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Proxy Server for


User Manual

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

1 Content
1 Content......................................................................................................................................1
2 Introduction...............................................................................................................................3
3 Main Features............................................................................................................................4
4 Installation.................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Step 1 - LAN networks configuration .......................................................................5
4.2 Step 2 - Internet connection ......................................................................................6
4.3 Step 3 - Install CCProxy software at server ..............................................................7
4.4 Step 4 - Configure IE browser proxy settings at clients............................................8
5 Client Proxy Configuration .......................................................................................................9
5.1 IE (Internet Explorer)................................................................................................9
5.2 Firefox.....................................................................................................................10
5.3 Outlook Express for free mail .................................................................................11
5.4 Outlook Express for company mail.........................................................................13
5.5 Outlook Express for Gmail .....................................................................................16
5.6 Office Outlook ........................................................................................................16
5.7 Outlook Express for News (NNTP) ........................................................................17
5.8 CuteFTP ..................................................................................................................17
5.9 CuteFtp Pro .............................................................................................................17
5.10 ICQ..........................................................................................................................17
5.11 MSN Messenger......................................................................................................17
5.12 Voice/video chat software .......................................................................................17
5.13 NetMeeting..............................................................................................................18
5.14 Real Player ..............................................................................................................18
5.15 Windows Media Player ...........................................................................................20
5.16 NetTerm for BBS telnet...........................................................................................22
5.17 Java application for Game/Chat room.....................................................................22
5.18 Norton AntiVirus for live update.............................................................................23
5.19 AVG update.............................................................................................................23
5.20 Windows XP update ................................................................................................23
5.21 Other software.........................................................................................................23
6 Account Management .............................................................................................................25
6.1 Account Manager....................................................................................................25
6.2 Create New Account ...............................................................................................25
6.3 Web Filter................................................................................................................26
6.4 Time Schedule.........................................................................................................27
7 Main interface .........................................................................................................................28
7.1 Toolbar Zone ...........................................................................................................28
7.2 Online Information Zone.........................................................................................28
7.3 Product Logo Zone..................................................................................................28
7.4 System Information Zone........................................................................................28

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

8 Options dialog box ..................................................................................................................29

9 Advanced Options...................................................................................................................30
9.1 Dial-up Page............................................................................................................30
9.2 Cache Page..............................................................................................................30
9.3 Cascading Page .......................................................................................................30
9.4 Log Page .................................................................................................................31
9.5 Mail Page ................................................................................................................31
9.6 Networks Page ........................................................................................................31
9.7 Others Page .............................................................................................................32
10 CCProxy Online Monitor................................................................................................33
11 Log Analysis ...........................................................................................................................34
12 Contact ............................................................................................................................35

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

2 Introduction
Proxy Server CCProxy is easy-to-use and powerful Internet connection sharing software.
Supporting broadband, DSL, dial-up, optical fiber, satellite, ISDN and DDN connections, it
helps you build your own proxy server and share Internet access within the LAN efficiently
and easily. CC Proxy Server can act as HTTP, mail, FTP, SOCKS, news and telnet proxy
server. And It features powerful account management functions, including Internet access
control, bandwidth control, Internet web filtering, content filtering and time control. It also
provides web caching, online access monitoring, access logging and bandwidth usage
statistics functions. CC Proxy is compatible with Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP,
Win2003, Vista and Win2008.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

3 Main Features
1. Modem, Cable Modem, ISDN, ADSL, Satellite, DDN and so on are supported.
2. HTTP, FTP, Gopher, SOCKS4/5, Telnet, Secure (HTTPS), News (NNTP), RTSP and
MMS proxy are supported.
3. Port Mapping is supported.
4. Web cache can enhance browsing speed. The size and refresh time of the cache can
be easily changed.
5. Bandwidth control flexibly manages the traffic usage of clients.
6. Time schedule can easily control the clients' on-line time
7. Web filter can ban the specified web sites or content. It can also name specific web
sites for browsing.
8. URL filtering prevents users from downloading files with designated extensions via IE.
9. There are seven types of account authentication: IP address, IP range, MAC address,
User Name/Password, IP + User Name/Password, MAC + User Name/Password and
10. Parent proxy function enables CCProxy to access the Internet via another proxy.
11. Dial-On-Demand, remote dial up and auto disconnect are supported.
12. Access Logging can keep a full record of the Internet access log.
13. It enables IE and Netscape to access the Internet through HTTP/Secure/FTP
14. SOCKS5 proxy support allows use of ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger,
CuteFTP, CuteFTP Pro and WS-FTP.
15. Mail proxy supports Outlook, Eudora etc.
16. Supports NetTerm accessing the Internet via Telnet proxy.
17. Supports Outlook connecting to the News server via News proxy.
18. Support SOCKS5 and web authentication.
19. Support for Real Player RTSP proxy and Media Player MMS proxy.
20. Built-in DNS can resolve domain names.
21. Win98/WinMe/WinNT/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Vista compatible.
22. Bandwidth usage statistics.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

