Prepositions - Group 1

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Prepositions Group 1

Group 1 Answers 1. 2. 3. my son. My son is similar me. Hes quite 4. 5. 6. participate the global economic forum. cigarettes. gas prices lately. 7. 8. 9. at, in, on, by of, to, from/than to, in on in to of of, with/of by, on


I get up work

seven tram.

the morning

weekdays. I go to


I take care different

my wife.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

China has agreed

My wife spent the milk money There has been a slight decrease

10. for 11. about 12. in, by 13. at, of 14. with

In the beginning, Lillian was not accustomed working in such a big company. My favorite Chinese philosopher is Chuang-tzu. Most Westerners have never heard him. cheating. She thinks he is bored 5 pm. After that, I could

8. 9.

Johns wife accused him her.

15. between

My boss told me to finish the report go vacation.

10. Kate apologized

her sons poor behavior. it! the news. his father.

11. If youve got a problem, then do something 12. Everyone

the HR department was surprised telling jokes. He reminds me this neighborhood.

13. Paul is very good 14. Im not familiar 15. If I had to choose Prepositions Group 2

going to heaven or hell, Id choose heaven. Group 2 Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Budapest. 4 pm tonight. 9. in of for in on in as, as by by

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Hosni Mubarak was Alan is a fan NATO stands

power in Egypt for 30 years. Manchester United. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. the management of young musicians.

Rogers company specializes I will go The cake was Bratislava is not vacation next month. four pieces. big

10. under 11. with

Ken has to finish the project


The movie was inspired

a book written 50 years ago. warranty.

12. until 13. on 14. to 15. for 16. from, about 17. of 18. on 19. about

10. I was able to return the product because it was still 11. The little boy hit his friend 12. I plan to work a stick.

I am 65 years old. my work because of the loud construction women in their twenties

13. I wasnt able to focus outside my window.

14. This commercial was designed to appeal and thirties. 15. I dont know his reason 16. Although Carol graduated

ending the relationship. Harvard with a degree in political politics.

science, nowadays she doesnt care 17. I am very proud

my sons accomplishments. her job because she is stressed out about

18. Laura cant concentrate her marriage. 19. I dont care Prepositions: Group 3

baseball. I never watch it. Group 3 Answers 1. 2. giving presentations. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. some local companies the car. a job the scandal. to in/at for to of on of to, for to

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I am allergic


We are looking for someone who is skilled He is responsible our branch in China.

I have a question to ask related I have a view

your education.

Prague Castle from my apartment.

The company president didn't want to comment You remind me my cousin.

10. on 11. with 12. with 13. to 14. of 15. by weapons. 16. in, on 17. in girls in their teens. 18. about

After graduation, Joan will apply as a graphic designer. There was much damage

10. These boots were

sale last week.

11. The United Nations has supplied the rebels 12. I have too many problems to deal 13. This product should appeal 14. Ive never heard 15. I was surprised

Lyle Whitfield. the size of her nose.

16. Grace is

her forties. She spends all her money organized crime.

luxury goods.

17. Greg is involved

18. By the time the police found out Mexico. Prepositions: Group 4

the crime, the thief was already in

Group 4 Answers 1. 2. of, on from, from(or nothing), by, of, on, for, in having a boyfriend until 3. 4. 5. at, from, down of, against, on on, on


Theres always a risk concentrate any minute.

an earthquake in Japan. Its difficult to

your work, when you know there could be a disaster


Carols father is very strict. He prohibits her she graduates library, surrounded

high school. She spends most of her time in the books. Once, her father accused her time. He checked her

doing drugs because she didnt come home schoolbag

drugs. Instead of drugs, he found her diary and read it. the face.

This made Carol angry, so she punched him 3. Tina studied

Charles University for one year, but she on people who at

graduated Harvard. She is snobby. She looks havent graduated college. 4.

I need to take care my little brother. He is discriminated school because he has red hair. Yesterday, a bully punched him. However, my brother didnt tell the bully.


The doctor elaborated rash was actually brought

the patients condition. It turns out that the by food he ate while in Malaysia.

Prepositions: Group 5


I graduated

university a month ago. I studied

Oxford. Last

week, I had an interview a programming position Google. They noticed on my CV that I had very little experience, however, they promised not to hold that me. The interview went well, but Im not

sure Ill be hired. I was tired, so I had a hard time paying attention the interviewer. Also, Im a woman, and there are few women in my field. I fear Ill be discriminated me 2. Greg went Hopefully being a woman wont prevent

having a successful career. a trip yesterday to Vienna. He has a Pontiac Trans-Am,

which is similar

the car David Hasselhoff drove in the TV show

Knight Rider. On the way there, he was driving his car a speed of 110 km per hour. There was a sharp turn, and his car slid off the icy road. His life was stake. A large tree was right in front of him. He nearly

ran it, but at the last second, he regained control and pulled his car back on the road. 3. Later he realized his tires were invest specializes bad shape. He needed to

some new ones. So he went to a car shop that high performance tires. The end.

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