Swine's Flesh As Food

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SWIN£'S 1=L£SH as 1=001>

The following article was reprinted from MOUNT

ZION REPORTER, Editor A. N. Dugger. We believe through prayer and make it clean. But notice just what it
it states the true meaning of God's Law and other says here. It savs it is sanctified (set apart) by the WORD
related Scriptures about the eating of pork by man. of GOD. Now 'what meats are set apart by the Word of
With the additional information on the other pages God, and what meats were created to be received? In this
we pray it will stop many from the error of text ·we have two positive statements, that it is the meat
disobeying God. Pastor Emry CREATED TO BE RECEIVED, and the other is the
word "Sanctify", means to set apart for holy use. The un-
The command was given to Noah after the flood to "Kill clean animals were never created to be received for food,
and eat." There was a surplus supply prepared, for all vege- neither are they sanctified (set apart) by the Word, for food.
tat ion was destroyed. It was necessary for them t.o eat, but In the previous scripture given in Leviticus 11th chapter.
as the clean beasts entered thO'Ark by sevens, whIle the un- it is very easy to learn the meats that were set apart by the
clean were taken bv twos. Genesis 7:2. it was not intended Word of God for food. and those created to be received.
for Noah to eat the unclean ones. Therefore the very na- Therefore, let us not wrongly interpret these scriptures
ture of the animal was such that it was not fit for food, and bring sickness and untimely death upon us.
long before tne days of Moses. when definite lawswer~ After man sinned. There was a curse brought forth upon
made regarding food. . the earth, and the earth produced thorns and briars, we are
In the IIth chapter of Leviticus it is very c1ear~ygIven told. Also there was death. Then there needed to be buz-
what kind of flesh was intended for food. and the kmd that zards, vultures and pigs for scavengers to eat up the rotten
was unclean. There are. however. certain texts in the New flesh of things that died. The pig is a scavenger. It has four
Testament that people wrongly interpret, like the one ex- canals, one running down each leg with the outlet in the
plained in the June issue, which I shall not repeat. bottom of the foot. When this outlet gets stopped up the
Another text which is taken for an excuse to eat the pig gets down in the back and can't walk. I well remember
swine is found in Acts 10th chapter where the apostle ~e- my folks calling an animal doctor when I was a boy at
ter was shown in vision a sheet let down from heaven WIth home to see what was the matter with the hogs. as they
all manner of four footed animals. and a voice said to him, had a big pen full of them. It had been a long spell of rain
"Arise Peter, kiil and eat. What God hath cleansed call and the mud was thick. This outlet had got clogged up with
thou not common." It is claimed that the swine and all mud. When the veterinarian saw them, he knew at once
kinds of unclean creatures were cleansed, and can there- what was wrong. He dug the dirt and mud out of this out-
fore be eaten as good food without any danger to ones 1,,1. and the matter and puss squirted out in a strcJ.m. When
heaith. This is man"s interpretation of the intentIon of the eating pork, the puss in these canals is eaten too. as food.
vision, but in verse 28 we have the Spirit's interpretation. Hogs are scavengers, created for that purpose. Strych-
Peter says, "God hath SHOWN ME that 1 s~?uld call nine will not kill them. They eat poison and it passes off
NO MAN, (not the animals) common or unclea~. So dear in this way. A rattlesnake infested patch of hill out in the
reader let us believe what Peter says about It, and not western part of the U.S.A.. not so far from where we lived.
some ~an's statement contrary to the scripture. was cleaned up by fencing and turning in a bunch of swine.
Peter was here undergoing a test as to whether he should Bell Isle between Michi£an and Canada. was also infested
ao in among Gentiles or not, as you will gather from read- with rattiesnakes. a very~poisonous snake. and it was clean-
~g the chapter. This was the way the Father chose to show cd up the same way. The hog is a product of the curse. and
him that all menwere the same and the middle wall of par- by nature, scavengers like the buzzard and vulturt.'.
- .. -tlrtonbetweerf the .Jewand the Gentilechad been brOk.en- -.When I was .a voilti!!mal1-at· home with-the folks. there
down. Those led bv the Spirit. after knowing what it says were three women, all members of our religious group.
in verse 28, will ~o longer misrepresent this lesson, but who never would eat pork. Everyone else ate it because
will teach it as Peter tells us to teach it. they wrongly interpreted the foregoing scripture, as many
Another fact worth noting here is that this was eight do now. I always believed there wasa purpose in the Fa-
years after Pentecost, and Peter says, ··1 have never ,eaten tber declaring swine to be unwholesome and dangerous
anything common or unclean," Verse 14. Surely, If the food. so I watched these three women in after years. As
swine had been cleansed by the shed blood on Calvary, as time went on, all of the men and women in our old neigh-
many claim. Peter would have known it, and would not borhood were dead. but these were still living. I was con-
have been abstaining from eating the unclean meats for vinced bv that and also bv the stakment in Isaiah 66: 15-
these eight years. 1 am sure Peter's example is a good one 17, that ~wine was not for"human food.
to follow. Everyone in our old neighborhood died from early fiftie:-.
Another text frequenily used is found in I Timothy to middle sixties, but these women wt.'re living and going
4:3-5. It says that Spirit speaketh expressly ~hat in the strong. Twenty-five more years passed anLl they were the
latter times some will forbid people to marry. and "com- same. One lived to over a hundred. and the other two up
mand them to abstain from meats which God hath created in the nineties. One was my own mother. who would never
to be received with thanksgiving. Every creature of God is eat the pork.
good and nothing to be refused, if it be received with "And the swine, though he divide the hoof. and be clo"en-
thanksgiving. For it is sanctified (or set apart), by the Word
of God and prayer. footed. yet be cbewetb not the cud; he is unclean to you:~
Many honestly believe that they sanctify swines flesh -Leviticus 11:7.
adult tapeworm. Actually, however, a bladder worm is an inco l'\\ge muscles between the ribs certain muscles of the hind Ie .,