4 Installation

4.1 Step 1 - LAN networks configuration

Normally, the clients and server are connected with A Hub, Wireless Hub, Switch or
Router. The network protocol between the server and clients is TCP/IP. Therefore both the
server and the clients have an IP address. The server IP address is static and fixed. The
clients IP address can be fixed or dynamic which is obtained through DHCP. CCProxy
only requires that the clients can ping through the server IP address. We know that the
server may have multiple IP addresses, but must have one that is used to connect with
other LAN clients. The IP address that is used to connect with the other LAN client is
called the proxy server address, We generally assumed this to be
If the clients and server have not yet been setup to have a connection, we recommend
allocate IP addresses like this at below:


Server empty empty



... ... ... ... ...


How to detect whether ping Requests are transferring through between the clients and
server? At the client, in the "start" menu -> "run" -> "cmd", assuming that the server IP is, in the command line, to type "ping" then press return. If the
result is similar to that at below, it means the client is connected to the server successfully.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows






If the result is like that at below, it means the client cannot connect to the server.





(100% LOSS),

If the client cannot connect to the server, you need to check the IP address settings and
the connections to the Hub, Switch or Router on the clients and server.

4.2 Step 2 - Internet connection

We know that there are many ways of connecting to the internet, which are for example,
ADSL, optical fiber, satellite, broadband etc. CCProxy is not concerned about the manner
in which the Internet connection is established, as long as the server is successful
connected to the Internet.
The simplest way to check the server can access the Internet is to input a web site address into the
browser and see if the machine is able to access the web pages.
Users frequently mentioned single and dual NIC. In fact, the CCProxy is not concerned
with hardware equipment. Both single and multi-NIC cards are supported and there are no
special settings.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Special mention is that if the clients have been able to share the Internet, such as through the router, and
hope to use the CCProxy to manage and control the clients' Internet access. You might need to do some
changes on your hardware.

For example:




Router  Internet

In this case, the clients can access the Internet directly with the Routers bypass proxy
server. That's to say, CCProxy cannot control the clients. We need to isolate the client
from Internet and force clients to access the Internet via the proxy server.

We have two methods to realize this.

Method 1:
Add one NIC card on the server and change the LAN networks as:




Method 2:
Configure the NAT in the router and block all LAN IP address accessing NAT except the
server IP address. Only some advanced routers have this function. Please do this with the
router's administrator.

4.3 Step 3 - Install CCProxy software at server

Please download the latest version of CCProxy's installation package from our site first.
Running the installation package at server will install CCProxy to C:\CCProxy by default.
Launch CCProxy and open the "options", the proxy server address is displayed in the
"Local LAN IP address". Please check whether it's the proxy server address or not. If not,
please uncheck "Auto Detect". Select the correct proxy server IP address from the
drop-down list and check the checkbox on the right side.
Now, CCProxy has been installed on the server with default settings, CCProxy will permit

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

all clients access Internet. If you want to manage the clients, please read "Account
If you get problem in launch CCProxy, please refer to "FAQs".

4.4 Step 4 - Configure IE browser proxy settings at


At the clients machine, please open IE menu "Tools", go to "Internet Options" ->
"Connections" -> "LAN settings", select "proxy server", input the proxy server IP address
in the "Address", 808 in the "Port". Select "local address bypass proxy". IE proxy setup is
finished and we can access websites via the proxy now.
For other network applications' proxy settings, please refer to "Client Proxy configuration".

