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Part V 101. Neither the vice-president ------- his advisors are going to be available for an interview.

(A) either (B) nor (C) and (D) but 102. The sales departments sales guidelines have been ------ for the New Year. (A) revised (B) revise (C) revising (D) revision 103. For the next week, we are happy to give ------customers free mugs with every purchase of $50 or more. (A) us (B) we (C) our (D) ourselves 104. A hike of Kota Mountain will leave visitors quite ------about the sheer beauty of the surrounding area below. (A) exciting (B) excited (C) excite (D) excitement 105. Starting this season, will lower its ------- for watching live games on their internet site. (A) entrances (B) fees (C) earnings (D) decisions 106. We just completed construction on our main office and will ------- be opening a second office downtown in May. (A) short (B) shortly (C) shorter (D) shorten 107. The lease on our manufacturing plant in Brazil ------- on September 3rd. (A) confirms (B) requires (C) rotates (D) expires 108. Krypton Robotics recently signed an exclusive contract with Kent Shipping which always tries to ship internationally at ------- prices. (A) reason (B) reasoned (C) reasoning (D) reasonable 109. The city tour travels ------- downtown, the Ocean Street Promonade, and stops at City Hall. (A) between (B) with (C) next (D) through 110. Our new company brochures ------- by mail yesterday afternoon. (A) arrived

(B) arrive (C) arriving (D) to arrive 111. The region is also supported by the largest port ------Asia. (A) under (B) into (C) at (D) in 112. Guillermo del Toro spent the last three months training in martial arts for his ------- film. (A) upcoming (B) recurrent (C) estimated (D) inward 113. Thanks mainly to Carls efforts; we will surpass our sales goal for the year within ------- six weeks. (A) approximate (B) approximation (C) approximately (D) approximating 114. We suggest registering your user name online as well as your new system ------- you can contact technical support at sometime in the future. (A) rather (B) in case of (C) so that (D) as to 115. Sanjae Exports vice president reported increases in profit by 16% in a -------- issued yesterday. (A) statement (B) state (C) stating (D) stated 116. Our investors believe that our sister company, Bering Shipping, will contract at a faster rate than ------- expected. (A) completely (B) previously (C) positively (D) newly 117. The financial numbers for ------- the departments will be published in the Financial Quarterly review at the end of the month. (A) many (B) how (C) whom (D) all 118. Open-mindedness and communication skills are ------to succeeding in International Trade. (A) essential (B) influential (C) partial (D) initial 119. Thomas Crowne Inc. has completed interviews with all ------ for the assistant examiner position. (A) application (B) applicants (C) applied (D) apply

120. The hallway ------- our two main offices should always be clean and quiet in case of any unannounced visitors. (A) involving (B) concerning (C) connecting (D) placing 121. Due to human error, 50 crates of Broadbent Medical supplies have been ------- shipped to the wrong address. (A) mistaken (B) mistakable (C) mistaking (D) mistakenly 122. Financial Genocide, Neal Blomkas fiction novel seems more and more ------- a true painting of the current economic times we face. (A) about (B) near (C) like (D) similar 123. Allen Green has completed his new hire training ------for a safety awareness video he must watch before officially being able to start work. (A) except (B) toward (C) when (D) instead 124. Pelham Inc. and Coalax both agreed that their meeting was very -------, but they still have not signed the proposed contracts. (A) productive (B) abundant (C) inaudible (D) reluctant 125. ------- of our latest product testing show that the new MotoGX cellphone has a failure rate of only 0.003% per unit. (A) results (B) stages (C) deductions (D) products 126. A rally ------- at the offices of Sachs and Goldberg this afternoon for higher worker wages. (A) holds (B) has held (C) is holding (D) is being held 127. I would like everyone to ------- go over their departmental reports before we leave for lunch. (A) readily (B) visibly (C) scarcely (D) briefly 128. Since we have had a rash of missing packages at our shipping facility, all employees should not place any orders ------ consulting a manager. (A) without (B) afterward (C) then (D) besides 129. Four additional ------- positions will be lost when the merger with NB Medical is complete.

