Wednesday, September 14th, the first Partners Committee meeting was held. Approximately 30 individuals representing a wide variety of groups participated in this meeting. The first public outreach series will be held during the week of October. More information will be provided at the October 12th, meeting. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Bethany Wilcoxon, bwilcoxon@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 11 ISSUE: REPORT: Brief update on potential revisions to the MPOs Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding process. BACKGROUND: The MPO Executive Committee directed the MPO staff to review the MPOs STP funding process and to meet with the STP Funding Subcommittee to develop any potential revisions to the MPOs STP funding process. The goal of this review and any subsequent changes is to ensure the STP funding process can adequately fund regional priority projects, particularly in light of reduced earmark funding. MPO staff is working to schedule a meeting with the MPO STP Funding Subcommittee. MPO staff will report on input received from the STP Funding Subcommittee at future meetings. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion only. STAFF CONTACT: Luke Parris, lparris@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075; and, Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 12 ISSUE: REPORT: Brief report on the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization purchase of trail counters and checkout procedures. BACKGROUND: The MPO staff has developed a draft document outlining the terms, conditions, and checkout procedures of the MPOs Trail-Counting Program. The document is divided into three parts, including: Part I: Terms and Conditions Part II: Trail Counter Installment and Placement Recommendations Part III: Data Analysis and Reporting Part I describes the responsibilities of the MPO staff and the member governments (borrower). This section also covers ownership of data, checkout procedures and contracting. Part II provides recommendations for installing and placing the infrared counters in the field. Part III outlines how the MPO staff will store, analyze and report data back to the member governments. The MPO staff notes that the trail counting equipment was ordered on Monday, October 1, 2011, and is scheduled for shipment on Monday, October 24, 2011. Included, as a supplemental item, is a draft copy of the MPOs Trail-Counting Program terms and conditions and checkout procedures. RECOMMENDATION: None. Report and discussion. STAFF CONTACT: Zach Young, zyoung@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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Agenda Report
Executive Committee

October 2011 Item No. 13 ISSUE: VOTE: Review and approve the October 20, 2011, MPO Policy agenda. BACKGROUND: The Des Moines Area MPO Policy agenda is included in this agenda packets supplemental items. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the October 20, 2011, MPO Policy agenda.

FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization


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