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

5 Client Proxy Configuration

In this section, we will talk about the proxy settings of client software. CCProxy is proxy server software. If
the client wants to access the Internet via CCProxy, some proxy settings need to be set up in the client
software. Below we provide guides for proxy settings for popular client software. Each guide is based on
the assumption that the proxy address is If you know other client software's proxy settings,
please email us. We will publish them on our site for the benefit of other users.

5.1 IE (Internet Explorer)

Launch IE -> menu "Tools" -> "Internet Options" -> "Connections" -> "LAN settings" -> choose "use a
proxy server" -> "advanced" -> "servers" -> add" server address" to "HTTP", "Secure", "FTP", "Gopher",
Port is 808; add "server address" to "Socks", Port is 1080.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

5.2 Firefox

"Tools" -> "Options" -> "General" -> "Connections Settings":

Select "Manual proxy configuration", SOCKS Host:, Port:1080 and select "SOCKS v5". The
other editboxes leave blank.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

5.3 Outlook Express for free mail

Suppose email address is

Mailbox account: support
Password: ***********
SMTP address:
POP3 address:
Proxy server address:
Launch Outlook Express.
Menu "Tools"--> "Accounts"--> "Mail" Tab

Select account and click button" Properties". The general info should be shown as below:

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Go to "Server" tab. The info should be shown as below.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Pay attention to the account name of "Incoming Mail Server".

Click button "Settings".
If your original mail server requires authentication when sending emails, you need to configure as below.
Pay attention to the account name. It is "" here.

If your original mail server doesn't require authentication when sending emails, then configure as below.
Pay attention to the account name. It is "" here.

5.4 Outlook Express for company mail

Suppose email address is

Mailbox account:
Password: ***********
SMTP address:
POP3 address:
Proxy server address:
Launch Outlook Express.
Menu "Tools"--> "Accounts"--> "Mail" Tab

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Select account and click button" Properties". The general info should be shown as below:

Go to "Server" tab. Configure as below.

Pay attention to account name. It should be "" here.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Pay attention to the account name of "Incoming Mail Server".

Click button "Settings".
If your original mail server requires authentication when sending emails, you need to configure as below.
Pay attention to the account name. It should be "" here.

If your original mail server doesn't require authentication when sending emails, then configure as below.
Pay attention to the account name. It is "" here.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

5.5 Outlook Express for Gmail

CCProxy-> "Options" -> "Port Map", click the "E" button and add two port map rules:
1) Dest Host:, Dest Port: 465, Type: TCP, Local Port: 465.
2) Dest Host:, Dest Port: 995, Type: TCP, Local Port: 995.
In Outlook Express account property, set smtp and pop3 server address as the proxy address (i.e.

5.6 Office Outlook

Suppose your mail account information is -

login user name(account):aaa
login password:bbb
pop3 server address(incoming server address):ccc
smtp server address(outcoming server address):ddd
smtp login user name:eee (generally same as pop3 login user name)
smtp login password:fff (generally same as pop3 login password)
Suppose your proxy address is
You need to change your mail account information in your Outlook as:
login user name(account):aaa#ccc
login password:bbb
pop3 server address(incoming server address):
smtp server address(outcoming server address):
smtp login user name:eee#ddd
smtp login password:fff
Notes: if you are using office 2002 or office XP, you need install office sp1 first.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

5.7 Outlook Express for News (NNTP)

Choose the configured News server in Outlook Express and right click menu-> Properties-> Server.
Suppose the original server name is "". You need to change the server name to
the proxy server's address. Choose "This server requests to log on". Fill in "" in
account. Leave "Password" blank. Check "Remember Password".
Note: If the News server you log onto isn't free of charge, then the account number and password are
needed. Your account name should be revised to "old account name#original News server address".

5.8 CuteFTP

Menu "Edit"-> "Settings"-> "Connection"-> In "Firewall" tab: fill in proxy server address after "Host". Port
is 2121. Choose "USER user@site" in "Type". Check "Enable firewall access".

5.9 CuteFtp Pro

Open menu "Edit"-> "Global Settings"-> "Connection"-> "SOCKS4 & 5"

Choose "Use the highlighted Socks server when connecting"; click button "Add", delete "<New>" in Host,
fill in proxy server address. Port is 1080.
Don't choose "Use Authentication". Choose "Socks5".