(A) inadmissible (B) administrative (C) lengthy (D) capable 130. To support ------- between employees in different departments, managers established a web forum for employees to share opinions and comments. (A) interact (B) interaction (C) interactive (D) interacting 131. Morgan Canned Foods is counting a new marketing focus in order to ------- its share of the canned food market. (A) regain (B) perform (C) forward (D) return 132. Any employee caught using the internet during work hours for anything other than work will have a ------- pay check for the lost time. (A) reduction (B) reducing (C) reduce (D) reduced 133. The homeowners association is looking for a few residents who can help with weekend maintenance and ------around the community. (A) nominations (B) services (C) attendance (D) situation 134. Misty Greer just ------- became a full time employee of Dade Reality after working part time for the last two years. (A) currently (B) recently (C) availably (D) consistently 135. Two of our main office buildings lack heat during the winter months ------- an aging heating system and bad ventilation. (A) in order to (B) due to (C) since (D) because 136. Life Help is a non-profit organization that helps place people in jobs and assists in ------- short term housing. (A) arranging (B) arrangement (C) arrangements (D) arranges 137. The mayors office has assured the citys citizens that the downtown park will be ------- even though the city is building three massive parking decks right alongside. (A) observed (B) agreed (C) preserved (D) prolonged 138. Gesco has ------- recalled all of its 2008 model air conditioning units due to a leakage problem that could be

harmful for your health. (A) volunteering (B) volunteer (C) voluntary (D) voluntarily 139. Our records ------- that we have had large amounts of growth every two to three years, followed by a moderate drop off in sales. (A) point (B) withdraw (C) indicate (D) appear 140. The builders were able to finish the bridge on time even though ------- owner changed several times during production. (A) every (B) this (C) each (D) its Part VI
==================================================== Questions 141~143 refer to the following information. ==================================================== All passengers on Royal Airlines will ------- be able to watch movies, play games, take quizzes, and even study some key phrases in the language of the country of their choice. 141. (A) then (B) still (C) lately (D) soon Last Saturday, Royal Air released the news of the planned addition to their in-flight entertainment system. The new entertainment package has been created by IGN Electric, ------ is the largest provider of in-flight entertainment in the world. 142. (A) where (B) what (C) whoever (D) which The latest new movie releases, current top selling video games, interactive quizzes, and popular language phrases will surely keep any passenger occupied for their entire trip. Each language ------- will entail fun quizzes, audio clips, and pictures designed to give people a quick brush with a new culture and language. 143. (A) lesson (B) performance (C) classification (D) meeting ==================================================== Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter. ==================================================== Ms. Judy Gallant Northern Jelly Import Company 989 3rd Avenue Portsmouth, England Dear Ms. Gallant This letter is a formal application for the human resources job at Northern Jelly that was advertised in last weekends paper. I definitely possess the ------- necessary to be an asset to your already successful company. 144.

(A) skillfully (B) skills (C) skillful (D) skilled Over the past 9 years, I have been working at Greenland Cracker Company. I was co-director of the human resources department for 2 of those years. My experience under my former director gave me the tools necessary to control a department on my own successfully. -------, I am a determined worker and a strong motivator. 145. (A) Instead (B) Even so (C) In addition (D) On the contrary I am also ------- in the position because of the great school system in the area. I would love for my children to have the chance to get an education at any of the fine schools in your area. 146. (A) important (B) interested (C) advanced (D) impartial I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards, Clive Owens ==================================================== Questions 147-149 refer to the following e-mail. ==================================================== FROM: TO: DATE: Friday PM 4:05 SUBJECT: office renovation Dear Ivanka, I am curious if you have had a chance to look over the redesign for your office I ------- by e-mail last night. 147. (A) send (B) sent (C) will send (D) have sent The design for your office was a bit tricky because of the space we were given to work in. It has strange angles and is a bit small but we successfully selected four pieces of ------- furniture that can be easily moved and rearranged to fit that room. 148. (A) bulky (B) static (C) versatile (D) traditional These pieces ------- have sharp lines to match the rooms angles and some bold colors to take focus away from the size and space of the room. 149. (A) yet (B) fully (C) also (D) nearly Email me or call as soon as you can and let me know what your think about the redesign so we can get started. Gene ==================================================== Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter. ==================================================== March 21st Dear Mr. Atha

On April 2nd, we are going to ------- your twentieth anniversary as an employee working at Lewis Pharmaceuticals. 150. (A) celebrate (B) prosper (C) join (D) contain I represent the entire company when I say thank you for your wonderful twenty years of service to our company. Our companies success has come from reliable and capable staff members, such as -------. 151. (A) herself (B) their (C) them (D) yourself We would like to recognize the ------- impact you had on this company and its employees. We can only hope we find a suitable replacement that could even do half oh what you have in the past. 152. (A) significantly (B) significant (C) significance (D) signification Congratulations on two decades of immaculate and dedicated service. We all look forward to celebrating your career in a few weeks at the banquet Gratefully yours, Thomas Church ====================================================

<> 01. B/A/C/B/B 06. B/D/D/D/A 11. D/A/C/C/A 16. B/D/A/B/C 21. D/C/A/A/A 26. D/D/A/B/B 31. A/D/B/B/B 36. A/C/D/C/D 41. D/D/A 44. B/C/B 47. B/C/C 50. A/D/B

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