Exercise Library-Soccer Conditioning

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Exercise: 3-Way Golf Squat * Start in proper squat position with hips back, feet slightly wider than

hip width, toes pointed forward and chest and head up; hold dumbbell with both hands * Explode up, keeping arms extended. Bring weight up, continuing to raise it directly over head * Return to squat position * Explode up, bringing weight up at 45-degree angle to left side of body, fully extending over head * Return to squat position * Explode up, bringing weight up at 45-degree angle to right side of body, fully extending over head * Repeat sequence for specified reps with all three movements equaling one rep Coaching Points: Focus on keeping good squat form, keeping toes pointed forward, head and chest up, back flat and hips back // Keep arms fully extended and weight as far away from body as possible // Stay controlled during explosion and when returning back to squat Exercise: 4-Way Anterior Med Ball Hip Throws * Facing wall, start in split-squat stance with right leg forward * Stand six feet from wall, holding med ball at chest level with arms extended * Squat to parallel position while rotating hips right * Explode up while rotating back to front and throw med ball toward wall; repeat for specified reps * Switch ball to left side; repeat exercise for specified reps * Switch stance to left leg forward; repeat exercise on both sides Coaching Points: Keep back flat and chest and head up // Rotate body at hips // Keep toes pointed forward // Keep arms extended out at chest level Exercise: 4-Way Anterior Med Ball Shot Put Throws * Start in split-squat stance with right leg forward six feet away from wall; hold med ball in shot put position on right side of body and face wall * Squat to parallel position while rotating hips to the right * Explode up while rotating toward wall and throw med ball, fully extending right arm upon release; repeat for specified reps * Switch ball and rotation to left side; repeat for specified reps * Switch stance to put left leg forward; repeat exercise on both sides Coaching Points: Keep back flat chest and head up // Rotate body at hips // Keep toes pointed forward // Keep med ball close to body and fully extend arm out to maximize force Exercise: 4-Way Lateral Med Ball Hip Throws * Start in split-squat stance six feet away from wall; line up stance parallel to wall and hold med ball * While squatting in parallel position, rotate trunk away from wall keeping arms extended at chest level * Explode up while rotating trunk toward wall * Throw med ball with maximum force toward wall * Repeat for specified reps, then switch feet in stance * After both reps are completed, turn body to face opposite direction * Repeat reps for each stance Coaching Points: Keep back flat chest and head up // Keep feet pointed straight ahead // Rotate at hips // Keep med ball at chest height and arms fully extended // Throw weight as hard as possible

Exercise: 4-Way Lateral Med Ball Shot Put Throws * Start in split-squat stance standing parallel to and six feet from wall; hold med ball on right side of body like shot put * While squatting to parallel position, rotate trunk away from wall, keeping arms close to body * Exploding up while rotating trunk toward wall, throw med ball with maximum force toward wall, fully extending right arm upon release; repeat for specified reps * Switch feet placement; repeat for specified reps * After completing reps, switch stance and hold med ball on left side of body * Complete both sets throwing med ball, rotating feet in stance after specified reps Coaching Points: Keep back flat and chest and head up // Keep toes pointed straight ahead // Rotate at hips // Keep med ball at head height and close to body // Throw weight as hard as possible, extending throwing arm out to maximize force Exercise: 4-Way Split-Squat Lateral Cable X-Chop * Start in split-squat position with left leg forward and cable machine to left * Hold cable machine handle with arms fully extended below left hip * Explode out of squat, bringing arms up and across body to above right side of head; continue motion for specified reps * Switch legs and repeat exercise for specified reps * Switch arm movement by placing cable on right side of body and bringing cable right to left diagonally while in split-squat * Repeat specified reps for both legs to complete one set Coaching Points: Keep back heel off ground, chest and head up, and arms fully extended // Rotate at shoulders and hips // Explode up and control movement on way down // Keep tension on cable at all times Exercise: Balance Reach Step-Downs * Balance on right leg on 12-inch box with arms stretched out forward * Lower body as if performing parallel squat while extending left leg forward * Stand up, lower body in squat while extending left leg laterally * Stand up, lower body in squat while extending left leg behind body * Repeat sequence for specified reps with all three movements equaling one rep; switch legs and repeat Coaching Points: Keep chest and head up, with arms fully extended // Focus on keeping balancing legs toes pointed forward // Control body while squatting and rising Exercise: Cross-Over Skater Hop * Start in single-leg stance on left leg with knee slightly bent * Using arms for momentum, push off left leg, moving body diagonally up and to left as far as possible * Crossing right leg over left in midair, land softly on right leg in a single-leg squat position * Using arms for momentum, push off right leg, going diagonally up and to right * Crossing left leg over right in midair, land softly on left leg in a single-leg squat position * Continue alternating leg hops for specified reps Coaching Points: Focus on balancing on one leg // Land softly on ground // Use arms for balance and momentum // Jump as far as possible with control // Work as fast as possible with control