5.10 ICQ

Launch ICQ-> Menu "Main"-> Preferences -> "Connection":

Select "Use Firewall" in "Server" tab. Select "Socks5" in "Proxy" tab.
"Firewall": Select "Socks5". Fill proxy address in "Host", "Port" is 1080. Select "use proxy to resolve

5.11 MSN Messenger

Menu "Tool" -> "Options" -> In "Connection" tab, check "I use proxy server", choose SOCKS 5 in type, fill
local proxy servers IP address in "Server". Port is 1080.

5.12 Voice/video chat software

You need to install SocksCap32 at client, add voice chat software into SocksCap32 and launch it from

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

For specific guide, please refer to Currently CCProxy cannot

support MSN and Yahoo voice/video chat. If you want to use voice/video chat, we suggest you use skype.
In skype, the Internet Explorer proxy settings are used.

5.13 NetMeeting

As NetMeeting doesn't support proxy setting, SocksCap is needed. For a specific user guide, please
refer to

5.14 Real Player

Take RealPlayer 8.0 for example:

Proxy server address is
RealPlayer port is 808.
Step1: Menu "View"-->"Preferences"-->"Transport"
Choose "Use specified transports"
Note: Don't choose "Use specific UDP port(s)".

Step 2: Click "RTSP Settings". Check all the three choices under "Use TCP to Connect to Server".

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Step3": Choose "PNA Settings" in Figure-1. Check choice "Use HTTP Only".

Step4: Menu "View"-->"Preferences"-->"Proxy"
Check "Use RTSP proxy". Fill in the first blank. Port is 808.
Check "Manually configure HTTP proxy" Fill in the first blank. Port is 808.
Note: Don't choose "Use PNA proxy".

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows


5.15 Windows Media Player

CCProxy only supports Media Player 7.0 or above.

Local Proxy Server address:
Proxy port for MediaPlayer: 1080
Proxy port for HTTP: 808
Menu "Tools"--> "Options"--> "Network"

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

As it is shown in above figure, in Proxy Settings box, move cursor to HTTP, click button "Configure".
Change settings to the way shown in figure-2.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Move cursor to "MMS", click button "configure", and change the settings to the way shown in figure-3.

Note: The ports for HTTP and MMS in figure-2 and figure-3 are different. The port for HTTP is 808, while
the port for MMS is 1080.

5.16 NetTerm for BBS telnet

Open menu "File"-> "Phone Directory".

Choose the BBS in the list you want to log on. E.g.
Follow info will be shown: Host Name is; No entry in Host/IP and telnet port is 23. Fill in
proxy server address in Host/IP. Click button "Connect". Follow info will be showed on blue screen:
CCProxy Telnet>CCProxy...
Input "open", click "Enter" key. Now you can log on

5.17 Java application for Game/Chat room

First of all, you need to install Sun JRE (Java Runtime Environment). You can download it free at
After installation,
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Double click the "Java Plug-in" icon
3. Click the "Proxies" Tab

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

4. Make sure that the "Use Browser Settings" checkbox is checked. If it is not, then check it and hit the
"Apply" button to save your changes. Doing this will cause the JRE to use the Web browser's proxy
settings for all Internet connections.
5. Close all browser windows. Restart the browser and try to load the applet.

5.18 Norton AntiVirus for live update

First, set HTTP proxy in IE. Open Live Update in Norton AntiVirus.
Popup "Live Update" dialog box and click button "Configure".
Popup dialog box "Live Update Configuration".
In "ISP" tab, check "the Internet Options in Control Panel".
In "Proxy" tab, check "I want to use my Internet Explorer Proxy Settings".

5.19 AVG update

Suppose proxy address is

AVG -> Update Manager -> Settings -> Proxy -> User proxy server, Server:, Port 808.

5.20 Windows XP update

Suppose proxy address is and http port is 808.

