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Practical SS7. Part2

SS7 for all


Practical SS7. Part2

Warning: The information bit outdated, so please read further "Practical SS7, Part 3" Introduction So, after reading the first part of the SS7 Practice , you must have a working stack SS7, installed on two hosts. Now we can go to the direct use of these stacks. Jumping ahead a little and say that the stack itself can store all received / sent messages in the log file. This file can then be converted into a Wiresharkcompatible format using my septel Decoder . But it is more applicable to the case when using E1-streams for transmission of signaling messages. In our, SigTRAN case, simply analyze packets sent over TCP / IP-stack your operating system. Benefit, Wireshark can decode SigTRAN (rather sctp). Well, run Wireshark and start to configure it. Setting Wireshark Select Capture -> Interfaces ... In the resulting window you need to select the interface through which to forward a packet, and press Options. In the Capture Filter to introduce sctp. Make sure that all three options are selected in the section Display Options (highlighted in red in the figure.) Now you can press Start! bit of theory before you start sending SMS, let's take a look at the theory. So theoretically's our test system. At each of the levels (and in fact the application) in parentheses so-called ModuleID. This is an internal identifier that is used to exchange messages between the modules in the stack. Now, on one of the systems do mtpsl deact 0 0 to disable the link (signal level) and zetem mtpsl act 0 0 to activate it again. Look at that happens. After 30 seconds, after the link has been activated, you will see the SCCP SST (sub-system test) messages exchanged between systems. In response to each of them comes SSA (subsystem allowed). Only then you can check the configuration by sending a test SMS. Sending SMS on site MTR do mtr.exe-m0x2d On node MTU follow: mtu.exe-d0-g43010008-a43020008-i987654321-s "Test message" Check the successful delivery in Wireshark . You should see the message SMS-Deliver with your text. Wrapping If you do not just read, but also completed all these steps, the world SS7 (and after him and GSM) before you opened your arms wide. It is clear that mtr.exe and mtu.exe just simple examples of the stack. But no one bothers you write your own. Some companies (in particular, the one where I work) and went on to write their applications even for levels TCAP and MAP. Meanwhile all. As always, comments are welcome. 1/3


Practical SS7. Part2



Practical SS7. Part2

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