pletely developed tapeworm consisting of a fully formed

neck. The head of the bladder worm discussed
cup-shaped suckers and a double crown of h ~ -----~.::..d~~;:;i\~~;:;
\~ I' muse es. t as een OUn a so m t e ram e es Iver,
_-----.:---- iQ eas an seen. ,Htli.r W'O()LD 8G IN HVMANS ,oo!
i~'- en a uman ein swallows a live ork bladder
of the future tapeworm to the wall of 0 ~,o!ri'S~;-~.O!~St~!~e:\!ODD __----_ \'1 w or incompletely cooked pork. the combined action '" ~
head an d neek are mver t ed m' 1'\\get \toDDU"tori'\\
\"e \D;ge st\D test
\» ---- --- ()
~~_----~~!ri"--':':----':- \i e fl'd Ul an d t h e warmth 0,f th e stomac,h causes.th e h ead " Z

the arrangement resem ' 'teS---- ": ~pe!\sc\\!~pe\\U~U------.:-----::-::-- ';',1 £ the worm to be pushed out, leavmg the shrunken ~~ ]>
. at
m • teen
h d. \\S\ --
!D\\\\)~--<t;;':---_ Q
'" 0 tpo!D !ri'0- --- ---
~P~D\\\! ;~ :---;i;'O!~,>--.:':---
-- ';',9J th
k th e waII ?f the bl a.dd er IS
~ nee. ;,
. d'Ige~te.d . 0n '" '"
'&" r-
object in the bla ectSote;~:~--of\)\\!~~~---;;':--~, ~uW:~~l"e ~\~~_<.:.:---.:.:.:------ l,mtestme, the parasIte attaches Itself ~othe mtestmal
S' 1t
" ,

