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Hello everyone,

Here are the Minutes and Reports from the April meeting.

Enjoy the Easter weekend!


Darlington Public School S & C Meeting Minutes

Darlington Public School

Minutes 1st April, 2009

Meeting commenced: 6.06pm

The President acknowledged the traditional owners.

Present: Colleen Hayward, Lulu Mitchell, Sue Newsome, Marijke

Tombs, Kathi Hillier, Suzy Pickles, Yvette Novak, Peter
Denholm, Mary Thompson, Lesley Blackett, Anne Fitzgerald,
Michael Texilake, Sue Firth, Paul Mclean, Joanne Selfe, J. Chiou

Apologies: Julie Moffat, Rae Cooper, Tim Ayres, Cathie Burgess, Julia
Quilter, Jane Morro, Michael Condon, Georgina Andrews, Thea Butler,
Suzie Moir, Jen Burn, Ed Schots

Previous meeting’s minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2009
were circulated by email prior to and tabled at the meeting. Minutes accepted with
one clarification. Under New Business - the Garden Council submission mentioned is
part of S&C Environmental Group(SCEG) grant applications.

Business arising:

* Website

Update: Kathi thanked Lesley and Colleen for oral history of

Darlington and for the book written in 1978 by a previous Darlington
parent. Kathi will work through all this written and oral information and update
the history on the website accordingly.
Update: Thanks to Michael for recreating S&C blogspot and also for the
ongoing management.

Located at via Darlington website

Update: Paul will add hyperlink of blogspot to Darlington website

* Congratulations to Paul and all the teachers on excellent photos already

posted on the school website. Hoody picture will be added to school uniform page.
* Colleen spoke re School Walkathon to be held during school in August (date
to be set) - considered the best fund-raiser possible if the school runs it rather
than through a company. Best if it’s done for a specific purpose. To be left until
some time is found. Colleen will call on S&C. Further discussion was held over
until the June meeting.

* Update: Draft calendar ’09 for the S&C events almost at completion.

Action: Michael to add final copy of calendar ’09 to blogspot when hard
copy finalised.

Update: Julie has placed the order for House-colour T-shirts. 20 each
colour. Yellow size medium on backorder so delay to total order.

Update: Purchase of Library Circulation desk discussed. Currently

awaiting quotes from carpenter. Colleen mentioned care needs to be taken when
purchasing from an individual rather than a company.

Action: Trish to follow up.

Principal’s Report:

· Tabling of Principal’s report - see report presented at meeting

· Update: BER report sent in by due date-Preschool playground remains top

priority. Waiting on result.

· Update: Preschool wire fence moved, bark chips in.

· Update: Interactive Whiteboard will be installed 5th-6th May in Mr

McLean’s room.

· Update: 20th May 5pm, Parent information night for Kindy 2010.

President’s Report:
· Tabling of President’s report - see report presented at meeting

* Backpacks with the Darlo logo - Parents to contact S&C regarding any further
problems. Refund cheque (from the company) in the name of Darlington Public school
- to be refunded to S&C.
* Update from Lulu re green request form for S & C volunteers. Parents will be
called on as opportunities arise. Stay tuned.
* Easter raffle preparations underway-many thanks to Mary.

Drawn April 9. More tickets are available from office for keen

* Next fundraiser after this is Movie Mayhem (Friday 8 May). Colleen and the
teachers very happy to run this. Will only need flyer from S&C and plates of
dessert/fruit from parents on the night. Parents to enjoy their night out.
* Looking for a Fete Co-ordinator….Suzy Pickles offered to do this if the
Garden Grant doesn’t come through. She will know by May.
* Athletics Carnival – no date currently set. There is a public liability
issue associated with the use of Alan Davidson Oval. May need to consider going
back to Alex Park which, it was noted, has a good canteen.

Treasurer’s report:

· Treasurer’s report was tabled - see bank reconciliation presented at


· If parents have 2nd hand uniforms in excellent condition, please donate

to Judy in the office. Call for parents to check lost property regularly.

· Lulu mentioned that another session of card-selling is needed. The boxes

are currently in Yvette’s room and are available for purchase.

One box will be left on display at the office for ease of purchase.