1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. At the command prompt, type proxycfg -p, and then press ENTER. (Or type proxycfg
-u, and then press ENTER)

5.21 Other software

If the software has the proxy option (generally in network settings or system settings) for proxy
configuration, you can configure the proxy according to the relative protocols and ports. Generally you

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

can use SOCKS proxy settings (port is 1080) or HTTP proxy settings (port is 808). Also you can search
proxy settings in google. For example, you can search "skype proxy settings" to find out how to set up
proxy for skype.
Otherwise, you will need to install SocksCap32, software from NEC on the client and add this software to
For specific guide, please refer to

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

6 Account Management
In this section we will talk about the account management of CCProxy. CCProxy features powerful
Internet access control function. It helps the administrator to manage clients easily and efficiently. You
can click the "Account" button on the toolbar of CCProxy to manage your account. The account
management includes "Account List", "Web Filter" and "Time Schedule". We will introduce all of them in
detail below.

6.1 Account Manager

Permitted Category: There are two options - "Permit All" and "Permit Only". "Permit All" means all
proxy clients can access the Internet via CC Proxy. "Permit Only" means only the clients which have
been given permission can access the Internet via CC Proxy.
Auth Type: CCProxy account authentication supports IP Address, MAC Address and User/Password.
Each account can be authenticated with these auth types. The "User/Password " authentication is only
valid to web proxy and socks5 proxy service.
Web Filter: The administrator can define the filter rule here. CCProxy supports "Web Site Filter"(Permit
or forbidden), "Forbidden URL"(Web URL filter) and "Forbidden Content"(Web Content Filter).
Time Schedule is used to control the clients' on-line time.
New, Edit, Delete and Select All: These are used to create, edit or delete the account list.
Auto Scan: This is used to scan the computers on the LAN and get the computers' information
automatically. For example, computer name, IP address and MAC address.
Export and Import: Export is used to save the account list information to a specific folder. Import is used
to load account information from a specific file. These two features function just like the backup and
restore operations of account list.
NT User Auth: If you check this box, CCProxy will import the Active Directory accounts automatically.
You can input the AD server name in the edit box. "." means local server.
Flow Stats displays the bandwidth usage of each account.

6.2 Create New Account

"Account -> Permit Category -> Permit Only -> New".

Enable is used to enable or disable the account.
User/Group Name is used to define each account. It's also used as the username for User/password
Password is used to define the account's password.
IP Address/IP Range: you can input a single IP or IP range. For example: or
MAC Address is used to define the client's MAC address. Click the "?" to get the MAC address by the IP

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

address or computer name.

As Group means this account is defined as a group account.
Belongs to Group: you can add this account to any defined group.
Maximum Connections refers to the maximum simultaneous connections. The value -1 means no
Bandwidth refers to the maximum bandwidth of each connection. The value -1 means no limitation.
Services is used to choose the permitted services of this account.
Web Filter: you can choose a defined web filter here.
Time Schedule: you can choose a defined time schedule here.
Auto disable at: the account will be disabled at this defined time automatically.

6.3 Web Filter

Web filter can effectively restrict clients access to particular web sites.
"Account -> Web Filter"
Web Filter includes Site Filter, URL Filter and Content Filter.
Web Filter Name is used to define different web filter rules.
Site Filter: Input the sites you want to filter in the edit box. Site filter supports wildcard character (*,?).
Multiple sites should be divided by semicolon. For example:
Also you can define port filter. For example:
*:433, *;**;
You can also input a web filter file name here. The web filter file format is one web filter for one line. For
Permitted Sites: clients can only access sites which are included in the site filters.
Forbidden Sites: clients can not access sites which are included in the site filters.
Forbidden URL: You can define the URL filter here. You can input whole or partial URLs. For example:;*.zip;*.exe;*/mail/;
Forbidden URL is different from Site Filter. Site Filter only applies to the web host name and port,
whereas Forbidden URL applies to the whole URL address.
Content Prohibited can filter web pages with specific characters. If the web page includes such
characters, it will be banned. Input the characters you want to name in the edit box. Multiple characters
should be divided by semicolon. For example: chat;travel.
Note: This step is only to define a web filter rule. If you want to apply it to a specific account, you should
edit the account's property and select the web filter rule for this account.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

6.4 Time Schedule

Time schedule is used to control the clients' on-line time.

"Account -> Time Schedule"
Time Schedule Name is used to define different time schedule rules.
Sunday to Saturday: This is used to set different on-line time schedules for business days. You can edit
time schedule directly in the edit box or click the button besides edit box. In the popup "Time Table"
dialog box, there are 24 time range choices. Note:"01:00" means Internet access is allowed from 00:00 to
01:00. "Apply to," means the time control of the day is only effective for checked choices.
Note: This step is only to define a time schedule rule. If you want to apply it to the specific account, you
should edit the account's property and select the time schedule rule for this account.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

7 Main interface

7.1 Toolbar Zone

Start: To start CCProxy.