If a bladder eDe!\\le~e\\S~~eri'O~~:'<;g-l'!o:~_<:_
bladder worms i <toDt\~eDtt~_--;~;!OUD~_----':-----':---- 'i>
\ ~~~\g,,!,o;'"
--:C;~\\SD!es It~ suckers a~d hooks and d~velops,.In the course of
months, mto ,a gravId (egg-producmg) tapeworm (fig. 5). "-

tapeworm, the he {.~~o'L0.p-s;e~~~~ --;i,;----.:.::--<:----:.:- ~ j;Dri'ti'\\!S0 e tapeworm may attain a length of 3 to 6 feet, the longest Joints 02

• i3 CI'
i~ the stomach, a %'!\~~~~~~o;\\~~!~~2:e.:-.:::::_::-:---\~ in.the tail e:n.d,being about half an inch l,ong and one-third of an inch P§
dIgested on reachr "eS <~coti'~ ~D"e-_---~;:ti'--~;:ti'--- i';', e WIde. The Jomts or segments at the tall end become detached from ~..,oo ===i
g. ~~
t h e waII by means ji'W ~v~ues WD" --a ! </Iue!</I
--\Z\,\\\Ue~\l\\\U_------- --- b'
ece:g~ns t0 th' t h' d II d 'h h
, e. apew~rm c am an are e;xpe e w~t, t e excreta, new segments
'"'" .00
bud off segments, fo ~\\\)e</lO~et~~D,D~~------- months a JOInted, takmgthmr place by growth m the regIOn of the neck. ~~ 0
flattened, whitish w 7;;~~u-su\\t\ n a length of several feet. The detached segments expelled with the excreta contain numerous § "" -n
<n S
Domestic.hogs ~nt ates are not known to, harbor adult ~ggs which are liberated as the. segments disintegrate. Pigs .become i3 CI'
,tapeworms m the mte '. They do ha~bor thr~e spe~Iesof bladder mfested as a result of swallowmg the tapeworm eggs or entIre seg- ;;.
worms however. one of whICh develo s mto an mtestmal ta eworm ments, each containing hundreds of eggs. On getting into the pig's .,
in man and the other two into tapeworms m t e mtestmes 0 ogs. digestive canal, the eggs hatch and the young worms, which escape S· 2
ff m
from the eggshells, bore into the wall of the digestive canal and are ""0
carried by the blood stream, aided probably by their own migrations, i3l
The tapeworm, Taenia 8oliwm, infests hogs in the immature, or to various parts of the animal's body, ""
bladder-worm, stage. The full-grown, or adult, tapeworm, known Damage.-No definite symptoms are associated with bladder-worm
as the ork ta eworm infests human bein s. The bladder-worm infestation of swine, Infestation is diagnosed, as a rule, after death
stage is sp erIca to emon-s ape an rom one-fifth to two-fifths of upon the discovery of the worms in the rilUsclesand Dther places. (This is
an inch in maximum diameter (fig,.S). Pork infested with bladder worms is commonly known as measly
The pork bladder worm lodges in the muscles of hogs, especially pork. Because of the danger to human health from eating raw or only a
the muscles of the ahdomen,the muscular portion of the diaphragm, imperfectly cooked measly pork, special precauti0ns are taken to de- portion
the loin muscles, the heart (fig. 4), the muscles used in chewing, the tect these parasites in swine carcasses under Federal, State, and local of the
meat inspection. Lightly infested carcasses are passed for human infor-
food onl after sterilization followin the removal of visible c sts· mation
if the infestation is excessive the carcass is condemned an not used
for food. lJ(,IT fI()W MANY tlANOASSES P4SS V/I l>ETE(!.7e D? and
Treatment.-There is no known practical treatment for the remQval pictures
of bladder worms from swine.7l1/1T WO(/J..D "81; 5AM€ FoR ff.IhIANS.1 in this
Prevention.-Infestation can be prevented by a sound system of rural govern-
sanitation. Pigs become infested only as a result of swallowing tape- ment
It is
proof of

~ ~
why God
man NOT
to eat
flesh! )
FIGURE 5.;-Portions of a pork tapewhrm from the human intestine, (Nearly
one-half natural size.)
FIGURE 10.-Ascarids infesting the small intestine of a pig. Some of the worms
are protruding from, and a few are completely outside the intestine. (One-half
natural size.)