Exercise: DB High Pulls * Assume squat stance, feet slightly wider than hips, knees behind toes, back flat and chest up * While holding weight in one hand, explode up, keeping dumbbell close to body * Pull weight up to chin level; return to starting position and continue for specified reps * Switch hand; repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep weight close to body // Use legs to explode weight up // Keep back flat, chest and head up // Control weight going down Exercise: Four-Way Single-Arm Split -Stance Cable Pulls * Start in long split-stance with right leg forward; fully extend right arm with slight tension on cable * Pull cable toward body, keeping elbows high and reaching as far back as possible * Using control, allow for cable to pull arm back to start position * Repeat for specified reps * Switch cable to left hand for specified reps * Switch split-stance to left leg forward and repeat same pattern of movement as above for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep back flat and chest up // Bring arm straight back at chest level, keeping elbow tucked // Rotate trunk upon pulling cable Exercise: Ground Matrix * Start in plank position, using only one hand to balance, and legs spread wide with back flat * Holding weight in other hand, reach hand forward at head height, hold for one second * Rotate arm and reach under body to opposite side, hold for one second * Rotate arm and reach toward the ceiling, hold for one second * Continue for specified reps, then switch arms and repeat Coaching Points: Keep back flat // Reach as far as possible // Focus on staying balanced, keeping movements under control Exercise: Horizontal Pull-Ups * Start by placing body under barbell in position similar to bench press with feet together on ground, back flat, hands slightly wider than shoulder width and arms fully extended * Pull chest toward bar with force and speed * Return to fully extended position, then repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Align body so bar touches sternum at top of pull // Keep body in perfect plank position Exercise: Lateral Hop and Stop Print This Page Send to a Friend * Start in single-leg stance on left leg with knee slightly bent * Using arms for momentum, push off left leg, hopping laterally to left as far as possible * Land softly on left leg in single-leg squat position, pausing to regain balance and focus * Using arms for momentum, continue hopping medially on left leg for specified reps * Switch legs; repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Focus on balancing on one leg // Land softly on ground // Use arms for balance and momentum // Jump as far as possible under control //