Stop: To stop CCProxy.
Options: To open the options dialog box.
Account: To open the account dialog box.
Register: To enter registration code.
Monitor: To open the online logging monitor (more).
Hide: To hide the interface.
Help: Get help document.

7.2 Online Information Zone

Yellow curve: the current amount of bandwidth.

Green curve: the current number of connections.

Tips: If you double click this zone, it will open the monitor dialog box.

7.3 Product Logo Zone

Display the product logo.

Tips: If you double click this zone, it will open the log information dialog box.

7.4 System Information Zone

U: Double click this option to check for upgrade information. If there is a new version, it will open the
upgrade dialog box.
0/0: To display the number of online connections and accounts. The left number is the amount of online
connections. The right number is the number of online accounts. Tips: Double click this zone and you will
open the Windows system management.
Time: To display the server time. Tips: Double click this zone and you can go to the installation folder of

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

8 Options dialog box

Open the options dialog box by clicking "options".
Mail: To start mail proxy service.
DNS: To start DNS proxy service.
Web Cached: If checked, the HTTP proxy will load and store web pages to the proxy cache.
Remote Dial-up: To enable remote dial-up from clients.
Auto Startup: If checked, CCProxy interface will start automatically when Windows starts up.
Port Map: To start port map service. You can click the "E" button to add or edit the port map rules.
HTTP/RTSP: To start HTTP and RTSP proxy service and set proxy port.
Secure: To start secure (HTTPS, SSL) proxy service and set proxy port.
FTP (Web): To start web ftp proxy service and set proxy port.
Gopher: To start gopher proxy service and set proxy port.
SOCKS/MMS: To start SOCKS and MMS proxy service and set proxy port.
FTP: To start FTP proxy service and set proxy port.
Telnet: To start Telnet proxy service and set proxy port.
News: To start News and NNTP proxy service and set proxy port.
Notes: FTP (Web) proxy service is different from FTP proxy service. FTP (Web) is used in IE browser. IE
access FTP site via FTP (Web) proxy service. And FTP proxy service is used on FTP client software
such as CuteFTP, WS-FTP and etc.
Local IP Address: To display and set local IP address. If you check "Auto Detect", CCProxy will auto
detect which IP is the local IP address and display it in the combox list. If you find that the result is
incorrect, you need to uncheck "Auto Detect" and choose the correct local IP address from the list. You
can select multiple IP addresses as the local IP address. When you choose one local IP address, you
need to check the checkbox beside it.
NT Service: If this is checked, CCProxy will be run as a Windows service.
Advanced: To open the advanced options dialog box.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

9 Advanced Options
You can open an advanced options dialog box by selecting "Options -> Advanced". There are 7 tabs in
this dialog box.
Dial-up: To configure the dial-up service.
Cache: To configure the web-cached function, i.e. cache size, cache update time.
Cascading: To configure the cascading proxy, also called parent proxy, service.
Log: To configure the proxy logging service, i.e. log size and log type etc.
Mail: To configure the mail proxy service. You can change the mail proxy port here.
Network: To configure the proxy network settings such as server IP address binding, socket idle timeout,
Others: To configure other proxy settings such as interface language and remote admin etc.

9.1 Dial-up Page

Dial-up Entries: To select dial-up entries

Dial-up User Name: To set the dial-up user name.
Dial-up Password: To set the dial-up password.
Idle Disconnect Minutes: To set the disconnect minutes.
Enable Auto Dial-up: To select which service can be dial-up automatically.

9.2 Cache Page

CCProxy's web caching is based on the IE cache storage technology. CCProxy will load and store the
web pages into the IE cache files on the server.
Cache Update Time: To set the update interval of the cache.
Always Load from Cache: If this is checked, the HTTP proxy will always load web pages from the IE
cache ignoring the cache update time.
Check the "IE" button if you wish to change the web cache path and size.

9.3 Cascading Page

CCProxy supports cascading proxy, also called parent proxy.

