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The Mandate of the Land Registration Authority The LRA exists for the sole purpose of implementing and

protecting the Torrens system of land titling and registration. It is the central repository of all land records involving registered or titled lands. It issues decrees of registration pursuant to final judgment of the courts in land registration proceedings and causes the issuance by a registrar of deeds the corresponding certificate of title; It is tasked to issue all subsequent or transfer certificates of title which may either be issued judicially or administratively; It keeps the title history or records of transaction involving titled or registered lands; It exercises control over the disposition or alienation of registered lands in accordance with existing government rules and regulations; It provides legal and technical assistance to the courts on land registration cases; It extends assistance to other agencies of the government in the implementation cases; It extends assistance to other agencies of the government in the implementation of the agrarian program; Its a revenue-collecting agency of the government. The Mandate of the Department of Justice The Department of Justice (DOJ) derives its mandate primarily from the Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292). It carries out this mandate through the Department Proper and the Department's attached agencies under the direct control and supervision of the Secretary of Justice. Under EO 292, the DOJ is the government's principal law agency. As such, the DOJ serves as the government's prosecution arm and administers the government's criminal justice system by investigating crimes, prosecuting offenders and overseeing the correctional system. The DOJ, through its attached offices, is also the government's legal counsel and representative in litigations and proceedings requiring the services of a lawyer; implements the Philippines' laws on the admission and stay of aliens within its territory; provides free legal services to indigent Filipinos; and settles land disputes between and among small landowners and indigenous cultural minorities. The Mandate of the Department Environment and Natural Resources The Department shall be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the countrys environment and natural resources, specifically forest and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those in reservation and watershed areas, and lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos. To accomplish this mandate, the Department shall be guided by the following objectives: 1. Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural resources through judicious use and systematic restoration or replacement, whenever possible 2. Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the demands for forest, mineral, and land resources of a growing population; 3. Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national economic and social development; 4. Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of the population; and 5. Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the Philippine natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Executive Order No. 292 [BOOK III/Title III/Chapter 10-Functions of the Agencies Under the Office of the President] Executive Order No. 292 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987 Functions of the Agencies Under the Office of the President SECTION 30. Functions of Agencies Under the Office of the President.Agencies under the Office of the President shall continue to operate and function in accordance with their respective charters or laws creating them, except as otherwise provided in this Code or by law. SECTION 31. Continuing Authority of the President to Reorganize his Office.The President, subject to the policy in the Executive Office and in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the President. For this purpose, he may take any of the following actions: (1) Restructure the internal organization of the Office of the President Proper, including the immediate Offices, the Presidential Special Assistants/Advisers System and the Common Staff Support System, by abolishing, consolidating or merging units thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another; (2) Transfer any function under the Office of the President to any other Department or Agency as well as transfer functions to the Office of the President from other Departments and Agencies; and (3) Transfer any agency under the Office of the President to any other department or agency as well as transfer agencies to the Office of the President from other departments or agencies.

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