Exercise: Lateral Lunge X-Chop

* Start in standing position with trunk rotated to left, holding plate with arms fully extended over left shoulder at head height * Lunge laterally right, rotating trunk, bringing weight diagonally across body and next to right hip * Push off ground with right leg and bring weight back across body to start position * Bring weight to right side of head and complete same movement laterally lunging left * Push off left leg back to start position, bringing weight across body * Repeat alternating movements to right and left for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep back flat, chest and head up and feet pointed forward // Keep arms extended with weight away from body // Do not overextend lunge // Control movement and weight when going up and down/back and forth Exercise: Lunge and Throw * Start in athletic stance, chest up, back flat and arms extended forward at chest level holding weight in hands * Lunge forward with right leg, rotating weight to right hip * Explode up, pushing weight back to starting position * Lunge forward with left leg, rotating weight to left hip * Explode up, pushing weight back up to starting position * Continue alternating lunges for specified reps Coaching Points: Use light weight to start // Keep chest and head up and back flat at all times // When exploding up, pause at start position, not allowing momentum to help // Do not overextend lunge Exercise: Medial Hop and Stop * Start in single-leg stance on left leg with knee slightly bent * Using arms for momentum, push off left leg, hopping medially out to right as far as possible * Land softly on left leg in single-leg squat position, pausing to regain balance and focus * Using arms for momentum, continue hopping medially on left leg for specified reps * Switch legs; repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Focus on balancing on one leg // Land softly on ground // Use arms for balance and momentum // Jump as far as possible with control Exercise: Overhead Balance Reach Step-Downs * Balance on right leg on edge of box with arms fully extended overhead * Perform single-leg squat to parallel position, extending left leg forward * Explode up, returning to start position * Perform single-leg squat to parallel position, extending left leg left; return to start position * Perform single-leg squat to parallel position, extending left leg diagonally back * Return to start position to complete one rep; repeat for specified reps * Switch legs; repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep hands overhead with arms fully extended at all times // Focus on balance and good squat mechanics [back flat, chest up, hips back, feet forward and knees behind toes] Exercise: Overhead Sumo Walk * Start in good squat position, hips back, feet slightly wider than hips, toes pointed forward; place stretch band around shins * Hold stick above head with grip slightly wider than shoulders and arms fully extended * Step laterally to the right as far as possible keeping proper form * Bring feet back to start position; continue for specified reps

* Switch directions, walking back laterally to left for specified reps Coaching Points: Focus on keeping back flat, chest out, hips back and toes pointed forward at all times // Make sure to use small stretch band with tension at starting position // Do not sacrifice form for distance Exercise: Push-Up Airplanes * Start in push-up position with back flat, hands slightly wider than shoulders and feet close together * Perform full push-up * On way up, pivot on right hand reaching with left hand toward ceiling * Bring hand down toward ground; perform next rep pivoting on left hand while reaching toward ceiling with right hand * Repeat alternating hands for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep body flat // Rotate head and chest while reaching toward ceiling // Keep under control and focus on balance while reaching up Exercise: Push-Up Pulls * Assume push-up position with back flat, feet close together, hands slightly wider than shoulder width and holding dumbbell * Perform full push-up, getting chest low to ground * At top of push-up, pull left elbow towards ceiling; return to start position * Pull right elbow towards ceiling; return to start position * Repeat for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep back flat // Bring elbow up as high as possible // Keep elbow tucked in and weight close to body Exercise: Single-Leg Dumbbell Push Press Matrix * Balancing on one leg, position upper body in push press position with dumbbells at head level * Alternating arms, press weight above head for specified reps for each arm; switch legs and repeat * Continue balancing on one leg, diagonally press weight out to side, alternating arms * Repeat for specified reps; switch leg and repeat * Finish by balancing on one leg and diagonally pressing weight across body [right to left then left to right] for specified reps; switch legs to complete one set Coaching Points: Use lower body to help press weight above head, by loading into squat position and exploding up // Keep chest up, back flat and feet facing forward // Focus on balance and controlling weight on descent // Push weight up as quickly as possible Exercise: Single-Leg Squat Reach * Balancing on one leg, hold dumbbells at sides * Using proper squat mechanics [hips back and knees behind toes], squat below parallel, reaching both arms forward as far as possible * Return to squat starting position, extending right as far as possible * Return to squat starting position, repeat same motion to left * Return to squat starting position, then squat while reaching diagonally back with right arm as far as possible * Return to squat starting position, repeat same motion to the left * This cycke completes one rep; repeat for specified reps * Switch leg; repeat for specified reps