Local Protocol: To choose which local protocol will use cascading proxy. For example, if you select "All",
all connections from clients will be redirected to the cascading proxy. If you select "WWW", all WWW
connections from clients will be redirected to the cascading proxy.
Proxy Address: To set the cascading proxy server address. Both IP address and domain name are

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

Proxy Protocol: To set proxy service protocol that the cascading proxy server provides. If the cascading
proxy provides HTTP proxy service, the connections from the client will be translated to the http proxy
protocol and redirected to the cascading proxy automatically.
Need Authorization: If the cascading proxy requires authentication, you need to set the authentication
information in this zone.

9.4 Log Page

Save Logs to File: To set the log file path.

Request URL: Save the URL access information into logs.
Picture Info: Save the pictures access information into logs.
Web Title Info: Save the HTML title information into logs.
Maximum Lines: To set the maximum lines of the log files.
New Log Daily: Create new log file daily.
Flow Stats Time Interval: To set how often minutes the flow statistics will be saved to the log files. in.
Enable Flow Stats: Save flow statistics into log files.
Flow Stats: To open the flow statistics log file.
Open Logs: To open the log file.
Export Excel: To export the logs as Excel format.

9.5 Mail Page

SMTP Port: To set the SMTP proxy service port.

POP3 Port: To set the POP3 proxy service port.
Anti Spam Check with RBL: CCProxy will add a [SPAM] signature in to the spam email subject. CCProxy
will use the RBL to check the spam email. Notes: Only non-SSL POP3 connections can be checked.

9.6 Networks Page

Enable SOCKS4: To enable the socks4 and socks4a proxy service.

Disable External Users: To disable the users' access out of the LAN.
Server Bind IP Address: If the server is multiple-hosted, you can use a single IP address. "" will
select a server IP address automatically.
Bandwidth Control Apply for: To select which direction access will be limited by bandwidth control in the
account management.
Web Sites for On-line Checking: To set the web sites that are used to check the Internet connection
Socket Idle Disconnect Minutes: To set the socket idle time out value.
Enable HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: Add X-Forwarded-For in HTTP header.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

9.7 Others Page

Language: To select the interface language.

Enable Remote Admin: To enable the remote admin service.
Admin Port: To set the remote admin service port.
Admin Password: To set the admin password.
Password Protection: If you check this option, when you open the account management dialog box, it you
will need to enter a password to unlock it. When you close the dialog box, it will be locked again.
Need Password When Startup: The startup will require a password.
Notes: If you enable remote admin, you can manage the account list via a web browser. For example, if
the proxy server address is and the admin port is 88, you can go to to
access account management. When you open this URL it will require a username and password. If the
username is identified with one of the accounts, you can access the details for this account and you can
change the account's password. If the username is admin and the password is the admin password, you
can change the information for all the accounts and also add or delete an account.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

10 CCProxy Online Monitor

We will explain the monitor function of CCProxy in this section. CCProxy provides a tool for administrator
to monitor clients' Internet activities.
You can click the "Monitor" button or double click the green grids on the main interface to open the
monitor dialog box.
Connections: to display the amount of online connections.
Users: to display the number of online accounts.
On the monitor dialog box, you will find three tabs that are Log, Account and IP.
The log tab is used to display the clients' Internet access logs.
The account tab is used to display the account's online information including connections, bandwidth and
bandwidth usage.
IP tab is used to display the online information of each IP address such as connections and account
Send Message: to send messages to the clients.
Note: This function requires both the clients and the server to have started the "Messenger" service. To
do this, select "Control Panel -> Administrator Tools -> Services", and start "Messenger". This function is
only supported in NT/XP/2003.
Flow Status: to display the bandwidth usage of each user.
Log Analysis: to open the log analysis dialog box.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

11 Log Analysis
Select "Monitor -> Log Analysis" to open the log analysis dialog box.
You can select different log files from the list "Log File". The log file is named by date.
User name, Protocol and Filter are used to define the analysis search item.
Clicking "Export" will create an html format file.

CCProxy – Proxy Server Software for Windows

12 Contact
Please read the FAQ and email to us if you have additional questions or problems.
Currently our products are only distributed on the Internet. If you are interested in exchanging links with
us, or would like to help us with physical distribution, promotion in software compilations, or business
cooperation, kindly let us know! We are open to various levels of cooperation.
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