Stage 5 Assessment Visual Arts Term 1 2013

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Portland Central School

Teacher: Mr Grilli
Opportunity, innovation and student success

Assessment Task Notice and Cover Sheet

This cover sheet will be used by all teachers when issuing assessment tasks. When the student has completed their assessment task this cover sheet must be stapled to the front and handed into the teacher. The student will receive a SUBMISSION RECEIPT.

Student: _________________________________ Course: Stage 5 Visual arts Assessment Task Title: Self-directed artwork Weighting of task (%): 50% DATE DUE: 11/03/2013 OUTCOMES TO BE ASSESSED: (5.1 Develops range and autonomy in selecting and applying visual arts conventions and procedures to make artworks. (5.4 Investigates the world as a source of ideas, concepts and subject matter in the visual arts. (5.6 demonstrates developing technical accomplishment and refinement in making artworks. (5.9 demonstrates how the frames provide different interpretations of art. Task description: students are to produce a self-directed artwork based on one of the selected art movements provided.
( surrealism, expressionism or Dada).Students will select from a range of art forms such as painting, drawing, mixed media or 2D. Students are to develop a final artwork based on one of these movements. 25% VAPD (art making-criticism, art history) Students VAPDs should consist of independent research and the gathering of ideas and concepts. Collection of images, resources and creative thinking. The VAPD is to be marked with the students major artwork. 25%

Date task issued: 26/02/2013

Mark/grade for this task: Teachers comment:

Rank on this task:

2. SUBMISSION RECEIPT this portion is to be filled in by the student as much as possible. When the assessment task is submitted It is
signed, torn off by the teacher and returned to the student. The student must then sign the teacher roll book (Faculty Assessment Submission Book). (Students name) ___________________________________ has submitted the assessment task (title) ______________________

_____________________________________________________________________ on (date) ______________________. This task WAS/WAS NOT (delete one) submitted on time. Teachers signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT TASK this portion is to be filled in by the student, torn off and returned to the
teacher immediately after the assessment task has been issued and clarified by the teacher.

I, (students name) ______________________________________________ have received the notice for assessment task (title) ____________________________________________________________________________________. I understand that it is due on (date) _________________________.

OfficeO/forms/Assessment Tasks Notice and Cover Sheet

Students signature: _______________________________________

Date: _________________

OfficeO/forms/Assessment Tasks Notice and Cover Sheet

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