New Business:

* Terms of Reference emailed to all on Darlo S&C list and also on Darlo School
list. The meeting thanked Sarah Barker for drawing these up. (Hard copies
available at meeting.) Kathi recommended we adopt them with one change to item 7b
as follows:

The Committee agreed at the March meeting that amounts of upper limit of $100 may
be approved by the Executive. The proposed Terms of Reference should be changed to
include this.
Motion: That the Committee adopt the Terms of Reference including the
above-mentioned change to item 7b.

Moved: Kathi Seconded: Marijke

* Update: from Suzy re S&C Environmental Group (SCEG)

Grant application for City of Sydney Council ‘Cash and Kind’ Grant of
$10,000. Many thanks from Yvette to Suzy and Kyong for this lengthy process.
(Topographical maps, quotes for tanks and shovels were just a few items they
needed to research.) If successful the SCEG need to match the grant amount which
can be made up ‘in kind’ – ie. hours worked etc. Results due in July.

Green gang - Darlington children interested in this project also to be involved.

Georgina Andrews emailed to offer services in any further grant


* Update: on ‘Duck and Swan’ fundraising raffle - not this year -calendar full
@ this stage.
* Traffic and parking issues: emails referred to from: Michael Keating, Tracey
Devlin, Jane Morrow and Matt Young……….many other emails received.

Update: Lollipop person – this is a paid position through RTA. Would

need 2 - one for each pedestrian crossing. Needs further investigation.

Lengthy discussion ensued regarding all aspects of safety and parking in the
school area.

Motion: That the S&C requests that Michael Keating co-ordinate a Sub-Committee to
investigate safety and parking issues in the streets around the school and report
back to the next meeting.

Moved: Lulu Mitchell Seconded: Suzy Pickles

Yvette offered to introduce Sub-Committee to appropriate

contacts/liaison officers. Joanne Selfe offered support to Sub- Committee. Colleen
offered advisory role on behalf of the school.

* Stall @ Carriageworks - carried over for next meeting.

* Voluntary Contributions - brief discussion on change to colour of font at
bottom of S&C ‘signature’ to better highlight this information. (Action: Marijke)
Other discussion points concerning this carried over for next meeting due to time

Meeting closed: 7.20pm

Minutes: Marijke Tombs and Sue Newsome



1 st April, 2009

· BER report went in on time

· All classes have had successful breakfasts P-6

· Koori Dancers have danced at:

a. Newtown High School of Performing Arts Environment Day.

b. At the Opening of The Attorney Generals Counsellors Conference

c. Blackwattle Bay Campus Diversity Day.

They have been greatly appreciated everywhere they have performed

· Swimming School has continued to be successful and finishes

this Friday.

· District Swimming Comp was successful.

6 students went to Regional final.

1 is going on to State final.

· The new broadband internet connection has been installed

· New whiteboard will be installed on the 5th and 6th May in

Mr McLean's room.

· Transition with Alex Park has been a great success this


· Harmony Day was great fun.

· Year 4/5 and 5/6 will attend the All Schools Anzac Day
Service at The War Memorial on Wednesday 8th April.
Darlo S and C President’s Report 1 April 2009 - handout

1. S and C Secretary

The Exec is very pleased to have Marijke Tombs and Sue Newsome serving as our
joint secretaries. We are grateful for their work already.

2. Volunteers

We received 29 green volunteer forms were returned from parents. We’ve tried to
divide people into event teams to share the work load around and create greater
sense of involvement in the life of the school.

* Eg. Mary Thompson is organizing the Easter Raffle with a little team of

Goodies for hamper due Monday

Money dure Tuesday

Raffle drawn Thursday 9th April

So - remember to bring in your donations for the hamper and tickets with money.

3. Fund raising events

* Calendar – Simone Hawkins has jazzed up our S and C calendar of fundraising

events – it will go out to parents in the next week. Request for Michael Texilake
to put it on the blogspot or the S and C website

- A walkathon has been added for August sometime thanks to a

suggestion at the last meeting. Date TBA

* Mothers’ Day Movie Mayhem – is the next fundraising event which will happen
2 days after our next S and C meeting – Friday 8 May

* Fete co-ordinator – we still need someone to co-ordinate the Fete on Oct 31.

4. Sales

* The S and C continues to sell Darlo bags – we’ve been given a refund for 6
bags returned with faulty zippers.
* Julie Moffat continues to place orders for House t’shirts which were a big
success at the swimming carnival. The children will next have an opportunity to
wear them at the smoking ceremony when ‘welcome to country’ plaques are unveiled.
After that - the athletics carnival.

5. S and C website page – Lulu to follow up before the next meeting

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