Coaching Points: Use light weight to start // Focus on balancing // Reach as far as possible // Keep toes pointed forward Exercise: Spiderman * Start in bridge position with both hands and feet on ground * Take step forward, placing left foot outside left hand and fully extend right leg * Hold for one second, then walk hands and feet forward to starting position * Place right foot outside right hand, fully extending left leg * Continue alternating motion for specified reps Coaching Points: Get full extension of back leg // Keep head and chest up // Drive pelvis down when bringing leg outside of hand Exercise: Split Squat Pushers * Start in long split-stance with left leg forward, right leg back with back heel off ground, and arms stretched out at chest level holding plate * Using legs and trunk, squat while turning right hip, bringing weight to side * Explode up, punching weight forward, just above chest height * Repeat same movement on left side * Continue alternating sides for specified reps, then switch legs Coaching Points: Keep chest and head up // Do not let back heel touch ground // Keep front knee behind toes // Make sure to get proper depth [tops of thigh parallel to ground] // Maintain control during descent // Explode out of squat Exercise: Split-Stance Alternating Dumbbell Push Press Matrix * Assume split-stance position with right leg in front, left heel off ground, slight bend in knees and holding dumbbells at head level * Alternating arms, press weight above head for specified reps; switch legs and repeat * Return to starting position; alternating arms, press weight up and diagonally to side for specified reps; switch legs and repeat * Return to starting position; alternating arms, press weight up and across body for specified reps; switch legs and repeat * Return to starting position; alternating arms, press weight out to side behind body; switch legs and repeat Coaching Points: Keep back flat and chest up // Control weight while pushing up and bringing back down Exercise: Two-Way Alternating Step-Ups * Place one foot on 12-inch box * Using arms and balancing leg, explode up, driving off box into the air * Switch leg position, landing with opposite foot on box * Repeat same movement with opposite leg to complete one rep * Continue alternating leg jumps for specified reps * After completing forward jump reps, stand next to either side of box and place leg closest to box on top * Jump laterally across the box, landing with opposite foot on ground; repeat lateral jumps, alternating legs, for specified reps Coaching Points: Keep chest head up and back flat // Use arms to help you explode // Work as quickly as possible with control // Land softly on the box and ground at same time

Start at one end of field, weaving through flags to opposite end of field Run back to corner goalpost at opposite end of field Run to ladders, completing two ladder circuits, and continue to flag at goal box Run to cones, shuffling between cones and sprinting forward to new cone set Continue running to goal line at end of field; turn and run to flag on opposite side of field Run back to opposite side of field, weaving through flags Jog back to starting flag

Sets/Reps/Rest : 1 x 6, with 1:1 work to rest ratio

Exercise: Seven Up Seven Down (See diagram for set up)

Set up approximately 30 cones, each five to seven yards apart from one another Jog to first cone, sprint to next cone and jog to next cone Sprint through two cones, then jog to next cone Sprint through three cones, then jog to next cone Sprint through four cones, then jog to next cone Continue adding sprints to reach a seven-cone sprint Work through pattern in reverse, decreasing sprints each time [i.e., sprint through six cones, then jog to next cone; sprint through five cones, then jog to next cone, etc.] Continue to decrease sprints to reach just one sprint

Sets/Reps : 1 x 8

Use a 30-second walk, 30-second jog and 30-second run pattern for entire set Begin at Home Base [HB] A Go to Flag 1, then back to HB A Continue to Flag 2, then back to HB A Continue to Flag 3, then back to HB A Go to HB B, then resume walk/jog/run progression for Flags 4, 5 and 6 Continue flag pattern using walk/jog/run progression for set time Increase difficulty by adding in ball dribbling

Sets/Reps : 1 x 25-36 minutes

Start at one side of field and run to flags Weaving through flags and continue to run to flag set up 10 yards past midfield line Run back to corner goal post Run to ladders, completing two ladder circuits; continue to center line flag Run to cones, shuffling between cones and sprinting forward to new cone set; continue running to goal line Run to flag set up 10 yards past midfield line Run back to goal line, weaving through flags to the corner of the field Jog back to starting flag

Sets/Reps/Rest: 1x8, with 1:1 work to rest ratio

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