FIGURE 29.-Nests of iungworms in lower portion of swine lung partially cut

open to show them; ~ungwormsremoved to show their size and shape (top).

TRICHINA pages 39,40,hl

Trichinae, Triohinella spiralis, are slender threadworms, living in

larvae, :-::'::::=:
the small intestines of swine as adults, in the blood as miV'atiIur
ll.C1111t =~- -- .
Damage.-The disease produced by trichinae, nown as trichinosis,
is practically never! diagnosed in swine during life because other and
better-known disea~es of these animals show similar symptoms. Con-
s~quently. trichinosls in swine is probably confused with other diseases.
Treatment.-No effective treatment for trichinosis in swine, or in any
other animal, is known.

(The above would be true of humans also-NO CURE! Weakened

by the parasites, they die of other diseases with no warning from
doctors or ministElrs. Other pig carried worms would cause the
same problems, g~neral weakening of health with the symptoms
diagnosed as some other "disease." God alone knows how many
FIGURE 17.-Thorn-headed worms attached to a small portion 0, humans die of hog parasites and diseases. The next page lists a
intestine. (One-half natural size.) few. Remember-,there are MANY, MANY MORE!)
ThePhoenixGazette_ Wednesday, April 16, 1969 Diseases
I State Hog The People Speak From Asia
Malaria and dengue, two
Operations Raw Garbage Fed To Swine potent enemies of American
forces in the Asiatic-Pacific
theater of World War II, have
reappeared not only in areas
Alarm Fenn Cause Of Several Diseases of Southeast ASia where U.S.
troops are serving, but are
coming home to the mainland
BENSON (AP) _ S~ate I Et:'tor, The Arizona Republic: ONLY A FEW months ago some swine
raisers had an experience with hO~chol-
with returning servicemen and
civilian personnel.
Rep. Hank Fenn, D-Cochise, Responding to "The Reason Why" (Let-
er in Arizona wlJich cost U. . and Co!. James Hansen, Wash-
has a~nounced plans !o intro- ter, April 12, 1969) in reference to the
Arizona taxpayers about $50,000 cash. At ington, D.C., deputy director
d!-'ce m the for.thcommg .ses- cooking of pig feed, I would like to refer
Slon of. the ~lZona LegIsla- everyone concerned to Arizona Revised the same time the State of Georgia was of the Armed Forces Institute
ture ~Ills which would put Statutes Title 24-941 through 24-949 cov. spending about $750,000 to control the of Pathology, said malaria es-
same disease. pecially is being seen more
teeth m. the law. go~ermn~ ering the feeding of garbage to swine.
hog feedmg operatIOns m An- .In England last year 300,000 animal.~ and more by physicians here
zona. Earl Lee Newell of Mesa, and most were burned or burled due to an out- at home in patients who have
people who read the newspaper story to break of foot and mouth dIsease. Unem- served in the Malay peninsula.
Fenn outlined plans for the which he refers, had no way of knowing
legislation in a letter to Why a hog feeder might be prosecuted ployment came so suddenly hi some MALARIA, which behaves
House Speaker John Haugh, quarters that whole towns ceased tQ. differently in different people,
R-Pima. for not cooking hog feed. function. Jobs went with the animals. has even proved so resistive
HE SAID that persons who The reporter failed to tell the Sheep, swine, beef, and dairy farms in to some of the medications de-
feed hogs are "also in a sec- public that an alleged garbage cooking some of the affected areas are still veloped against it in World
ondary sense" responsible for violation was being lJeard in court, nor War II and later, said Colonel
without income from animal production. Hansen, that doctors are going
contI:ol of about 20 diseases did he indicate the seriousness of the The whole problem is believed to have
·.which humans can contract" charge or the potential hazards both back to an old standby of yes-
r,amed a foothold in swine fed improper- teryear - quinine.
from pork and pork products. medical and financial to the consumers y processed garbage.
