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Aluno (a): _____________________________________________________ N _____ Turma: _____ Unidade: RC Professor: Monica Dias Nota: _________ 8 Ano do Ensino Fundamental

Data: 08 / 05 / 13 2 Bimestre TESTE: Money for a Motorbike

1) Put the events in the order they happen in the story. The first is 1.
a) Frank asks Stuart to look after the house.


Frank comes back to the house and asks Stuart what he was doing.


Frank sees Stuart riding a motorbike and the police stop him.


Stuart climbs into the house and finds some banknotes in a mattress.


Stuart counts the money. There is 325.


Stuart jumps out of the window and hides under some bushes.


Stuart wants to buy a bike, but he doesnt have any money.


They all go to the garage and the police take the 325.


Two policemen catch Frank and he tells them about the money.

2) Choose the correct option for each question.

a) What does Stuart do? a) ( ) Hes at school. b) ( ) He doesnt have a job. c) ( ) He works in a garage. b) How much money does Martin want for the motorbike?

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a) ( ) 300. b) ( ) 325. c) ( )350.

c) Where does Stuart live? a) ( ) In Blenheim Street. b) ( ) At the university. c) ( ) In a big empty house. d) Where does Stuart find the money? a) ( ) Behind a calendar. b) ( ) Inside a mattress. c) ( ) Under the carpet. e) Why do the police stop Frank? a) ( ) They see him climb out of the house. b) ( ) Hes riding a motorbike. c) ( ) Hes got a knife. f) Where do the police look for Stuart?

a) ( ) In the garden. b) ( ) In the empty house. c) ( ) At the garage. g) What does Stuart say hes going to do at the end?

a) ( ) Go on holiday. b) ( ) Get a job. c) ( ) Sell the motorbike.

3) Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. bundle footsteps garage save squatter unwrapped valuable

a) Martin, a friend of Stuarts, worked in a _______________. b) Sometimes Stuart found old books. One day, he told himself, Ill find something _______________. c) Someone looked out of a window. He was a _______________. They live in old, empty houses and they dont pay rent. d) Stuart put his hand inside the mattress. He felt a _______________ of newspapers. e) f) He quickly _______________ it. Inside were some banknotes. Stuart heard more shouting and _______________. They became louder, then they stopped.

g) Im going to get a job. Im going to _______________ another 325 and buy that bike.

Qi MEC 2013

4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
a) Stuart ________ (leave) the garage and walked home. b) There was wood across the front door and the windows ________ (break). c) The owner of the house, the old woman, ______ (be) ill for a long time. d) The mattress _________ (lean) against the far wall. e) Stuart quickly wrapped up the money inside the newspapers. He _________ (hold) the bundle behind his back. f) You _________ (not take) anything, have you? asked Frank.

g) He ran for a few metres and then ________ (hide) under some bushes. h)
Total: 3pts

Qi MEC 2013

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