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Table of Contents

Economics as the "Dismal Science? ........................................................................................... 3

1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Main objective ...................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Specific objective............................................................................................................................ 3

3. Justification .......................................................................................................................................... 3

4. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................ 3

5. Development ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Economics as the "Dismal Science?" ........................................................................................... 4

La economa como la "ciencia triste?" ............................................................................................... 4

6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 5

7.Bibliograpy ............................................................................................................................................ 5


A compliment to my parents and family who did not hesitate at any time in I could do If you fall is to get up, if you wake up is to follow, if you follow it to get where you want to go and if you are to know that the best is coming her ...

Thank you very much

Economics as the "Dismal Science?

1.Introduction In this paper we will see how at one point in history the science of economics was called "dismal science" and although the years have passed following the repercussions of this phrase. 2. Main objective To demonstrate that at some point in history the economy was declared as a dismal science, which made it multi economists, criticized the remarks of some of his colleagues. 2.1 Specific objective To change the perspective of some who even continue with this ideology on the economy and have bad information about the same. 3. Justification this work will help us to see how was the perspective of the economy before and how wrong they were to think that economics was a dismal science because the it is one of the most important science contributing to society. 4. Methodology First step First thing I did was to search the internet an anecdote about economy and presis found a very interesting article on Economics was reflecting on how the perspective of the economy in earlier times Second step After having found the article we proceeded with the translation with my basic knowledge and practical English-Spanish dictionary and some external consultations Internet Third step Finally, a consultation with the college professor in order to clear some doubts on the subject.

5. Development English version Economics as the "Dismal Science?" By Jodi Beggs, Guide If you've ever studied economics, you've probably heard at some point that economics is referred to as the "dismal science." Granted, economists arent always the most upbeat bunch of people, but are that really why the phrase came about? As it turns out, the phrase has been around since the mid-19th century, and it was coined by historian Thomas Carlyle. At the time, the skills required for writing poetry were referred to as the "gay science," so Carlyle decided to call economics the "dismal science" as a clever turn of phrase. The popular belief is that Carlyle started using the phrase in response to the "dismal" prediction of 19th-century reverend and scholar Thomas Malthus, who forecasted that the rate of growth in the food supply as compared to the rate of the growth in population would result in mass starvation. (Luckily for us, Malthus' assumptions regarding technological progress were overly, well, dismal, and such mass starvation never transpired.) While Carlyle did use the word dismal in reference to Malthus' findings, he didn't use the phrase "dismal science" until his 1849 work Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question. In this piece, Carlyle argued that reintroducing (or continuing) slavery would be morally superior to relying on the market forces of supply and demand, and he labeled the profession of economists who disagreed with him, most notably John Stuart Mill, as the "dismal science," since Carlyle believed that the emancipation of slaves would leave them worse off. (This prediction has also turned out to be incorrect, of course.) Spanish version La economa como la "ciencia triste?" Por Jodi Beggs , Gua de Si usted ha estudiado alguna vez la economa, de lo que has escuchado en algn momento que la economa se conoce como la "ciencia lgubre". Por supuesto, los economistas no son siempre el grupo ms optimista de las personas, pero es que realmente por qu la frase se produjo? Como resultado, la frase ha estado presente desde mediados del siglo 19, y fue acuado por el historiador Thomas Carlyle. En ese momento, las habilidades necesarias para escribir poesa se conoce como la "gaya ciencia", por lo Carlyle

decidieron llamar a la economa de la "ciencia lgubre", como un giro inteligente de la frase. La creencia popular es que Carlyle comenz a usar la frase en respuesta a la prediccin "triste" del reverendo del siglo 19 y erudito Thomas Malthus, quien pronosticado que la tasa de crecimiento de la oferta de alimentos en comparacin con la tasa de crecimiento de la poblacin sera dar lugar a una hambruna masiva. (Por suerte para nosotros, las hiptesis de Malthus sobre los avances tecnolgicos eran demasiadas, buenas, tristes, y tal hambruna nunca sucedieron.) Mientras Carlyle hizo uso de la palabra triste, en referencia a las conclusiones de Malthus, que no hizo uso de la frase "ciencia lgubre" hasta el 1849 el trabajo Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question. En esta pieza, Carlyle argument que la reintroduccin de la esclavitud (o continuar) sera moralmente superior a confiar en las fuerzas del mercado de oferta y demanda, y calific a la profesin de los economistas que no estaba de acuerdo con l, sobre todo John Stuart Mill, como el "la ciencia triste ", ya que Carlyle cree que la emancipacin de los esclavos les dejara en peores condiciones. (Esta prediccin ha resultado ser incorrecta, por supuesto). 6. Conclusion The objectives were achieved as only to read the text one can realize that those who called dismal science to the economy were not wrong but misinformed and it proves to the tecto that. 7.Bibliograpy

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