and tax paying public. "Americans are immuno-
Fenn's statement, following NEITHER cartoonist Reg Manning's
visits to pork feeding opera- THE ABOVE mentioned law requires logical babies when they go to
little "Uno Who" nor Mr. Jo!m Q. Southeast Asia," he said. And,
tion around the state read, in 6terilization of garbage before feeding it Public is interested in reaching into his
part: to swine, and that is what the fuss is because transportation has
pocket to foot the bill for any hog feed- shrunk the world, disease has
"One establishment I visit- about. er's negligence. become a world-wide problem,
el I saw a hog being canni-. A list of over 20 swine 'diseases asso- he said.
baliZed bLthe live ones. Not dated WIth raw arba e feedin In-
Jtriowmg from what the hog' c es severa seases quite transmissi- Chairman, He said that, because of
Livestock Sanitary lack of sanitation and because
had died makes this situation Me to the human population. They' in- Board of Arizona of the heavy moisture and
dangerous . . . " elude SalmoneHosis, undulant fever, Lis-, tropical nature of so much of
"One place was warned by t~riosis,. ~rysipelasl Anthfa~, ~richimr Malaysia, diarrheal diseases
the health department th~t SIS,tapeworm and. tubercu OSI~. are prevalent.
dead animals must be proper- But shigella and salmonella,
ly disposed of after the dis- Some garbage fect to swine comes
covery of several dead hogs from air bases serving long-range mili- Death List High two common types of dIar-
rheal diseases, are mere ag-
partly covered up. tary aircraft. There is always a possibil- DACCA, East Pakistan eases as amebiasias and chol-
ity that hogs consumin raw arbage <UPI) - Newspaper reports gravations alongside suchCITS-
"AT MOST of these places from these aIr ases cou qUlc y rea said today more than 1,000 1tt?'
(garbage feeding. operations) out wIth a foreIgn exotIc malady, such ~,he continued.
persons have died of cholera
the flies andUtefilt/;l were I as foot and mouth disease and 'eo ar. in East Pakistan duri'i1g""1'fie IN KOREA last yea r, he
predominate. ~fifthand un· said, 200 persons died in a
sanitary conditions:an& care~ Ize t e nite States Ivestoc III ustry past six weeks.
cholera epidemic._More than
Iessness of them all, and the wlthIll a matter of hours. Such an out- ~ 2,000 died of cholera in 1964,
$!nc!tJhat I foUfu!in makiM break ISfought WIthtaxpayer's dollars. .~ ,;:-------- _ he added. -------
tlifs sway certiWiILnuImIe(J ~
Other diseases include liver
my desIre to eat j)OrkijIitil BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: The premature deaths of thousands and lung flukes, parasites
h~~iilii~esit~:~n.W~~ a of people are the result of ministers preaching the lie that which cause cancers and at>:
scesses and cirrhosis. It was
New laws governing hog humans can eat pork (swine's flesh) "because God's Laws are put liver fluke disease which real-
feeding took effect in January away ..• " Neither they nor the doctors warn us that a high ly defeated the French in 1954,
of this year, but Fenn said percentage of all deaths of people over 50 years of age are caused said Colonel Hansen.
the state does not have the
staff for enforcement. by usually non-fatal diseases, which kill people who have been
weakened by worm parasites from swine. The doctor who treated
in:~~aidb;hath~:\lla:& the final illness lists some OTHER disease as "the cause of
state and federal inspectors, death," and so surviving relatives and friends go right on eating
19 were found to cook;r- swine until they too go to an early grave. Read DEUTERONOMY
bage properlY before feewig h F' f h'
it to swine:Th1rty did not COOK 14:8; 28:22, 27, 35, 45; Isaia 65:1-5; 66:17. or copIes 0 t IS
property and 11 failed to cook sheet for your minister, doctor, and friends send $1.00 for 10 or
thoroughly. $4.00 for 50 to: LORD'S COVENANT CHURCH, AMERICA'S

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